A GIFT FROM THE STARS EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACTS AND GUIDE OF Tes ELENA DANAAN A GIFT FROM THE STARS Extraterrestrial contacts and guide of Alien races Copyright (C) 2020 by Elena Danaan All Rights Reserved. No part of this book, text as well as illustrations, may be reproduced or translated into any language or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including social media, photocopy- ing, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission by the author. ISBN 978-1-8381730-0-5 Author’s Website: www.elenadanaan.com Youtube: “Elena Danaan - Channelling The Light" Facebook:"Elena Danaan Author" or: “Pletadean Contacts” To my nephews Aylan and Evann, and all the children who will see the New Earth rising, To Beth Ann White, and all the silent victims of alien abductions, Those who survive have the duty to be the voice of those who are not able to speak because they are terrified, weary of being ridiculed or are not here to talk anymore. We are not waiting for disclosure: we are the disclosure. Acknowledgements My most profound gratitude goes to Thor Han Eredyon for the material about alien races provided in this book, his support and relentless dedication to channel in a haste a knowledge he thought was important to pass on to humanity, and I deeply thank his superiors up there for allowing him to do so. 1 will forever be grateful to Thor Han and his Pleiadean crew for saving my life when I was achild, and for watching over me all these years. Annax the Egaroth from Orion, whose love is a glowing heart bigger than the universe, Coron beautiful Pleiadean light being whose knowledge can silence many, my dear friend Myrah from Sirius B, whose witt and humour remind that aliens are simply people like us just born somewhere else, Valnek from Epsilon Eridani, Celadion from Erra, to all of you my wonderful friends and guides from the stars, | express my deepest respect and profound grati- tude for being part of my life. And there is as well the ground crew! Holly Wilcox, for this Halloween night by warm fire and candle lights, in my Irish cottage by the sea, when I first dared speaking about my fragmentary memory of alien abductions, you put the ultimate hint of courage I needed in my chest, enticing me to seek the help of a hypnotherapist. A week later, I met the person who would change my life. Elisa Heretra Wright, your astounding skills as a Quantum Hypnotherapist enabled the creation of this book by helping me retrieving the memory of my alien abductions, healing my fears and traumas and reconnecting me with my protectors. | can't find words to praise enough your skills and I truly recommend your services. Thank you also for editing my clumsy english, which is not my first language. Thanks to Vickie Dold and Bianea Addante for your precious technical help, and also te my partner Luke for his loving patience at bravely enduring my writer's isolation. To the support, as well, of my sister Ste- fanie and the encouragements of Rachel Scouazec, Alix Freeman and Anne Ferlat, my three good fairies. | want to thank as well all those I met via social media and who became part of this amazing adventure, especially Pablo and Javier, Philippe "Jones" Rosset, Robert Earl White, and all those who supported me with their trust and friendship. | also express my gratitude to Robert Khalil and Donald Ledesma to have first helped me getting my voice “out there”. And of course my magical cat Ned, mini panther who purringly held the space by keeping disturbance at bay to get the work done. Now fasten your seat belts... PART I MY STORY Introduction Time has come for me to speak. I cannot keep this to myself any more, | need to share this with the world. This is my story, true and terrifying, but also breath-takingly beautiful. This is a story of our times, these changing times, switching point for Humanity. It is the last chance to step into the light. History is in the making as 1 am typing these words; the future is being created in this particular moment, by all of us. This book is dedicated primarily to all those who went through the ordeal of being abducted by aliens, and seek to understand the moti- vations and agendas of all these mysterious beings operating in the shadows. This book is composed of three parts. Firstly, the testimony of my abductions sets the background for the mate- rial disclosed further on. The second part describes the different alien races visiting Earth (illustrated by myself), and the third compiles messages from extra-terrestrial beings. | was born in Marseille, France, and live now on the West coast of Ireland. 1am an Archaeologist and I spent eight years of my lifeworking in Egypt, but I am also a druidess, shaman and healer, as well as an artist and a musician. Although I was always aware of my psychic abilities, 1 nonetheless also possess the scientific background (as an engineer working many years for the French Institute of Sciences (CNRS) that always helped me keep my feet on the ground. I always chose to only believe in my personal experience, and never take for granted any suggested beliefs. Although I was brought up in a religious background, I became an atheist at the age of ten as soon as! realized everything could be explained by science. Dogmatic systems were not my cup of tea. Since an early age, I strongly understood that mo one should tell me what to think or what to believe! I always had a curious and open mind, but could not be easily fooled; all is about finding the right balance between rationality and open- mindedness. I was abducted by Grey aliens at the age of nine. In the process, I was rescued by another alien ship composed of a crew from different worlds, and some of these benevolent beings have been protecting me since that time. I decided, in December 7019, to try Quantum Hypnosis in the hope that I could regain all the missing parts of my memory. During the session. | was able to remember the missing details and this is how the idea of this book came into manifestation. It always takes great courage to speak. You open your heart and put yourself into a vulnerable position, so when we face sarcasm and incredulity, it hurts, it hurts like an arrow shot through the heart. Only you know it's true. You know you've lived this, because your mind remembers, your body remembers, and you just know... | want other people who have suffered frombeing abducted to know that they are not alone, that they can find support and share their experience via groups on social media with those who have also been through this. They can also seek the help of hypnotherapists experienced in this matter. We are not alone. There are benevolent aliens tirelessly looking after us, rescuing people, fighting for our protec- tion, working at dismantling the agendas of the dark ones. The mentality around paranormal experiences in this last decade has evolved as people become more open to divulging their experiences because of social media and the ability to film and post easily from cell phones, Information is instantly accessible now, shared from all over the planet. The word “paranormal”, even, seems to be progressively refined to fit within the new concept of “nor- mality". Judgemen- talism loses its grip while the very notion of normality loosens its boundaries, while we shift inte a new paradigm of reality. Nothing really shocks us any more, Now is the moment that we step into the light and speak out. As we discover that the number of abductees is in fact insanely huge, we do not fear any more. Fear is being replaced by anger and frustration. This despicable activity was always significant but the difference is that now, we possess the tools and the power to express ourselves. More and more people dare to speak out and the number of testimonies increases exponentially as fear drops. The Men In Black cant keep up any more! Most alien abductions are an excruciating experience, which lingers in the memory as ghostly figures all your life. 1 have been living in fear for too many years, carrying sequels of a deeply repressed trauma. Terrifying memories and profound denials blocked many aspects in my life and | could not speak about it for different reasons. Mostly because of my own denial in order to keep my sanity, by instinct of survival in a narrow-minded and judgemen- tal society. I tried hard to convince myself that this never happened to me; sure, it was too unbearable if it did! 1 even tried to block in my mind medical and physical evidence, including physical contact with extra-terrestrials. Even though... Covering your eyes with your hand does not make the monster disappear. It is still here, hidden in the shadows, under your bed, behind the curtains, at the end of a dark corridor. And one day, you just need to turn back and face it. Asalien abductees, we are being robbed from parts of our memory, of our lives. They come in the night to steal our most intimate property, to violate all our rights one by one. They use us as genetic Guinea pigs, stealing our reproductive material and fluids, marking us like cattle, implanting us with trackers and leaving us shaking with cold in the morning, with the awful feeling of having been raped, in our body and in the very core of our soul. They take our children for unspeakable purposes, never to be returned. And our governments, who are supposed to protect civilians, cooperate by providing underground facilities and participating in the most ignominious of all trades. This is enough...this, is enough! Remembering... As far as] can remember, | was able to see entities and ghosts, have insights, visions, hear what others could not. Lhad inherited these talents from my maternal grandmother, also a gifted spirit medium. Instead of bringing excitement in my life, these gifts made mea solitary child. As soon as 1 tried to tell my schoolmates about these special abilities, | was mocked and bullied. This helped me understand | was different from the other children. | recall spending entire nights staring at the sky until exhaustion came, drawn to the Orion Belt like a magnet and also, the Pleiades... Ah, the Pleiades... | always felt a deep, unexplained nostalgia in my heart and soul each time! watched this star cluster above my head. So far and mysteriously so near at the same time. There was something about it that fascinated me, hypnotized me and nearly obsessed me, like a link beyond the distance of space. Why? Why did I want to be there? Why was I convinced that someone, out there, in this small shimmering celes- tial chariot, was thinking of me? Before she left this plane of existence, my grandmother told me something I had forgotten, or simply denied. She said that for years she could hear me in my bed at night as a child, and as a teenager, talking low, praying with despair, She knew my window was open because of the air draft under the door. She said | kept repeating con- stantly (gave me the chills) every...single...night: “Come, come back please, and take me with you to the stars! Why aren't you responding? | miss you! Please come back, take me home!" These “dreams”...5o vivid, so real... always occuring with the same beings; in particular, a tall blonde man ina shimmering blue suit, with strange blue eyes who were slightly wider than normal and always, trying to com- municate with me. He was so beautiful and radiant with so much love; for years 1 believed he was an angel. He had been in the background of my life since | was a child and seemed to look after me with great care. | always felt drawn to this strange and beautiful man, whom 1 knew wasn't from this world. And, at the same time, | was having traumatic memories involving medical instruments and terrifying grey creatures with huge dark glassy eyes, Yes, | remembered them too... brief resurgences in the core of a nightmare or even, when laying in a dentists’ reclining chair, irrationally torn by terror when the speed air-rotor would switch on. The noise and the shape of the instruments would echo in my brain signaling the alarm for danger, harm and pain, and the only way my subconscious would allow me to let the dentist perform his task, was by convincing myself that | wouldn't get hurt and to do so, my body remembered... to cross my legs tightly, and lock my ankles so that noth- ing could get in between. In this position only, I could trust. This wasn't normal and I certainly had no reason to associate the dentist's drill to locking my legs tightly. As the shrieking, rotating spike approached my face, the brutal vision of frightening creatures holding similar surgical tools were clawing back at me. But even though these memories were wiped out, the nervous system remembers, particularly when it comes to protect the bady from a signal of danger or pain. My earliest mem ory related to alien abduc tions goes back to when I was a toddler. One evening as my grandmother was reading bedtime stories to me, I was struck by the vision of a little grey man with a large bald head and big black eyes, coming out of the wall behind her. As I burst in tears, he disap peared bearing a strange apologetic expression. Later on that night when everyone was asleep, | woke up seized by terror, when my body was lifted in the air by an invisible force. | was terri fied, floating above the bed, not able to form a single sound in my throat, my little body all numb and paralysed. Then, there was a flash of blinding light bursting in the room and the next thing, I knew it was the morning. I was falling backwards into the bed and | heard my grandmother climbing the stairs at the sound of my cries. There was so much time missing! What had happened between the moment | lifted in the air above my little bed and the moment | was back, in the morning? This was absolutely terrifying. At the time, | wasn't able to express myself with words yet, and this unfortunate experience fell into the limbos of oblivious denial. All my life I kept a record of my experiences in a notebook, accompanied with drawings, Recently, I also found my child health book (in these days nothing was computerized yet, thanks to that!). It contains handwritten motes and is stamped by the family doctor on the precise date of this next memory of abduction. This was the big one, the mysterious trauma that tipped my life into a new dimension: Junel979, I was nine years old. My granny, my younger sister and | we were looking at the moon through the window in my bedroom when we were surprised by the vision of a UFO floating above the adjacent buildings roofs, coming very close to us. Its shape was discoidal witha slight bump underneath and a dome above, and it was glowing a very bright orange. Unable to explain why, we had this strong feeling it was staring at us. 1 found it incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing, although I had no clue of what it was. My grandmother explained to me that it was a ship from another world, coming from somewhere else very far away, up there, in the stars. This was a concept new to me at this very young age, and I was truly astonished. My grandmother told me that when she was a young woman, she saw one of these coming down from the sky. She said a twirling wind rose and she was blinded by a bright beam of light coming down from the ship. It had the same shape as that one but not glowing orange; it was rather metallic with visible windows. In her next memory, she was laying down on the ground, thinking she had a fit and fainted. She never dared to speak about it to anyone, $0 obviously, I wasn't the first in the family... And here we are, staring and being stared at, by this ship. It was truly fascinating. It sud- denly changed colour, glowing brighter to nearly white, then quickly downgraded back to yellow, orange, dark red...My granny said: "oh, look, it is changing colour because it is going to go, now!" And she was right; it suddenly rocketed in a brutal zig-zag and disappeared out of thin air! The following day in the local newspapers, there was an article about UFO sightings in the area. Through my recent researches, I discovered that the area was in- deed massively subject to UFO sightings for along time. But the story for me doesn't stop here; this, was just the beginning... I woke up that following morning with a huge pain in my belly and the sensation of a wet bed. I pulled off the sheet and screamed with horror: there was blood everywhere in the bed and it was coming from my belly! I got up, shaking and sobbing. I found my mother in the bathroom and she lost the colors on her face when she saw me, legs covered with my blood. I burst into tears, crying out loud that [ was going to die. I was nine...nobody had anticipat ed telling me about periods, which was the only rational explanation. My franny was crying in a corner of the kitchen, shaking, her face in her hands. Why? Did she know something? Was she remembering things she had been through herself as well, something hidden deep under unspeakable memories? The family doctor arrived and I remember this image of him examining my wrists with perplexity. Inside of each was a purple triangle composed of tiny dots, like fresh marks of needles. He examined them quite a long time and con- cluded it was probably rubella. This diagnostic is handwritten in my health book with a question mark. | still re- member his puzzled look and my mother waiting, impatient, for an answer. Any answer would do so he gave this one: rubella, Because the vaginal bleeding continued I was hospitalised for two months, during which my period was provoked prematurely. I can remember screaming like a slaughtered pig each time medics would touch me. This is the time when my terror for dentist started, as well as the mysterious headaches generated from a tiny precise spot in my skull. | went through months of medical tests and scans without success. 1 could clearly feel something had been inserted in myskull but nothing was showing up on the results and x-rays; it was baffling all the specialists. This spot has been sore all my life still to this day{I can't comb my hair on it). 1 know now it is where my alien implant is. Lhad another experience during that same year, after | was back from the hospital and my health started to recover. This new experience was of a different strange nature. One night, 1 woke up with the sharp sen- sation of a presence in the room and an unknown slightly audible buzz in the air. Suddenly, a bright blue beam of light pourred from the ceiling and I found myself lifted above my body in a clear blue light. I was floating through the structure of the building, towards the cloudy night sky. What was disturbing was that Iwas conscious that my physical body was still on my bed, down below on the ground, | could see myself as translucent during this journey. How intriguing and disturbing at the same time, to observe that my body was luminous on its edges and slightly translucent, but physical when I squeezed my own arm. [ couldn't feel anything wnder my feet as it seemed I was just... walking on the clouds un der a magnificent starry sky. Icouldn’t feel any air coming into my lungs al though | was breathing, and | could feel my long hair was brushed by a gentle breeze. And all was so silent... it was a weird silence, like if | had cotton in my ears. The vision ahead of me struck me with astonishment, but no fear: a metallic discoidal spaceship was there... A tall man, dressed in white clothes, appeared in front of me as he came down the ramp of the ship. He was magnificent and at the time I thought he was an angel, despite he had no wings. His skin was pale, he had blond wavy hair and his eyes were blue and wider than normal, with a strange metallic spark. From his presence emanated a profound feeling of protec- tion, as if | knew by instinct that in his proximity, | was safe, and nothing bad could happen to me. He felt to me uncanningly familiar, although it seemed I was meeting him for the first time. He smiled with a beautiful and graceful gentleness, and said I needed to live for a determined time on Earth in order to fulfil a mission. After he spoke these mysterious words, he invited me to the edge of the clouds, where I could see my home town from above, This vision freaked me out. I grabbed his waist and cried I didn’t want to go back, but he looked at me seriously and gently laid a hand on my forehead. A wave of warm energy poured from his palm and despite my resistance, dizziness seized me. | fell backwards very fast, and landed in my body like in a wet sponge. This was my first recollection of astral travel and of...him. During the Summer of 1980, on holiday in the French Alps with my family, | was awakened one night by the purring sound of an engine in front of the house and pulsing bright lights filtering through the blinds, as if set on a horizontal ramp and descending from the sky. My mother and my granny woke up, equally terrified, and found me in the middle of the kitchen, staring at the window, It is in this precise instant that the ramp of bright pulsing lights lifted and suddenly shot off vertically. | remember my mother running to phone the police and my granny, still and calm, walking towards the window with a mysterious smile she tried to hide from me. The simple fact she seemed so calm eased the tensions in my little body and the question in my head: “How did / get to the kitchen in the first place?" The following morning, I woke up to the sound of agitated men's voices arguing outside. Rushing to the front door, I noticed a police car parked in front of the house, and the mext door farmer, visibly annoyed, conversing with the officers. There was also a second vehicle, dark blue, parked next to the wheat field adjacent to the house. T could see from the porch where I stood that a few men in different uniforms who were apparently not from the local police, were taking photoes and measurements on the field. The perimeter of which had been enclosed by a security red and white ribbon. Ai se # Nal NW arate, tT “ed i fl \ : BA 1 ANY \ NR WB f Ag we %, | This was for the most intriguing! When everybody left, I rushed out to meet my friend Eric, the farmer's son, a boy of my age. He explained to me that his dad was furious because he was convinced the neighbour's tractor had massacred his crops by enmity, during the night. We both agreed this didn’t make sense, not only because this was stupid, but because we had both seen, from our own windows, the bright pulsing lights taking off up- wards, towards the sky! We then decided to go and have a discreet look at the field despite the interdictions and warnings... We sneaked under the security ribbon and made our way through the wheat, which was quite high for our size in this late August. We stopped our progression, astonished, when confronted with an unexpected clearance. The wheat had been crushed onto the ground in a discoidal pattern, and the most incredible thing was that all stems were impeccably folded flat in a spiralling pattern. We stood there, silent for a few minutes, for all words were dying in our throats before we were able to express our emotion. These lights we had seen the night before were those of a craft that came from the sky. We were pretty sure about it because there was no pathway, nor any tractor trail, was connecting to the imprint of the flatten disk in the crops. It was one of these moments in your life, when deep truths hit you to the core and shake your whole being for ever: “we are not alone in the universe” I know for a fact that crop circles are mostly man made but a very small part of them are performed by interdi- mensional entities using sound waves. Of course, | knew nothing about it at the time the event occured. But this, wasn't a crop circle, It was the imprint of a UFO landing. The distant shouts of someone who sounded very angry pulled us out of the transe we seemed to be under. The boy's dad had seen us going into the field and shouted at us that the police had for- bidden anyone to go in until other people arrived to take more photos. We gave up and resigned to leave the location with great regret. What was it that kept us there feeling nostalgic and with a desire to remain in this strange magnetic impressum? This imprint in the wheat felt more than what it looked like; as if it was... a portal of some sort towards an improbable way out of this world. A ship, from another planet, made with an extraordinary technology, had just landed there, the night before. So near, so far... Later on that day, we met a girl of our age living in the nearby farm who, very frightened, told us she had also witnessed a UFO landing in the field the prior night, and had seen tall shiny people coming out. She wouldn't say more as she was shaking with terror while she was speaking. My next memory leaps to April 1983 in Marseille, when I was thirteen years old. | woke up one night sat on my bed, facing the wall, sweating, and breathless, my heart beating very fast. 1 saw something that looked like a screen in the wall with images of a weird landscape, with a hill towards where people were running in haste, and red glowing spaceships coming down from the sky to rescue them. Then, this beautiful alien woman appeared very vividly in the wall in front of me. She had soft pale skin, big wide green eyes, rosy lips, her hair was blond and straight, and she looked very serious. She was wearing a skin-tight shimmering blue uniform and a golden metallic belt with tiny devices attached to it. 1 drew this portrait below aftr this experience and all my life, even until very recently, I couldn't open the notebook to even look at it because this drawing terrified me. I always knew, subconsciously, that if | looked at it, it would unlock a door I would rather ignore: She said to me: “ Find Professor Jenkins in Ohio!” Then suddenly, behind her, I saw like if ] was flying above a deserted landscape with a series of buildings (in my later research it turned out it was area 51, whichis not in Ohie but wait for what follows...). The voice of the alien woman was repeating: “Find Professor Jenkins!" Then, her face showed up again with a very imperative expression and she immediately disappeared like switching off a TV monitor. I did some research about this vision recently, and in Ohio there is a military facility well known for being involved with aliens and UFOs: Wright-Patterson USAF, in Dayton. And you will never guess: not only is the Ohio military base related to the Roswell crash and area 51, but a Professor Jenkins worked there at the time | was thirteen. I never dared or had the courage to try to contact him, even though he surely possessed some key information for me. Why me? Why him? Well, if you happen to read this, Professor, you may have the answer... In June 1983, the same orange UFO came back, hovering above the roof. Shortly after, | remember having locked myself up in my bedroom from inside, kneeling on the carpet and gluing stickers on a map of the stars. I can remember having this awkward feeling urging me to do this before I forgot. Then, the window opened and the wind blew in, and... memory blank again. 1 woke up laying on the floor a while later, among papers scattered by the wind, feeling this profound fright. I folded the map back and hid it to never look at it again, with fear that something horrible would happen to me if I did. Even though this was a disturbing memory, I found out recently during the hypnosis session, that I had been onboard that ship and shown a holographic screen with the posi- tions of inhabited worlds (This will be developed in more detail in Chapter III of this book). Three years later, when | was sixteen, I had a very vivid "dream". The following morning, immediatly after waking up, I drew in my notebook before it vanished from my memory, the inside of a spaceship and its oceu- pants. Again, here was this beautiful young man with blond wavy hair alongside with other crew members. On my drawing, I depicted precisely the cabin with the comfy pilot seats facing a large rectangular window where you could see the stars. It comes about as a recurrent thing in my life, that I seem to remember events that I am not supposed to, just in the minutes before the blanking process wins over. I have this very strong feeling that lam fighting against a brain fog that tries to wrap around my mind. I believe it is probably due to my natural psychic abilities inherited from my grandmother. You just don't learn to become a shaman; you are born into this existence with all your psychic abilities and it is then up to you to embrace them consciously, in order to be of service. This is how I could, and each time for a little bit longer, extend my memory like a clearance in the fog, holding away the threatening clouds of oblivion by blowing onto them with my will and determination, before they eventually close upon me. Then, once all is gone, the only remains are quick drawings and scribbled notes. Through every single dream I had in the Winter of 1987, 1 could feel a presence trying to communicate with me. It was very vivid and I could clearly feel the difference of intensity emanating from this presence attempting to contact me. One night in March, I felt a strange tension rising in the room, and the air became electric. As! closed my eyes to try to fall asleep, strange faces appeared behind my eyelids, as if they were in my head, showing themselves to me telepathically. It was the same blonde young man with wavy hair and as well another being I had never seen before with a big prominent skull and shiny wide indigo eyes. His skin was tanned and he looked friendly. These two strange beings were looking at me and very strangely. IL collapsed into sleep... | recovered consciousness within the settings of an informal dream, when | sensed again the same mysterious presence approaching. This time, it reached out to me and made contact. | was scared, of course, but I came to realize quickly that I had no reason to be... found myself in a weird place made of organic architecture with interlaced arches and assymetric tiles. I couldn't feel any aggressiveness coming from the being standing in front of me, although | could only see his outline in the shadow. He seemed tall and strongly built. He spoke softly in a foreign language as he emerged into view, then his voice fil- tered through a translating ‘device’ My heart was struck with awe; he was the ‘angel’ 1 saw above the clouds when I was nine years old, it was the same person! Blonde wavy hair and beautiful blue eves with an amazing grace about him. | couldn't remember everything he said but I do remember this: he came from very far and had been trying to speak to me for a while. Although he wasn't from there originally, he was leaving for Epsilon Eridani’, on a mission to help people fleeing a disaster as their star was becoming harmful to them. He wanted to contact me to tell he would be back, and would always look after me, I saw him leaving afterwards in a spaceship shooting towards the sky. Two years later I moved to Paris to complete studies in Fine Arts. | made some friends versed into the paranormal with whom | experimented with a “Ouija” tablet. This very nasty thing is used to call spirits. Well, you must never, ever use it! It works and that is the problem. It is utterly dangerous as it opens a portal through which anything, absolutely ...a-nything... can enter, and you have no control at all upon that. Honestly, Ouija tablets should be withdrawn from the market. One evening during a session, an alien male entity named Annax mani- fested and ordered us to stop immediately, for our safety. Thrilled by our little paranormal adventures, we didn't listen and I was possessed by an evil spirit, which unfortunately lead me to require an exorcism. A traumatic experience, which could have been avoided if I had only listened! But then who was Annax? This extra-terrestrial being who had tried ta protect me? I had never heard that name before... One year later again, I remember having a vivid dream and it seemed even more disturbingly real than the previous times, because the physical sensations were extremely real. | found myself again in the same ship, that | now could recognize as well as the crew, There Was a great dynamic atmospheric energy in this ship and him... of course, my mysterious friend and protector, the one with shoulder-length wavy blonde hair and magnificent clear blue eyes, was there, wearing a shiny pale blue uniform. This time, | remembered his name for the first time: “Thoran”, but 1 couldn't recall our whole conversation. | can remember the jovial atmosphere and his excitement inviting me to try one of the pilot seats. | Was Very apprehensive at first but the other pilot encouraged me as well and, complying to the promise not to touch anything and keep my hands on my knees, I accepted the invitation with shyness. It felt so comfortable! The chair seemed to adapt to my body as if it was made of some sort of intelligent matter. Thoran explained to mie all the controls and fascinating details about navigation, and this was when I learned that he was the ship captain. | recognized the blonde lady with the big green eyes,who had appeared in the wall when | was thirteen. It felt so strange being in her presence once again. The co-pilot beside me had slightly different features than the rest of the crew. Although he also had blonde hair, they were scarcer and short. His face was more elongated and he had a prominent chin. His eyes were also different: more slender and indigo, nearly black. He had a thin and hooked nose. His name was “Valnek” and I would learn later that he is originally from Epsilon Eridani and Thoran's best friend. Despite the fact that the memories of encounters with Thoran and his companions were always associated with UFOs, I couldn't acknowledge it because tt would have meant acknowledging also something else... something very frightening, which I knew was hidden somewhere underneath these delightful moments with handsome blonde alien people... Terrifying denied memories that I know, now, were linked to the Greys’ abductions. For my sane and safe denial, although I knew they weren't, all of these memories needed to be just dreams, and Thoran and his friends were some sort of guardian angels. | kept drawing them again and again in my notebooks, strange night after strange night, for years. One winter when | was 22, I was at my art school in Paris, sitting bored in the classroom looking through the window. The sun was shining in reflecting a beautiful sunny after- noon and suddenly, I was projected mentally but very vividly into a futuristic city with high towers and many el- egant bridges. It was astonishingly beautiful and | understood then, why | used to love modern bridges so much. It was because they reminded me of this place. I knew it was on another planet and I also knew I was in contact with someone else who was there, and that was how this connection was made which allowed me to see this place. I could feel his presence strongly within my heart, nearly as if ] could even hear him breathing. Then, the vision switched off. It wasn't very long after that when, still in the same school in Paris, 1 was standing in an administration office waiting for a paper to be signed, when something disturbing happened. A sharp pain brutally drilled in my skull (where I know now the alien implant is located), and I fell to my knees from the pain. The woman in the office ran around her desk to come and assist me. The pain had extended into my left ear and I heard a loud "plop" inside of it. It's the same feeling as when you're in a plane and your ears pop from the pressure. The woman lifed me up on my feet and at this very moment, I heard a clear, loud, pristine young male voice inside of my left ear say: “Sorry for the pain, we are just trying something.” | panicked but pulled out my very best efforts to hide it and explained to the lady it was just migraines and tiredness. She luckily believed me and let me go. I never heard his voice again speaking this vividly in my ear until many years later, but by then I was confronted to admit the truth...these dreams, all these years, had never been dreams. In 1994, lifein Paris was harsh. | was strugeling to make a living, between a part-time job in cosmetics, a work in a dance company and studying Archaeology at The Louvre University. I was 26 years old and willingly single, not finding men in general to be much of a fulfilling company. My father had just been shot dead in Marseille and I also had to rescue my younger sister from the grip of a psychopath. So at this stage in my life, I was literally physically and morally exhausted. One night... surrounded by a bright shining light, | was transported again - very unexpectedly- into the ship. This time, Thoran wasn't there, Instead, the other blonde alien named Valnek, Thoran’s friend, welcomed me, accompanied by the blonde lady with the beautiful green eyes. The fabric of their suits resembled a sort of smooth and translucent thick plastic with buttons and control pannels incorporated, throughout which helped me guess the color of their blue uniforms. They said Thoran was on duty very far away so they had decided to abduct me to cheer me up! They took me for a very exciting tour in space where I saw won- ders, then brought me back home. From this journey, I keep having faint memories of amazing starry skies and colored planets but from this day, I felt stronger and more hopeful in life, | was beamed down and, this time, al- lowed to remember everything. They certainly started to trust me because I had never told anyone, and if this little escapade had the purpose to cheer me up so yes, | was meant to remember. After this adventure, | don't recall having been on the ship for many years but sometimes, I could feel Thoran’s protective presence from afar. Life went by, I received a degree in Archaeology, got a job in Egypt and came back to France eight years later where I married, divorced, and then moved to Ireland at the age of forty. During all these years I kept the fascination for the starry skies, the Pleiades and the stardust trail of the galaxy. The call was so intense that there were some nights when I would avoid going outside, in fear of being recklessly spellbound by the beauty of the heavens. Until the night where all changed again... The story takes us back now to the year 2018, on the West coast of Irelandwhere