The Urmah, Masters of the Astral.
Thank you for being here with me once more.
I hope you are very well today.
I am Mari.
Welcome to my channel.
I take my information very seriously and for whoever has eyes to see.
I am writing this on the morning of January 31st, 2025.
Today I will say one of the most important aspects or characteristics of the
Urmah as a species.
People on Earth tend to humanize everything, taking for granted that every other
creature in the universe must perceive reality as they do, in a blatant example
of human
One of the strongest examples of this is when people on Earth, mostly from the
New Age
movement, depict the Urmah people with a human body, and only with the head of a
of a cat to differentiate them from regular humans, when by simple logic, a head
of a lion,
or any other cat would go with the body that matches it.
The Urmah are cats, felines, not only physically but mentally, as would be
expected because
they would have a mentality that matches their body.
They think and act like cats, because they are cats, and this means that they do
understand or perceive reality as human lyrians do.
Although some things may match, and we may agree, others will be drastically
and this is where they become fully alien to humans in some of the ways they
the greater universe.
As I explained before, there is no material world, or material realm as such,
being that
what we perceive to be so, is only an illusion caused by our body biological
filter that
gives us the experience of separation from everything else.
The so-called material world, or world of the living, is only another aspect,
another place
in the astral itself, and is only defined by the limits of perception one or
another person,
or creature may have.
The Urmah, as the cats they are, don't perceive the limits of the material world
as human
lyrians do, they blend both into one, with no limits to either of them.
They perceive the material realms, where they may interact with us as human
lyrians among
other species, as just another perception twist from other existential realms
with apparently
other rules.
In our perception as human lyrians, we do tend to separate the astral from the
world, being that dreams would be our closest example of this, where the oeniric
are experienced as real as the world we perceive during waking hours, until we
wake up and
make a clear differentiation between what went on there in our dreams, with the
of our reality when awake.
Human lyrians tend to disregard the oeniric worlds as false, as fantasy, and as
as the result of socio-cultural programming, which mostly relies on the hard
linear continuity
of the world we experience while awake, contrasting to the non-linear
characteristics of the
oeniric worlds.
The fact that an experience is linear does not make it any more real than
another which
is not linear, because the linearity of time is only present during the limited
of the material realms, and is part of the consciousness locking mental
mechanisms that
limit a soul's expansion.
The astral realms are as real for the Urmah, as the so-called material world, is
for most
humans locked in a 3D mentality.
The Urmah can focus on what happens in the material world as we do, to interact
with other
more materialistic creatures as human lyrians tend to be.
But they can go under, they station their bodies in a comfortable chair or bed,
and they
go into the astral with the utmost skill.
The Urmah do sleep in the traditional manner where their consciousness flies off
to less
dense oeniric worlds to rest the mind and repair the brain, yet they can also
induce what
humans call lucid dreams, or astral projection at will.
The Urmah don't see dream worlds, oeniric realms, as something apart from the
astral, as
many authors push and explain on Earth with their strong and tiresome tendency
to compartmentalize everything.
Dissecting existence into smaller parts with characteristics, they impose with
to no knowledge about what the heck they are talking about.
As the Urmah explain, the oeniric worlds are only a set of unconscious mental
to where a soul, a consciousness may safely dwell while its body and mind are
being repaired
during sleep.
Outside those oeniric limits a soul, a consciousness, must be aware of how
things work in the astral to be able to exploit the experience of being there,
without being interfered with by creatures and entities who dwell in those
places, and which many of them may be quite nasty, to
say the least.
Most human lyrians don't know how the astral works simply because they have no
idea how
things work there, as their closest astral example is mostly the oeniric worlds,
a slight hint of something more when lucid dreaming occurs.
The Urmah dwell in the astral realms, as much as they do in the so-called
material worlds
or realms, therefore they are perfect experts at managing everything astral.
This causes them not to see life and death as human lyrians commonly do, as they
things to be much less dramatic, being able to access their ancestors easily
even after
their physical death.
Using my example of the astral is like the sea, which I recently published in a
the Urmah would be like submarines, as they can operate above the surface in the
realms we call reality, and they can submerge at will into strange worlds all
the same.
I've noticed that several authors on Earth, of which I'd rather not say names,
are pushing
the idea that extraterrestrials are in the astral, and therefore in the
This is not entirely accurate and neither is it wrong, as in the case of the
Urmah, among
other star races, they dwell in their own definition of an existential realm,
their rules and limits as felines, which not necessarily would match the ideas
and perceptions
of human lyrian people.
They dwell in the astral and in the afterlife, and also in the humanly defined
material realms,
all at will.
The Urmah have such control over the astral, that they organize to go there
whenever they
want or see it necessary.
As I explained in another video, what defines and controls whatever is happening
in the material
world mostly comes from the astral.
The Urmah very well know that to solve problems, in order to win a fight or a
war, they must
go under, they must go to the astral and fight from there, and not only from the
point of view of the so-called world of the living.
As the Urmah can astral project, or lucid dream at will and totally under their
they commonly tend to go into astral realms in an organized manner, for example
as a
military unit, where a platoon of Urmah warriors goes into the astral realms to
look for whatever
is causing trouble above in the world of the living.
When I mention here, the world of the living, or material realms, I am referring
to how
human lyrians define it, or them, and not how the Urmah do, as their definition
and perception
of it is much wider, and includes portions which human lyrians would consider to
be parts
of oneeric or astral worlds.
