Några av de oräkneliga folkslag som befolkar Universum. Alla ögon kanske inte liknar oss människors. Men ta en närmare titt och du ska finna ögon fyllda av kärlek och förståelse.
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S A N S E L L A Långa, smala med ovanligt smal näsa, trekantig ansiktsform, ögon utan pupill. Ögats uppbyggnad påminner om reflextyg i strukturen! Har svart hår med vit, röd eller blå slinga. Modet föreskriver just nu att man färgar slingan i gult eller grönt! Bor i ett speciellt solsystem som just håller på att bildas. SANSELLA är lika människor i övrigt. De finns här på jorden. Long, thin and with an unusal trigonal shape of the face. Eyes got no pupils. Hair is black with a streak of either white, red or blue in it. Fashion dictates that a SANSELLA colours his or her hair with a streak of yellow or green! They live in a solar system that is newly born and under development. SANSELLA is also living here on Earth among us, participating in the lightwork.
N O K A As a race NOKA is a bit complicated, even a bit lazy! But they are fenomenal at solving difficult problems. |
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S A R I O N En älvliknande varelse. A spieces that look like elfs.
S O S A I H Rather delicate creatures. Perfectionists. The best pilots in the Universe. And with the most visually impressing uniforms! |
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O K T R A (ras/spieces No. 2) Bor på planeten Oktra, men är en inflyttad ras. Inhabits Oktra but is a race that has migrated to that planet.
O K T R A (ras/spieces No. 1) The original inhabitants of Oktra. Grafitecoloured hair. Light skin. Highly developed spirituality and mediality. Their language is one of the main languages in the Universe. |
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I T R A Har tre solar i sitt solsystem. Lever för att upprätthålla olika system och krafter och för att styra olika energiflöden. Has three suns in their solar system. Their mission is to uphold different systems and powers and to direct the flow of different energies.
O Z Z N Square head with gigantical eyes. Grey/white shimmering skin. A creature of enormous spirituality. |
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A S H T A R Stora händer, vilket gör att denna ras gestikulerar mycket! Arbetar mycket med energier och med att kontakta jorden mentalt. Has big hands so they gesture a lot when talking. Works with energies and with contacting the Earth on a mental plane.
N E K T R A Elflike, big ears, long fingers. Likes to put on make-up in the form of drops on their faces! Delicately built. |
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A Z H I Z Liknar oss människor med rena drag. Mest kända för sin förmåga att organisera. Humanlooking. Mostly known for their ability to organize.
U O R I Races with angular dark eyes is feared thanks to the books by Whitley Streiber. However, this particular race works for the supreme light. |
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O R T E G A Denna ras är mycket för ritualer och tempel. De har en egen specifik tro som skiljer sig från alla andra rasers. Dock arbetar de för Ljuset. This race likes rituals and temples. They have their own specific belief that differs from all other races in the Universe. However, their belief is one Light.
Z A Z Z E X One of the racial types from Zazzex. Head is bold and sandcoloured. From head down the colour changes to more brownish. They are full of wrinkles and have eyes that glitters in the dark like cateyes. This race is wellknown for their fine crystals, their technical abilities and their steam (!), which is used for showers onboard spaceships.
S T O N Z O Extremely tall with a horn pointing out from the skull. The horn is used for directing healing and cleansing energies. |