I lived at the time. A flash of sparkling light show- ered one night down upon me in my bedroom, and I was beamed me up inside the ship in a big flash of blue light. They were back!!! This hadn't happened for years and as 1 could feel the cold, solid, tiled white floor under my bare feet, I realized where I had been transported... I broke in tears in Thoran’s arms, hiding my face into his hair. | could feel the roughness of the fabric of his blue uniform under my fingers, understanding that the glittery aspect was due to tiny protective particles of metal acting like an armour and reflecting the light. He was holding me strong, laughing with joy. Jeez! he had strong arms. The skin in his neck had a strange fragrance which could be similar to vanilla, and his body was warm. I could feel the soft, silky texture of his hair on my face and in this very moment, the only thought in my mind was: “This is home". Thoran was like a brother to me; my true family. “I missed you", he whispered in my neck. His warm breath gave me goosebumps and | replied the same. We didn't want to let go of each other but some- one else was also waiting for a hug: the blonde lady with the mesmerizing green eyes. She never showed such warm affection towards me before but that night, she held me briefly but strongly in her arms, and it was the very first time I remem- bered seeing a smile on her face. Her body was slim and firm, and her hair as soft as silk, Valnek was there too, radiant with joy, as well as two other humanoid crew members. But I think the best way to describe this particular event is as following: | woke up between midnight and dawn because something very intense had happened, as if | had just gotten back to bed after having done something very active and awake. | knew this feeling well... All the memories rushed suddenly into my mind and I got up with haste, running down to the kitchen to grab a paper and a pen. Before the brain fog sealed my mind into oblivion, rapidly, | wrote what was still fresh in my mind before it blurred away. I forced my memory and fought... poured a mug of coffee and focused... and here is what I wrote that night: “T manage to pierce the coat of blurriness with great effort and here it is, the ship... Invisible from the outside, well visthle from the inside. It has golden white walls with apparent machinery and control panels. A big window opens on the sight of a myriad stars. It is beautiful. There are two very comfortable seats facing it. It is always the same ship, I recognise it. [ was invited to try one armchair, the left one, it was amazingly comfortable. | remembered I had tried it already by the past. Thoran laughed. He said my hair were more brown before, he found it interesting. He touched my hair and smiled, intrigued, he is very sweet and caring with me. We huga long time, He says he missed me and J replied Imissed him too. He smells good, his uniform is made of tiny particles of metal. The lady she hugs me too. It is the first time I see her smiling to me; she seems very glad to meet again. The two other ones are here. They know no time, they know no distance. They come from another dimension or] think if not, no, they're not, they use interdimensional travel for convenience. Thoran, Valnek and her... [ don't have her name. She is very discrete, occupied, busy, She fas- cimates me, The men are curious and nice, very dynamic and happy to have me here. It is like a group of old friends. We exchange a conversation, sometimes spoken and sometimes telepathically. They say they protect me wherever I go, wherever ] am. The veil of mystery started to lift after all these years and some doubts needed to be clarified. He did. I say I want to stay with them and they say ne, but Thoran tells the others could join the Galactic Federation, that they would find mea job. Thoran laughs but the others they don't find it funny, and their serious looks put an end to the idea. Even if Thoran is in charge of the ship he has mo power to decide for this, Her, she is a scientific crew member. She fascinates me. [ have so many questions to ask her about what happened many years ago, when she appeared to me in the wall of my bedroom, but she isn't willing to reply, she seems not allowed ta, Thoran says they are coming back and J will know about it shortly. They were away for a while because there was a war somewhere else. Now they're back because something very important is going to happen for planet Earth. Thoran says in two years time something very frightening will occur and it will be a switching point for Humanity, but they will al- ame a eee eer ee ee All fades away now but as I fight to grasp the last bits of memo - ry, 7 know, J Enow they are a mix from the Pleiades, Sirius and Epsilon Eridani. Who is from where I am not sure still but they said they rescued me from the Grey aliens whe abducted me when I was a child and since, they are protecting me. This [ know now, because we spoke about it. [ eel privileged and grateful to them. Now, all is gone. I have only left what is written on this piece of paper. Well done ite. They finally told me about the Greys, about what happened to me when I was a child but not everything. Thoran said I wasn't ready yet to hear the whole story, because it was too traumatic. He added that one day, I will know everything. This knowledge started the mechanism of a change within the core of my consciousness. They had unlocked something and from this day, my life changed. They were back... They mysteriously said I would know about it later and indeed, very shortly afterwards, on the night of the 9*h to the 10% of November 2018, 1 saw the orange ships hovering over the bay, reflecting their lights on the water, flying swiftly and playing in the sky. My heart jumped with joy! I was feeling them so near, they were back inte my life after all these years in which I almost forgot about them. The following morning, Irish newspapers printed that there had been UFO sightings over the West of the country. The radio recordings of pilots owhich had flown over that area and the air contral towers transmissions, went viral on internet. They were back, because something, a mysterious “event”, would eccur soon, in two years time. In Autumn 2020... Here is the copy of the article I found corresponding to my contact experience: UFO spotted flying over Ireland ‘at very high speed’ by several pilots as Irish Aviation Authority launches investigation j> yoy 2018, 10:47 One pilot asked air traffic control if any military exercises were taking place. ANUMBER of pilots flying over Ireland last weekend spotted a UFO off the coast of Kerry, it has emerged. The [rish Aviation Authority has launched an investigation inte the incident after the Shannon Airport Air Traffic Control unit was asked if any “military exercises" were taking place. The UFO was spotted off the coast of Ireland (stock image). One pilot from a British Airways flight, who is net identified in the recording, asked midflight at 6.47arm last Friday: “Tt was moving so fast that | couldn't even really eee it."The pilot goes on to describe how a bright light sped past the aircraft heading north ata “very high speed”. Two other pilots also reported seeing the mysterious object, with one Virgin Airlines pilot discussing the possibility of a meteor with “multiple obpects following the same sort of trajectory”. Very interesting report on Shannon high level Friday 9 November at 302 with multiple aircraft with reported sightings of a UFO over County Kerry. Skip to 17 minutes to listen reports on @liveate http: farchive-server.liveate.net/cinn/ EINN-High-Nov-09-201 8-06302 mp? ... #Aviation #UFO #lreland Another pilot added their shock at the speed of the unidentified object, saying the acceleration was “astronomical, it was like Mach 2", Shannen Airport informed the pilots they would be looking into the reports after other further sightings of the UFO. The Irish Aviation Authority has confirmed they will be investigating the incident. They told the Irish Examiner: “Following reports from a small number of aircraft on Friday, November 9, of unusual air activity, the LAA has filed a report. Shannon Airport confirmed they would be lookinginto the incident. “This report will be investigated under the normal confidential occurrence investigation process.” Its not the first sighting of a UFO in Ireland. Credit: PA:Press Association. _ Seven months later, on the on the day of my birthday on June 2019, on the Summer Solstice, I “switched off"un- expectedly. The evening before, as 1 was admiring the sunset standing at a field's gate, | heard Thoran's soft and beautiful voice in my head: “This is only the beginning”. 1 didn't quite get it at first but straight afterwards, on the follow- ing evening, I collapsed inside. It was terrifying. I was propelled into the darkest unknown areas of my subconscious. All, literally, switched off! At first, I thought | was worn out by too much work. Nope, not that. In truth, [ had started the journey of the dark night of the soul, which would lead to an amazing awakening of consciousness... 1 couldn't stand any loud sound or social interactions; all 1 wanted was to curl up in a corner of the bed and be left alone, in the silence, yes, the silence was what I wanted most. 1 was unable to think, act, it was like being in limbo, Total reset. Very frightening. I even wondered if I was having a depression; no, my thoughts were positive and bright, my self-confidence unaltered. A burn- out? Neither. Then...] started having dreams of my childhood’: abduction by the Grey aliens, which I had denied to non-existence. It was the last thing I needed to cleanse in order to go forward, towards the next chapter of my life. These glimpses of unwanted memory started to obsess me, more and more intensively, and I was fighting it because it was unbeara- bly traumatic. But it was coming back with resilience, night after night, stronger and stronger. I was having traumatic memories involving medical instruments and terrifying huge obsidian eyes staring at me from above. All my life I was always unable to look at pictures of small Greys aliens, the harmful ones. Their image had always inspired terror in me but now, | was uncontrollably forced to face it. 1 knew a terrible pain was locked with the vision of their faces and their evil lifeless eyes, | cracked up... and I felt suddenly an energy blockage popping open, a lid which had been stopping me physically to speak. It was time to, bravely, do something about it and seek the help of a professional. | made some researches thinking precisely about hypnosis. I was terrified but I had to do it, no turn- ing back. At the same time, my whole spiritual world was rocked upside-down. All] knew was shaken to the core. | was shifting, ascending, connecting to my higher self and the true nature of my being, and to the purpose of my mis- sion in this incarnation. Additionally, | realized also that Sound was everything. That the methods used by my ancestors were just cultural ways and tools to apprehend the same thing: the Life Force, but also the frequencies of sound binding matter together; everything was vibrations and frequencies, and knowing the right frequency could modify matter, healing altered tissues. 1 suddenly saw the bigger picture, that we are blind with our open eves, that there are other densities of matter imbricated like different notes of music composing the same melody: the multiverse. I saw all this, the illusion of the matrix, the infinite and ubiquitous quantum continuum. lunderstood the true power of frequencies, and what was my path ahead. The universe (or my benevolent alien friends) put me in contact with an amazing woman who coonducts Quan- tum Hypnosis in the united States and specialized in the matter of alien abductions: Elisa Hererra Wright. She truly was the right person, sent by the universe, because she changed my life. As time for my appointment approached, | felt them nearer. It was terrifying. 1 was so brave but I was living only to know... In fact, 1 had been living to know my entire life. Two weeks before the scheduled hypnosis session, | had an unexpected encounter. Once again, I was lifted in the blue beam and transported to the ship. After Thoran held me in his arms with great joy, he introduced me toa tall and slim alien creature standing just afew steps away, behind him. The creature came forward with a radiant smile. His skin was brown and he had beautiful almond shaped indigo eyes, a small nose and a large high skull. He was smiling at me, radiant with so much love and affec- tion, and despite his disturbing alien appearance, 1 felt compelled to hug him. This was so weird!!! His body felt like skin-on-bones but his skin was smooth. It seemed to me we knew each other like old friends, even family, and the pure powerful love emanating from him was like a vortex. My heart was pouncing with joy and believe it or not, I kissed his cheek. He laughed, and con- sidered me with sparkles in his beautiful indigo eyes. "T came straight away from Orion. | feel so glad te see you again my child, fam Annax." RETRIEVAL Quantum Hypnosis The sequels of these events have been in the background my whole life. The horrible, but also, the marvellous... Because generally these kinds of experiences don't even equal the worst nightmares, | had locked mine in a box and hid it in my subconscious, in the shadow behind the shadows. | hid it very well, making sure 1 would never find it again. Well, I did...and in the box was a surprise, a beautiful key of starlight. Memories are never erased for good; they are hidden in a little corner of your brain, in an awkward place cut from all communication with the central core. The system cannot find them, the access is sev- ered, and the brain considers it lost or that it has been destroyed. But it's not... Hypnosis cannot lie, and I didn't expect at all what was coming. By setting free the fears locked into that Pandora box, I also set free other blockages in differ- ent domains of my life, Since then, I could finally move on and heal. When the box opened, aside with traumatic memories came out a beautiful gift: reconnecting with my rescuers. These benevolent aliens had always been there, all my life, watching over me not to fall again into the claws of darkness. For darkness was looking for me, because they had a job to finish. Which thankfully, they never did. When I underwent my first Qantum Hypnosis session in Decem - ber 2019, | was terrified in advance to have to go back te my first memory when the little grey creature came out of the wall, and to what happened after I lifted in the air above the cot. Did I really want to do this? Really?... From behind my granny's left shoulder, came through the wall a creature the size of a child with grey skin, huge eyes, wide skull and frail limbs. He was wearing a skin-tight suit. Lying down going through the hypnosis process, I started to shake with fright. The therapist helped me calm down. she reassured me and told me to look at the scene from outside my little body as a spectator, and describe everything without fear. This is when the missing parts lined up, as the pages of an open book... Concentrated in her reading, my granny didn't see the two little grey creatures emerging from the wall. As I screamed, my grandmother dropped her book and started inspecting my teeth. No it's not my teeth! I was screaming inside. There are monsters coming out of the wall! But at this age, you can barely speak so | started erying with despair for not being understood. The next thing | remember, my granny was gone and a bright light was pourring down over me from the ceiling. Two small grey beings with black obsidian eyes approached and surrounded me. Suddenly, my little body lifted in the air, in the light beam, framed by the two scary crea- tures. And [ was flying up, up... until I eventually landed on acold flat, metallic ground. The room was bathed in twilight. There was a dimmed light flowing from the ceiling like a soft, ambient projector. It was cold. They lifted me without touching me, remotely, standing on either side of me. It seemed they were using an anti-gravity method, Floating in the air, 1 was starting to feel paralysed, more exactly my little body was unresponsive to my will. Il was experiencing a deep fear, but something was strange... my abductors were acting with gentle moves, as if they didn't want to scare me more than I was. And although they looked terrifying with their huge head and big black eyes, | could notice slight caring smiles on their lips, exactly like nurses would. They “floated” me to a room where I was laid on what resembled a medical table. I had no idea at that age what a medical table was and what it could involve, so I didn't stress further. There were four, One touched my leg in a reassuring gesture. He was trying to calm me down but I was terrified. I saw, in the corner of my vision, one of them taking from a side table a square flat device, with but- tons on it and black cables coming out of it. | heard in my head the voice of the one who had his hand on my leg, saying: “Everything is going to be alright”. One of the other creatures applied the device on my sternum and it felt like shaking and buzzing inside of me and suddenly, | felt relaxed. On my right, standing at the heigh of my head, another creature pulled towards mea sort of long device that he applied on my thorax, then on my thymus, and my chest started to glow red from the inside, spreading a delightful warmth in my whole body. This wonderful sensation relaxed me, and I could breathe better; my body stopped shaking. The creature with the hand on my leg removed it. T™ I was feeling drowsy when the two gentle small greys left. I felt so relaxed now... 1 didn’t feel fear any more; I be- lieve it was because of what they did to my chest. The walls in this room weren't straight, no angles, alike carved organic shapes from a same block, as if the furnitures and the walls were part of the same matter. The air was a bit thinner. They left me there for a short while until] heard the automatic door behind me. Someone entered the room... Atall being appeared, walking towards me, looking like the other ones but so much taller. He started to examine my face, my ears, my jaws. He grabbed my face gently and turned my head to examine it. He had clear brown skin, a big head and large indigo eyes, and seemed very familiar. Annax He didn't want to harm me and acts with slow and caring moves, He just wanted to check that I'm okay. He leaned over me now, he was so close... The tall creature was looking for something on my body. He took my left wrist, squeezed it, then looked at me, smiling paternally... then, he left by the same door he came from. I knew him... had seen this being a few times in my life, in my dreams. Annax and one of his helpers There was light again and the four small greys were back. | was feeling very sleepy. They brought me floating to the airlock in the ground and lay me down on there's a transparent round glass tile, where there was light coming from under it. Avibrating buzz intensified, coming from underneath the glass. I was shaking again. | physically went down in the light and then I was in my bed again, seared... It was the morning. I tried shouting for help but ne sound cames out of my throat. The air flew into my lungs, | could breathe... This is what I could remember under hypnosis. This being was Annax, and he watches over my maternal blood line as a protector. Indeed, my grandmother had re counted to me that story when she was young, of this big bright ship coming from the sky with a buzz ing low vibrating sound, blinding her with light. She wasn't terrified, but instead mesmerized with awe. She lost memory of what happened and next thing, she was lying on the ground and the ship was taking off, disappearing awiftly in the sky. She has been there always, each time there was a UFO or something weird happen ing and I understood that this being, Annax, was her protector too and wha knows, maybe also her fri end, My granny and the UFO Il was now nine years old and with my granny and my younger sister, we were admiring the starry sky by the bedroom window. The orange UFO arrived, hovering above the roofs, so close, so big! And the story just begins... The UFO changed colour and shot off, zigzagging at a tremendous speed, but it came back, that night... That's what they do, they come, in the night, and they take, they take and they violate all your rights, they treat you like animals, like meat, like non-sentient genetic material. They have no consideration and they express no feeling. They just do their job. Two of them appeared in my bedroom that night, in total silence, smoothly, cunningly, and they seized me like night predators moving swiftly to catch a prey. They took me by the arms. Their fingers hurt and bruised my flesh. | was unable to shout. | tried te fight them but they were holding me strong and then, the whole room started spinning and I realised they were taking me through a vortex of lights and colours. | was thrown onto a cold hard floor. This new place was dark and freezing cold. | started crying, so they squeezed my forearm harder. It hurt so much, sobs dried in my throat. I could see they were not like the ones who took me when | was a baby. These ones looked different, slightly taller, with a wider skull and these big dark almond shaped obsidian eyes. They wore glossy black suits, like vinyl. They were cold, emotionless, and they dragged me onto a narrow medical table. I noticed glowing machines around it. They tied me by the ankles, forearms and neck. Why were they doing this to me? Who were they??? It was not the same ones as the first time, at all! They removed my clothes fast and mechanically. There were low purring sounds coming from the machines and suddenly, I heard the screechy sound resembling a dentist drill, approaching my head. The alien being behind me grabbed my chin te maintain my head still and straight and with the drill, inserted something in my skull. Now... they were looking between my legs... lcouldn't move, my nervous system seemed paralysed. They moved very fast, as if they were in a hurry. One of them put large straps around my wrists and when he tightened them, I could feel the sharp pain being caused by small needles incorporated in the straps, piercing through the flesh of my wrists. There were thin wires coming out of these straps, connecting to some devices on the side, and it Tools used on me in the Solipsirai ship They acted very fast, their moves were so weirdly mechanical. | knew was bleeding now, because | could feel the hot liquid pouring out of my womb, They had no consideration, | was just like a piece of meat. They think we have no soul, that we are so inferior to them. They spoke to each other but it was not a language, it was more like sounds, crackling, creaking insectoid sounds. ee f is | ff ox } & = oe ta ia ee, i “ae me j t ete 1 ‘ i ir abide po ik 4 ! 4 : 5 oh Ri iy Ake hs eal " th ch, / / si oie f i % - A J f Pe Ne Z : + thes Z x - Pal eel , r i ’ th é he he ‘5 : ssf “ . = a E ih i P = are iL : es = a hy ms be Fe Ni, Q % he re | “A , i : : % . 7 “ss i 1 2 4 They started to talk now louder and with more agitation. Something was wrong... Another one appeared on the right; he was like them but seemed slightly different. He was bigger and more expressive, as if he wasa real person and the others some sort of rebots, or clones, or organic machines, This big one seemed worried and angry. Two of them left the room and this big one started urging the two who stayed to haste removing the ties. The straps left bleeding triangular marks on my wrists. They needed to be quick, quick, and suddenly, there was this big light and the whole structure trembled. | couldn't move and it was terrifying! The walls, the ground, everything trembled again, and violent vibrations shook the whole ship. They were not happy with that.What the hell was going on? The bigger Grey creature, who seemed to be their supervisor, shouted orders in his weird language while sounds and lightening behind the other side of the door were getting louder. Now, I could hear shouts of human voices! Men shouting, and sounds of fights! The two small Greys were confused and their chief seemed furious. He pulled from his pocket an oblong weapon that he pointed at the door. I could hear men shout- ing again and the door brutally exploded! 1 was so scared! What was going on? I couldn't move! Two tall men in spacesuits rushed in, wearing helmets. | couldn't see their faces because of the lights'reflection and the smoke, Afight with some sort of laser guns engaged and one of the men lifted the taller grey who seemed in charge and strangled him to death; all the other ones were shot in the head. The same man who had strangled to death the captain of the Grey beings, lifted me from the table in his arms; my body not responding. I was feel- ing cold, so cold. | couldn't see their faces due to the reflections on the glass of their helmets. There were flashes of light -again- coming from the hole in the wall left by the blast of the explosion. The men rushed with me through it, moving in a hurry. All] could see was the spacesuit of my rescuer and the cold plastic feel of it. There was a buzzing blinding blue light and then we were rushing into an airlock. It was very strange because | could see the stars around us, but we were inside some sort of corridor. It seemed like if we were suddenly in a different ship. They rushed inte a room bathed with bright light and laid me down on a table that lifted from the floor. It was warm in here... | was feeling safe. There was a woman in that room, She didn't wear a spacesuit and she was beautiful, tall with straight blond hair and vibrant, huge green eyes. She wore a skin-tight blue suit, slightly glistening in the artificial light, and her body was slim and harmonious. She was looking at me with concern and | could feel tension emanating from her. After they laid me on this bench, the men removed their helmets but I still couldn't see their faces because they were out of my vision. Nonetheless, I had time to notice they were both blonde like her, tall and athletic. The woman rapidly cleaned the blood off my tiny body. I let her proceed while releasing my fear, letting go of all tensions and stress... The man who saved my life removed his space suit jacket and covered me with it. It felt so warm... He had wavy hair, and the other one long straight hair. I felt one of the men's hand pressing my leg and saying few words in a strange language. 1 was now in good hands, | knew it. These people had rescued me. There was agitation in the room, the woman was feeling nervous and the sense of emergency was filling the air stressfully. The gracious woman leaned over me and gently grabbed my face between her hands. She spoke to me in a strange and harmonious language which I couldn't understand, but it seemed, I could feel it, that she tried to calm me down. The two men had stepped back and she laid her hands on my shoulders, Her energy felt warm and soothing, and poured inside of my tiny body like a delightful waterfall of calmmess... This, was my first contact with Myrah (I would get to know her name later), the mysterious and mesmer- izing alien lady who had looked after me all my life besides Thoran. Their expressions were, though, concerned and grave, and I could see shadows of worry on the lady's pristine face. Her eyes were truly fascinating; they had this crystalline emerald spark. She was smaller than the two other men and had high and prominent cheek bones, on a triangular face with a narrow chin. It seemed to me that she was from a different race than the two other ones, as her face struc- ture was dissimilar to her companions. She also obviously was of a smaller species. 1 would also learn later that | was right to think so; these two handsome men were from the Pleiades and she was from the Sirius B system. All three of them, despite the resemblance to human beings, had features which betrayed their non-terrestrial origin. Their eyes were wider proportionally than ours and with a metallic luminosity to them. They had high cheek bones and their bodies looked very fit. | couldn't see where the men were gone to, but I could hear and sense them in the room. Still, my body wasn't responding to my will; I guessed the product | had been injected with needed to dissolve. | fell asleep... Thanks to the safe process of Quantum hypnosis, | could see my body from above and | noticed that | cried so much, my hair was wet. The alien woman was busy behind me searching in a box while the two men watched from a distance. I had this impression she was about to do something that would save my life. She approached the back of my skull, examined the wound with a little instrument that looked like a torchlight and then said something to her companions. Asa spectator, | could see now by transparency what the Greys had put in my head; it was a sort of small green glowing object shaped like bean. That was the tracker implant. | noticed the woman's annoyed expression mixed with anger, not liking at all what she was seeing. 1 could sense stress now, coming out of her body, She grabbed another instrument composed of a long double-needle, that started buzzing and vibrating. Hearing this noise my head made my heart pound in my chest, but I knew this wouldn't hurt me, that I was here rescued and had nothing to fear. Although, after what I had just gone through in the Greys’ ship, it was a little bit distressing. As she touched the green glowing bean, my whole body shook in spasms and she stopped instantly, triggering something in my brain. It's like if she tried removing it and failed. My rescuer approached and addressed the woman with authority, urging her in their strange language to do something to which she seemed reluctant. 1 couldn't understand him, but as he stood closer to me, I could finally have a closer and clearer vision of my saviour. He had these beau- tiful blond curls waving upon his shoulders. Suddenly, his wide slanted eyes with this strange, clear metallic blue, met mine. At this very moment, all my being felt magnetized as with a rolling wave of energy. It was like looking into the eyes of an angel. He seemed very worried and addressed the woman harshly, pressing her to operate this mysterious task quickly, Then, they started arguing. She insisted not agreeing with what he asked her to do, and the tension was growing... Their language sounded melodious, in-between Scandinavian and Gaelic. The alien lady let her shoulders drop and eventually consented to obey. She then took another instrument to work on my head, under the scrutinizing surveillance of her companion who seemed in command of the ship. She stuck a needle into the implant, which started changing color, from green to dark red. She then applied a small disk on it and observed it for few seconds, then threw an inquisitive look at the man, as if she was saying to him: “are you happy mow?" [t seemed they had a telepathic exchange. She then removed everything from my head and put the instruments away on a small side table behind her. It seemed that what he asked her to do was illegal or even dangerous. He then came to me and put a hand on my head, gently, and sighed. 1 don't know how but I could feel that in his mind, he was expressing some sort of hope, that what they had done would work, The other guy with long blond hair spoke to them from one of the two command seats, and my rescuer joined him, taking place beside him. I think they had to move on now, it was time to go. I slept for a while to recover from all this and when I woke up, by the big front window of the ship 1 saw the stars, and the orb of the Earth rising from below. They were taking me back home. The ship descended into the atmosphere, under the clouds, and I could see suddenly the turquoise horizon of a setting sun above the sea, and a town I recognised: mine. My rescuer, the young man with wavy blond hair who seemed the captain of that ship, turned to look at me with a tired smile. He stood up and came sitting beside me on a corner couch, where I had been laid to rest. He puta hand upon my head and I looked at him, mesmerized. It was like a fresh wind blowing through my mind as he addressed me directly by telepathy. I heard his voice in my head, soft and gentle, speaking my language witha slight foreign accent. -Everything will be fine, mow, I rescued you. They will try taking you again but we'll stop them, don’t worry. -Why? -They put something in you they want back. We couldn't take it out so you'll have to kill it, we'll tell you how. -Who are they? -Oh, they're not good. Their name is Solipsi Rat, they come from another plane of existence and they travel inter-di- mensionally, We watch them, because it is illegal what they do. They take humans from your planet mainly for genetic harvest, -Why? -Because they' are playing with genetics. They create a species of Hybrids. And there are other ones, and also other matters a little girl shouldn't hear, The tracker they put in your head, we couldn't remove it without killing you, so Tasked Myrah to deactivate it and re-tune it to our frequency, so the Solipsi Rai cannot track you any more, By this mean, we will be able to watch over you and protect you. J will now erase these memories and bring you back home. -Will | forget you? -You and I have a bond by the heart that you will understand one day. Your mind will forget, but your heart will remember. This young man's name was Thoran. We kept contact through the years and he honoured his word: he always watched over me. I have had several other encounters with these wonderful people, “beaming” me aboard that ship regularly, and they have taught me a lot of knowledge and wonders. I know this ship like a second home. They have showed me maps of the galaxy, and explained to me how to pilot the ship, and even let me sit in the command chair. This bond of the heart | had with Thoran, I finally comprehended its nature. At the time of the rescue, what could a little girl understand to these things? But this, well, is another story... Quantum Hypnosis helped me not only to recover the hidden elements of my experience, but also to connect directly with them. By re-activating the memory and clearing up the trauma, the implant's frequency was un- locked. I now have daily telepathic contacts with Thoran, Myrah and even in some rare occasions Annax. There are good people out there, and we are not alone. Sitting area with round table —\ Navigation panel — \ | | \ f a, Command room in Thoran's ship eee = Sitting area in the command room with the star map Tn aT yy THE BOND OF THE HEART One day, in my early twenties as I was still studying in Paris, 1 met at a party some friend's friend who happened to be a renown medium-psychic. | awkwardly found myself on my own in the kitchen with him, removing the dishes from the table. He turned towards me with a scrutinizing look and the air in the room became thinner and electric, as my heart started to pound. Laying against the sink, this very tall man with perfect symmetrical features and mesmerizing eyes in which! could see the cosmos, smiled at me with irony, able to read my soul like an open book. His skin was pale and his hair pure white. He seemed ageless. "Your brother is looking after you from up there, he said to me very mysteriously, indicating the ceiling witha move of the head. -My brother? I don't have any brother", [replied -Yes, he continued, he's not your biolagical brother but your soul brother since longer than this life. Him and our kind will always look after you.” We are not alone. Extraterrestrial beings live among us since the dawn of times and they have been assisting us in our evolution, fighting for us and keeping at bay invasive species from outer space. There is a benevolent al- liance above our heads, named the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which is the union of hundreds of thousands of civilizations from this galaxy. They protect the rights of all life, and Thoran is a member of it as a fleet comman- der, assigned to one of their stations on orbit of Earth. | have now been many times onboard, be it by astral travel session, | have telepathic exchanges with Thoran through the implant in my head or the beautiful bond of the heart that we have. The communications, which were rare in the past and privileged as 1 thought I was receiving messages of guidance from an angel or either a spiritual guide, revealed to be of another kind as truth blasted brightly to me. | could never have children and after going through hypnosis I could understand why: the Grey aliens named Solipsi Rai had messed up with my womb when I was nine. But what I didn't realise was that they had implanted at the time, something else than a tracker in my head. Following my first Quantum Hypnosis ses- sion, Thoran started retrieving memories for me daily and an unfortunate event that happened in my life when Iwas thirty years old took a whole new meaning, on different levels. At the time, I was working as an Archaeolo- gist for the French mission in Luxor, Egypt. A strange phenomenon occurred four months after | moved into this place very far away from everything, on the bank of the Nile river. Suddenly, far from anything related to my life, my past and my traumas, something unlocked in my subconscious which activated a process, twenty years later after fertlization. This, wasn't related to some sort of Hybrid Grey's fabrication; but was part of an even worse agenda... A growth quickly developed in my womb, tensing the skin of my belly. It grew to the equivalent size of a mango. | was sent home in emergency, by plane, to France where I was hospitalized in a private clinic. I found out later that this thing in me was a reptilian matrix ready to carry eggs, which had never been fertilized because the process had been interrupted. I had been carrying this thing; two pods, which had remained dor- mant all these years as two empty matrices. For some reason, maybe due to a change of environment and the Magical energies of Karnak, the Egyptian temple I was working in, my body decided to finally get rid of it. The verdict was clear: emergency surgery as the doctors feared a cancerogenic tumor. It was the only way they could explain it. I was feeling fine, until I was laid down on the rolling bed and prepared for surgery... The nurses left meon a mobile bed, waiting for a few minutes while the surgery room was prepared, and this was when all went wrong. Suddenly, I felt dizzy with vertigo as my subconscious recalled traumatic events. For at that time, if my mind didn't remember, my body did. A brutal spasm hit me and I started shaking hard and tears burst off my eyes. When the anaes- thesiologist came to take me to the surgery room, he got worried when he realize that I was in such a state of distress. Then, I saw his eyes focusing in one of the opening of my medical gown. What was he looking at with this horrified expression? Was this real? What the hell was happening to me? Something was obviously wrong. | was rushed into surgery and while I was laid down onto the operation table, the sight of the annular neon light above recalled ancient terrors. Surgical instruments, me lying there... They were about to inject the anesthesia into the catheter when my body reacted and I started to have stronger spasms that would lift my lower back from the table. At that stage, I had lost all control of my body. Something was fighting inside of me, something that wasn't ok to be re- moved. catheter's flexible tube to the anaesthetic solution, | watched the surgeon lifting my gown. And there... I saw it... The skin of my whole abdomen was wrinkled in a pattern of reddish reptiloid scales. 