Whenever there is a problem which is being perceived in the world of the living,
they easily
go into the astral worlds to see what is causing the problem, this allows them
to have a much
broader understanding of the problem, and of reality itself, and in ways which
are very
hard to imagine for average human lyrians.
Here using the word, understanding, in its most literal way, where the Urmah go
like to the basement, to see the root cause of whatever they want, as they can,
stand under,
the problem to comprehend it fully.
The Urmah have full astral military training as part of their upbringing, where
they organize
to go into those astral realms to fight all kinds of enemies, which range from
species who also can go down into the astral to fight as they do, for example,
regressive soreoid species, or also go into the astral to fight entities and
who only exist there, and who also can cause a lot of trouble of all kinds.
The Urmah don't even bother trying to understand reality and causality of all
things only from
the physical material worlds points of view, as they always go into the astral
to understand
the nature of all events.
This to the point where the Urmah military units primarily work in and from the
and then they move from there up to the material world.
From our limited human lyrian point of view, we tend to see the laws and rules
which govern
the world of the living as logical and sequential, and therefore very different
from those of
the messy and incomprehensible astral realms.
But this is not how the Urmah perceive things, as they blend and comprehend all
the laws and
rules of the astral, to the point where the resulting world of the living that
was manifested
from that astral is seen as the logical consequence of it.
The laws and characteristics of the astral blend and perfectly coincide with the
of the material realms, as the latter is the perfect consequence of the first.
Some of those astral rules that are not so easily found in the world of the
is the fact that things are much easier to manifest there.
Facing astral enemies for the Urmah is rather easy, as just about all their
enemies they
use fear as their primal manipulation tool and weapon, this is used by
regressive entities,
many of which may be classified by humans as demons, as well as other evil
species who
also use the astral for their purposes, like some reptilians.
The Urmah, even more so the military Urmah, are characterized by being fearless,
as they
fully know and remember that their biological body is resting in a comfortable
bed while
they are consciously battling evil things, creatures, and demons in the astral
They know that walking into the astral with an invincibility mentality will
indeed make
them invincible and untouchable.
They manifest their needed tools, weapons, and shields using thought and
imagination, and
in perfect coordination with their unit companions and members, as they were
fully trained to do so.
They may face a terrible demon in the astral, and they would manifest an
unbreakable mental
energy shield around them, while they fearlessly walk up to the demon face to
face, even though
the evil one may portray itself towering above the Urmah, as if it were much
larger, this
is an intimidation strategy.
But the Urmah astral warrior can become as large as the demon, or it can face it
from a
smaller stature point of view all the same, as it knows that everything there is
and relative, and it will cut off the demon's head, finishing it off, with equal
With the powerful astral sword the Urmah manifested for him or herself, and as
The Urmah warrior in the astral knows all the tricks of the entities that dwell
and how to counteract them.
They know that fear is their preferred method of diminishing anyone's power, as
it makes
the victim manifest bad things for itself, to the advantage of the evil entity.
The Urmah are as proud as they are powerful, both in the world of the living and
in the astral.
They can control their emotions, and reactions, and they know that moving and
facing astral
enemies with no fear is the key to total domination.
The Urmah are apex predators of the galaxy, as they are found just about
everywhere in it,
to the point where the powerful Urmah confederation is the only true rival to
the galactic
Being that although they are officially members of it, the Urmah still go their
way and behave
according to their rules, and not the ones the federation has tried to impose on
The Urmah have become the apex predators of the galaxy because they have
mastered military
and ethical spiritual dominance from both the world of the living, and from the
realms that generate it.
The Urmah can go into the astral to see all the energetic interactions that
connect people,
souls, events and places, or from a timeless, non-linear point of understanding.
This is why it is so difficult, if not impossible to pull tricks on the Urmah,
as they can see
through deception and treachery with perfect ease.
They can go into the astral to understand what is causing problems in the world
of the
living, and how those problems connect, and how people think and what truly
Knowing that they are cats, and therefore with a strong tendency to be in
oneeric realms,
as they sleep so much, it is easily understood that the Urmah spend more time in
astral realms
than they do in the world of the living.
It is easy to understand how it is that they can dominate the astral so much and
so well.
They are not afraid to face even the strongest of evil entities and demons, as
they know
that they are one of the strongest manifestations of source, and they are the
bearers of its
light and power.
Urmah ethics is among the most advanced of all the ones that exist, if not the
most advanced
as it is based on afterlife astral interests and interactions as much as the
ones of the
They know very well the consequences of not acting in an ethical spiritual
manner, as
reality does not stop in the material realms, and all actions have carmic
I know I am biased, but I have the deepest respect and love for the magnificent
Urmah people,
culture and species.
They are the best example of perfect ethics, perfect spirituality, expanded
and awareness of how things really work, including existence itself, all
combined in a beautiful
majestic biological species that conveys immense raw physical and spiritual
power with understanding,
with love and integration, with immense kindness and their constant need to help
The Urmah are astral beings, and they are also physical big powerful cats.
I simply love them.
This will be all for today.
As always, thank you for watching my video, and for liking, sharing and
subscribing for more.
It helps this channel grow a lot, and I hope to see you here next time.
With much love and appreciation, your friend, Mari.