1 fainted into oblivion... lcame back to consciousness shaking with cold, feeling frozen, and this sensation didn't bring back good mem- ories. The anaesthesiologist waited by my side until | woke up, to tell me he had asked to stay through the whole procedure because he wanted to see what would “come out". I feebly grabbed his hand. -" What was it? lasked. -[t was an ovoid poach filled with a yellow liquid, it was so big! “Can I see it? -They... well they... they kept it for examination but I'll ask.” A few hours later, the surgeon visited my hospital room to give me his verbal report : -"The left side of your womb was removed because the tumour destroyed it. There was a second one as well, that we couldn't remove without taking off everything. You are too young to have a hysterectomy so we needed your permission first. [f you wish this done, you need now to wait for at least two months, which also allows you time to consider this severe decision. [f you decide to keep the second tumour, it isa chance you are willing to take. It can remain dormant The familiar sensations, the familiar presences, brought tears of relief to my eyes. Mytah, Valnek, Thoran, seeing them again was unexpected and wonderful. Myrah pointed at my abdomen a device emitting a ray of light that burnt inside and she apologised with sweet words and a caring smile, squeezing my hand with affection. Myrah was telling me that she was quickening the healing process and making sure the other pod would remain deacti- vated. She couldn't remove it just after my surgery but she said she would guide me to get it done on Earth very safely. What surprised me most was her apologetic expression. I sat back when she completed her procedure, listening to her telling me about my abduction by the Solipsi Rai at the age of nine, when I was inseminated with a double matrix ready to receive reptilian fertilised eggs. At that time, they didn't see it as their attention was entirely focused upon urgently deactivating my implant, not to be tracked by their enemies and face bigger problems. I was in shock, understanding mow the reason of the scales on my skin. While Myrah was comforting me, Thoran approached and sat beside me on the edge of the couch. He seemed upset and angry because of the suffering and distress I had gone through. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders to bring me against him, and all my tensions suddenly released. | finally found peace. “Tam so sorry we couldn't anticipate this", he whispered in my hair. He gently lifted my chin with his fingers and kissed me, then he exchanged a worried look with Myrah. She said to him very gravely: “You should tell her” Thoran brought me to another room in the ship. It was ttheir resting area. No window, but an annular neon-like light on the ceiling. We sat down together on a couch and, leaning against his chest, | listened to him talking. The ship isn't big so it was a narrow room with two rows of double bunk beds and shelved niches in the walls containing white metallic boxes and neatly folded uniforms, that were very recognizable by their shimmering fabric. - You will need to be very brave now, because we are leaving soon to respond to a duty call. There is a war going on very far from here, and we may not be back before at least four years; probably much longer and hopefully... we will be hack. ANTS wore ' f i. oe is Ft _ ad Su, UH 4 a3 a eae L broke in tears. In these times of hardship when I had barely recovered from a disturbing surgery and just learnt the horrific truth about it, Thoran was announcing that they were leaving! But before this, he gave me a gift by revealing to me something absolutely breath-taking: = Do you know why I am watching over you since you are a child? It is because we knew each other from before you chose this incarnation, in order to help humans on Earth. [| am waiting for your mission to complete and once you will leave this avatar and recover your body kept in stasis on Erra, we'll be together again. -Where is Erra? -In the Pleiades. -So this is why I was always drawn to the Pleiades, why it always felt like home, -[ may not come back from this mission, Elena, but J will be waiting for you in a way or the other for we are eternal beings, travelling through temporary avatars. One day, we will be together for good. You just need now to trust in your- self, and reconnect with who you truly are. You have a life to live, love to give, knowledge to gain. Unfortunately, for all these reasons, J will have to remove the memory of this moment. Your mind will forget, but your heart will remember... All 1 remember afterwards, was falling asleep in his arms and waking up back in my room in Egypt. Just after they left, things took a new turn in my life. Shortly after I was back in Luxor, a French colleague started to chat with me and a year later, 1 stopped resisting and consented to start a relationship with him (he would become my future ex-husband). Although my heart always overflew with abundant love to give, 1 was awkwardly unable to feel passion for anyone in my life and if 1 had known why, | would have certainly never gotten into any relationship, a thing that would have been wrong. I needed to live and to love, as Thoran had said very wisely. 1 could totally understand why this part of the truth needed to remain hidden from me, and it 1s now that, happy im a stable long term rela- tionship, I can truly accept with maturity the beautiful truth. I would have never been able te cope with this knowledge before my awakening. When they finally came back in 2018, 1 had lived and I had loved, indeed, and I had gained the necessary knowledge and wisdom after years of studies certifying meas a Druid and a Shaman. | was now ready for my own shift of consciousness and more than anything: to embrace my mission, Inow know whol truly am, and who Thoran truly is; my soul brother bonded by heart and soul, working in syn- chronicity together between above and below to help humanity, as two twin-flames of adamantine light. Every truth always comes when you are ready for it, in the right time. PART II ALIEN RACES Introduction Two weeks after | underwent hypnosis, | found one morning a strange manila A4 envelope stuck in my letter- box. It was labelled «Air Mail USA» and had no stamp and no writing on it, no name, no address, nothing. Weird. There was no way this came by regular post and the postman confirmed it didn't. Someone put it there and | never found out who to this day. I guess the mystery will remain. Inside was a spiralbounded document which froze me with shock, for on the front cover were photos of UFOs and aliens. This was a record of alien races by the Russian Secret Services, It was only to be used by their agents, and had recommendations on how to behave in case of alien encounters.It also mentioned that they were not to talk about it, including intimidating threats. It took mea while to realize what had just happened; someone, somewhere, was giving me a hint. It took all of my courage to read it and, then I safely hid the document. Even the object by itself was frightening, because of the mysterious circumstances of its delivery. Through my regular contacts with Thoran, he denied having anything to do with it and he said it surely came from someone wanting to help anonymously. Days, weeks, passed and I finally accepted not to question anymore. I told my friend Elisa at the time, who replied to me: «You should write a book», The process of getting used to the idea of publicly revealing what had happened took me along time, but 1 eventually started to write. | began with my personal abduction story and in the meantime, through my commu- nications and encounters with Thoran, he was telling me about his work. This included the work of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the different races involved, where he was coming from as well as the history of his race, ship navigation, and an amazing amount of other details. One day, | asked him if the information compiled in that document [ had received was correct, and we found that the text was correct but the associated pictures weren't always. We did this research using this great ability that we share; we are able to look through each other's eyes. | was taking notes from what he was telling me and it became an entertaining appointment, until the day the tone changed when Thoran received the visit of a Pleiadean official from a higher hierarchy, Coron. Coron was a light being assigned to oversee our work.The process was made official and suddenly, it became au- thorized disclosure. We were writing a real book! What follows is a repertoire of the alien races invelved with our planet in one way or another. | also include a de- scription of the main organizations, empires and alliances rocking this galaxy, illustrated by me. We categorized our work by location to make it easier to visualize, sorted the races by constellations as we know them on Earth and, then the name of the star system followed by the name of the race, all in alphabetical order. This work is based on the material from the anonymous document I received (which is really, a tiny part of it!), and the result of the intensive work of channelling Thoran (and partially Coron). | did not edit their words, leav- ing them as they spoke, and I can honestly say that Thoran is by far the main author of what follows. Half way through our collaboration, events on Earth went wild and Thoran became less available because of his duties, so Coron took over the channelling of data for a while. Near the end, something scary happened. My computer suddenly froze and | saw the cursor of the mouse moving by itself. At that very moment, I felt Thoran’s energy bursting in a burning blast and his imperative voice in my head: «Disconnect and retrieve the work!They found you!» Cold blooded, | copy/pasted all our work in an email and sent it to myself, in just seconds, and I discon- nected everything. Just as the email was sent, backing up all our data, the original file on the screen switched into binary code. «Delete!» shouted Thoran. He explained later that they were trying to retrieve the file in binary code because it's the only way to transcript it back into alien language. Just after that, the strain on the electronics in my laptop was such that it crashed. Luckily, | always backup everything on separate devices. From that moment, the tension grew to a new level and Coron alternated with Thoran for the rest of the data to be channelled, non- stop during the next four days... urging the completion of the work for as they said, this needed to be disclosed and shared with all of humanity. The dark forces stepped in the way afew times but we were smarter: the mis- sion was completed successfully! “Abreviations: Terra=Earth (T)=Terran unit of measure GFW Galactic Federation of Worlds. “*Lanpuages: The plural of alien races’names ending in «-i », follows the rules of the Taami, original diplomatic Lyran language in use by the Galactic Federation of Worlds and spoken by Thoran. We agreed from the start to avoid the «-s» plurial from the english language, as well as the «-an= to qualify the provenance (for instance, for a star system named Ashkera, we chose to mention the inhabitants as: Ashkeru, pl. Ashkeri, instead of Ashkeran/s), although there are exceptions for which it doesn't apply, notably regarding to some of the Reptilian dialects. Alot of place-names start by «A», for it is the best phonetic translation | found which worked for that particular pharyngealized sound coming before the first consonent (It is quite approaching to the arabic uvularized “ain”: 9), regarding to place-names in languages which are sometimes quite weird, or to the most, very unusual to hear (and I speak seven Terran languages) (well beaten by Thoran who speaks twenty four galactic languages).There are as well a few sounds | couldn't transcript, such as guttural «x= and «gs», As for another example, the home- world of the Zetan Greys is transcripted as «Xrog», but it is pronounced one single sound (think Klingon style). Even if thought the Taami is the official diplomatic language in the galaxy, the place names are kept as the locals would pronounce it so... it is a bit exotic and just sounds sometimes like insect crackling noises, whistling or bor- boryems. So all this is for saying that, the names of stars and planets are only a pale phonetic transcription. *** ANDROMEDA Andromedan Constellation ZENAE They are a Lyran colony who left Vega to settle in the Zenatean system, Andromeda constellation. This binary star system is also named Titawin and has four planets in orbit plus three planetoids. The Zenae are an extremely spiritual race, equivalent to the Ohorai Arcturians (and sometimes mistaken for them). They are humanoids with blue skin for males and fairer skin for females (Females can even have golden skin and golden hair). Their origin goes back to the Taal Lyrans of the Man system, who fled the war and settled in the Vega system. It is there that their physical features evolved to a blueish skin. In a second time, due to overpopulation on their planet, Adara, a group decided to migrate to form anew colony. As well as the Zygons, the Zenae adapted their genome to the atmospheric conditions and components of their new planet, as Lyrans know so well how to do these things. They can live up to 1800 (T) years. The Zenae are a peaceful and discreet civilization, part of the Galactic Federa- tion of Worlds. Their society is based on a very ancient warrior-like structure, which they adapted into a society of spiritual warriors, Zenae will fight for peace and defend the rights of universal justice, mainly working on rebalancing frequency fields. Their higher cast of sages can reach up to the 12" Density and their life-purpose is principally based around learning, as Zenae nourish a passion for science. They created the Andromedan Council, which in fact is the Zenatean Alliance, which regroups about 140 different species. The high council of this alliance is com- posed of uniquely spiritually highly advanced races. It is a non-political body. They are interacting a lot at the moment for Terra, alongside the Galactic Federation of Worlds but also by sending envoys (starseeds), to help in this switching point in the evolution of the Terran species. They have foreseen the future of Terra and, knowing this is a tipping point in its history after 5700 years of Reptilian occupation, they try to influence on the con- structive and not the destructive path. They work at avoiding the Terrans to fall into a galactic tyranny, which may be stirred up right now, at this precise tipping point in time, from the alliances of Terran dark corporations and the Ciakaherr, Orion and Altairan collectives. They are in fact, not only saving the Terrans but eradicating at the moment its birth a galactic threat in the mergence of a new enemy. Zenae use etheric and interdimensional travel. As well as time travel. Their ships are made of etheric glass and they use plasmic propulsion when in a denser atmosphere. Their vessels are often diamond shaped, or sometimes some other crystalline geometrical structure. Zenae ZYGON Zygon are a Lyran colony who settled in one of the twelve systems of Andromeda, that you call Groombridge 34. They are humanoids who evolved, regarding to the air composition of their new planet, to a taller size and pale blue skin. Their lifespan extended too; they can live up to 2000(T) years old. Although part of the Galactic Feder- ation of Worlds, Zygon never were interested in Terra’s affairs and they keep themselves outside of any conflict or negotiation concerning Terra. Though, a small group of Zygon have chosen to experience helping the Terran species through their vibrational elevation and as to do so, incarnate on Terra. They have golden, elegantly profiled ships. Zygon Andromeda Galaxy (“MEGOPEI” ) MAYTRA “Very bad race, the worst out of all." Maytra (pl. Matrei), or Maitre, originate from two home planets in the nearest galaxy of Andromeda, that they name Megopei. They are your worst enemy, and the worst enemy of all races in this galaxy. Basically, they are considered as parasites by everyone except by those who managed to create alliances of mutual interests with them, that is to say: The Ciakahrr Empire and the Orion collectives. Of the same average height as humans, this race of hermaphrodites with long shaped face, elongated skull and long slim neck, carries indeed a very mean looking. We think their lifespan is of usually 120 (T) years. Their motivation is rage, hate and assimilation. Their ships are large, dark and discoidal with a circular row of lights plus a a large aperture underneath, and their in- signia is a black inverted triangle on 3 lines and a red background. They have been visiting your planet since before the two last glaciations and tried to colonize it at many occasions, but were always interfered by either the Ciakahrr, the Anunnaki, the Council of Five or the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Not stopping there, they colonized 26 other planets. Abductions of humans are carried out openly by them, either for their own interest (slave traffic to mines on Terra's moon and Mars, as wellasslave trade with other : species, primarily the Reptilians), or in coalition with the US-Telos Alliance. The Maytrei have been involved in several tragedies throughout human history. Some of the worst plagues were inflicted by them with the knowledge and agreement of the Reptilians, who want the human population to never go over & billion. Maytra X5-TYKUT X-Tykut are a synthetic race created by the Maytra to be used as slaves. They look like small greys and can live forever as they are not organic. Nevertheless, the main material needed to make them is rare, so they are just.a few (less than 300 units). These inorganic servants are able to use basic rational thinking as well as flying ships, and perform many other programmed tasks. They are the main workforce for the abductions conducted by the Maytra. They would be the ones who have, for instance, the task to undress the victims, mark them, implant trackers, etc... X5-Tykut am AQUARIUS Tengri TENGRI-TENGEI Tengri-Tengri Tengri-Tengri come from the second planet of the star system you name Trappist 1 (galactic sector 56, star system F-1342), and they name their beautiful world: Tengri. Their sun is a small red star, 39.6 light years away from Terra. It is a system of seven planets, where life developped on most of them, Tengri being home for a dazzling tropical environment. Despite the beauty of their world, the Tengri are accustomed to live in semiun- derground cities and their population is of about 12 million individuals. They are a pacifist race and member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, They have two genders. Tengri-Teneri are a quiet and peaceful people. They discovered Terra ten thousand (T) years ago. They come from the second planet of the star system you name Trappist 1 (galactic sector 56, star system F-1342), and they name their beautiful world: Tengri. Their sun isa small red star, 39.6 light years away from Terra. It is a system of seven planets, where life developped on most of them, Tengr being home for a dazzling tropical environment. Despite the beauty of their world, the Tengri are accustomed to live in semi-underground cities and their population is of about 12 million individuals. They area pacifist race and member of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They have two genders. Tengri-Tengri are a quiet and peaceful people. They discovered Terra ten thousand (T) years ago and if they did it by the past, they are not performing abductions anymore, Their huge discoidal ships are fit for long-distance travels. AQUIFA Tarazed KALE-NIA Kale-Nia come from the constellation Aquifa, in the star system Tarazed where they extended their civilization on three worlds. Kale-Nia are humanoids with reptilian genetics, slightly smaller and slimmer than Terrans. They have no hair, slightly small pointed ears, and cat's eyes. Life-span: 150 years. They first visited Terra 2300 (T) years ago, mostly interested by the desertic areas of Northern Africa and Sahara, similar to their home world's features, as well as active volcanos. Kale-Nia do not conduct abductions; their main interest being about minerals and geological survey. Kale-Nia AQUILA Altair Altair is a pale yellow star in the constellation of Aquila, 16 light years from Terra, and is named locally: Alkorin. The Altair star system comprises many races with mixed intentions and among them we find different species of Reptilians mainly from the Ciakahrr Empire, Humanotds (tall blonds, orange skin and diverse races and vari- ants), and Greys with mixed intentions. While the 6‘ and 7" dimensional Altairans do not nourish interest in conquests and agendas of any sort, there is nevertheless a dodgy collaboration between the Akhorii, humanoids from the 4th planet, the Orion Grey Collective and a Terran military presence (US-Telos). Altairan ships go by all sizes and shapes. (On Terrain Egypt, the pyramid of Esna represents Altair.) THE CORPORATE OF ALTAIR The Altair system is the headquarters of a Reptilian collective known as the Corporate which maintains am- biguous ties with the Ashtar Collective (Sirius B) and the Ciakaher (Draconian) Empire at the same time. They collaborate also with the Humanoid Alliance of Altair, the Orion Grey Collective and Terran military presence. The Reptilian races represented in Altair are the Maytra, Kiily-Tokurt and Zetan Xrog. THE HUMANOID ALLIANCE OF ALTAIR There are three distinct types of Altair Humanoids: AEHOEI They live on the fourth planet of the Altairan system: Akhoria. Among a mixed group of species, this planet is inhabited by a blond humanoid race, the Akhori, who co-operate with the Kily-Tokurit. They are heavily invelved in abductions and in interbreeding programs with Terrans, in cooperation with the US-Telos Alliance and the Orion Grey Collective. The Akhorii are part of an organisation called ‘The Alliance’ which is an alliance of blend humanoids, or ‘The United Worlds Alliance’, a branch part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They are not Lyrans but a closely related species, originating from Altair and Vega. They are often mistaken for Telosii or even Pleiadeans, but have nothing to do with them. Akhorii are extremely similar to Terrans in the way of their adventurous spirit of conquest and power. Although part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds through their affil- iation te the “Alliance”, they are often causing diplomatic difficulties. They are not considered trustworthy and are a regular source of tensions. Akhori ONORHAI They also live on Akhoria, and are 6“ & 7th dimensionals. Onhorai are a very tall race with broad shoulders, usu- ally wearing long brown hair. Their skin is tanned with orange shades, and their eyes small and brown, slanted, with no eye whites or black pupils, no eyelashes or eyebrows. Their nose is flat and wide and their mouth thin. Stretched faces with no noticeable cheekbones, three fingered hands. They wear white uniforms with a golden belt and a weapon case, and a red circular insignia on the chest. Official wear a golden band across the chest, depicting the three Altair planets in three blue and green dots, comprised in a curved V shape representing the Altair system. This species is agreeable and very welcoming, totally benevolent, and their males mainly travel across space to study minerals. They are not part of the Altairan Humanoid Alliance, and their ships appear as white glowing spheres. Onorhai DARTHAR They are on the third planet of the Altairan system: Darathas, which has four moons. Darthari are shorter than Terrans and they have the same skin colour, eyes and hair as the Onhorai, witha pointy nose. They dwell also in the 6") and 7¢h density and have a short life cycle equivalent to 40(T) years, due to the fast spinning cycle of their planet. They are not part of the Altairan Humanoid Alliance either. Darthar AURIGA Capella RAMAY (Naacals) The Ramay come from the binary subgiant star system named Capella, in the Auriga constellation, and their home world is named Rama’. They are short and bulky, with square jaws and elongated skull. Their face features are similar to those of South American humans on Terra, but with a smaller nose. Their eyes are black, brown or dark grey, stretched and slender, and they have slightly pointed ears. Ramay have been on Terra since a very long time ago and at the time when the Selosii reached a temporary dom- ination of Terra, establishing securely the power of Atlantis, the Ramay were known as Naacals: “star brothers". Though, they refused to bow down to the hierarchical Selosi rule and formed the Yu Empire, chosing to move underground. Settling in the South and Central American continents, they were at the origin of the rise of the Mayan civilisation. Considerably advanced in sciences, they taught the Mayans about astronomy and time, and then left when the Mayan civilization was at its apogee. But, despite all the knowledge the Ramay had offered to them, nothing can really haste the developpement of wisdom and following the departure of the Ramay, the Mayan people started to perform blood sacrifices in their names, rising them with great superstition to the sta- tus of gods. The Ramay joined the Galactic Federation of worlds and they now still visit Terra, occasionally and in the frame of our watch and protection programs. Their memory remained always through local myths and folklore and their provenance was neither forgotten, as testify old local buildings built 2280 years ag, aligned perpendicularly to the rising of the star Capella. Ramay practice interdimensional travel and space trans-curvature, Their ships are of and metallic aspect, silvery and bright. Ranmay BOOTES Arcturus OHORAN / GLAIDEAI / NOO-LINN Ohoran Arcturian There is a magnificent blue planet orbiting the red giant star Arcturus, “Ohora”, in the Bootes constellation, 36 light years from your solar system. It is one of the most advanced civilizations in the galaxy, which has surpassed into the 7*4 & 9th density. The three Arcturian groups are the Gladeai (Glaideans), the Noo-Linni (Noolinns) and the Ohorai (Ohorans) (9t" D). Arcturians are an old and highly developed culture, technologically as well as spiritually. They can choose when to manifest into the 3rd density physically, but mainly exist in etheric state, knowing that the physical matter is not an obstacle for them. The Ohorai are those involved with the Galactic Federation of Worlds for the concern of Terra, and are regarded as very wise elders. Great Elders of Light, they compose the higher caste of these spiritual beings and dwell up into the 9 Density. Arcturians Oho- rai are known for their power of healing, transforming matter, as well as bending and manipulating light itself. They accomplish these things with their conscious mind and the “Ohorai Way" is a spiritual practice renown through the galaxy as an art of the spirit. This is a daily practice very popular among those serving the Light, and you could assimilate it to meditation in your Terran language, although it is way more powerful than that and reaches out to a greater diversity of levels of consciousness. The right word to name it would be: “Atuning”. Many cultures throughout the galaxy teach their children since an early age the Ohorai technics of spiritual attuning, as to become an essential routine into their life. Keeping naturally connected to Source via our personal channel, in perfect awareness, is to never lose our way through the disturbances of life, and always stay attuned to the Light and the ways of morality, objectivity and justice. Ohorai do not eat material food when not mani- fested in lower planes, and generally ingest energy through their nervous systems. It is like ingesting food but on a higher etheric/essence level. They are also able to assimilate information a hundred times faster than the aver- age Terran because of this particular process of assimilation of information/energy. They sleep few but very regularly, for short periods of time, depending on each one’s personal cycle, and it is a vital necessity as it is the moment when their soul travels and connects to subtler dimensions of consciousness. As guardians and protectors of higher consciousness, they are able to anchor the Source directly and consciously. They work at raising the consciousness of the multiverse, in a way that always allows free-will; educating those who chose to take the path of ascension, raising their vibration and clearing the path to higher consciousness. Arcturians defend Terra from the Reptilians and Greys’ agendas. They have been working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds since the start in this purpose, They have bases on Terra inside mountains, in nearly every country on this planet, and also three bases on its moon. Arcturians have come to assist Terrans in accessing the fifth density by raising their vibrational frequencies. Their ships are the finest in the entire galaxy, propelled by crystals conduct- ing light energy from the Source core of the galaxy. Huge and spherical, vibrantly white and looking ethereal or transparent for you, these spherical ships are also able to travel through time. They have as well small shuttle crafts, spherical in shape, also named “probes”, employed to shift magnetic points and grids on Terrain the process of helping the planet elevate into 5D as fast as possible, Something interesting they do, as they can time- travel, is that they have this vaporizing module in their ships that can instantly dematerialize any life-form that has died and, it can be rematerialized at any time by consulting the ship's records. Terran light-beings (souls) can be sometimes brought to the Arcturian starships during their dream state, where they are healed and helped, at the difference that Arcturians never violate a person's free choice. Izar ANAK (BOOTEANS) Their star system is listed by you as Epsilon Bootes, or lzar, and its real name is Anak-Imann. The species living there gives numbers to their planets, and they live on number 2 and 3. The Anaki are a race of ferocious reptilians but largely inferior technologically and in number to the Draconian Ciakahrr, although they are part of the Reptilian Collective and subjects of the Ciakahrr Empire. Slightly higher than the Solipsi Rai Zeta Greys, they bear very similar features and have grey to brown colours. They females have darker skin and thin searce long black hair, slightly taller and not as aggressive as males, who have geneti- cally benefited from the Ciakahrr science to improve their longevity and physical performances for combat. We recognise them by their smell; like rotten rust. Their face is triangular and they have, alike all races of greys, large slender eyes. Their language can sound to you like throat rumble. They have been involved in the Eastern popu- lations of Japan, where they had a settlement a long time ago, at the end of an ice age when the levels of the seas were lower and this part of the planet had more land. Japan was then attached to the continent. Anaki mixed with the local population in an interbreeding program part of the Ciakahrr agenda. Along with the Ciakahrr they were involved in the Dulce incidents, as well as with the infiltration, implantation and control of Terrans in the Ciakahrr agenda to take over your planet. Their ships are square, and rarely visible because they mainly use Ciakahrr ships instead, of better technology. Anak Arsellus ELFFAF Their two home-worlds are near Arsellus Primus and are named Harsana-Mubunu and Igir. Elffaf are peaceful people, a quiet benevolent species barely involved in the dramas of the galaxy. They could be mistaken for the Solipsi Rai but are not related, not even from far. Elfaff are mainly interested in studying exosciences. They have four genders, three having a role to play in the breeding process. Two genders are assigned to procreate, the third to bear the embryo at term, a biologic particularity attested through many races in this galaxy. Those of the fourth gender are not fertile and often vow their life to science prospects, because allotted with higher psychic abilities, Elffaf come to Terra for mining interests and scientific study of the planet, mainly interrested in its geology, and wouldn't harm any living creature not even for science purposes. Their ships are dome-like. Le t nn ir] a Elffaf Korena KORENDI Korendii come from a colonized planet named “Korendor”, 3™ planet of a system of twelve. Their star's name is Korena, about 400 lightyears away from Terra. These 4 to 5 ft. tall humanoids are parts of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, and recognisable by their very peculiar eyes, not known in any other human species: they are of a vi- brant luminous indigo, and the absence of eyebrows enhances their entrancing look. Their foreheads are slightly prominent and their ears are small and pointy, they have no hair, a small nose with slit nostrils, prominent cheek bones, and a thick neck. Their bodies are quite muscular looking, and their skin slightly tanned. They have facility of an extended underground complex in the state of Massachusetts, in US. Their ships are beautifully profiled with a shiny chrome looking. Korendi CAMELOPARDALIS Beta Cam MAZAREK (Blue Glass aliens) They come from a star system named Mzaar or Beta Cam, a binary star system 1000 light-years from Terra. They measure about 5 ft tall and their physiognomy resembles a cross-breed between Grey and Reptiloid. Although, they are a species of their own and what makes them so distinguishable from any other race is the glowing blue transparent aspect of their skin. In some particular light conditions and especially penumbra, they can appear to have a silvery coating upon them. This race has for a long ti me not been allowed to even leave their own planet, by order of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, in reason of their utterly violent and predatory nature. Mazarik also have an alliance with the Maytrei, which does not surprise and unfortunately, thanks to the subtleties of this alliance, they are now free to roam the galaxy. I would qualify their ships as vintage flying saucers. Mazarek CANIS MAJOR Sirius /Ashkera Sirius is a trinary system 8.6 (T) light years from Terra, composed of a bright blue star (A), a dense white dwarf (B) and a dark red dwarf(C). The populations of these systems name the main big white star “Ashkera” and all races living there go by the common appellation of “Ashkeru" (pl. Ashkeri). THE ASHTAR COLLECTIVE & THE ASHTAR GALACTIC COMMAND: * Also called “The Sirian Collective", the headquarters of the Ashtar Collective are located in the planetary system of Sirius B: Thula, on the planet Morga. It includes many species, among which we find to the most: Reptilians (rep- tiloids and greys), Humanoids, and Insectoids, “Ash" means “bright light” in the ancient common Sirian language, “Tar” means “the seat", “Kher-a" stands for “central power”. At the time when the Ciakahrr Empire took over the Orion systems, and created the Reptilian Orion Empire, or Alliance of the Six, the Sirian Ashkeru humanoids found themselves engaged in a conflict over the ownership of twenty one star systems, and yours included. Although fate hit most of the other worlds in the nearby Orion, the Sirian systems stood up to the invaders and created this collective, siege of the power of Ashkera (Sirius B): Ash-Tar, An ancient system nonetheless existed previously to the Ciakahrr arrival, the Orion Council of the Five (of the Nine at its creation), of which Ashkera was part, and it remained an independent en- tity from the Ashtar Collective (which is Sirius B centred). Lately, due to significant infiltrations and corruption by agents of the Ciakahrr Empire, a rebel faction, mainly humanoids, separated from the Ashtar Collective and took side with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Skilled in military procedures, the Ashtar separatists were offered by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to help with the operations in the Terran system; their outpost was set up on the planet Jupiter, To differentiate from the Ashtar Collective now infected by Reptilians, the Ashtar separatists took the name of Ashtar Galactic Command. They are not based in a particular system but in a large moving Mothership. Concerning any Terran affairs, the Ashtar Command's outpost in your planetary system relates to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Meanwhile, the Ashtar Collective (the one ruled by Orion Reptilians) had also an involvement with Terran allied secret governments, when providing new technologies, in exchange for facilities and human material, such as interdimensional travel and mind-control, which were tested in the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project. Also, the given technology was provided to help the Terrans developing their own defensive warfare technology against an eventual extra-terrestrial invasion, in the luring that the real threat was already in. It is the Orion Alliance, through the Ashtar Collective, who imported on Terra the Ebola biological material. All of this occurred before the Galactic Federation recently put an end to these covenants, It must be also reminded, to avoid confusion, that “Ash-Tar” is also a title, equivalent to “Comman- der", but it is not a personal name. In 1977, Commander Vrillon from the Jupiter outpost of the Ashtar Command, was authorized to deliver a transmission via your radio frequencies, here it was: "This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. Wespeak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth, We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you. This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments. Be still now and listen, far your chance may not come again, All your weapons of evil must be removed, The time for conflict is now past and the race of which you are a part may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution if you show yourselves worthy to do this. You have but a short time to learn to live together in peace and goodwill. Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all, You are free to accept or reject their teachings, but only those who learn to live in peace will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution. Hear now the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you. Be aware also that there are many false prophets and guides at present operating on your world. They will suck your energy from you - the energy you call money and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return. Your inner divine self will protect you from this. You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within that can tell you what is truth, and what is confusion, chaos and untruth. Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution. This is our message to our dear friends, We have watched you growing for many years as you too have watched our lights in your skies, You Enow now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth. We here at the Ashtar Galactic Command thank you for your attention, We are now leaving the planes of your existence. May you be blessed by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.” Sirius A “Ashkera" Sirtus Ais a bright blue star part of a binary system, 8.6 (T) ly from Terra. KATAYY The Katayy are a Taal-Lyran colony from Vega, established on a world of Sirius A: planet Kashta (“K-Ash-Tah": /born) from the brilliant star). Peaceful and benevolent Humanoids, mainly tanned and red-skinned due to the adaptation to the environmental conditions of their new world, the Katayy have more interest in arts and spiri- tual development than in diplomacy and conquests, which is a reason why they didn't join the Ashtar Collective. They terraformed Kashta with Lyran technology using sound and etheric geometry, to make this planet suitable for life, This technics transforms the bio-magnetic grid of a planet and thus, impacts the environment at its sur- face to create the best conditions for life-forms to develop or settle. Katayy are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds but do not engage in fights; their implication is mainly down to scientific cooperation. Katayy Sirius B “Thula" Sirius B is a white dwarf star, very dense, part of a trinary system, 8.6 (T) light years from Terra, and it shelters a great variety of cultures. In a cycle of 60 (T) years, the Thula planetary system comes closer to the giant Ashk- era (Sirius A) and this is what they all call “the great summer”. The diversity of races defies imagination, as the Ashkeru systems, with its twelve worlds scattered around three stars'intertwined orbits, offer multiple envi- ronmental conditions, from very arid to tropical and temperate, and suits a lot of different species. Adapting to different environments, many have also mutated and it is not possible to repertoriate into precise categories all the Greys, Reptiloids, Amphibians, Humanoids, Insectoids and all the Hybrid sub-species occupying these worlds... Nonetheless, the Thulan planetary system is mainly occupied by Reptilians from the Orion Alliance, and siege of the Ashtar Collective. ASHKERU -TAAL A genetically prominent humanoid race stood up from the lot, born from the cross-breeding of the Lyran Taal colons (arrived from Vega with the Katayy) and local Greys, in order to adapt to the environmental conditions. This race is called Ashkeru-Taal, or more commonly the T-Ashkeri. Masters in the science of genetics, itisa common practice for the Lyrans, when establishing colonies on anew world, to cross-breed with indigenous populations in order to strive in anew environment. Slightly smaller than the average Lyran humanoid in reason of genetic mutations, Ashkeru-Taal have a triangular face with eyes wider than usual for Humanoids, and slim silhouettes. They have a culture orientated towards science and technology, and some of them, who left Thula, are involved in the high positions of the Ashtar Galactic Command; the Ashtar Collective having been taken over by Reptilians. On four of the worlds of Thula, the Ashkeru Humanoids cohabit with all sorts of Reptilians and Hybrids, involving complex diplomatic arrangements, notably a sharing of technology. T-Ashkeru technology, when it comes to building work, has inspired many other races throughout the galaxy, such as keeping the old Lyran tradition of including nature at equal proportion within urbanism, regrouping habitats by districts and, more than anything else, the building materials they were the first to invent and which is astonishing. Indeed, it is a material extremely resistant to a wide range of radiations (suitable on many different worlds) and in the same time, translucent from one side and opaque from the other. As all the Lyrans, T-Ashkeri's diet is basically vegetal. The schooling of the children and also according to the Lyran culture, which is identifying first their ap- titudes and grouping them by ability schools, in order to develop their potential. Put together, children of same talents will not compete but motivate and encourage each other; that is what the spirit of Lyran education is about. The T-Ashkeri are actually involved in three different ways with Terra; as part of the Ashtar Collective, the Ashtar Galactic Command or the Galactic Federation of Worlds. of NS ny 4H es S = fu 4 it , Tie Pra Sat IM ya: ae i ba - Nommo are originally indigenous to Nyan, a planet of the Thula (Sirius B) system, but chased by the Orion Alliance, they migrated to the third star of the Ashkeru system: the dark dwarf Emerya, epicentre of the elliptic orbit for the two other stars. There, was a unique planet they terraformed to fit their survival requirements. They named it Xylanthia. Nommos are amphibian beings, and also androgynous in reason of the peculiar influence of the two other stars upon all life-forms on Xylanthia, Torn between the powerful gravitational force of Ashkera and the pulling dense magnetism of Thula, Emerya is epicentre not only of gravity for the two celestial bodies but also, for complex magnetic configurations. In reason of the nearby orbits of the two other stars, there is no night on Xylanthia. It is an amazing and surprising world, intensely showered by the light of three stars and mainly covered by oceans. It is a rich, beautiful aquatic world. The Nommo made contact with many former Terran civilizations about § (T) millenniums ago (Sumer, Babylon, Acadia, Egypt, Dogo...), but retired when chased by the reptilian Ciakahrr Empire. Mirza TAAL-GHIAR Taal royal refugees from planet Oman Khera, in the Lyran Man system, who settled on the 3" world, Mandoghiar, of the star system Ghiorak-An (Mirza, 8 Canis Majoris, in the Orion zone). The records of this sombre era of the Lyran Wars tell about a deal concluded by the head of the Taal government with the Ciakahrr invaders, aiming to gain time to save the Man cultures and civil populations, allowing refugees to leave, but a shadowy spot remains regarding to the integrity of the Taal royals, and even of their unclear implication, in the first place, in the Ciakahrr invasion. All records regarding to this episode and the Taal-Ciakahrr treaty, were said to be lost or destroyed in the haste of escaping the war... Part of these agree- ments included that the royal family would leave safely and two ships left the Man system, one carrying the royals and the other elites from high castes of the Taal society, both escorted by a Ciakahrr fleet. The official des- tination was Vega but as soon as the cortege was far enough, the Taal royal family diverted course for the Orion zone; to the Mirza system. It is obvious that the agreements between the Ciakahrr and the Taal royals included hidden clauses unknown to the official records, and this theory would explain the connection between this small Taal group and the Reptilian residents of the Mirza system. These royal Taali were maybe promised to reconquer their system and be given more power, who knows, considering the natural ability for the Ciakahrr to lie and deceive for their own advantage. A large ammount of time has passed since these events and at present times, the Taali descendants of this colony have interbred and hybridized with local populations, making of them a race apart, far from the Federation's interests. Their involvement with the Ciakahrr Empire and the Orion Alliances is still unclear to this day. a CANIS MINOR Procyon Procyon is a binary star system with a white dwarf, itis located 11.4 light years from Terra and is host to many different civilizations, but we will only mention the one involved with Terra. GINVO The Ginve name their star Elevena, and their planet Marwu. Ginve are part of the Council of Five. They are in general as tall as Terrans and they have faint nose, large brown to black eyes, and their skin is also brown. They live up to about two hundred years of your time and they have two genders, Their young ones have hair that they lose as they age, sign that there was at a stage a genetic mutation in their race, and which is still visible with chil- dren. Ginvo treasure their offsprings above all and put a great attention upon education. Spiritual and peaceful culture, Ginvo are unable to consider conflict. They worship life and all living forms, art asa spiritual expression, be it visual and musical. They are a wonderful culture, having mastered the structure of minerals in such a perfection that their habitats are built with crystals and gemstones. A magnificent race. Ginvo visited Terra but never landed. Their ships look translucent, what you wrongly call sometimes “etheric shipa™. Ginvo ELDARU (NOOR RIGELIANS) They are a refugee colony from Rigel (related to Noor Lyrans but not survivors from the Lyran wars). They estab- lished on the 4 planet of the Procyon system, that they named “Eldar”. Tall blond humanoids with fair skin, cobalt to clear blue eyes, strong musculature. They are of the same species as the Pleiadeans, the Meton-Centauri- ans and the Hyadeans. They fled their world in the Rigel system (Orion) because of the attack of the Rigel Greys, a Very agpressive species named "Grail" and whose powerful civilization extends through the star systems of Rigel, Bellatrix, Betelgeuse and Mintaka (their home-world), Unfortunately, the Grail found them again but arrived this time as ambassadors of peace. Willing to move on towards better exchanges, the Eldari welcomed them. The trap didn’t take long to reveal itself and in a short time, the Eldari were infiltrated in all the levels of their social struc- tures. The Grail, who are a Reptilian species, used of the same techniques as they did on Terra; telepathic hypnosis acting on the reptilian levels of the brain. The Eldari were under the equivalent of a spell programming, helped by dark rituals, And then, enslavement began. There was no way back. But, the Eldari had a secret... Eldari had discovered time warping technology, a technic developed by reaching a specific level of consciousness and switching into another density of existence. Only some races can do that, but the Grail’ soul-matrix does not allow it. Using multidimensional expansion of consciousness, a great number of Eldari were able to escape to another dimensional plane and try acting from there to change to course of events. Indeed, it was unthinkable to try fighting back a powerful enemy with inadequate weapons. In these situations, as it is happening at the Moment on Terra for instance, it is required to understand what the best way to proceed is, and as the Eldari, the Pleiadeans and all the Lyran progenies, the power of consciousness is a weapon surpassing all the soldiers of Shadow. The best way to fight the reptilian races, be they Ciakahrr, Nagai, Do-Hu, Maytra, Zetan Xrog and all the Eldaru CASSIOPEIA Ottora DORSAY “Dursa-y " (or Dorsay) originate from Cassiopeia constellation where they have 2? home planets, in two close-by star systems: Ottora and Endelemen-Nyada. With a maximum height of 5,3 ft, Dursai are small “greys" witha batrachian face and big dark eyes. They are a highly advanced pacifist civilisation, part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Their race is at least 4 billion years old. They have visited Terra at least 250 times and although they do not want to get involved in any of the ongoing wars anymore, Dursay are nonetheless opportunistic. They eat other alien races as well as humans, and hunting is an activity they treasure, They come indeed to Terra for hunt- ing purposes, and this is not tolerated by the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which has regular problems with them. Stay away from Dorsay, they are predators. Dorsay ships are flat, discoidal and metallic white. They were at the origin of an unfortunate accident that impacted Terra ominously: the Tunguska explosion in 1908. For five days and four nights, the Maytrei had been fighting the Dorsay over a shipment of slaves the Dor- say fearlessly stole from them. The conflict lasting and increasing in violence, the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Council of Five decided to intervene. An Elmanuk ship arrived to try ending the hostilities but got also in troubles; you do not negotiate that easily with the Maytrei. So the Elmanuk required emergency assistance and the closest ship was a Pleiadean cargo passing by, transporting crystals to Alpha Centauri. Warned by the Nagai of the arrival of enforcement, the Maytrei, who had shot down the last Dorsay ship that day, attacked the Pleiadean cargo entering Terra’s atmosphere and destroyed it as well as an Elmanuk ship. This was the cause of the Tunguska explosion, and the reminder that you don't just steal to the Maytra. Dorsay CENTAURIAN SYSTEMS These are the closest star systems from Terra, 4.3 light-years. It is composed of a binary pair: Alpha Centauri A and B, and the third one is Proxima Centauri, 4.22 light-years away. All three stars are a bit older (4.85 (T) billion years old) than Terra's sun, which is about 4.6 (T) billion years old. Every eighty years, Alpha Centauri A and B orbit a common centre of gravity. The average distance between them is about 23 astronomical unities. Alpha Centauri Ais a yellow star of the same type (G2) as the sun, and it is about 25 percent larger. Alpha Centauri B is an orange K2-type star, slightly smaller than the sun. Proxima Centauri ts a red dwarf seven times smaller than the Terran sun, or one-and-a-half times bigger than Jupiter. Proxima Centauri is one-fifth of a light-year or 13,000 AUs from the two other stars and is gravitationally bound to the binary pair, with an orbital period around them of about 500,000 years. Alpha-B Centauri SELOSI (Selosians) They originate from planet Selo, also named Alpha B Centauri 4. A lot bigger than Terra, the fourth planet of this system is a world with seven moons. Due to the proximity of the second star in this binary system, nights are very short and the planet's orbit is elliptical, which enables complex seasons. Selosii are tall, white skin and white hair humanoids. Their eyes’ colour can range to blue, green or grey. Benevolent beings, they are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, assisting Humanity in its evolution. Selosii master the science of harvesting the universal lifeforce into crystals, in order to generate plasmic and ethereal energy. They are the mother race of the Telosi Earth colony and have a presence in the orbital stations of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, interacting as well with Terran governments for the greater good of Humanity. They look like Terrans and their society and cultures are based on a spirit of equality and justice. They promote the wise and responsible use of sciences and technology, peace, and preserve their neutral position in galactic diplomacy. It takes 12 hours to get to Alpha Centauri 4 and twice a week, a shuttle links the Federation's outposts in the Terran vicinity, to the Centaurian sys- tems. Their usual ships are silvery and discoidal. Selosian Telosian TELOSI (Telosii) (“Agharians / Aghartans / Shining Ones”) They originate from Alpha Centauri 4, Planet Selo. They are tall white human beings, with pale glistening skin and white hair, and highly developed telepathic abilities. Their eyes are clear, from grey to pale blue, and their alimentation is plant-based, grown hydroponically in fullspectrum artificial light. They use psychotronic tech- nologies involving crystals, and universal life-force energy. Telosii are an ancient Selosi colony who settled on Terra before the last Ice Age. Terra’s myths remember them as Lemurians but in fact, Atlanteans would be more accurate, as their civilisation extended in the area of the At- lantic Ocean and its shores, which is why they migrated to the American continent, Western Africa and Western Europe after destruction of their lands. They disconnected with the Galactic Federation of Worlds as they migrated underground, becoming the western branch of the Agarthan network. Aghartan is the general term for all the different species inhabitant of Terra’s underworld. Telosii have interbred with Terrans and their gene markers show up regularly within Terra’s popu- lation. Alike their cousins Selosii working with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Telosii are by nature benevo- lent people incline to assist humanity remembering its ancient history, help in its ascension and improve health and longevity. Their rhythm of existence is different from Terrans; calmer and quieter, vibrating in a slightly higher density. They work at helping the preservation of the environment and the ecosystems, as well as fighting the new reli- gious systems that disconnect human beings to mature, to their own power, and to Source. Helping Terrans to recover hidden knowledge, they provided many tools and hints, guiding archaeological discoveries and also, offering keys to decode ancient knowledge. Telosii are at the origin of the crop circles, geometrical clues guiding the decoding of a lost science. They are also at the origin of what is called erroneously the “Lemurian crystals", which more accurate name would be “Telosi Quartz”. Wherever you find these crystals given by the earth, Telosii are nearby, In these, they have encoded keys to unlock ancient knowledge and data related to the star origin of some ancient civilizations. They must be used as keys; they do not contain knowledge as you would say a book, or a device, but they allow accessing it. In this, they help humanity's ascension. It is the energy signature of the erys- tal's structure that is the key. Telosii are in certain Celtic cultures named "the Shining Ones", or Sidhe. Newadays, we can count about a million and a half inhabitants of a re-established network of antediluvian colonies, widespread underneath the surface of the planet, in a vast system of caverns, The main networks are located: below the region of the Gobi desert and surroundings, in a vast cavern systems below Tibet linking the central Asian systems and finally, on the American continent around Mt. Shasta in an underground city named Telos. The vast underground web of tunnels was created mostly by Telosii, but it became progressively with time shared for a great part with Terran secret governments, from the moment these latest signed agreements with the Reptilian invaders, Unfortunately, “enticed” to provide facility of the existing underground structures, an important faction of the Telosii joined forces with the Grey and Reptilian collectives to bond with the American government by the Washington-Telos Alliance. There is a whole diplomacy of its own going on underground be- tween Terran military, Telosii, Agarthans, Greys (Maytrei, Zetai, Kiily-Tokurit) and Reptilians (Ciakahrr & Nagai mainly), as these Reptiloid species progressively took over the majority of the Telosi underground network. In the need for the Reptilians to link the ancient networks to some military bases, were used boring machines to heat the rocks to incandescence, and then vitrify them. Nonetheless, this peculiar method, although it provides quick results avoiding the need for beams and supports, renders the whole structure vulnerable to landslides and seismic activity. These transit tunnels, which high-speed tubes are now propelled by electromagnetic impulses, connect diverse underground cities all over the planet as well as to some of the military Terran USAF bases’ secret underground amenities. These tunnels go very far. A tube for instance, connects Mt Shasta with one the main Telosi cities in the Matto Grosso jungle of Brazil. “Snakeworld” for instance, as called by local populations, is a multilevelled cavern system under the south-western slopes of the Himalayas, where the Nagai dwell, along with a serpent cult of human and reptilian collaborators, one which is said to have had contact with the Nazi Thule society during World War II. The Ciakahrr have repeatedly attermpted, by threat and manipulation, an occult- takeover of the Aghartan kingdoms, to which some factions have unfortunately fallen for. Nevertheless, a rebellion roars in a secret alliance of the Aghartan races, some Telosii and secret factions in the Us governments, preparing their agenda for fighting back the Reptilians, getting rid of them and put anend to this oppression. This secret benevolent alliance has, at this moment in time, joined forces with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Their ships are called “The Silver Fleet” and are either discoidal or spherical. It is them creating the crop circles by é a technic using. sound frequency, in order t to D give humanity keys t to >» unlock ai an vancient knowledge. 7 Beta Centauri “Hadar” DAHL Beta Centauri is, alike Alpha Centauri, a triple stellar system sheltering a great diversity of life-forms scattered on seventeen planets in total, including reptilians, amphibians, insectoids, all at a sub-civilization level. Ahu- manoid Noor colony from Lyra established there and flourished, but chose to remain out of the affairs of the galaxy. These have also chosen not to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds and live in harmony with all the other species of these seven worlds, as an independent entity. The Beta Centauri system is severely guarded and considered as an unspoiled haven of peace. They chose their name after the captain of the ark who brought them there, their legendary commander Dahel. They named the world they colonised “ Dahlnor" Bahl Proxima Centauri METON The name of their planet, orbiting Proxima Centauri, is Meton, and their civilization expands on the seven plan- ets of this star system. Proxima Centauri is about the same size as your sun and revolves around the double star system Alpha Centauri A & B. These two lange stars give out intense radiation while Proxima, smaller gives out a different, highly intense emission. Meton is similar to Terra, with a controlled weather. Metoni are of the “Noor” Lyran group-species. They are tall, nonbelligerent humanoids, whose lifespan reaches up to nearly 2000 Terran years. They have a free society based on a code of ethics rather than laws, and they developed arts as an important base for their culture. For instance, their urbanism is quite interesting, using translucent organic materials, and they use the science of sound quite a lot, in many domains. They commu- nicate telepathically but have kept the use of language, to be able to converse with other members of the Fed- eration. Metonii are not very eager to travel, but for scientific curiosity. And as such, scientific curiosity moved them to Terra for observation. Many Metoni enrolled the science station of the Galactic Federation in orbit of Terra. Their ships are metallic and discoidal with a low dome and three sets of windows all around. They are about 60 feet large. The bright radiance around the vessel is due to the ignition of the distortion field, in order to allow travelling instantly between two points, creating a distortion into the space-continuum, and jump into the ether. This is slightly different from what you would call quantum travel, As to pass through this interdimen- sional shift, as it always is the rule wherever you stand within the multiverse, the occupants of the ship need to merge their being as one frequency with the ship itself; it is what is named “etheric travel". Something happens which is very interesting for your curiosity, as the question is often asked, in the subject of atmospheric con- densation. Many species using etheric mobility, when encountering the atmosphere of a world, have their ship cloaked in a cloud. This is a condensation process of the molecules in the atmosphere, created around the ship due to the heat generated by the dimensional distortion field around the craft. The motherships are very big, they never land and have a long cylindrical shape with rounded extremities (which differentiate them from the Pleiadean ones with flat ends). They can transport up to 24 ships. Meton CETUS Deneb-Kaitos AL GRUU-AL'TX The Al Gruualix come from the constellation Cetus, near DenebKaitos Shemali (iota Ceti). They name their star Assari and Orgona is their planet. They are not very numerous and live only on this one planet of their system, which has a very dense gaseous atmosphere that looks like a blue-greyish steam, very wet, Orgona resemble a tropical rainforest world, with a dimmed light because of their star and the heavy dense atmosphere, They are about 6ft height and look like reptilians. [tis a very ancient race, wise and quiet people with a life span up to 350 (T) years old. Although they are often mistaken for Reptilians, they do not share anything with them except ap- pearance. This race has eight genders and all of them can reproduce when in sexual contact with each other, no matter which mates with whom. Al Gruualix are generally pacifists and obedient to rules, and they are now part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, Having refused to get involved in the Lyran wars, not wanting to risk the existence of their species, they redrew from any diplomatic involvement for a very long while until the Galactic Federation of Worlds accepted for good their application recently, providing them with economic and techno- logical advantages, as well as protection and community. They don't travel much as they need their wet gaseous lifesupport condition, which needs to be recreated in their ships. Dryness and especially Terran sun rays can kill them by desiccating their skin very badly. The purpose of their visits to Terra is only scientific curiosity, and they very rarely abduct. They have ships of made with pure light, ovoid vertical. This technology was developed by their ancestors very long ago in contact with another race (we supposed to be Anunnaki or ancient Lyrans), but these informations and knowledge have been lost. They just know how to concentrate light inte crystallisation. Al Gruu-Al'ix Tau Ceti ARAMANI-CETIANS The Aramani come from a planet named Araman, in the Tau Ceti system called Norca, and their very name at- tests of their Lyran origin: “Ara-mani" in the ancient Lyran common root language, means “the exiled men”. Aru (pL Ara) = exiled, and man (pl. mani / fem mana) = humanoid. From Tau Ceti, they also sent ulteriorly another colony to the Epsilon Eridani system; on a planet they named Herea (“Herayans"). The Aramani are a race of tan- skinned 5,5 ft tall humans, with slightly pointed ears, dark hair and strong muscular density. They are genetically descendant of the Lyran Taal race, a mixed group of humanoid who fled the attack of their world by the Ciakahrr Empire. They developed a fair civilization which principles are based on justice. Not eager to conquests, Aramani have interest in Terra only for scientific curiosity and by duty to the Galactic Federation of Worlds, to whom they are affiliated. In alliance with the Fleiadeans, as well as with other societies who have been victims of the Reptilian Collective, they collaborate to the establishment of a common defence against their rep- tilian nemesis. They visit Terra only when in collaboration with the work of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, whose main work is to raise the awareness of the Terrans about the subversion of their societies by other races, notably the Ciakahrr, Maytra and Eiily-Tokurt, helping them identifying and exposing corrupt institutions and elites’ manipulation in liaison with these enemies, uplifting human consciousness and developing strategies against advanced mind control technologies, monitoring extra-terrestrial infiltration, deprogramming mind control, rescuing abductees and implant removal, and finally, promoting multidimensional consciousness, Their ships are discoidal and of a very pristine shape. Ararmani EMERTHER They come from Tau Ceti, double star system (yellow dwarf and minired dwarf) in the constellation of Cetus, 11 Light-Years from Terra, with 5 planets, two only are inhabited, One by the Aramani and one, Tau Cetie, a large planet with three moons, by the Emerther. Their world is a wonderful place of peace, civilization, spirituality and knowledge. Part of the Council of Five, this very old race is distantly related to the Solipsi Rai. They are a sin- gle gender and reproduce by cloning. This is the product of an engineered evolution. They are not very tall, about ameter, have a pale grey skin and a large head, round shoulders and long thin arms, three fingers and higher knees. What differentiate them from all the other races of Greys, is that some features didn't evolve the same way and in particular their nose. Emerther are the only known species of Greys who have a prominent little nose. They have big wide blue eyes but of course, you wouldn't know if you meet them, as they wear protective black lenses, Their nervous system is based on electrical impulsions. Calm, advanced in many domains, Emerther are a very pleasant people to meet. Their ships first gave name to the appellation “flying saucers” by your people. They came in 1954 on behalf of the Council of the Five, for peaceful purpose, warning different governments against the Do-Hu and the Ciakahrr. They were not listened te and we of course know what happened... Emerther Aghraban DRIES They originate from the constellation of Cetus, the name of their star, lota Ceti, is: Aghraban and they possess two home worlds, of a chemical composition similar to Terra. The Dries colonized forty worlds by force, with the army they created composed of slaves. They are tall beings (about 8 Ft tall) with hight blue skin, and their eyes with luminosity. Their elongated skull has quite a complex structure. They are a binary gendered species and breed by laying eggs, or pods more precisely. This is why Dries females do not travel much, as they hold focus to maintain the species’ growth. Males can bear pods but this option is not in favour, since they are requisitioned for conquests and wars. They are rather slim but their musculature is nonetheless very powerful. They eat pro- tein food and do mot have a high level of spiritual elevation, although their technology is advanced enough to build spaceships and travel light years to other galaxies, colonize and terrorize other worlds. They have regular territorial fights with the Orion Alliance and the Ciakahrr Empire. They abduct humans for reproduction and turning them into slaves, and they are planning to reveal themselves to Terrans in 2022, They are unfortunately part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, what causes us ongoing tensions. Their ships have diverse shapes: boomerang, butterfly or U-shaped. Dries CHAMAELEON Iota Chamaeleon CARYA VELDA They come from lota Chamaeleon. The real name of this star is a number for the Federation but the Caryaveldi name their homeworlds: Sonia and Velda. The star system is named by them Caryeon. They can be extremely dangerous, but they are not a threat worrying the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Although, we know them for having been involved in wars with some races for 500 years (Terran measure of time to make it easier for you, always). They are about 9 ft tall, have 4 arms and can live up te 150 (T) years old. Greyish skin, clear eyes with pupils, thin long nose, Wear clothes. Dark blue often, as it is a pigment found in abundance in the soil of their planet Velda. They live on Sonia, the second planet of their system, but they originate from Velda, the third one, that they are using now as resource facility for mining industry mainly. They rarely visit Terra, because of the reptilians. Carya Veldi don't want to get involved in conflict with them; their fleet and military resources are not important enough for the face to face. Their ships are oblong, silvery. Slower than the ship of the Federation but able to withstand strong constraints such as vortices and interdimen- sional travel. Carya Velda COMA BERENICE Astorah LANG This beautiful species originates from Astorah, the sixth star in the constellation you name “Coma Berenice”. This star system is composed of ten planets, among which the Lang occupy three worlds. Lang are gracious hu- manoids, not very tall (about 2 ft high). Cultivating their love for aesthetics and creativity, they wear body deco- rations such as blue skin pigments, feathers, beads, shiny trinkets and other accessories, for artistic purpose and tribal recognition. The few clothes they wear are in general very colourful. Males wear more decorations than females, as to display their social attributions and merits. Nature is essential to their lives and Lang are in total symbiosis with their environment, physically and spiritually. They hunt and eat other creatures, surprisingly, but in all respect of the cycles of life, which they consider part of their sacred beliefs. Although this culture gives @ Primitive impression, it is very misleading because their technology is quite advanced, notably in medicine and space travels. There too, diverse levels of civilization transpires through a system of castes. They are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Lang visitors were among the earliest aliens to discover Terra and they are still remembered in Northern Europe though the elves and fairy folklores about a mysterious “Little People". They never abducted humans and instead, they rescued a very large amount of people from the Reptilians. Lang CORONA AUSTRALIS X-1Z (“X") X-12 is the name of their star system. As they do not belong to the GFW, we do not possess much documentation about them. We know they are able to shape-shift as many as 4 timesin 10 seconds so it is difficult to guess what they really look like, although they could be Reptiloids. They perform Terran human abductions and medical experiments, and work solo. Their ships are discoidal, interdimensional, extremely fast and hard to neutralize. They seem to use on their ships the same shapeshifting technology. Another annoying race. CYGNUS Aama SOLIPSI RA or «GREYS» (pl. Solipsi Rai) They come from a star systern of five planets in the Cygnus constellation, which they name “Aama”™ (mother world). There are about a hundred planetary star systems in the zone you define by Cygnus, and truly, the number of planets in this area reaches up to over 1800. You would categorize Solipsi Rai as Small Greys. Their civilisation is 2 billion (T) years old and they are initially a peaceful race. Their main leader is named Y- Martyyn and unlike most other races of “Greys", their society is not structured on a hive-matriarchy. They have no colonies but nourish interest on the development of other species. Solipsi Rai have the chance to possess a very powerful weapon that keeps all other hostile alien races at bay, especially the Maytrei who tried several times to dominate them and lost many ships. Some of them, unfortunately, have turned bad making alliance with the Ciakahrr Empire and the Orion Grey Collective, working with the Terran US government, on technology, in exchange for humans for their experi- mentations. They are involved in Dulce Base. This faction of Solipsi Rai is very active in the abductions, at service to the Maytrei, KiilyTokurit and Reptiloids. They also have been cloned and engineered with more efficiency, in order to produce more of them as slave workers, and we classify them as synthetic life-forms. Their ships are discoidal, Solipsi Rai DELPHINUS Sualocin MATRAX They originate from the Sualocin system, that you name Alpha Delphinus, from a red planet called Khadjaari. Matrax are tall and impressive looking with their very long skull, narrow thin face and strangely articulated body, but despite their appearance that may install fear, this species is not aggressive. The Matrax can live up to 400 (T) years, they have been visiting Terra for at least 4000 years, and they are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Matrax ships are ovoid. Matrax DRACONIS REPTILIANS Constellation Draco, main systems: Alpha, Epsilon and Sigma. There are seven different reptilian species in the Draconis constellation’s star systems, but three main Reptoid races, including the Alpha-Draconians, are most known and feared. They have been permanently on Terra for over 15 000 years, and sporadically for much longer, going back to millions of years. They colonised over 500 planets by means of infiltration through governments and other leadership positions, and have a presence on thousands of planets. Their three home worlds are Thuban-Anwar (Alpha Draconis, head of their empire), Tiphon Giansar (Sygma Draconis) and Grumium Eltanin (Epsilon Draconis). They are considered a technological advanced species but they prefer to work in the shadow, as an advantage for their agendas. Reptilians from the Draconian systems are known for having a very particular routine to invade worlds; they will send enslaved inferior races for first contact, such as Zeta DoHu or Solipsi Rai, to disguise the invasion. Indigenous populations will be made to believe that the harmless and apparently genuine visitors need help and assistance in their ge- tetic project to save their dying race, leaders will be promised wealth, weapons and technology in exchange and, when all treaties are signed, the Draconians show up as the true new masters behind all this. And once in, you cannot get them out unless at great cost... The only way to get them off a planet is often with the intervention of the Galactic Federation of Worlds or at least, the help of a species more advanced technologically in warfare than the invaded population, and able to withstand the forces of the Reptilian and Orion Empires. Which... is quite a challenge. Many reptiloid species, alike the Ciakahrr, Nagai and Mazarek for instance, feed off etheric substance as well as flesh and blood (they feed off humans and drink human blood), and these both sources of nourishment are in fact intrinsically linked. It is easy to understand when you consider that flesh and blood have low etheric fre- quency, especially when imbued with the vibration of fear and pain experienced at death. This is also another reason why Reptilian invaders work at hidden agendas to maintain a certain level of violence and basic instinct on the conquered planets, generating wars, grief, starvation, destruction and despair. There is also a very strong reason why they do not want to let go the ownership of Terra: Adrenochrome, a substance produced on Terra by children submitted to extreme pain and fear and more valuable to Reptilians than anything else in the universe. This highly prized drug, excreted from the human body through a needle that you place in the left eye or back in a vertebra of the spine, gives them a “kick”; it helps their body cells regenerate and also benefits in the shapeshift- ing process (it lasts longer). This is the main reason why Terran abductees never return, and especially children, being used as food or/and either as slaves. They also abduct females on a large scale, in order to create hybrid offsprings to be sent away to other colonized planets or, otherwise, these offsprings become powerful members infiltrated in the main leading societies. But let us now browse their different species: ALPHA-DRACONLANS or CIAKAHRR Reptilian beings originating from the Thuban star system, or Alpha Draconis, whichis 215 light years from Terra and was formerly your pole star. They are Sapient Reptoids who were dumped here by another vastly superior reptilian race, the Tiamatian, from another dimension. Their original home worlds are named Lokas and Talas, and the points of entry into our known universe were through interdimensional portals in the zone of the Thuban and Alwaid systems. They strive in hydrogen based ecosystems on desert planets. Alpha Draconians name themselves “Ciakahrr” and are considered, by their technological advancement in warfare, as a Master Reptilian race. You find them also named Dracos or Dracs. Their bodies possess consequent coverage in order to protect their skin from attacks, while the upper cast have wings allowing them to travel fast. Quite tall creatures, they are heavily built and covered in scales, or sometimes a plated hide and in some specific cases, feathering. All these variations depend on their caste. This is a violent race, and their culture is based on war. Ciakahrr see Terrans as a source of nourishment, trade and slavery, so they do not particularly have patience for humans, and they are blamed for a large percentage of abductions. Although it is often alleged that a warrior race doesn't always screams intelligence, the Draconians make exception to this rule. They are indeed very intelligent (to a certain measure), and are also expert geneticists (to a certain point also). They possess either three or five long clawed fingers with an opposable thumb with talons on the ends, a large inferior jaw, holes for ears, and large eyes. Their genitalia are hidden by a flap of skin. They wear very little clothes except for extra armour, often seen with a belt used as and invisibility device. The faces of these creatures are a mix of lizardhumanoid. A central ridge comes down from the top of their heads and their eyes have vertical golden iris and black pupils. Some- times, the iris or the entire eye has small red splodges of blood. They are cold blooded and need an adequate environment to maintain their body moist and at temperature. Nonetheless, their scales protect them from moisture loss, larger and thicker on their back. They are also fitted for space travel due to their ability to hibernate. They have supernatural powers such as: -Shapeshifting (not all members) -Telepathy -Inter dimensional travelling (most races can't) -Cloaking (for high ranking members only). To have that power, a Reptilian must be first accepted in an elite group that infiltrates and has co-founded the Mluminati. They are differentiated in two first types: the Terra-Draconians and the Off-World Draconians. The Terra-Draco- nians predate Terran humans over hundreds of millions of years, Like other reptilians, they falsely claim to have originated on Terra millions of years ago, a fact they use to justify their attempt to “re-take” this planet for their own. The truth being that, they found it before anybody else and disputed its ownership with the Lyrans, Selosii and Anunnaki, claiming it as theirs. Any other new visiting race was considered by them as invasive. Because of their ability for inter-dimensional travel, the Galactic Federation of Worlds has locked the Terra-Draconians into the 3™ dimensional plane, and also blocked the off-world Draconians to penetrate the Terran star system, by an energy barrier at the outskirts of the solar system. Ciakahrr were one of the first species to reach interstellar travel level and they have obstructed the evolution of many cultures, preventing them from achieving the same level of technology. They also seeded many worlds with their biological off-springs and hybrids, considering themselves as Original rulers of controlled worlds, superior to the indigenous species they see as inferior races. They are also interested in harvesting Terra’s resources, utilizing in that aim the local populations to do the job for them. This is done by a hidden control of the mining corporations and industrial companies. You are confronted witha belligerent civilization that breeds from eggs boosted with hormones quickening the birth to create strong warriors, who can live underground and in the most remote and hostile parts of your planet. They are attempting to take over the planet in what we call the “window of opportunity”, which is the period before a federated society becomes an interplanetary and interstellar power, and yours is now beginning to close! The problem is that we, of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, cannot give you right now the technology of interstellar travel because you are not yet federated among yourselves as a unique peaceful society. You need to grow and mature to reach by yourselves this liminal threshold in your evolution and believe me, we are doing the best in our capacities to hasten you getting there as quickly as possible. On the other side, all these invasive races such as greys and reptil- ians, are at the moment working very hard to maintain this window open by retaining advanced technology from the Terrans and entertaining confusion, conflicts and wars. Imagine, the day you are all finally federated as one, on your home planet that you -finally- truly own, and able to colonize other worlds, finding solutions to the overpopulation and environmen- tal issues, counting also the fact that Terrans possess inborn “fighter” nature the Ciakahrr fear, that time when Terrans will reach interstellar travel... Terrans will become a threat to the Reptilian Empire's agenda, And Reptilians do not want this to happen. Their ships have wide range variations, often discoidal but one there isa constant: Clakahrr motherships are huge, large rectangular vessels. Language & communication: Their language sounds like rolling atonal guttural vocalizations, growls and clicking noises, quite loud and uncomfortable to hear, partially the reason why their telepathic abilities are so well refined. The warriors rarely speak, communicating with each other and their superiors nonvocally. They call themselves "K'Akumaa", which means “individual”, when addressing each other. They call Terra “Shan”, and Terrans “Shanai”. Social structure: It follows rather an insect-like caste-based structure than a reptile social structure, and is composed of three main castes: -The Ciakahrr - royalty and elites: The Ciakahrr royalty are sealed individuals with beige or greenish brown colours, and they measure about 18 to2 5feet tall. They have curved horns, a tail, and wings which are flaps of skin articulated by extensions of their ribs and that can be folded back tight to the body. They have large golden- red to blue eyes, with vertical slit pupils. Because of their size, psychic ability and wings, Ciakahrrs were mistaken as your legendary Dragons (in which confusion you gave this name to the constellation where they originate from: Draconis. They are known to have for symbol the winged serpent. The elites are usually black and brown with yellow or red striping and weigh up to 1,900 pounds. Also winged. They thrive on inducing fear to their subjects, preying especially on the youngest subjects for food, notably Terran children, to feed upon as a delicacy. As I mentioned already, Terran children subject to intense fear produce a substance the Ciakahrr are particularly fond of. Some Ciakahrr can also see across or move to other planes. -The Nagai/ Nagari - warrior caste:Shorter and thicker, very muscular, no wings. They are aggressive, violent, and feared through the galaxy for their renowned aptitudes for combat. Their skin is scaled and can be from dark red to orange with black striping. They are 7 to & feet tall, renowned and feared for their fighting skills. Their eyes are yellow, slanted, with vertical slit pupils. These are capable to bury themselves to wait for an am- bush, some long periods of time, surviving even with only one meal each twelve to fifteen days (technics devel- oped to increase their aggressively and thirst for blood). Their symbol is the Quroboras. -The lower caste: Smaller (4 to 12 feet tall) and considerably weaker, way less body armour. No wings. They can be split in seven sub-casts: scientists, engineers, industrial workers, priests, traders, military -security and finally, feeders.. They can appear as brown, red, blue or dark green. They mainly have yellow eyes. oe ‘ ‘ i i + fe r J 2, Cy " - oi ae a , * a a 7 a “ah, ‘ ‘, i, ¥, > { if ie. 7, i, 4 1 = i a oo V —_— Le, i oo. ate i 1 Z hs # 4 ‘ = € — 7 4 yr F * Ciakahrr Elite Naga Warrior and shape-shifted Naga in the background (notice how the eyes give it away). Above them is a mother ship and scout ships. Shapeshifting This is a skill they excel in and which has been developed from a natural camouflaging ability, for war and con- quest purpose. They will blurry their energy signature to any signature they opt for and it can be very deceitful. They are very good at it. Their natural mental capacity to generate illusions is coupled with a particular technol- ogy invalving temporary molecular rearrangement (Adrenochrome helps greatly with that) and visual vibratory modulation, using either a projected hypnotic or holographic field around their bodies. [t is a virtual screen, or what you can call a mirage, if you prefer, which is an easy way to describe how the trajectory of light is modified and rearranged to create an illusion. And of course, they also masquerade as Telosii and Pleiadeans, in an effort to deceive abductees and gain their compliance. And of course, also, as you know, but it is always best to remind it, not all Pleiadean or human type visitors are reptilians involved in some type of agenda against humanity. This has to be written down and reminded, as much as the knowing to be visually mislead. Draconians perform these confusing shapeshiftings not only to deceive the abductees and make things easier, but also to confuse them and make of the Pleiadeans and races alike a bad name, in the attempt that benevolent species lose credit and trust to the eyes of the Terrans. Beside some useful drugs (like Adrenochrome) aiding their molecular regen- eration and stability in the process of shapeshifting, Ciakahrr also mine mono-atomic gold, with the aid of slaves of course. This particular mineral boosts their neurosystems. How to spot a shapeshifter Once you memorise these basics, it is quite obvious. Here are the main characteristics of a Reptilian shapeshifter in disguise: -They are taller in size that the average Caucasian man. -They have usually brown hair but can mimic blond extra-terrestrial races as well. -They have narrow torso and strong, high, muscular upper legs. -They have narrow eyes that need to be constantly moist. For this necessity, they possess a lateral membrane that “clicks” swiftly at regular intervals, In a certain angle of light, principally if you watch them from a lateral angle, you can guess their slit pupils. -Watch the texture of their skin within their wrists and in their neck; this is where they have the most difficulty to hold the molecular transformation. -They have strong inferior jaw, that 1s a structure they struggle to change, and a large smile with more teeth than it would seem normal. -The shapeshifting illusion gives perfectly symmetrical faces, which may seem strangely attractive. -They are expert manipulators, narcissists and provocative for conflicts, energy drainers, and thirsty for power of any sort. AKEAH - THE BURROWERS Imported by the Ciakahrr a very long time ago, they are genetically enhanced creatures from their home world, which they bring with them wherever they go conquer, in order to help digging at high speed their underground structures. They are a mutation of the reptilian race that is skilled for burrowing through the soil very efficiently. Quadrupedal, fast, powerful, they possess a strong bio-sensing ability. Aka HORONGA ( or Chupacabra) (pL. Horongai) They were imported by the Ciakahrr from a reptilian world a slaves, and hybridised with the Solispi Ra species to allow them to breathe and strive in Terra’s atmosphere and conditions. Their DNA has also been mixed with Naga, as to enhance their aggressively, hunting qualities and thirst for blood. Named by your apecies: ABE (Anomalous Biological Entities), they have Reptilian appearance, no tail and elongated skull, big red eyes and prominent jaw with fangs. They wear a crest of spines all along their back, which membranes change colour. They have small holes for nostrils and females have pointed-ears. The fur that covers their body also changes colour, to go undetected. With their peculiar agility and three-fingered clawed hands and feet, they can climb anything and run very fast. Their eyes are red and the smell of their skin just warns you first of their pres- ence. They communicate by a language that sounds like screeches and squawks. Horonge Epsilon-Draconis MAGEL - Red Reptilian They come from Grumium Eltanin (Epsilon Draconis) and are almost like dinosaur looking. It is ashy and peace- ful race, who does not interact with humans. They are nocturnal beings, harvesting and eat rodents and insects. Magel have two permanent bases somewhere in South America and near Qaxaca, Mexico. At least 3 of them are under Brazilian custody for over 12 (T) years. They are visited by their own species every 20 years and the next visit should be in 2036. Magel Sigma-Draconis GIANSAR - IGUANOIDS/ SAUROIDS Their homeworld isTiphon Giansar (Sygma Draconis). Giansar measure 4-5 feet. tall, with elongated face, a tail and yellowish to green lizard skin. When on Terra, they often wear dark, hooded robes or cloaks, camouflaging their saurian features, These are also extremel... extremely dangerous and hateful towards humans and lesser-ranking Reptiloids such as Greys, and like all other branches of the ‘serpent’ race they utilize black witchcraft, sorcery and other forms of mind control against their enemies. They appear to be a dimension-hopping sorcerer Or priest class among the reptiloid species. They are a kind of vampires who feeds off of human emotional life essence, sucking up the energy they need not only to nourish their auric power but also to trap and enslave humans by their vices and weaknesses, blocking their spiritual growth and dragging them back down inte lower planes of existence, and as well an- chor into our dimensional plane. Reptilian natural agenda is universal among their empire: conquer, assimilate, consume, And it is not only their agenda but also their nature. These are using humans a5 a parasite-hosts, assimilating them genetically [hybrids], psychically [implants], and even bioplasmically. Dark magical rituals involving contacts with the realms of the dead and summoning “demons”...you know what I mean by demons, are very useful to the Reptilians for tearing holes in the fabric of space-time between their and your dimensional planes. For the reason that these creatures feed off of the gloom of the human collective, the best and true way to set them back is to defeat your enemy within. Any method of resistance involving shining your own light and healing your wounds and weaknesses is greatly helping. MIB or DRACO-BORGS The so called “‘Men In Black" are cybernetic life-forms controlled by Ciakahrr working with the Us govern- ment's secret divisions, usually accompanied, in their visits at your door to intimidate you, by a true reptilian shapeshifter. Such synthetic creatures are also infiltrated by great numbers in Terran societies and the way to recognise them is similar to identifying a shapeshifter. To these criteria you may also add a peculiar synthetic smell, unrefined features, no fingerprints, and faint or artificial looking ears. They are also named "Horlocks” and when they are not of the above, they are Terran humans under mind-control. In order to dissuade witnesses, they use mind-control (a reptilian speciality) and threat by fear as psychological weapon. They move in black cars and black helicopters, and are assigned to underground facilities. ACTIVITIES OF THE CIAKAHRR EMPIRE ON TERRA Reptilian Hybridization They have interest in humans’ DNA, as they have been involved with it since aeons of times, making in this aim great use of their expert abilities to use their shapeshifting skills. Ciakahrr are as involved in manipulating Terran DNA in the conception of their own Hybrids as the Greys and their helpers, biologically created drones, Synthoids and various Hybrids. Human abductions, when the abductee never returns, are usually of Draconians nature. They have underground facilities on Earth, some in connexion with Terran military bases, linked by a web of monorail systems connecting to various points like the poles, and Mount Shasta for instance, You can identify access points by the serpent circle symbol, or as you name it: Quroboros, This is the symbol of the factions of the Reptilian Empire assigned to the colonized worlds, and the insignia they wear on their uniforms is the serpent circle including seven stars, referring to their seven main sectors of colonies. Soul Scalping As to dispose of Terran bodies to inhabit with a soul of their own matrix, the Ciakahrr conducted despicable procedures. With time, practice and resilience, they perfected the technique of ripping a person's soul out of the body and dispose it in a container. Trapped within this peculiar pod, the soul will live experience living through an illusery matrix. None can kill a soul; they are immortal and a fractal of source. The best you can do is extract- ing it and trap it. What do they do with the bodies? Al experimentations, soul replacement... Many powerful in- dustrial and military elites, and some leaders, have been soul-scalped and replaced by Ciakahrr entities, in order to take over the control of Terra via the banking systems, powerful corporations and industries, celebrities and governments. Colonization Ciakahrr and Nagai are exceptionally tough and adaptable to almost any environment, even extreme, but they favour the subsurface environmental type for the dimmed light and mild unchanging temperatures. This isa reason why we find a number of their army bases built inside asteroids or dead planetoids. They only access the surface when necessary. Their usual method of colonizing an inhabited world is to build first an initial base of operations underground, then expand it progressively, traversing the planet with a web of tunnels, connecting slowly all their key tactical installations. At the early stage of this underground colonization work, a central government is settled with certain leaders and institutions on the surface, based upon a typical Draconian multi- level caste hierarchy structure, and these surface people are promised and given absolute power. In fact, the real rulers are of course, the Ciakaher. The Ciakaher’ tendencies to aggressive conquests raised the concern of the entire galaxy, as much as the consistent growth of their empire. No one really ever wishes to seek confrontation with them, in reason of their nature to promptly display massive warfare technology at the thinnest irritation, and contact is usually avoided unless open intrusion in territorial space. The vast Ciakahrr Empire, from its central power in the Thuban system (alpha Draconis), expands from Cygnus to Perseus, and up Orion, and the occupied outposts and worlds in this sector do not react well to intrusion into their space. No intervention or intercession by any races is known to have been attempted, although the Galactic Federation of Worlds has always kept an eye on the Ciakahrr with increased attention. The Ciakahrr Empire invaded the Lyran systems long ago for taking possession of their exceptionally abundant natural and human resources. The outcome of this siege was dramatic and the losses of lives correspondingly. The massively Ciakahrr armadas had reason of the Lyran worlds and the survivors fled to new worlds and safer settlements, far from reach of the conflict where they could find planetary systems fit for sheltering life. A ship who left for Mirza (f Canis Majoris) from the Lyran Taal main world, was accompanied by a Reptilian Draconian fleet as an escort, transporting the Taal royal family. It is said an agreement was made and we can explain then, the connec- tion between this surviving Taal group and the Alpha Draconian population both located in the Mirza system. This is the origin of the relationship between these two population groups. Ciakahrr had also a colony on planet Maldek, now asteroid belt blown up in a war with the Galactic Federation to try get them out of the solar system. Recently, nonetheless, a reptilian female-dominated society in the Capella system has broken free from the Rep- tilian Empire. For another bit of history, a Lyran colony had arrived and settled around actual India and Gobi desert, which had at that time a tropical climate. Challenged and threatened by a race of reptilian shape-shifters based in Antarctica, which had also a different climate, a war ignited between the two factions, which was recorded in diverse indigenous local legends. To close the chapter, the Lyran colons developed a super-weapon they launched on Antarctica. The explosion was so tremendous that it literally shook the planet, wobbling Terra's axis. Al- though, a few Reptilian colonies survived in other parts of the world, in underground cavern systems. One of them was Patalas, a seven-levelled cavern, where some indigenous encountered the violent Nagai and saw their ships entering and leaving the mountain sides, and in this area there has been through ages many conflicts be- tween Reptilians and locals. Hierarchy of the occupants Invader races on Terra have interrelated agreements between them, as well as with the U.S. government and their security, Draconians compose the secret pyramidal summit of the military industrial extra-terrestrial complex controlling all information related to alien presence. They control human elites, media and corporations, insti- tutions and financial systems, stimulate wars, scarcity, fear and insecurity, encouraging corruption, ethnic and religious ferocity, terrorism, drug trade and organized crime. There is a strict hierarchy involving the Draco-Rep- tilians and other extraterrestrial races involved in the invasion of Terra. Reptilians from Thuban, the Ciakahrr and Nagai (or ‘Dracos’), are in command of the Earth based Reptilians. These are in turn in command of the Maytrei (Tall Greys) and Mantis (Insectoids), who command the Do-Hu Zetai or the enslaved faction of Solipsi Rai and their related cloned and biosynthetic technicians. Underground nightmares and the rising storm The American government made alliance with a separatist faction of Telosii, colony from Alpha Centauri part of the Agarthan kingdoms. These two allied were later involved in secret treaties with the Do-Hu from Zeta Reticuli, who approached them with their usual, and systematic, moaning stories of being a fading race begging access to Terran genetic materials to upgrade their decaying genes. The deal was to conduct few abductions of Terrans, just enough to secure their genome, in exchange of technology which revealed to be, at the end, very disappoint- ing. Well, the American government, who chose to fall into the trap, harshly learned that Do-Hu and Draconian Reptilians work together and had used their cunning treaties with Terran and Telosi governments to take pos- session of the military bases and the Telosi sub-colonies. This jomt method of manipulation using the Do-Hu for easy conquest is so well known; it has been used by the Ciakahrr Empire to infiltrate many worlds. Always, they are able to find naive indigenous allies to sell out their own people, in exchange of false promises. Once treaties are signed, and the local leaders of the invaded planet agree on the terms, the invaders have all rights regarding to the eyes of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They systematically proceed like this, and it works wonders because they always manage to find that sparkle of greed and personal profit in targeted indigenous leaders on the world to conquer. In 1954, the Do-Hu contacted Terran leaders to operate their age-old trick, so the Galactic Federation of Worlds decided to exceptionally break the Prime Directive, making contact to warn the Terran leaders not to make the greatest mistake ever in their History. Unfortunately, it occurred shortly afterwards that the Terran leaders signed an agreement with the Do-Hu. The only thing we had to offer was help with spiritual evolution, eradication of all weaponry and assistance federating in one peaceful structure. Of course, this wasn't in the liking and personal agendas of the Terran leaders. The Ciakahrr Empire knew very well what they were doing by sending the Do-Hu to the US president at the time; there was nothing more desirable for the US government than faining superior weaponry technology in a period when a cold war was going on with their greatest economic archenemy: Russia, §0 our offer to help disarm and settle peace went like sliding on a sleek surface... So this went on for decades, worsening...The list of a couple hundred Terran people to abduct, mostly prisoners and mentally-ill subjects, were overpassed at light-speed and rapidly, the number of abduction reached thou- sands to millions in a short time. The Ciakahrr Empire stepped in as soon as the treaty was signed and shortly afterwards, the Orion Empire and the Corporate of Altair invited themselves to the feast. Independent groups like for instance Fiily-Tokurit and Maytrei smelled the opportunity and quite rapidly, a very complex web of treaties and agreements were established. This is only talking about the non-Terran species. On (and under) the ground, secret alliances were also made with the military-economic-complex and dark Terran cults preying on fear, pain and blood sacrifices. All was set up to give birth to the most horrible, multi-tentacular beast: the Cabal. For decades, Terrans were abducted, stored, bred, tortured, raped, butchered, in the vast underground facilities in connexion and collaboration with the US military bases. Children served for sexual trade, food and Adrenochrome, women for genetic breeding and sex slaves, and men as slave workers sent on diverse mining colonies, Some facilities specialized in mind-control technologies using nano and quantum dust trackers, Al intelligence, guided energy weapons, human cloning and genetic experiments, and worse... Soul scalping. This, is the removal of the soul from a body by the use of mercury, chrome and intense pain. All of these species, and all of these Terran elites, had a part of profit in this. You have no idea of the extent of the web of undergrounds and the cities...gigantic cities. The Agarthan subterranean structures, extremely ancient, were requisitioned and vastly extended with the help of extraterrestrial technology. Trains using antigravity technology speeding up to 1,200 km per hour even link continents to another in great depth. This has been going on until recently when the Galactic Federation of Worlds finally decided to intervene, breaking the rules of non-intervention and despite the treaties protecting the Cabal’s alliances and their activi- ties. In the second decade of the twenty-first (T) century, a vast operation was created ta proceed to a large-scale cleansing named: “The Storm”. The purpose was to exterminate the Cabal and liberate the Terran species. We renewed contact with Terran governments and started working with them, training on both sides elite fighters and preparing an intervention which would stay in the records of History. We generated precise seismic activity to help us mapping the whole thing and this is how we could find all the tunnels and the facilities. Strong with our support, alot of Terran influential people started to speak and reveal the truth. Many were eliminated but crawling under numbers, rapidly the Cabal was overwhelmed. Many Terran leaders rebelled one by one and joined the fight, and the allies of the Ciakahrr Empire turned their back on them, not wanting to be at war with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. The war underground was violent and millions of Terrans were rescued, Ter- ran elites were arrested while, in the last jolt of the beast, a pandemic spreading fear and death was created by the Cabal, in order to, in a second time, inject the remaining population by force and fear with the trackerdust, work- ing with 5G satellites, to definitely enslave the Terran race into the lower third dimensional matrix. But this, is to remain the story of how Terra was liberated and supported towards the new step of its evolution: the spiritual age of a new paradigm. They refused our help in 1954 when we knew what was coming, they will thank us in 2024 seventy-years later. All these suffering could have been avoided, if only... they had listened. There are hundreds of these underground shared facilities but here is a list of the main ones used by the Ciakaher- Orion-Altair Alliances, built in extension to the Agarthan pre-existing structures with the cooperation of a Telosi faction, as well as Terran governments. There was 4 main Cabal underground headquarters on Terra: Under- neath Dulce Base, off coast of Bermuda Triangle, off coast of Denmark and off coast of New Zealand, but let me first tell you about the big hub, the centre of it all: Dulce. USA: “NEW MEXICO: Dulce: Highly classified underground jointoperational facilities. Extra-terrestrial technology is used there and it is residence to the Ciakahrr command, Naga officers, the Do-Hu work force and an outpost for the Orion Alliance involving mainly Maytrel and Etily-Tokurit. And whatever humans/hybrids/ puppets might be under their control. All collaborate together with the Terran CLA, in the lower levels of subterranean structures that stretch to about 90 or 100 miles to the south-east. The Reptilian working caste is the one doing the ugly job in the low levels of these undergrounds, abusing and violating all the human rights on abducted Ter- rans, We are talking here about an evil alliance of the Reptilians from the Ciakahrr and Orion empires, with the US national security agencies and corporations, dark cults and even some social celebrities used as their human puppets in order to dominate the world at their liking. Dulce Base is more technically known as a Biogenetic Laboratory working on human control technique, cloning, cognitive research and advanced mind control, ani- mal,/human crossbreeding, implantation of visual and audio chips, and children experimentation. Dulce is the second largest Ciakahrr and Grey underground base but the central core for all other ones. The largest facility is located in Taos, not very far from there. Built on twelve levels with its own roads and districts, the first three levels are for Terran offices and labs, Terran and extra-Terran vehicles parking, technical and functional maintenance. The fourth level is where things get rough; there, are conducted experiments on human soul, dream manipulation, hypnosis and telepathy. All aspects of mind control planning are done here as well. On the fifth level is the extra-Terran housing where abducted Terrans are stored for food. In vast tanks, in a bio support gel and constantly stirred by robotic arms, are preserved human body parts. On this same level, thousands of cages are piled in lines and rows, containing Terran population of all ages and genders, waiting to be eaten. The sixth level...is called “the nightmare room”. It contains the genetic laboratories and here, the experiments of crossing humans and animals are carried out. The seventh level is the cryogenic storage of thousands and thousands of Terran adults and children and as far as we go down... we sink into the Shadow. The largest base is located in Taos, but there is as well: White Sands-Alamogordo: Three underground facilities. Major hub for researches about radiations and mind-control. / Datil and Pie Town: Tow underground facilities. / Carlsbad Cavern & East Carlsbad, Angel Peak: Spaceship base. / Los Alamos: The subterranean structures con- necting to the Agarthan web, were dug by prisoners in the 1940's. In there are performed inter-species genetic experiments and Soul scalping, and the facilities serve as well in the id-levels te human food preparation and storage. All of these are linked by subterranean tunnels, notably to Area 51, Colorado and Texas bases. Kirtland: medical experiments / Manzano Airforce base: Nagai garrisons headquarters and spaceship base. / Pie Town: Spaceship base / Sandia mountains: Spaceship base. "4 LASE A: Nome: underground spaceship base ran by the Maytrei. ““ARTZONA: Fort Huachuca: Here is one of the main underground hangars for spaceships. This facility is a lamd- ing point for incoming Ciakahrr contingents and acentral deserving a vast amount of other facilities. It serves as well as a training facility. / Gates Pass: armament and technical storage facility, turning ground for Terran slaves dispatching. / Gila mountains: experimentations on soul scalping and genetics. /Santa Catalina mountain: Ge- netic experimentations, armament and technical storage facility, { Grand Wash Cliffs / Green Valley /Hualapai and Rincon mountains /Mt Lemmon /Page /Safford "A RE ANSAS:-Hardy / Fine Bluff: Spaceships landing facility and base **CALIFORNIA: Palms Marine base: Spaceships base, combined research facility of US military, Ciakahrr, Orion, Altair. / China Lake: US mind control and weapons research base. / Deep Springs: Spaceships base. (Kiilytokurt) / Fort Irwin: Spaceships base (Naga) / Edwards Air Force Base: Three large spaceships bases. (Ciakahrr, Kiilytokurt, Zetan) / Helendale, Lockhead: Three spaceship bases (Ciakahrr- Orion- Altair), centre for extra-terrestrial technology development and secret intelli- gence projects, / Los Angeles, Tehachapi Mountains: Technology for the elite's secret projects. Go down to 42 lev- els. Involved with electronics and hitech aerospace research. / Mount Shasta: Part of the underground structures created by Telosii from Alpha Centauri and where a vast underground city named Telos is located, shared with Terran US military and the invaders (Washington-Telos Alliance). Here are conducted advance space technology researches, genetic experiments, beam weaponry. A tube connects Mt Shasta with one the main Telosi cities in the Matto Grosso jungle of Brazil. / Kern River: Spaceship base / Lancaster: Aircraft design, anti-gravity engineering. /Lawrence-Livermore International Laboratories: Human genome mapping, chromosome #19 cloning experiments. / Napa-Valley: Spaceship base and slavery traffic. / Norton Air Force Base: Spaceship base. / Quincy: Spaceship base. / Palmdale, Uano: Space technology lab. / Presidio: Administration / Sierra Nevada: Spaceship base, multi-purpose facility re- grouping same activities as Dulce, Very deep. # Tehachapi Ranch: Four spaceship bases, lead outpost of the Orion Alliance. / San Bernardino / Santa Barbara / Santa Rosa / Trona / Darwin / San Juan Valley / Wingate Pass, Death Valley. ™ COLORADO: Alamosa: §paceship base. / Boulder: Centre of transmission for mind-control radiations. / Colorado Springs: Huge facility and largely extended web of underground facilities with forty-five buildings, hundreds of personnel and vast storage holds for Terran slaves. Here are monitored a certain type of satellites active in the mass mindcontrol process, / Fort Collins: Spaceship and activity base for Maytrei. / Grand Mesa: Spaceship base for Orion Alliance, Mt Rose, Paradox Valley: Slaves facility and mind-control executive. / Falcon Alr-Force base: Satellite control / Gore Range, Lake, Denver: Library and central data bank. Denver: 5 under- ground buildings of 70 levels, 22 miles diameter, plus 8 subterranean cities. / Book Cliffs / Creede. *“CONNECTICUT:North West: US-Telos Alliance, genetic harvesting. “*FLORIDA: Massive base at Eglin: Orion Alliance spaceship base. *“GEORGLA: Atlanta: Kennesaw Mountain, Marietta, Dobbins Air Force Base, Forest Park are the main centres of a huge underground complex. / Thomasville: training ground ™ HAWAILAL Manu Crater & Hana: Weaponry storage.) Kokomo "IDAHO: Lower Goose Lake, Oakley: Prison facility. / §nake River, South-Central: Between Twin Falls and Idaho Falls. "KANSAS: Kinsley: Spaceship base / Hutchinson: entrance of the tunnels under the hospital. The underground reptilian base is handily supplied by hospital patients for genetic harvesting and experiment, and also organs and foetus supply. / Kansas City / Atchison / Fairview ““INDIANA:-Bedford Mines “MARYLAND: Suitland ultra-classified archives & library /Cp David /Frt Meade /Olney /Edgewood ™ MASSACHUSETTS: Maynard "MICHIGAN: Battle creek / Gwinn / Lake Superior: §000 ft deep extra-terrestrial base under the lake. "MISSOURI: Twin Bridges, Lebanon: Spaceship base. / Bat caves’ cluster of caves (Dry, Dead Man, Howell): Space- ship base / St Francis mountains: between St louis & New Madrid. "NEBRASKA: North-Central Nebraska / Red willow ™ NEVADA:Blue Diamond: Spaceship base. Groom Lake: Also known as Area 51 or Dreamland. This complex is facilitated by the CLA and is composed of three main separate undergpround bases, the two other ones are: Pa- poose Ranch and Cockeyed Ridge. Here are developed and tested secret technologies related to extra-terrestrial spaceship engineering. In twenty nine subterranean levels, all sorts of terrible operations are conducted, among which are: the manufacturing of Do-Hu clones and artificial life-forms to use as worker force in the different extra-terrestrial programs, and hybridization experiments and operations on abductees. What is going on down there is of the vilest kind. Quartzite Mountain: Spaceship base. / Tonopah: US Airforce and CLA secret underground facilities. “NEW HAMPSHIRE: New Hampshire Hills: 3 underground facilities. ““NEW JERSEY: Picatinny Arsenal: Ciakahrr spatioport, very deep. ™ NEW YORE: Adirondack Mountains, near Elizabethtown / New York Metro area: Slave traffic, genetic experi- mentations, hybridization agenda and human food supply and storage. / Plattsburg (near Canada & St Alban): Two spaceship bases ™*OHIO: Wright-Patterson Air Force base, Dayton: stealth technology and prototype engineering. ™ OKLAHOMA:Ada base: Human cloning and genetic experimentation, spaceship base. Kiilytokurt. / Ashland Naval Depot: Spaceship base. ™ OREGON:Bull Rum Reservoir (north), Mt Hood, Larch Mt, south Benson St Park of the Columbia Lodge. / Coos Bay: three spaceship bases. /Klamath Falls: Underground concentration camp. ““PENNSYLVANLA: Blue Ridge Summit, Ft Richie, Raven Rock, Site R: Psychic dark experiments and procedures, souls scalping, mind-control sex slave traffic. "TEXAS: Ft Hood: Do-Hu garrisons and spaceship base.,/Denton / Red River Arsenal: Spaceship base. “UTAH: Dougway / Kennecott's mine. “"VIRGINLA:Bluemont, Mt Weather base: Underground city, administration power centre for cabinet-level rank- ing administrators. Dark genetic experiments going on underground. Ciakahrr and Maytra holds underneath. / Culpepper, Mt Pony: storage of corpses, monitoring of banking systems. / Pentagon, Arlington / Warrington. “WASHINGTON & DC:-Bothell / Fort Lewis / White House: multiple connexions with deep underground instal- lations by tunnels and also to a dark cult place: the House of the Temple. "WEST VIRGINIA: Sugar Grove / White Sulphur Springs ““A LBANLA: Lshnje ““ANTARTICA: Admiralty Mountains, Mt Levick on top of the ice: weather regulator, Human experiments, com- munications control, atomic weaponry. “AUSTRALIA: Pine Gap: Particle weaponry weaponry researches, genetic experiment, space tracking. Thirteen floors. / Mt Ziel / Canberra / Snowy Mountains / Brisbane: Maytra. “CANADA: Toronto: Access Parliament St between two buildings. “ENGLAND: Bentwaters § Meriwith Hill # Rudloe Manor, Wiltshire, Bath / Staffordshire / Suffolk “ICELAND: Jokulsaarglifur National park. "NORWAY: Finmark: weaponry & energy, Spaceship base, ““*PHILIPPINES:Mindoro / Magsaysay / Davao, Mindanao island. *“RUSSLA:Ramenki / Yamantan mountains, Belorelsk area, Southern Urals / Tundra, Kola Peninsula / Siberia, Chatanga area at the crossing of Kotuja& Cheta rivers / Egveknot “ZIMBABWE: Mt Inyangani: Tubular grid system for atmospheric ionization. The following ones are the other significant spaceship bases. but not conducing programs, knowing that there are in total hundreds of landing points and underground facilities all over and under this planet: Baltic Sea / Bermudas / Bosnia / China / Egypt / France/ Germany / Greece | Greenland / Hymalayas / Iraq / Ireland / Italy, Kosovo / Malta / New Zealand / Poland / Saudi Arabia / Siberia / Spain/ Sweden / ERIDANUS Epsilon Eridani KAHEL They are a Lyran colony belonging to the humanoid Ahel race, settled in this star system you name Epsilon Eridani, on the first planet: Ammakha (“the bogey place"). They terraformed this damp world fit to shelter life at their convenience and evolved into becoming a great and peaceful civilization, playing an active part in the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They are Humanoids with fair skin, long hair of different colours even though the original Ahel race is uniquely blond. The Kahil imported with them the subtlety of the Ahel Lyran culture, with its education system, its casts, spirituality and scientific knowledge, notably in genetics. Because of their uncanny resemblance to the Terran species, the Kahil infiltrated the Terran society as a ground work for the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Their ships are of an extremely elegant shape. Kahel FORNAX Galaxy UDFJ- 39546284 EGON These come from the Galaxy UDFJ- 39546284, 13.2 billion light years from Terra, and visible for you in the con- stellation Fornax. They call themselves the “Egon” and travel through vortices. They are a tall, beautiful human race, with fair iridescent skin and fair hair, and they have this particularity to smell like flowers, possibly in rea- son of a botanical nature, Egoni do not visit much but they have contacted Terrans once in 1935, in USSR. They addressed to them in a kind of Slavic dialect and they left a written message of about 10 sentences but with the politic events at the time it was all blacked out, except the dates which were left on it which were "2017-2022". We believe they came to warn you about a short window of time during which the fate of your species would be decided. GEMINI Pollux AINANNA Ainanna come from Beta Geminorum (Pollux), 34 light-years from Terra, in the constellation Gemini. Their planet is Dromma-Thestias. This planet has a mass 2.3 times superior to your Jupiter and orbits around its star in 589 days (slightly fluctuating). The system has 3 planets, the two other ones are rocky and lifeless, one is used for resource mining. The Ainanna have shared residency on Mars with other races for thousands of years, until it was made inhabitable. Same size as the Zetan Grey, with eyes wider and bigger. Skin is more clear brown. Four fingers plus thumb, same for toes. They wear clothes only when necessary. Orange is the colour they can wear as a spatial travel uniform, but it is more of an environmental suit. Their planet is very hot, due to the glass lid effect and they don't breathe in our atmosphere, so they use synthetic life-forms such a clones to do the job and interact in Terran environment. They are not part of the Galactic Fed- eration. They have an underground base on Terra and also bases on other planets, but they are mostly stationed in Dulce Base US, working with the governments trading high tech technology in exchange for humans. Also conducting there genetic experiments as well as working on etheric dissociations, allied in this program with the Reptilians and Maytrei. Some parts of these facilities have a fitted breathable atmosphere for them. Their ships are oval and some are rectangular, made of a black metal. The rectangular ones are bigger, with yellow lights on the periphery. They know cloaking technology, and they also use spherical blue probe module orbs. inanna GRUS Gliese 832 ELMANUK Constellation Grus, near the star Alnair, in the old star system Gliese 832. 16,2 light years from Terra. Their planet is named Ardamant. Known as one of the most peaceful races, the Elmanuk were at the origin of the creation of the Council of Five (nine at the start) before the Galactic Federation of Worlds truly took consistence, This council, first called, at its creation, the Council of the Nine, or the Council of Ardamant, had for purpose to look after under-developed worlds and protect them against the Orion Alliance and the Ciakahrr Empire. The Elmanuk are tall and very thin; you would think they have only skin on bones but you would be surprised by their physical fitness and strength. Their eyes are very large and as most of Grey races they wear dark protective lenses, They have two genders but in times of necessity the males can switch gender by activating a wombin their stomach. They have an orifice adapted for birth. When they change, it is a very painful process so that is why this is performed only when necessity requires. They are not very numerous now and their old race pre- ferred retiring from galactic active diplomacy. They still appear in the Galactic Council of the Federation but only when necessary. At the time they created the council of Ardamant, they invented the famous sentence: “Five uni- verses, 2500 species, one race.” Of course, since that time it has been known there are many more universes and races, but this sentence stayed as illustrious. The Galactic Federation of Worlds even used it to create their own axiom: “One multiverse, One race.” They visited Terra in year 2002, in order to prepare the Great Awakening, in the planning of which they have been invalved. They are quite similar to the Arcturians (Ohorai). Their elegant ships are “V" shaped but not plain triangular. Elmanuk HOROLOGIUM HYADES HYADEANS The Hyadeans are a colony of Ahel refugees from the Lyran systems, escaping the war with the Ciakahrr Empire. Alike other Lyran groups did in the Pleiades and the Vega system, these ones settled in the Hyades star cluster, 151 light-years from Terra, in the following six star systems: Theta 1, Thetaz, Gamma Prima, Delta 11, Epsilon Ain, and also Alpha Taurus. The Hyadeans are the same race as the Pleiadeans with also a mix of the different Lyran colonies. The Lyran worlds were racially disparate and in the four big ships that left the systems to flee the attacks of the Ciakahrr Empire, the diversity of races aboard were quite important. It was like what you would call in your mythology: arks, carrying whatever life to be saved; plants, animals, people, precious minerals, as well as many other ele- ments belonging to the different cultures, Our ancestors didn't have much time leaving, but enough nonetheless to get themselves organised, as the Reptilian threat had been upon them for a while. The Lyran worlds knew this disaster was coming, although they first chose to fight to defend what was rightfully theirs. The Lyran colonies in the Hyades were mainly Ahel race, same as those who terraformed and populated Erra (Pleiades), and a little of the Taal race (who also terraformed and populated T-Mar in the Pleiades). Hyades people decided to redraw from galactic diplomacy, preferring cultivating a peaceful isolation. They rarely ever wander out of their worlds. INDUS Epsilon Indi JEFOK Their home world is in Epsilon Indi of the constellation Indus. Slightly smaller than average Terran humans, they have a very peculiar face with a complex bone structure that makes believe they wear a sort of a mask, although it is their natural features. Jefok are a peaceful race, known for their abilities in diplomacy as well as their knowledge in engineering. They have being visiting Terra since around 3 500(T) years ago, always coming in peace and moved by curiosity, but also drawn to help Terrans avoiding terrible mistakes to be made, in their choices for their future. They met with different world leaders and your famous JFE in particular. In 1965, they delivered a warning mes- sage to all governments with nuclear capabilities. LYRA Lyra is home to a plethora of worlds, and the main cradle of the Man Humanoid species. There isn't any equiva- lent name for this constellation, as the design of a Lyre it forms in the Terran sky isa visual alignment only seen from your planet. Although, many of the “Lytan” worlds are to the most connected by a common, extremely old culture, and four original main Humanoid races populated the majority of these worlds (Taal, Ahel, Noor and Laan). A great variety of other species also inhabit this area, in particular a few pacifist indigenous Reptoids races (Afim Spiantsy among many), but we will only describe, as we have chosen to do so, the races in interaction with your planet and its history. We will call the star systems home to these cultures “Prime systems”. (/ invite you ta follow this paragraph with the maps given in Chapter IN) Prime star systems: Among a great number of planetary systems, here are below the homes to high level civilizations. The Man Humanoid species spread in many star systems and it would be too exhaustive to mention them all, as we do not here chose for purpose to describe the millions of inhabited worlds in this galaxy; it would not fit in a book. We will only focus upon those who have had an influence on either Terra or the history of this galactic quadrant: (A)-Almeyron system: (HD177830) 205(T) light years from Terra. This system is composed of 7 planets, the main one is twice a5 Massive as your Jupiter and takes 407(T) days to orbit. The second important planet is also quite big, and it orbits in 111(T) days. Three planets in this system are inhabited by colonies from the Man culture (K62). (B)- Borog Uruz system: (HD173416) 440(T) light years from Terra. It has 2 planets; populated by Reptiloids and a Laan colony from Man. (C)-Daran system: (HD176051) binary system with 6 planets, home to a Reptiloid species. (D)-Elhaziel system: (HD 178911) trinary system composed of a yellow star orbiting around a binary pair. This third star has a planetary system of 6. Populated by Noor Humanoids. (E)-Elfrak Daal system: (GSC02652-01324). It isa 4 planets system and it is inhabited by Taal Humanoids. (F)-Ataman system: (WASP-3b). This is a 4 planets system, cradle of many, unique, life-forms. None of them have yet reached the galactic level civilization but Human colonies (Taal and Ahel) have set outposts in this system. (G)-Diriz system: (Kepler-7b) Three planets compose this system, occupied by Reptiloids and Laan Humanoid subspecies. (H)-Eekaluun system: (Kepler-8b) Two planets orbit this star, ome is inhabited by pacifist Reptiloids. (l)-Eyjyen Kolomat system: Kepler-20) Five planets, the three in the inner orbits are smaller and populated by Humanoid colonies from the Man system. (K)-Hargaliat system: (Kepler-37) 3 planets, two of them being really small sterile planetoids. One only has life and a proper civilization. The Humanoids there are a Hybrid branch of the Taal and Laan. (L)- Man system: (Kepler-62), 1,200 (T) light years from Terra. This 5 planets system is all populated; it is the Cradle of the Man Humanoid civilization, and was unfortunately the main target in the Lyran Wars with the Ciakahrr Empire due to its proximity to an interdimensional vortex. (M)-Vega star system: (Alpha Lyrae) Humanoid colony Taal, and indigenous Reptoids. This star is within a cir- cumstellar disk of dust, providing the sight of a spectacular haze in the sky of its orbiting planets. (N}-Aldoram system: (Gamma Lyrae) Local Reptoid race on planet Afiola: the Afim. The Ring Nebula It is the place of an interdimensional vortex, easy access to a multitude of destinations. This highly prized strate- gic portal was the main motivation for the Ciakahrr Empire to lead an invasion, ransacking on the way the Man system for its abundance of resources, of course, but principally because the humanoid civilization living there was guarding the access to the vortex. After the conquest by the Ciakahrr Empire, an agreement was made with the Taal government, to re-assert an outpost in the Nebula on their behalf. “Man" - K62 system The Man system and the “Lyran Wars” We need to start by this system, as it unveils the whereabouts to pretty much everything. “Man” is the name of a star system, K62, located 1200 (T) light years away from Terra, where an extremely old humanoid culture was bern and from there, seeded the entire galaxy. Our star was named "Mana", the Mother. We call ourselves “The Lyrans”, to facilitate your understanding of where we come from, but in truth, there is no such thing as Lyrans, for it is the name you gave to a pattern of stars in your night sky, regarding to your mythological references. Unlike clusters for instance, the constellations are the optical illusion of a placement of stars viewed from your planet. We would rather call ourselves the “Man” kind. Considered as “Master Races", there were four main genetic strands evolving from four worlds of this planetary system of five: the Ahel, fair skin & blond hair, the Noor, similar to the Ahel but way taller, the Taal with different skin and hair colours, and the Laan with feline features and body hair (not counting in the Ladrakh Reptilians from the second planet.) In reason of an invasion from the Ciakahrr Empire, which unfolded into a terrible war, most of these populations fled this system a very long time ago and at the present time, the inhabitants of the Man system are now reptiloid hybrids and under cir- cumscription of the Ciakahrr Empire. At the time, colossal Ciakahrr armadas attacked savagely the planets of the Man system and, taken by surprise, the local races weren't even equipped to withstand such a cataclysm of this scale. The combat was harsh and violent, and casualties were nonetheless both sides, but the Ciakahrr had the victory on their side. Under threat of total annihilation of their races, the Taal government, at the time presid- ing upon the five worlds of the system, managed to conclude an agreement with the Ciakahrr forces to end the conflict: the planets would be given to therm without resistance if they allowed refugees to leave safely in a mass exodus, Heartbroken, billions of Man people left in gigantic arks with testimony of their cultures and habitats, The Ciakahrr fleet took hold of the boundaries of the system and of the vortex. Twice it was retaken, and twice retaken again by the Empire. The present statusquo is a fragile equilibrium, for the enraged motivation of the Ciakahrrs to keep hold of the man system goes way beyond its natural resources; the vortex... The Orion Alliance has also attempted to get hold of it many times as well, without succes. Besides Orion and Altair, the Man system remains one of the most intricate nodes in the galactic diplomacy. The “Lyran"” energy There is something about the Lyran energy of the four Man races, which is dynamic, highly spirited, witty, fast, sizzling and spontaneous. This energy signature is typical to these lineages. All races spread out through this gal- axy from the Man system, bear this recognisable vibe in their genes and energy field. Very high in frequency, this energy signature can manifest in two different ways: either as a restless pull towards speed and adventure that can be quite breathless, or either as a high hermetic vibration of spiritual wisdom, making them in any case, un- easy to access if you can’t tune into their frequency rate. LAAN They are from the 1st Planet: Egoria. This was a most magnificent world, unfortunately first in line when the massive Ciakahrr fleet approached the Man system. The survivors escaped to the 3™ planet, Omankhera, inhab- ited by the Taali and central power for the whole planetary system. Unfortunately, this one was next in line... The Taali managed to halt the invasion by attempting negotiations with the invaders, which allowed enough time for the whole four inhabited planets to put an evacuation plan into action. Tall humanoids with beautiful felines face features for the upper part of their head, from their flat nose with noticeable nostrils, to their long heavy red or golden hair, although their mouth is humanoidlike, as are the rest of their bodies. Their ears are small and rounded, and they have a tail. Their skin, generally light brown, is covered with a short silky fur and their eyes are of all sorts of shades, amber and turquoise being the most common colour. Egoria, their home world, before it was ransacked and scrapped off its vegetation to become a reptilian mining facility, was a beautiful world still spoken about in our legends. The vegetation had, on Egoria, colours not found anywhere else such as golden magentas, pinks and purples, and the sky had a green-blue shimmering light. Laan cities were built from crystalline materials. Laani treasure above all beauty, culture, and arts such as music and poetry. Laani have an active part in the Galactic Federation of Worlds, taking an important part in the galactic diplomacy. Laani discovered Terra about a million (T) years ago and settled a colony there, starting genetic experiments on the indigenous hominids. Shortly after, the Clakahrr Empire arrived at their turn and the two factions fought in a series of historical conflicts, called the Terran Wars. This was violent and different parties joined such as the Anunnaki, who had until then been cooperative with the Laani on the basics of territorial agreements. The Ciakahrr wanted to enslave the genetically upgraded Terran species while the Laani and the Anunnaki had better plans, a little more ethical. The result of these long series of fights, rescinding entire civilizations, eventu- ally ended by a faction of Ciakahrr and Nagai redrawing underground, while the rest of the troops left the Terran system. Nowadays, the Laani are supporting the Terrans in their spiritual awakening, working together with the other races of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Council of the Five, to Terra’s ascension and to the purg- ing of the Cabal. They have oblong ships. COLONIES: They have spread very widely throughout the galaxy and, true masters in genetics, adapted their physiology to the new environments, giving birth to a wide genetic diversity of features, as for instance the birdlike mutation in the Carian system (Orion). Laani and Taali are naturally compatible and their cross-breed is named “Ayal”, TAAL Their homeworld is the 3™ Planet of the Man system: Oman Khera (“O-man-kher -a"= Man central power). Sister race of the Ahel, the Taal display a greater diversity in skin, eyes and hair colours, as you have for instance on Terra. They are a pacifist and spiritual people, with a strict code of ethics which they respect with such personal involvement that they may often be mistaken for cold and emotionless. It is on their home planet, Oman-Khera, that sieged the government for the Man system. It was organised in a hierarchical system of monarchy presiding above a council of 25, then an assembly of 300 senators. The Taal culture and education is similar to the Ahel traditions, although the spirituality diverges; the Tall practice an ascetic spirituality based on the idea that the body is obstacle to the elevation of the spirit, contrarily to the Ahil who use it as a toal to connect to higher reals of consciousness. During the Lyran wars, the Taal govern ment skilfully managed to pass an agreement with the Ciakahrr invaders to allow them saving their culture and escorting the royal family to the near star system Vega, in exchange of unclear arrangements. It was discovered long afterwards that the destination of their escape changed to Mirza, in the Orion area. Part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Pleiadean colony of Temer plays an active role to the liberation of Terra. Their ships are small and have many different shapes depending on the colonies. COLONIES: Temer in the Pleiades (Taygeta) / Vega / Terra / Elfrak Daal (Lyra) / Wolf 424 / Katayy (Sirius A) / Ashkeru (Sirius B) / Araman (Tau Ceti) / Zenae (Andromedan systems) / Mirza (Beta Canis Majoris). Taal AHEL Their original homeworld is the 4¢h Planet: Maya. It was a quiet and peaceful world, a harmonious and spiritual culture, and such was the world of my ancestors. Maya was the mother of us all, the ground our blood and bones was first created from, Maya stays in the memory of our race as the bond linking us all, Humanoid races of Man. Ahil are fair skin and blond to light-brown hair, and our eyes can be of any shades from blue to green. Our culture, the culture our ancestors built, was magnificent, highly spiritual and intelligent. Our cities, we were told, raised out of water in clusters of crystal towers, touching the soft purple clouds under the pale seven moons, Oceans, mountain ridges and luxuriant valleys, sheltered life in its treasurable evolution towards the race of the Ahil. We are lead to believe that we were the first Humans to be born and to populate the other plan- ets of the system, and then the galaxy... from Maya, mother of us all. Our star also bore the name “mother”, in the sense of “Source™: Mana, "the Great Mother of all mothers". This name for our star was given by the Ahil at the time they first understood that all stars were a window for the Great Source, which we named later, to differentiate it: “Imana", the Great Mother and Supreme Creator. Ahil always put a strong emphasis upon educa- tion, affirming that knowledge is power, and instead of imposing conditioned programs, the methods were to identify the qualities of a child and help them developing their abilities at their best. This system is still applied nowadays in most of our colonies. We also developed a branch of our spirituality around the performance of physical love, a wonderful way to reach the unity of Imana. COLONIES: Most Ahel colonies are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, led by a great presence of the Ahel colony from Erra, in the Pleiades, Ahil have extended their race very widely throughout this galaxy but I will only name the predominant colonies: Erra (Pleiades Taygeta) / Procyon / Aldebaran (beside an Anunnaki colony) / Hyades / Tau Ceti (Norca) ‘Terra / Zygon (Andromeda systems) / Vega. Ahel NOOR Noor Origin: 5th Planet, Tar. Noori are of very tall size and a strong musculature. They have blue, green or clear grey eyes, blond to reddish hair and a fair, very sensitive skin. This sensitivity is due to the composition and radiations of their dwarf star, Mana, ultrasensitivity also shared with the other fair skinned race living on the 4 planet, the Ahil. COLONIES: Noori were from the start explorers and seeded few other worlds, visiting also Terra about a million years ago. They now work with the Galactic federation of Worlds, of which they are a member, Here are their main colonies: Alkorat in the Pleiades (Taygeta) / Terra / Elhaziel (Lyra) / Eldaru (Procyon) / Dahl (Beta Centauri) / Meton (Prox- ima Centauri). A branch of colons descendants from the Noori, adapting to the conditions of their new world near Vega, evolved to have red hair. This race of Noori also visited Terra, where they interbred and were remembered as the giant red-haired legendary people. LADRAKH They are an indigenous Reptiloid species, from the 2nd Planet: G'mun, and have colonies in Sirius B,Vega and Karellia. } am = ¥ ee Se F ee _— po fi ‘a . f —— it t = in! a“ a a 7 amid aad Ladrakh Aldoram: AFIM SPLANTSY Their homeworld is planet Afiola, in the star syste m Aldoram (Gamma Lyrae). They have blue skin covered with blue spots, darker for males and lighter for females, with stretched eyes angled upwards. Afim Spiantsy are of smaller stature than Terran humans and they do not need oxygen; largest percentage of their planet's atmos- phere is hydrogen. Their real name is Afim, but they call themselves Afim Spiantsy because of a war they won against the Spiantsy race, 12 times more numerous with 35 more ships and resources than the Afim. Their name on its own is a warning to other races. Afim society is based on a warrior patriarchy structure and although they developed space travel and technology, thanks to the help of Selosii and Lyrans, their culture is still an early one. This is a good example of premature intercultural contact. They colonized 10 planets in non-violent ways but Afim have no desire of conquest on Terra, aware to be outnumbered by the forces of the Galactic Federation (which they are part of), and of the Reptilian Orion Alliance. These people are just observers. Their technological level of development is such that they can get here to Terra in just twenty Terran minutes. They visit Terra to study human deviation. This activity is important to them in determining the further development of the human race, and they get the authorisation to do so in exchange of data on this subject for the Galactic Federation. When they are close to humans they can remain invisible if they don't wish to be seen, but the humans will feel a certain amount of anxiety when standing next to them. Of course, you will find them mainly in places of deviance such as entertainment facilities, mental hospitals and such. Their ships are small and spherical, metallic aspect, colour silver, with a transversal band of windows and lights. They know warp speed and space bending. Ajim-Spiantsy Borog Uruz: URUZ Located 440 (T) light years from Terra, the Borog Uruz system is composed of two planets. The main oneisa yellow giant world and the other one a smaller rocky planet, and they are both populated by Reptiloids as well as a Laan colony from the Man system. The Uruz are peaceful indigenous Reptiloids, not very tall and with a spiky crest on their back and a saurian tail. They have reached a sufficient level of civilization to be counted as a mem- ber of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. They never visited Terra but, involved very fraternally with the Laani colons in their planetary system, the Uruz gave their Voice many times in favour of the liberation of your world, at the occasion of diplomatic sessions in the Galactic Council. Their ships are discoidal and short. Borog Uruz Daran: NHORR They live in a binary system with six planets. Reptiloid species, they are nonetheless a gracious humanoid look- ing but whose features give no doubt about their nature; in particular their astonishing big reptilian golden eyes. They have four genders, are vegetarians, pacifists, they love coloured clothes and body paint, and their culture is based on arts, especially music. The Nhorr music is, undeniably, a renowned reference; it uses ethereal sound waves, crystal instruments and colour frequencies, to create a unique art affecting mind and soul. 1 wouldn't have passed these ones, even if they never interacted with your planet's history. The Nhorr are a gift to this universe, Although they never were interested in visiting Terra, they are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Their ships have many different shapes; Nhorr dislike conformity. ~) yy, i al A = A - 1 4. yo, — Nhorr Diriz: AKHABONGAT They live in a planetary system of three called “EK7", Reptiloid species living in earth mounds and underground cities, since their aged sun evolved to emit hotter radiations harmful to their physiognomies. They are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds but don't interfere much in diplomacy, since their race was constraint to retire underground. Akhabongat are peaceful and quiet people, feeding on vast subterranean gardens they cre- ated in their astonishing dwellings. aaa ar re iat ini a cami AE” a a Akhabongat ORMAN Same planetary system, third planet. Laan colony from the Man system, which evolved by genetic assimilation to local life-forms in order to adapt to new environmental conditions. Initially Humanoids with feline features, they mixed with local reptoids and stabilized, with time, in this unique species: the Orman. Smaller than original Laani, the Orman physiognomy combines feline characteristics with reptiloid biology. They do not interact with Terra’s affairs, but they are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds and a peculiar race worth mentioning about. Orman Eekaluun FAA Eekaluun system (KS), on one of the two planets. Kaa are pacifist Reptiloids well involved in Galactic diplomacy. Their world is luxuriant with life and the abundance of resources could have attracted the attention of some malevolent empires, if the haze of acidic clouds surrounding their world hadn't discouraged them to chance an assault. Kaa Reptiloids strive on a very rare environment which particular conditions wouldn't suit the two thirds of all other species in the galaxy, and they can leave their world to travel only in environmental suits and ships made with a very particular metal. Kaai cannot breathe any other air than theirs; the Federation's breathing implants’ range does not work on them. Kaa Hargaliat HARGALII AYAL They live in the the Hargaliat planetary system of three (K37). Two of them are sterile planetoids but the Laan colonists terraformed the third one, which offered satisfying background for the seeding of life. Hargaliin are Hybrids of Taal and Laani, a particular Man subspecies named "Ayel" or “Ayal”. Still keeping some slight feline features, the Ayal have a more humanoid look, Their abundant hair vary in colour and textures, they have human proportions in their face but their nose and eyes kept the recognisable Laan signature, They did make it to Terra, avery long time ago, and even played a role aside the Laani in the colonization of some territories of Middle East and North Africa, before retiring when a war with the Ciakahrr brutally occurred, Although invelved in the a 5 ee Galactic Council, they never came back to Terra. Hargalii Ayal Vega There are different races sharing the planetary system you call Vega regarding to your Terran mythology. Located 25 (T) light years from Terra, this clear blue star, “Olmeeka" of its real name, is surrounded by a haze of debris giving it a particular halo, and due to exceptional gravity speed, its shape swells at the equator. It shelters twelve planets and all are colonised, even a huge one which was meant to become a dwarf star and was altered, in order to allow life to flourish in on the eleven other worlds. ADARI ATaal colony arrived as refugees from the attack of the Man system by the Ciakahrr. They migrated on the 1% planet of the Olmeekan system: Adara. Although they resemble to a particular Vegan species, they are of a differ- ent genetics. Their skin evolved to brown with blueish shades, due to the radiation of the star, but they kept the clear crystalline Taal eyes of the Man species. Alike the Ozma of the 4t planet, they have adopted the same fash- ion of long robes, high neck and large sleeves, that has become a significant of the Olmeekan (Vega) system and its residents. Adari had an input on Terra in the area of India, where, they temporarily settled a colony, quickly chased by the Ciakahrr invaders in a ferocious conflict. They are still remembered in your Vedic texts as the blue race of gods who came from the sky. Adari are now involved in the programs of the Galactic Federation of Worlds to protect Terra. Their ships have beautiful profiled elongated silhouettes. Adan ELEVAR An Ahel colony arrived after the Taali and settled on the 3rd planet of the system: Levak-Nor. The Elevar Ahil reproduced as precisely as they could their lost civilization from the Man mother world. They interestingly entered a cold war with their neighbours and cousins Taali, on 1** planet Adara, which draws attention upon contentious history from the time the Taal royal family made an immunity deal of their own with the Ciakahrr enemy, in order to escape safely to Vega. The destination of the royal family was diverted (probably planned from the start) to the Orion star system of Mirza, but a split group of Taal colons were also escorted to the planet Adara, all members of a high cast in the Taal society. Archived sources in the Vegan system, on Gzma, tell that the Taal refugees arrived in a big ship accompanied by a Ciakahrr fleet, who even helped them settling on the new Vegan world. This always seemed dubious and even if the Adarian recorded history denies it, the Ozman archives tell another story. Elevar OZMAN Their homeworld is the 4h Planet: Ozma. Peaceful humanoid race seeded here long before the Lyran wars and their refugee colonies, and who have evolved a step further than the more recent Taali on Adara, although they are related. They are tall and hairless, and their cranium volume has widened with adaptive evolution. The shape of their face is triangular, their skin is pale greyish-pink, pale wide eyes, ears are barely noticeable, the mouth is narrow but with lips, and the nose is long and narrow. They like to dress in long robes with high neck and wide long sleeves, which gives them an amazing look. Planet Ozma is quite gloomy in appearance but the urbanism is impressive in elegance, and contrasts considerably with the dark volcanic landscape; green translucent buildings and domes, few elevated constructions. They are part of the Galactic Federation of Worlds’ programs for Terra’ protection, and involved in diplomacy as skilful peace ambassadors. They have long fine ships. Ozman PUXHITY They also live on Olmeeka’s 4" planet: Ozma, and are an interesting branch of colons descendants from the Noori, escaping the Lyran War. An ancient Taal colony was already settled there, hence the choice of this destina- tion. Adapting to the conditions of their new world, they evolved to have red hair. This race of Noori also visited Terra, where they interbred and were remembered as the giant red-haired legendary people. They have been very influential in the development of several south and central Native people of America and left many traces notably the name of their star: “Olmeeka", remembered as the “Olmek” star people, At one time, over 2 000 mem- bers of this race were living among Terra humans. They left when territorial tensions om Terra increased, leaving twenty five of their people behind to guide the Terrans. Puxhity M 104 GALAXY AKARA (MANTIS) This is an interesting species, who name themselves “Akara”, These beings, as it occurs of course for everyone, have their own ethical mindset but in their case, what is noticeable is the absence of notions such as “bad” or “good"; their ethics code is rather based upon what is useful and logical, and what is not. Feelings are, in this species, very different from for instance in the humanoid species. This is the main reason why these peaceful beings will take part willingly, for some of them, into the Ciakahrr and Orion empires’ hybridization programs, which are violating basic rights regarding to our criteria, but not for the AKkara “Mantis”. Their origin is what you call the Sombrero Galaxy M104, 28 million (T) light years from Terra. Based on a matriarchal hive-structured society, these insectoid beings exist from densities 3 up to 9. They look like the imported Praying Mantis Terran insectoid species but stand upright, up to 9Ft high. They can be green, white or black. Their head is V shaped with huge black faceted eyes, and sets of little black appendixes serve as fingers. They communicate through telepathy, they are oviparous and the hatching has a very long process of incuba- tion. Once the eggs are laid, they growth to vertical soft organic pods, They are fed with hybrids and humanoid body parts. Their lower density cast are involved in programs for the Orion Alliance and the Grey Collectives, while the higher density ones do not, and assist instead the GFW in the rising of consciousness on Terra. These latest are colourful light beings, which have nonetheless preserved their insectoid shape. Be they of any dimen- sional plane, the Akari are master in the science of vibrational frequency and sonic technologies, Their particular advanced knowledge in the use of sonic and colour vibrational frequencies to shape their environment and communicate with each other, makes of them highly prized scientist hunted and enslaved by the Orion Alliance. You do have the impression that they are in command of Terran abductions but they are not, as they are just the servile scientists overseeing the procedures. But let us have a more detailed look into the different Akari subspecies: Green subspecies: These have two thing legs, a long tubular butt and the green ones have wings, and their eyes are yellow witha narrow vertical split. Enslaves to the Orion and Grey collectives. White subspecies: Taller, globally enslaved to the Xrog Shamtbahali (ZetaReticuli) and Orion Alliance. The have three pairs of legs terminated by pointy appendages, Longer ringed necks, head is more flat. Their eyes are facetted black and they have black mandibles either sides of their mouth. Black subspecies: Called also Tall Blacks. Their bodies appear wearing a black glossy exoskeleton, with extra joints in their arms and legs, and they have different levels of humanoid features. Their eyes are golden to glowing red. We do believe the more humanoid ones are Hybrids. Do not work for the Orion and Grey Collectives but are rather working for their own scientific curiosity and programs, and also assisting the Terran species consciousness awakening. OPHIUCHUS AIRE They come from Constellation Ophiuchus (they name Favo), near Yed Prior. Three planets system. Airk can live up to 2000 years. Their height is similar to that of a normal human, they are vegetarian, and considered by other races as nice people, peaceful, much respected, and presumably having mystical powers. They have pale skin and big eyes, with a round pupil, No hair, or few on females. Females are slim and their skin is nearly translucent. They wear clothes, very comfortable, it is a sort of silk. They don't breathe Terra’s atmosphere and are not inter- ested to settle, Very good relationship with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which they are part of, but they do not take part in planetary programs. Four fingers and a thumb. §mall very tiny nose. Ears quasi inexistent, just holes. Sweet smiling people. They never stay long on Terra and do not interact with humans or other species. They mostly use Terra asa stop, to quickly gather something they may need, before they leave to their real destination. They are mostly nocturnal and have been coming to Terra since at least 1000 AD. They do not carry abductions. Their ships emit a bright orange light and most of them are octagonal. Airk OGOLONG (Barnarians or “Orange") Origin: Planet Orega, star system M26 (GFW listing). To you: it is the Barnard system, a small red star located 6 light-years from Terra, visible in the constellation you name “Ophiuchus". These people go by the name of Ogo- long (pl. Ogolongeé) but your people name them “Orange”. They are a humanoid-reptiloid race with blond to red hair, having mainly humanoid form but with reptilian features. They possess humanoid reproductive organs. They visit Terra and a small group of them are sub-treating abductees for the Ciakaher. This little group also has ties with the US government and a base on your moon. | would qualify them as mercenaries. They are let by a male going by the name of Sikkar-Taa. There is nothing we can really do as they are protected by the Ciakahrr, in return for their services. With the protection of the Ciakahrr, they can then run their own dodgy little business on Terra, which is slave hunting for their own purpose. Ogolonge possess important mining companies on di- verse planets and asteroids and need consistent labour force. The only way to stop their activities on your planet would be to catch the leader of their group but this has not happened yet as he may hide in an underground rep- tilian facility. Their ships are triangular, curved in at the back (I can only describe this by boomerang shape). 4 in Ogo- long Rarnarians ORELA They originate from Ophiuchus constellation, and are part of the Council of Five. Tall Grey beings, very slim, Orelai have a high thin long neck, a triangular face with a slit for the mouth, barely visible nostrils, and slanted eyes with pupil. They are very old, very wise, an ambassadors for peace in the high council of the Galactic Feder- ation of Worlds. They have two genders, but do not copulate for reproduction anymore, as this function became inefficient with their evolution. They now “fabricate” new organic individual bodies and imbue in it a soul from their matrix. They have round, flat ships, but rarely ever travel out of their world, as they perform instead inter- dimensional resonance. Orela ORION “Ura An Na" Orion,..is the most complex, inextricable, miscellaneous, poisonous web of pure evil, existing alongside with cultures highly elevated in spiritual wisdom. How this doesn't blow up in sparkles? Well it did, and many times by the past, until everyone came to reason (sort of) by establishing opportunistic alliances and treaties. It is too exhaustive to name all the different resident races of the Orion zone (such as Greys, Reptiloids, Humanoids, In- sectoids...), so we will focus on those whose influence is relevant to your concern. The doors of heaven This is the only case when we use a name for a star zone (that you call “constellation") in common with you. “Orion” is in fact your phonetic translation of the Anunnaki language: “Uru An Na", which means “the light of the cosmos". This denomination comes from a particular object located in this area: a portal-nebula. As oc- curring sometimes, due to the blast of the implosion, it is not uncommon that a singularity appears inside of a nebula. These are not of the sare kind as what you call “black holes”, as it does not distort the gravity of the continuum of space; they are instead, doorways. One of them, (M42), 1500 (T) light years away, among the few nebulae located in the Orion zone, includes such an interdimensional portal, which was, as can be expected, a target of first interest for the Reptilian Ciakahrr Empire. The Corporate of Altair wanted also a part of the prize but when they understood that the Ciakahrr forces were much powerful, agreements of interest were made. This, was before the Maytrei joined the party, and the many more who followed... Within this same nebula, which rich clouds of gas and dust allow very active stellar formation, is an open cluster of four massive young stars, unleashing strong ultraviolet radiation. These emissions are disrupting the nebula’s field around them, creating the perfect nest for species striving on ultraviolet radiation: the reptiloid greys. This is, there, the siege of their empire: "The Alliance of the Six", also called: the “Orion-Draconian Empire". Orton Nebula The “Nebu" Orion Empire, or Alliance of the 5ix This eye of evil, whose head is located in the M42 open Cluster, is composed of six races, of both Greys and Reptilians species: Maytra, KiilyTokurit, Ebans, Grail, Clakahrr, and Indugutk. They name themselves the "Nebu": the masters. They use mainly Do-Hu and Asbaan races as slave force, and also Solipsi Rai. A Mantis colony resides also in this vicinity, involved in the Orion Empire's programs. The M42 cluster is the “spiritual” centre of the hive, where the heads of the Orion Empire are. Their headquarters in the Rigel system are where all their logistic forces and military power reside. The M42 cluster is known as “The Square”, as it is the design formed by the position of the main stars composing it, and the translation in Grail language (autochthonous Grey species), is "Kaaba"; a name inspiring fear throughout the whole galaxy. Its stars are mostly still in formation but the residents of this Place have built artificial synthetic worlds, Nobody ever came back alive from this place so what we know of it is through rumours, The Orion Grey Collective This is an independent entity from the Alliance of the Six, regrouping all the Grey races in the Orion zone, asa collective of joint forces. They are standing against the Galactic Federation of Worlds, the Orion League and the Orion Council of Five mainly, while maintaining alliances of interest with the Ciakahrr Empire, The Ashtar Col- lective and the Corporate of Altair, 1 know, this is a lot of groups but believe me, this is the simplified version. The Orion League The Orion league was created by local Orion populations to protect themselves against the Grey-Reptilian Orion Empire. The current members are at the moment from Alnitak, Betelzeuse and Meissa. Rigel (“Asba'a") Siege of the Orion Empire, outpost for the six most malevolent races: Maytra, Kiily-Tokurt, Ebans, Grail, Ciakahrr and Indugutk, This is an interesting place, and you will understand why it was chosen by the Orion Empire to set their contingents. About $60(T) light years away from you, it is a quadruple star system, cradle for many life- forms but also, a colonization heaven. Well, that said, of the original populations now, only legend attest... Rigel, as you call it, is named “Asba'a", and designates a group of four stars: a triple system (binary plus one) and an individual blue supergiant, both entities revolving around a common centre of gravity with a 24000(T) year’s pe- riod, and these stars have planetary systems, both natural and synthetic. The star group is then enclosed within a plasmic shield. Let us first depict the different resident races chronologically: ASBAAN-HU They live in the planetary system of Asba'a Prime, on the planet Oriban. The Asba'a systems, very surprisingly, were a very long time ago populated by Ahel and Noor humanoids fleeing the attack of the Man system by the Ciakahrr. The colons rapidly built a prosperous civilization extending on the fourteen planets of this quadruple star system. An incident happened by the past regarding to territorial boundaries with the Grail from Mintaka, aggressive local Grey reptiloids from a nearby star, unfolding unto a violent war which lasted nearly three hun- dred (T) years, eventually won by the Grail. The Grail claimed they were here before them, as native, and although their home world was in the Mintaka system, Asba'a was part of their territories. In truth, they wanted to take over the resources of the economical empire built by these Man (Lyran) colonies. The conflict war horrendously ferocious and after all resources were scrapped off the fourteen worlds by the Grail, all surviving life sought underground shelters. Luckily, a Noor group managed to escape the global genocide to the Procyon system, and rebuilt there a new colony of their own, naming themselves the “Eldari.” Fate, unfortunately, fell into their dis- favour when the tenacious Grail localised them and paid them a disastrous visit. For those who remained in the Asba'a system, an even more criminal fate befell onto them... The Grail took them all to be made into slaves, but in the most ignominious way; by a slow genetic mutation though a hybridization program, with the help of Zetan Greys’ technology (Let me remind you that to this point, the Orion Alliance of the Six was freshly formed and all technologies shared in common for the most malevo- lent purposes). This is how, progressively, a mew mutant slave race was engineered, crossbreed between Lyran Humanoids and Zeta Reticuli Greys (Shamtbahali from Xrog). This new race represented the genetic best of both species, and was used as a template for the developing programs of Human-Grey Hybridization. On Terra, the Orion Empire is well and deeply involved with the programs of the US-Telos Alliance, and share also territorial underground districts with the Ciakahrr Empire. —_S._ Lae>>—- aw ‘ iO ai ae ee Asbaan-Hu Bellatrix (“Uruud”) The Bellatrix system, 250 (T) light years from Terra, is home to a wide diversity of Reptiloid species and also one of the most dangerous sauroid-grey species: the Indugutk. Bellatrix, also named “Uruud", in reason of a reptilian majority of life-forms, makes the liaison with the Ciakahrr Empire. All these local races have a sort of loose col- lective, based on agreements with a common goal: expansion and conquest. All these races have put in common their diverse technologies, in a purpose of an increased and united power. This collective is also involved with the US-Telos Alliance on Terra. BELLATRIX MERCENARIES (Ooganga) Bellatrix Mercenaries reside in the Uruud planetary system, im stationary combat motherships. The Qoganga are genetically engineered warriors, Hybridized from Grey Reptiloids and a local Insectoid species. Their massive contingents are garrisoned in motherships in the Uruud system. Alike many prepared cloned armies of the Orion Empire, they are waiting for the signal to unleash their doom where the Galactic Federation of Worlds isn't a threat anymore and thus, this will be the fate of Terra if we fail. Ooganga INDUGUTK "Extremely violent * Their homeworld is Uruud Prime, an artificially engineered planet in the Bellatrix system. Indugutks are saurian-reptiloids native to Uruud. They are extremely violent in nature and look like tall white reptiloid greys. They have a narrow wrinkled face with an elongated skull, a large mouth, thick brow ridge and a very long neck. They do not wear clothing. You can recognise them by this specific smell they produce, before even seeing them, and which reminds of burnt sulphur. Indugutk have treaties with the Terran government involved in space programs such as US, Russia and China, for they have bases on Terra moon for mining, using slaves for this chore. Indugutk Betelgeuse (“Carina”) Red supergiant star at the end of its life, centre of a planetary system of five, 700 (T) light years away from Terra. A large engineered cloud of cosmic dust protects this system. EBAN The fifth planet of the Carina system, Edemera, is an unpleasant, cold and desertic world. The Ebani, who live there, are Reptiloid Grey beings, from 6 to 9 ft tall, As part of the Alliance of the Six, you will guess they are not @ pacifist culture, They have also a colony on Altimar in the Ophiuchus constellation. They are deeply involved with the Cabal on Terra, and work alongside the Terran military in underground facilities, on hybridization pro- grams and soul scalping. Eban CARAY (Carians) They come from the fourth planet in the Carina system: “Caryon". Carians are originally Laan colons who settled in the Orion zone, on a world named Caryon. Regarding to the conditions being more tropical, damp and hot than their original home world in the Man system and due to the composition of the atmosphere, that they couldn't change risking to endanger the local ecosystem, they genetically mutated by hybridization with local species. They look like Humanoids with bird features, generally with blue feathered bodies and wings, and a very sharp and angular facial structure resembling to birds’ heads. Because of the genetic freedom of experimentation on themselves, they reached on Caryon a fascinating diversity of forms but, although they mutated greatly, the Caryu preserved with immense sacredness the culture and principles of their world of origin in the Man system. Caryu, even though they resemble to birds, have remain mammals and kept their reproductive functions un- changed. You eall them by the Terran term: the "Blue Avians”. They have joined membership with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, although they very rarely leave their planet. Caryu are wise beings and peace ambassadors for the Federation. They have passed agreements and treaties with their threatening close neighbours the Eban and the Grail, which protects them from any harm. They chose to intervene in the process of the Terran ascension by psychic and etheric contacts. Caryu use etheric ships and interdimensional travel. Carians Immaru ANUNNAKI Their homeworld is Planet Nibiru, in a parallel dimension. The portal they use is located in the Orion zone, so that is why we associate them with this space quadrant. They come from a double star system and Nibiru orbits every 4000 years. The main star is named Immaru, and it is a small brown star host to many worlds. The sixth planet, Nibiru, has two satellites and resembles to Terra, in a higher density. “Anunnakene” means: human like. Although they are a Reptoid cold blooded life-form, they resemble Terrans but slightly taller (2.5 m / 8") and more muscular. No hair, white skin. They have a very structured society in which females play an important role in politics and power, although the males rule above all. They reproduce by eggs. They are known to be among the most advanced societies regarding to genetic engineering. They play a lot with the genetics of conquered worlds and especially with children, trying to create servile hybrids helping their purposes anywhere in the gal- axy. Anunnaki have been the source and spreading of great genetic biodiversity and racial confusion throughout this galaxy for these reasons. Great enemies of the Lyrans but as well of the Ciakahrr Empire. Technologically advanced and well equipped in warfare, their name is also feared in this galactic sector. There is a legend about them, about their creation, There was a time, a very long time ago, when conflict raged between Ashkera (Sirius B), and the Orion Empire. To resolve this fight, the male sovereign of Ashkera offered to mate with the Orion Queen and their offsprings were named after the first one, mix of the two races: Nibiru “divided from two", They later on took the name of Anunnakene: “Human like", given by the Orion Reptiloids, as they looked human but only in appearance. Their genetics was predominant reptiloid. They overcame the Reptilian race that was in power when they arrived on Terra and became the new rulers, provoking as well other settled colonies. The Reptoids that escaped went underground, and those who couldn't escape, were called "Igigi" (“watchers”), by the Anunnaki and enslaved for 2500 years.The Ciakahrr (Draconians) had objected to the Anunnaki genetically modifying Terra’s hominids to become more evolved Human. Anunnaki The Anunnaki eventually left Terra but before they did, they genetically engineered a large group of human spec- imens to a diminished level of consciousness in order to have a race of slaves to mine mainly the gold and other resources for them. They used for a long time one other race: the Solipsi Rai from Zeta Reticuli, and are now hav- ing ties and agreements with the Terran based Reptilians to share the management of humans. These contracts come in the larger scale agreements with the Draconian and Orion empires regarding o the conquered worlds, slavery, food chain and genetic experimentations. As itis also done on any other conquered world, the Anunnaki left an elite contingent on Terra in order to control and manipulate, by creating elite human organizations, making the Anunnaki the deep underground hidden part of the military-industrialextra-terrestrial complex. They work with, and against the Ciakahrr at the same time for the control of Terra, which interestingly reveals a breach in the plan: both work in cooperation to influence the long term human evolution and consciousness through systems and elite imstitutions, religious fundamentalism, patriarchal domination and a cult of greed and violence, but...they also are in competition against each other for the ultimate ownership of the planet, and this is where a big breach is. Their ship have a“T" shape. Mintaka (“Aragorog”) AragorogMintaka is a complex multiple star systern, located within a faint stellar cluster, 1200 (T) light years away, and the whole unit includes seven young planets. It shelters different species, among which Greys, Rep- tiloids, Amphibians and Dinoids, but we will just mention these most important ones: GRAIL They are residents of a star system called Mintaka, or for you Delta Orionis, with seven planets. Although highly advanced civilisation technologically, they are not really what I would call: “enlightened”. ThGrail like to conquer and ransack. They are a very tall saurian ‘grey’ type species with very thin torso and limbs but their electrical ner- wous system confers them an incredible strength. They have two genders. Grail Grails caused great har m in the nearby systems, but the reason why they haven't taken over the galaxy is their in- aptitude to organise themselves for they are driven by a compulsive aggressivity. They rarely adventure towards Terra, not particularly decided to face in combat the Ciakahrr Empire, the Maytrei and other competitors, nor the Galactic Federation of Worlds. have oblong ships with chrome aspect. TISAR-3 They come from Arii-Tuviya, third planet in the Aragorog system. Tisari were constrained to leave their beautiful world when the Grail invaded their planet, and they wandered for a long time in search of a world offering sat- isfactory survival conditions. Tisari are a peaceful amphibian humanoid race with slight lizzaroid features, in particular their slanted golden eyes, although their skin is perfectly human-like. They have palmed hands and feet and glistening pale skin. Before its destruction, their planet, mainly covered by oceans and insular luxuriant lands, was an absolute paradise, now unfortunately ransacked by the Grail. They now have found haven in a dis- tant planetary system. Tisar Xi-Orionis (“Dillimuns”) KUR (Golden Birds) They come from Planet Dillimuns, Xi Orionis. A system of four planets, and only their world is inhabited. Kuri are a very old race related to the Anunnaki, with an intense individual character to them. They are tall hu- manoids with bird genetics and features, such as a duvet covered skin, a crest of feathers along their spine, and a falcon-like head. Their peculiar colour is due to a golden liquid they bathe into, which expands their life-span. They were there as well, alongside the Anunnaki, at the time these latest were reigning wpon Terra; the Kuri were directly involved with them in altering the Terran human genome. Kuri are still in diplomatic transactions to join membership with the GFW; they insist te join under their own conditions and this is not how it works for ws. Regarding to their technology, it takes them two years to get to Terra, where they set a small and discreet little colony somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. They use interdimensional travel and their iridescent ships are truly magnificent, Kur Alnilam (“Zagara") EGAROTH The central supergiant star in the Orion Belt: Alnilam (¢ Orionis), 2000(T) light years away, is also named locally Zagara, around 2000 light-years from Terra. The Egaroth are a colony from the Meissa star system. Egaroth are a very ancient race and culture, which has nearly disappeared. They are part of the famous Council of Five. Archetypal Orion elders, the Egaroth are tall, pale skinned, with a large skull and appearance of serene wisdom. They are a spiritual, highly intelligent race and do not take interest in conquest. They were by the past, before the Orion Empire flourished, a highly advanced civilization, spread on many worlds of Uru-an-na (the Orion zone). Egaroth are wise, ethereal beings, tall and slim with large cranial volume. Their skin is pale brown to pale grey, they have no hair, a slight tiny nose and magnificent eyes, often indigo with a clear blue pupil. They are very spiritual and can materialise until the 9" density. They are hermaphrodites, with the ability to polarise when de- ciding to mate. Meissa (“Daro") DARON EGAROTH They live on planet Darias, in the star system Daro. The Egaroth from the Daro system are the very ancient orig- inal Egaroth race, whose colonies escaped after the attacks of the Orion Empire. A colony still lives in the Zagara system. Both are part of the Council of Five. Darian Egaroth have shifted into a higher density in order to preserve their civilization from the Orion and Ciakahrr empires. In point of fact, each species in this universe has its own density shifting’s range possibility, and reptiloid cannot, for most of them, reach upper frequencies, Anything that shifts higher than their perception range becomes invisible to them. Daro Egaroth also possess the power of shape-shifting, that they use very rarely. They are wise spiritual beings, who look after the balance of the univer- sal web. They travel a lot, in search for disharmonious spots, and work on rebalancing the energies of the place. They are involved in helping the density shift of Terra, working alongside with the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Daro Egaroth travels in etheric interdimensional vessels. Their ships have geometrical shapes such as diamond, lozenge and Merkabah. Alnilam and Meissa Egaroth REDAN Assamay system, Orion zone, Part of the Council of Five, they are an ancient species of tan skinned humanoids, whose origins are lost in the records. All we know is what they tell about themselves, that they came from some- where else in the Bootes constellation. They work at protecting Terra, alongside with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which they are part of as council members. Interdimensional ships, discoidal and translucent white. Redan THE COUNCIL OF FIVE: The Council of Five, previously known as the Council of Nine, was anterior to the creation of the Orion Empire, by the Elmanuk from Ardamant. They nowadays regroup five wise races: the Egaroth, the Redan, the Orela, the Emerther and the Ginvo. They have been involved in protecting Terra, way before the creation of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which they joined later on as council representatives. They have monitored your species when it was still organisms floating in your oceans, and have witnessed its evolution to primates, the Anunnaki meddling, the different Terran colonisations from all parts of the galaxy, the arrival of the evil empires and the Terran territorial alien wars. The council of Five, at the moment ran by the Egaroth, met Terran leaders at many occasions, trying to influence their decision with wisdom, which has always been quite a difficult task. The Council of Five do not have a rule of non-intervention, such as the Prime Directive of the GFW, as they consider that sometimes, intervention is necessary in helping a species avoiding fatal mistakes leading to destructive pathways. They last met on Terra with leaders in 1944, and are planning to meet again, openly this time, in the last ten days of August 2013, to discuss the threat of the Orion and Ciakahrr empires, the Cabal alliances and the aftermath solutions for a clean and free future for the Terran species. The Galactic Federation of Worlds has some issues with this way of doing, regarding to their rules of non-intervention, but they will not be able to interfere with the Council of Five other than diplomatically. The fact it is ran by Egaroth, enforces the intentions of uncon- ditional assistance to the Terran species, and the work of energy rebalancing of Terra’s grid. THE ORION LEAGUE The Orion league, or “Tal-Uruanna’", is a collective of residents in the Orion zone, such as mainly from Carina (Betelgeuse), Daro (Meissa), Caryon, and Alnitak (peaceful indigenous reptiloid species), desiring to defend them- selves against the Orion Alliance. PERSEUS ALCOBATA /Aluras They are located on planet Urdam II, in the Goraneor system, is their original world but their race had extended far out in this galaxy and unfortunately, beyond. Alcobata have five bony points sticking out of the top of their skull. Extremely aggressive and considered by the Galactic Federation of Worlds as a parasite race. They area warrior class based society and very complex in its hierarchical structure. Their religious system is also very complicated, with a myriad of gods. They breed by eggs or by mammal way as there are two ways of reproduc- tion. A class of males bear the eggs and that is their weakness. These are assigned and born for this task. They have androgynous ability and can inseminate themselves when chosen time has come. For this transformation, they produce a particular hormone which will activate the reproductive function. The offsprings from eggs and the offsprings from womb are biologically different and assigned to different purposes in the society. I told you it was a complicate society. Females procreate by womb individuals assigned to practical social and political roles, of both genders. The offsprings from eggs, predominantly males, are fit to be warriors and are particularly aperessive. Alcobata have colonized over 200 planets at this day. Frequent and ongoing abductions of humans, a practice they perform on all their colonised worlds, purpose unknown but suspected slavery. They do not like to interact with other alien races. They are a very aggressive race. They are suspected to have been involved in several plane crashes, the most case know was the Korean Airlines flight 007 over Russia in 1983. The Russian took and ac- cepted the blame for it. Last sighting: Canada Sept 2001.Alcobata have over 5000 ships. Their ships are very fast and their space travel technology has made of them one of the most dangerous races, as they can move very fast. Flat and round, quite big. Aleabata TANZANY: They name their world “Odji” and it is located for you near the star Gorgonea Secunda, Pi Persei, Tanzany are about 5 ft tall grey reptiloid, and have a long life expectamcy (450 to 500 (T) years. They are not usually wanted in any of the existing alliances, empires and federations, due to their aggressive and independent behaviour. There is something vicious and Tanzanys' mind that fuels their intentions and makes of them a race that can- not be subdued by material arrangements. They do not want territorial possessions, nor new technologies, resources, slaves or whatever the Orion and Ciakahrr empires usually deal in exchange for submission, and they do not agree either with any authority other than their own. The GFW has some ongoing conflictual problems with them. Tanzany have been very harmful on Terra by the past, by interest of studying how lifeforms react to physical pain, fear and mental suffering. They are also at the origin of cattle and human mutilations, and the cause of few dramatic events such as the Hindenburg crash or the sinking of the Titanic. They have oblong ships, silvery with black stripes and patterns on the side. No visible windows. Use interdimensional travel and quan- tum propulsion. Tanzani Epsilon Persei TARICE Tarici are tall, muscular beings (8ft high) of Reptiloid nature. They do not conduct abductions and have never contacted Terrans. They are a peaceful race, member of the GFW, but not interested in working alongside for Terra’s liberation. We let them do their own affairs, which are of scientific interest. The Tarice people have a great interest for volcanoes, Even though they were asked to be discrete, their presence on Terra is frequent and they do not try to hide from view anymore, which start to draw our concern. Their ships are of exquisite nature. Tarice PLEIADES (Taurus) “Mana-Hai": “the daughters of the Mother" PLEIADEANS (“Manahu”") The Pleiades (M45) area young stellar cluster, 440 (T) average light years from Terra. The Humanoid species that colonized it arrived a long time ago from the Man system (K62) in what you call the Lyran zone. They were colonies of refugees carrying in giant arks three of the four original racial groups: Ahel, Noor and Taal. They terraformed first three planets (of ten) around the star you name Taygeta, and two planets around the star you name Alcyone, for as you know, there was no world ready yet to sustain an environment suitable for human life. This place was chosen in reason of an ancient attempt by the Man people to populate this area, at the time they didn't have yet achieved the terraforming technology. They knew the route and were sure that there, the Ciakahrr Empire wouldn't be interested to follow them, the Pleiades cluster possessing no tempting resources to be taken. Rapidly, also, mastering interdimensional travel, they shifted in the 5" density, which was a supplementary safety not to be bothered by Greys and Reptilians. It was a new start, from nothing, from the very beginning. They would rebuild their culture in these new promised lands they gave themselves birth to. There is no general council overruling the Pleiadean worlds but each planet has its own government. Ahil and Taali have each a council ruled by a royal structure, as the Noori function on an assembly of deputies, They named the stellar clus- ter “Manahai”": “the daughters of the Mother", which represents the stars of the cluster as seeds of Man's original world in the Lyran zone: Mana. (Mana=mother - Ha=daughter (pl. hai)). We surpass your technology level on a unit time seale of 3000(T) years, and we have figured out the access to anti-matter dimensions, which we name “Dal”: the antiverse. Language Here are some other examples of how the ancient Man dialect, now official language of the GFW, has been used for common names: Sha®= Hi D'nai= Gratitude (“thank you") [= venerable (Imana=the Great Mother: Source). Mana=mother, Haya=daughter, Hu=son/child offspring (cf. human: offsprings of the Man race), Imanahu=children of Source. Anuman®= Anun- naki/Man hybrids. Do-Hu= offsprings of Dow.) Wo=female. Man=male. Djairi= wife. Djairu* husband. Jayha=sister. Jayhu= brother. Aba=father. Atl= ancient. Ashe bright light. Aruu= Light (energy light-force). Imanaaruu=the Light from Source. Imani= respectful salutation meaning literally “(I recognise you are) venerable people". Lohr= Dark. Akoor= Peace. Shan=planet. Shar= world (culture/civilization). Oraa Nataru Shari= “Species United Worlds"=GFW. Org=race/species. Oraa= species Kher/Ker= power. Eher-a®central/main power. Ra= wise/wisdom. Ora= hope. Tar=seat/throne. Do=guardian. Maa®love, A-maa-li=I love you (to a female}/A-maa-lu= I love you (to a male). Tcehokta=mess, disorder. ¥ou will find as general rules that -a stands for feminine, -u for masculine or adjective, and -i for plural. In reason of a long era of colonization of Terra, some reminiscence of this old language, the taami, has survived through integration to your own indigenous languages. Alcyone (“Jayha") Lohr Jayha “the dark sister", or more commonly Jayha, is an impressive trinary system which main star is a bright blue massive sun spinning extremely fast. The rotating celerity of this star generates a circumferential disk of stellar matter, quite beautiful. On one of the two worlds orbiting in this system, a faction of Taali separated from those settling in the Taygeta system. The origin of this split was a quarrel for the choice of which planet will shel- ter which race. Some Taali didn't agree with the choice of Temer, who was a smaller world than Erra and attrib- uted to the Ahel, so they left to settle on their own in the nearby Alcyone system. Because of their skirmish with the Taygetan colonies, the Aleyone Taali became vulnerable to the influence of major powerful groups which, at the time, ruled the galaxy under terror, such as the Orion and Altair Alliances, and whom they joined the cause. Just because a group is labelled “Pleiadeans" doesn't mean they are here to help you. You often confuse that issue. TAAL SHIAR They named themselves “Taal Shiar": “Taal main-world-ones", and name their planet "Taalihara”, orbiting around the star Aleyone: the main Taal planet. They tried to build their own little empire from there, a thing that was quasi impossible regarding to the overpowering threat of the Orion and Ciakahrr empires. By opposition to their brothers Taygetans, they did not join the GFW and instead allied with the Ashtar and Altair Collectives, and some Orion malevolent groups. They are involved in the misdeeds of the Cabal on Terra, and a painful disgrace to the Man races. They also gave a world in the Alcyone system to a reptilian presence. Taal-Shiar Taygeta (“Ashaara”) “The bright daughter of wisdom”, is the name given to the main star of this system of two. The term “wisdom" here designates the saved knowledge of the Man cultures, The Man colons terraformed three of the ten young planets in formation, and populated four of them. By doing so, they followed and achieved an ancient project abandoned formerly. The possibilities had already been evaluated and that is why the Pleiades cluster was straightly chosen for resettlement. We will describe the populations of the four inhabited planets of Ashaara, the “Ashaari", in following order from the inner orbit outwards: ERRAHEL This is where I come from: the 2™ planet of the Taygeta system: Erra, “the shrine of knowledge". This is where the physical archives and records of the whole Man civilization are preserved. It takes us 14 (T) hours to travel to Terra, or just 4 hours at warp speed. Erra is a warm and temperate planet sustaining a wide variety of life forms and bie zones. The planet's crust is mainly silicate. We imported many vegetal and animal species from our home world Maya, recreating our natural bio habitat with five climate zones: tropical, tepid, temperate, glacial, and polar. We have seasons, rain and snow, luxuriant forests, deep valleys, stunning coastlines and numerous high mountain ranges. It is a magnificent world, turquoise blue seen from space, with seven moons. This world is populated by the Ahel colony, the fair skin, blue eyes blond hair race from Maya. Errahel (pL.: Errahil}, or “Ahil of Erra" have grown inte a very spiritual race, cultivating arts serving the attainment of inner peace and spiritual ascension, such as ethereal music, dance, visual arts, and love making. This is something very particular to the Ahil: because of its natural photosensitivity (adapted to our star Ashaara), as well as our genetic heritage, our skin is exceptionally sensitive to sensual touch. We distinguish, in the act of love, reproductive function from transfiguration of consciousness. Errahel There is a part in our brain which activates at puberty, and that we switch on at will to stimulate our epidermis’ receptor cells. Regarding to entwined soul ascension, all aspects of the being are enthused: the physical (external: skin, and internal: genital connexion), the mental-emotional (love), and the spiritual (energy and vibrational elevation in frequency). These three aspects combined allow us to reach out higher realms of pure consciousness, transcending densities as high as the 13'%(Source). In this attained state of bliss, we are only pure disembodied, universal and omnipresent, infinite consciousness. Concerning procreation, we chose to perform it at the same moment or not, knowing that combining both is a very special moment in one’s life, when the highest realms of ecstasy are embraced, ultimate condition to ignite an impulse for the binding of a soul into a new incarnation. For reasons of practicality, we also have developed the option of artificial conception in life-pods, but we usually chose the natural way. Concerning education, there are schools of specification. Each new child's abilities are identified and enticed to develop at the best of their possibilities, in order for the being to achieve their mission and aspirations. Our youngsters are regrouped into specific schools of learning regarding to their common talents. Qur favourite leisure is to spend time outdoors, as well as gathering for social entertainments such as games and artistic activities (concerts or communal artistic activities.) We are not into competition sports, as you are on Terra; we believe that the best way to attain improvement is through personal development and not by competitive comparison. We have a vegetal alimentation. Our race, Ahel, is based on an organic life-form, but there is an upper class which we call “The Elders", and who chose not to incarnate because they passed a certain level of evolution. I am myself part of the active class, and even if [ can at will wander out of my body, I am linked to it. So yes, I eat, and all the rest. We ingest vegetal ailments, primordial components, and energised water. The energised water is drunk when travelling, to allow our body to shift at will while not having to deal with food evacuation. We have the choice for solid meal when not performing space travels, this follows a rule: that if only it has no heart and no face. Otherwise, if we eat blood life-forms, it lowers down our vibration to the frequency of what we ingest. We are not spiritual masters for your species, just your space relatives, people like you; the only difference is we were barn somewhere else. We are not the guardians of your planet; the GFW and the Council of Five do this better and you have your own indigenous guardian-entities. We are not gods, neither what your legends call “angels” (although an interpretation of alien encounters in the past of your planet). We only perform our mis- sion, in the structure of the GFW. It is always a common mistake to consider us as personal spiritual messengers and make us godlier than we are. We are supporting the Terrans, they are not alone. We are backing you up, keep- ing the dark forces at bay. We promote spiritual evolution, but we knew also how to fight when it is necessary, and it is also part of our spiritual path. All fights, if they are right and justified, open ways to liberation for the higher Light to flow in. Passivity is death. Do not to create a religion about us, please, Not again, We are just people who came here to help. That we have the ability to shift densities at will, doesn't make of us some sort of gods, it just makes us different. It is time the Terrans stop considering themselves as inferior, otherwise they won't grow. Our purpose is to show them they can become like us, that’s why we're here. We wish the Terrans to join the Galactic Federation one day, but this will never happen if they put themselves down as an inferior race. Of course they are more primitive than we are technologically, and a bit less wise...but we've all been there, we've evolved too. We believe that all life is immor- tal, that the soul is eternal, because all life forms are a fractal of Source. Each of us is made of a substance that is part of Her. We are Het, she is in us. She is us. Source is the consciousness of the multiverse. She is the almighty power, the source of all life, all matter and all energy. Our vehicle bodies are perishable, not our true selves who are unfailing fractals of Source. She is omnipresent, infinite and timeless. Source will never die, because She was never born. We say “She”, because she is the matrix of all things, and the Great Force that is Love, her igniting breath. Coming from Her we were never born, and returning to Her we will never die, Our temporary bodies of flesh decay, and we nourish the greatest respect for the sacred vessel that has carried our soul towards a mighty journey of learning and duty. When we are finally free, you feel Her, more than ever. Choice will is then ours to return, move on, or set ourselves free in the Unity of it all. We have no gods, no idols, no cults, we just have Her. An Errahel scientist named Thor, sent by the GFW, spent time on Terra with the US government to teach them about hyper-space travel, in the 1940's, in purpose of speeding up the Terran technological evolution before the growing threat of the Ciakahrr Empire. Unfortunately, the US representatives made the worst choice by denying the assistance of the GFW, when they were contacted in 1954, falling into the habitual con of the Ciakahrr. De- spite we had warned them! One of the main beliefs of the GFW is in the freedom of choice. We never force anyone to a decision, even though in many occasions we have done our very best at convincing about the best way to stay alive. In 1954, when a diplomatic squad from the GFW officially met your leader Eisenhower, we warned him about the different life forms visiting Terra, some of them not being very pleasant, and especially anything that looked Grey, Reptilian or white Humanoids. We offered the Terrans our assistance in deactivating all their weapons, ending their wars and cultivating peace and spiritual elevation of consciousness, in order for them to join as scon as possible the GFW. This had the purpose to get them safe and protected against the Ciakahrr and Orion empires. We couldn't make the final decision for you. We are also active in a program of assistance in the elevation of Terran con- sciousness, in helping you finding freedom from the oppressive servitude of the Ciakahrr Empire and the Orion and Altair groups. As such, we entice awareness opening through education, information, channellings and work on the frequency of your planet's energy erid. We are also involved in the global “Envoy program”, which consist in incarnating into a Terran body in order to perform ground work more efficiently. Many other races are part of this program created by the GFW, and which you name “Starseed". Our cargo ships, for long space travel, have cylindrical shapes. Our patrol ships are smaller and discoidal, the fleet decades have a more oblong profile. | will detail they technicality further down this documentation. T-MARHU T-Marhu Taal Third planet of the Ashaaru system, Tmar is a smaller world than Erra but the administrative central for the Ashara system. Temperate and also luxuriant with nature, T-mar is more populated proportionally than Erra. The T-marhu (pl: T-mari) are the Taal colony from Omankhera. The complete Taal royal family, who used to reign over the Man races, had escaped, as we know, to the Orion district and vanished into oblivion. Hence, a new government has formed on T-mar from the union ofa fermale royal descendant and a military hero. The Taali are close cousins of the Ahil, at some differences, for instance their alimentation; they are omnivore, meaning they eat flesh, which makes it more difficult for them to elevate their frequency into higher densities. They are, therefore, more vulnerable to lower frequency races such as reptilians and greys, this is why they only work in the background, in the military operations on Terra. Also, their spirituality isn't based on sensitivity and sensu- ality like their cousins Ahil, but on ascetic methods, which gives off them an impression of coldness. T-mari are involved with the GFW. Although they visited a Terra lot, they mever really established a durable colony. Their ships are discoidal, very similar to the Ahel ships. All three races, Noor, Ahel and Taal, share in the Ashara system the same technology and engineering. ALKHORHU The 5° Planet of the Ashaaru, Alkhorat, “the serene place”, is inhabited by the descendants of the Noor colony, named the Alkhorhu (pl: Alkori). As you remember, the Noori of the same genetic root as the Ahil but present some physiological differences, notably the size which can reach up to &ft tall, The Alkhori live as long as the Ahil and Taali, that is to say between 500 to 700 (T) years, but a genetic alteration occurred due to the successive changes of habitat conditions. You remember, the Noori people like to travel. This unfortunate alteration is such that their internal organs fail as they do not grow as fast as their body envelops. In general, the heart fails first. Members of the GFW as all Ashaari are (Taygeta Pleiadeans), the Noori are much involved into the Terran affairs. They have also been involved in the past of Terra, establishing colonies. Terran myths kept records of one of the Noor races as red haired giants. Their ships are Ashaari type, identical to those of the Errahil and T-mari. Alkhoru Noor D'AKOORHU D’Akoorhu (pl: D'Akoori) reside on the10" Planet, Dakoorat: “the place of the guardians of peace”. Now, this is the fourth Ashaari race, born from a unique evolution of the Noori from Alkhorat. They are those who you call the “Pleiadeans of light”. They are the highest level of evolution in the Man race and they dwell in the 9" density of existence, on a world they transformed alongside with their elevation. It is believed that this extraordinary development inte light beings is due to the nature of Dakoorat, most outwardly planet of the Ashaari system, which structure is crystalline and interacting molecularly with the plasmic field of the cluster. Surpassing the re- stricted possibilities of the altered Noori genetics, this colony transfigured their bodies into translucent ethereal envelops, allowing their life-span to reach incredible records. They leave when they wish to, when they feel they have done their time serving Source and wish to merge back again with Her, regenerate, and come back in anew existence for a new mission. The D'Akoori are wise and very powerful, and they are part of the Federation's council, working also at the ascensional shift of Terra and the maintenance of its frequency grid. They use transdimensional ethereal ships, powered by geometrical resonance energy. Often seen as lozenges or faceted prisms. Dakhoru cory RETICULUM Zeta Reticuli (“Daarkahr”) This binary star system is, again, a major centre for Grey-Saurian activity, just as Thuban is the head of the Ciakahrr Reptilian Empire and Orion the hive of the association of both. DO-HU (Dow) The “Do-Hu” were an old dying race, who left their home planet Elderan, M-? in the Zeta Reticuli system, which was very old and deteriorating, in search for a new home. They wished they never approached Orion... where they were unfortunately captured and assimilated by the Orion Alliance and genetically altered for servitude. The Do-Hu function like a hive-consciousness, connecting telepathically to a central cognizance, from where instructions are emitted and shared. This species was originally a cross between reptiloid and botanic genetics and hereditarily parents with the Solipsi Rai. They are now part of the Orion Grey Collective. Their telepathic skills are phenomenal, in particular when it comes to deceive Terran abductees. Genetically altered, they cannot reproduce anymore and are maintained in dependence to their oppressors regarding to the cloning of their species for survival. The Orion and Ciakahrr Empires, who uses them, made of the Do-Hu a group of harmful scavengers at their service, and this is a despicable and awful fate. They are sent by their masters on genetic alter- ation programs towards undeveloped worlds, in order to prepare the ground for invasion, as they did with Terra. Years 1953, 1955, 1957, the Do-Hu motherships arrived in orbit of Terra and took place under the Oceans, their largest facility positioned near the Easter Island. They also have an outpost on Mars, on the behalf of the Orion Empire. This small dangerous group of Do-Hu are very active on Earth, working for the Orion Empire, largely re- sponsible for abductions. They do their job coldly and without much emotion, of which they have been deprived. Do-Hu Their plan of action is always the same: studying everything about the world to conquer, and picking the strong- est leading governing group to make first contact with, a technics typical of the Orion and Ciakahrr collectives, avoiding counteroffensive from the GFW for prohibited interference by quickly signing covering treaties with the leaders of the visited world. Nobody violates the Law of Non-Intervention at the moment a treaty of consent is agreed, Thus, legally countering the Galactic Federation of Worlds and becoming untouchable, it allows in exchange of deceiving technology, to settle for ever and “study indigenous life-forms”. Covered by treaties willingly tak- ing away the rights of the conquered populations, the ground is prepared for their masters’ invasion. The Do- Hu signed the infamous Greada Treaty with Eisenhower, which original agreement was to assist Terrans with shared technology, in exchange of letting the Do-Hu .study our genetics, Underground facilities were built at their demand but the American government realised their mistake, when the true people they had signed with arrived and moved in...This scenario has happened, at our knowledge, on twenty-seven worlds of this only galaxy. At the moment these lines are written, there is a presence of around two-thousand Do-Hu on Terra and its moon, working mainly with the American government. They use though, to fulfil their routine on schedule, many more thousands of clones. The Ciakahrr Empire and the Do-Hu: Although the Do-Hu culture is technologically slightly more advanced, the Do-Hu resigned for reasons of sur- vival, but their contribution to the Empire's plan reached fulfilment eventually. Which is compelling is the fact that the Do-Hu civilisation level has been, since the start of this strange relationship, always more evolved than the Ciakahrr. Yet, there relented to use their technological advantage, not to confront militarily with this very belligerent species. Ships are discoidal with a very wide aperture underneath calibrated for large size abductions alike cattle, vehicles and else. EBEN They live on Planet Selpo, Zeta Reticuli | system. They left their original home world, Azrata, still in Zeta I Reticuli system, due to the increasing volcanic activity, the orbit of their planet getting closer to their star due to a dishal- ance caused by the close-by passage of a comet. Ebeni area peaceful culture, calm and caring people in general, although having a predilection for curiosity. Although they could look like if they do, Ebeni do not belong to the Grey species and do not share genetics with the other Greys of Zeta Reticuli, notably the Solipsi Rai. They area totally different species. They also do not have reptiloid dna, as most of Grey races do. Shorter than the Solipsi Ra species, 1.30 meters at the most, Ebeni have thin mouth and small nose, four fingered hands and feet and their skin isn't totally grey, rather light brown or pale blue for some. Blue is a colour they particularly affectionate, for a cultural reason, so they are often seen wearing this colour in clothing. Their eyes are large and oval, green or blue, and they wear dark protective lenses when travelling out of their environment. Their skin is very thick, for the reason that they evolved on a hot planet with harsh conditions. Their atmosphere was hot and saturated with Carbon and that is the environment there are adapted to live into and they recreated on Selpo, modifying the atmosphere of their new planet to fit this requirement. They have a colony in the Barnard star system and their ships are discoidal, with high module above and beneath, flat roofed. Eben ZETA RETICULI or RETICULANS (“Shamtbahali”) The heart of their hive-culture is on the Xrog twin-planets, a strange and hostile place, of metal and darkness. A world of doom and order, a totalitarian order. Shamtbahala is the name of their star, a system of twelve. Six are inhabited; the six other planets serve as resources. | heard stories, of how those who came back could barely mention what they had seen, shaking and sobbing, barely alive, ripped off all things that make an individual sov- ereign of their soul. You call them the Small Greys and often mistaken them in appearance with the Solipsi Rai. Their face features are more bony and emaciated than the Solipsi Rai and they have bigger eyes. They wear black uniforms with silver patterns for high rankings. Their physical strength is also surprising despite of their size. Half insectoid by genetics, their way of communicating is mostly telepathic, accompanied by crackling sounds produced in their throat. They have four fingers, which is a recognisable feature. They have secret underground bases on Terra where they work in agreement with the US-military. Allies of the Anunnaki, they cooperate with them on different planets, as well as on Terra (they are not enslaved to them), as to report the evolution of the hybridized races, sending them information very regularly. The Anunnaki also cre- ated a sub-species of the Zeta with the purpose of making them look more human-like, but leaving enough phys- ical differences for humans to distinguish them. Some have been rulers of Egypt. Shamtbahali Zeta have been on Terra since the time the Anunnaki were there, so it goes back to a good while and they still exist in both forms, original and the hybridized sub-species. They have usually large discoidal, completely neat and smooth surface. Shamtbahali SCORPIUS Antares NEGUMAK (Gnomopo) Negumak is the name of their planet, in the Antarian system. They name themselves after their homeworld, but the original name of their race is Gnomopo, one of the oldest known races in existence, and the predators you don't want to crass on your path. Tall and large, looking insectoid, they are not humanoid based and their genetic composition is, to our knowledge, neither reptile, grey or anything else living in this galaxy. Negumak Gnomopo are unique. They are androgynous and reproduce by laying eggs, and then they fertilize them once the eges have reached a certain level of maturity, They are terrible warriors and terrorize everyone, even Ciakahrr (that is to say) just by thinking about them. They are highly feared and not part of the GFW. Negumak have the power to wipe out the Reptilian race off existence and we are still, to this day, trying to figure out how to win their allianee. Their ships are made of a dark glossy metal and of very elaborate shapes. Negumak perform ab- ductions on Terra, to which purpose is unknown to everyone. All we know is that they use mind-control very skilfully, and release the captives afterwards, Terran governments are well aware of their existence, since first contact was made in 1989. The Ciakahrr and Orion occupation forces warned the Terrans about them, scaring everyone immensely and instilling fear regarding to the future of humanity. But that’s a thing, you know, be- cause the Cabal fears them... if only... we could only converse with the Negumak and come to an agreement... Negumak N'TORI (or Endorians) On the planet N'Tora ("Endora") of the Antarian system, lives a magnificent race: the N’Torii. They are beautiful 9th and 11¢h density extradimensional beings, who never leave geographically their planet but travel a lot using interdimensional consciousness resonance. Their structure is humanoid based but purely etheric. There are very few races in this galaxy who have reached such levels of evolution and the N'Torii are one of them. If I mention them to you it is because they brought their attention to your planet, in the desire to help the forces of light and evolution. We sometimes work with them and I saw one of them, once, it was a life experience | will always re- member. They manifest as a bright light with filaments of etheric substance dancing around a barely, blinding bright, tall humanoid body. You cannot see the features on their faces but | was told they have eyes like crystal. They are so powerful. Your Terra guardians, such as Caeayaron, are of the same nature as the N'Torii. Their world is, | was told, a 9D otherworldly place exempt of gravity, where mountains float in ethereal oceans of currents of light and moving translucent creatures. There are many other life forms on their planet and all living from the 9th to the 11% density. Imagine, the submarine life in your Terran oceans, but made with lights, colours, ethereal matter, in floating and gracious dancing moves. This is where they live. A perfect world. They help the GFW in elevating and cleansing the grid of your planet. Their etheric shimmering colourful ships are always an astonish- ment to watch, moving discoidal light vessels, Endortans SCULPTORIS Gamma Sculptoris ALLGRUULK (the Builders) They come from the double star system Gamma Seulptoris, or Orgozx, Planet Artaa. This binary system is com- posed of a very small blue star and big orange one. Seven planets orbit around them but only one is habitable, all others are rough planetoid types. Artaa is the 3™ planet, with a blue very dense and foggy atmosphere and ochre “martian” type lanscape. No tropical rainforest here but very damp conditions at the ground level, due to atmospheric process of rain. Very few vegetation although it rains a lot, for it misses a certain element in the composition of the atmosphere for vegetation to grow. The only vegetation that grows is resembling your cac- tuses, which are able to sucks the damp from the air. The rain is not nourishing; it is apparent to your water but it isn't; it would kill you if you would drink it, burning your flesh. Although, the skin of the Allgruulki needs it. They can't stand your atmosphere composition. They would die, alike you on their world, because of the air and the water. Allerrulk have a browny green scaly skin, holes for nostrils just above the top lip, with a brown scaly line down the centre of their face between the nostrils to the lip. They can live up to 230 years. They derive from an ancient race of reptilians that has gone extinct. They are specialists at building beam ships and other devices needed for space travelling. They are also space travellers themselves, always searching for new raw materials. They area good race, spiritual, and part of the GFW. Their ships are round (spherical-no window) or oval. Allgruulk SERPENS Theta Serpentis MYTHILAE “Unukh” They come from the constellation you name Serpens, from the star Alya-Unukhalai. The Unukhi are related ta the Reptoid species, but not categorized as Reptilians. They feed upon vegetal and crushed minerals, especially carbon. They do not breathe your air and use a special organic mask that makes them look weird. Their world is dark, cold and damp and Unukhi are used to strive in very cold temperatures. They discovered Terra very re- cently (in the 1960's), and are in the process to join the GFW. We allow them to hover above your polar zones and even land to take samples, at the moment the rules of non-intervention are respected. They do not represent any threat for Humans but however, not interested in taking part in the operations of the GFW for the Terran libera- tion. Their ship have a vertical shape. Mythilae Unukh SEXTANS Epsilon sextans AEART Constellation Sextans, Planet Okunuu Okulua (Epsilon Sextans). There are three planets in that , which is called the Akart star systern. There lives a race going by the name: Akart (pl. Akarit). Small grey type, three crest-like protuberance on forehead, big dark eyes. Patriarchal society, two genders. Females tend not to travel, unless they are part of the upper scientific class. In this case, they chase not to have family. They lay eggs as they are of cold blood type. One per pregnancy. A female Akart can lay up to six eggs in her lifespan. They do not live very long compared to many other species in the federation but maybe just a bit older than the Terrans, over a decade or two. Their technology is not among the more evolved ones but they know astral travel, 1 mean interdimensional travel, what you call astral. They love their offsprings and put a lot into their education. Females and males re- ceive the same education roughly, at the exception that fermales will study more into psychic powers. They eat flesh. They wear clothes, but not always. For interdimensional travel for instance, no clothes are required because of their peculiar method to do it; they know how to transfer their light being and incarnated bodies, but not clothes either any non-corporeal objects. That is their way of doing. That is often the reason why the interdimen- sional ships crews are unisex. Akarit come from a very long way far out in the galaxy, so they very rarely visit Terra, and by periods separated by long intervals. They don’t abduct, they are just curious, but do not mess too much with them, they are not so incline to pacifism. Nervous behaviour, impulsive. They have oval, grey metallic ships with no window. They glow witha very hot temperature when taking off raising their frequency for interdimensional leap. It can cal- cine the ground at take-off. Akart Beta Sextans HAV-HANNUAE-KONDRAS They originate from a dwarf Galaxy in the direction of Beta Sextans 4,3 million light-years from Terra. They have a humanoid appearance, their size is around 5.2 to 5.5 ft tall. They have black eyes without pupil, pale yellowish skin and dark hair. They are explorers but do not abduct people on a big scale as they used to do, in reason of the growing pressure of the Galactic federation of worlds and the Ciakahrr and Orion presence on Terra. They found Terra in your year 934, and started abducting and killing humans. They stopped doing this about a hun- dred years ago. It has become too much territorial issues for them so they became much more discreet than by the past, abducting times to times animals and rarely humans. The Maytrei started recently a trade with them, selling them abductees. The human bodies they use and abduct are never returned. They drain and drink the blood as well as the blood of animals. Several governments do know and accept their actions. Hav-Hannuae have interconnections with the dark satanic Terran cults. They are only interested by blood. Three genders. Their ships are very difficult to trace, they are always cloaked. They use a different technology regarding to space travels, not chosen to be developed here. They bend particles to distort the space continuum. Something that requires complicate technics. They ship are made of a shapeshifting living matter. SOL SYSTEM VENUS Now this is an interesting place, Venus (we call it Naara). The density of this small planet has been elevated to the 4th density, in order to be protected from the Ciakahrr influence. The people who did this are those from the Council of Five. Thus, now, there are two different planes of existence on Naara. Firstly, it is a scientific outpost for the Ga;actic Federation of Worlds, in biodomes and underground facilities, from which we are studying and monitoring your sun, and secondly, it is also a habitat for 4h to 6thdensity occupants such as Arcturians (Oho- rai) and a small extra-dimensional collective cell of twelve high density races named “Koldasii". TERRA We listed above all the underground and submarine facilities of the different races working against the Terran humanity and in cooperation with some of your governments, so we will not repeat. Although, there is one spot we haven't really spoken about yet, and which is worth a particular attention: The Antarctican Alliance Your southern continent, Antarctica, possesses extended underground systems and is the place of complex oper- ations for two adversary groups: -Thule Terran + Ciakahrr + Orion Grey Collective + Altairan Collective. A group of Terrans named “Nazi", devel- oped aircrafts with the complicity of beings from the Ciakahrr Empire and the and Altair Collective. This allied force has spread terror through this sector of the galaxy, conquering and committing untold atroci- ties against the peaceful inhabitants of other worlds. The “treaty” with the Orion and Altair Collectives and this Nazi Terran group also known as “Thule”, was signed before the second great Terran war, and some individu- als belonging to this Terran groups take part into interstellar flights as far as the Altair system and the Orion zone. The Thule Terran group had made alliance with the Reptilians faction residing under Antarctica and this Reptilian group guided this Terran group to set camp there. They helped them in their projects of developing spacecrafts of their own, especially in providing metallic shielding compounds but as well guiding them upon spacecraft design and propulsion core. They also supplied them with medical information about cloning and genetic technologies. Fortunately for your world, the Thule Alliance didn't manage to keep up with the produc- tion of their weaponized spacecraft, although they had the knowledge of some technics offered by the Reptilians and the Altairans in some cunning exchanges. It isa common behaviour with Ciakahrrs to ally with opposed in- digenous groups when attempting to conquer a new civilization, playing on animosities to have a better control upon them, a way serving the Ciakahrr interests advantageously. This, of course, generated jealousy from the US and a second group further appeared on Antarctican ground: -An US military expedition was sent in 1946 to take over the bases of the Thule collective, which operation was defeated by a Reptilian counterattack. Although, not so long after this failure, scientific cooperation was created between the two parties, sending US scientists ta Antarctica, and German scientists to the US for the aerospace industry, following collateral financial interests. Slowly, with time and intricate deals of all sorts, the US military industrial complex were involved in many domains with the Reptilians residents of Antarctica and asserted their presence on this continent. The final deals were settled in 1955, involving many other countries as well. These despicable alliances are named the “Antarctican Alliances” or “Antarctican Collectives". Ciakahrr and Altairans still regularly fight over territoriality in Antarctica, something you never see and never hear about, but this place is extremely dangerous and unstable. Alongside with Ciakahrr and Orion Greys' bases, there is indeed a large presence of blond humanoid races there, belonging both to Akhori Altairans (working with Thule group) and Telosi separatists (working with US military), The Ashtar Collective (you remember, from Sirius, ruled by the Orion Reptilians) also has an involvement with these Antarctican secret alliances, The Altairan, Thule and Orion outposts under the ice of Antarctica also run slave facilities, where human captives serve three purposes, that we are aware of: firstly, abductees are stored before being sent to Terra’s Moon and Mars'facilities for trading towards other destination in the galaxy (this is part of a huge business and Antarctica is one of the many space- ports for galactic slave trade). The second part serves as slave labour in secret Terran advanced technology programs and the third part, and this is the ugly side, thousands of abductees, are used down there for horrific genetic and cloning experiments, and also radiation and biological testing. I would say that the part of the abductees who make it to the Terran and Martian moons are the lucky ones. And do not believe this is only down to your extraterrestrial invaders; the US and German secret states, mainly, together with transnational corporations, are deeply involved in this, serving diverse opportunistic, scientific, industrial and financial purposes.This is why they will fight to keep these secrets on their lives. [f one day full disclosure is made about the involvement of your governments and industries with extra-terrestrial agendas, this will mark the end of your systems as you know it. And a good thing to happen for sure. We cannot do it for you as you are not globally ready to receive these informations with wisdom and calm, firstly, and secondly, an underground warfare needs to be won beforehand. The Galactic Fed- eration of Worlds cannot afford an open war with the Altairan, Orion and Ciakahrr empires altogether. Thisis a very intricate situation. Antarctican Collective: Corporate of Altair /Kiily-Tokurt /Ciakaher / Zeta Xrog ‘Thule (former “Nazi")~MIEC~US- Telos Alliance /Orion Collective. MARS Mars, which we name Tyr, was in the past striving with a diversity of primitive life-forms, and was always an observation outpost for species wanting to keep an eye on Terra and stock their contingents. Tyr was besieged so many times in the past, destroyed and ripped off from its atmosphere by insanely feracious conflicts. The most violent offensive was the destruction of the nearby 4" planet, Janos, by the Maytrei, wiping out all life on Tyr. First populated by a Man Noor colony, Tyr was attacked by Anunnaki, Ciakahrr, Kiily-Tokurit, Maytrei, Zeta Krog, the Altair and Ashtar collectives and finally, the Orion Alliance. Now, what you can see of Tyr is only death and desolation of a barren red rock floating in space. Nonetheless, faint indigenous life forms survived all these cat- aclysms. Now, the secret Terran space program in correlation with the Altairan Alliance owns there an outpost for highly selected Terran colonists among the elites. They are transported there via two Altairan teleportation devices called “Aeronautical Repositioning Chamber”, located in two US military bases. A similar ones exists for Moon. Parallel to this, on the 5th and 6th dimensional planes, the benevolent Council of Five runs a huge facility for the teaching and awakening of the star-soul envoyees incarnated on Terra. We lost Tyr in the 3rd dimen- sional plane; it belongs now to the Grey Collective and the Orion Alliance, with whom we have been at war fora long while, Unfortunately, they own Tyr and its two satellites legally. These two satellites are hollowed facilities for these purposes and ownerships: -Tyt-1 (Deimos): Maytra facility working as a slave sorting place where fresh abductees are brought to be dispatched towards diverse owners, tasks and destinations. A similar facility exists on the hidden side of Terra moon. -Tyr-2 (Phobos): Xrog (Shamtbahali) facility. It is the nervous central for their abduction, implantation and other similar programs. We express concern that your species is in the process of trying to colonize this planet... JUPITER Ashtar Galactic Command This is now the Ashtar separatists from Sirius B, who have nothing to do with the Ashtar Collective. Their outpost on Jupiter works together with the Galactic Federation of Worlds’ presence in your star system, and as an officer of this federation, I report regularly to the Ashtar Galactic Command regarding to our work in symbiosis with them. Their headquarters are located on a moving battleship and they could be assimilated to a mercenary mil- itary organisation vowing to maintain peace in this galactic sector and work at freeing worlds from the Orion Grey Collective and the Ciakahrr Empire. Their alliance with our galactic federation is a gift, as their skills in battle has great renown. This cell of the Ashtar Galactic command is based on the surface of Jupiter, in an extremely hostile environment. It is a huge floating city, unattackable citadel built with all the renown architectural science and technics of the Ashkeru people (from the Sirius systems). This organisation integrated with time many different races but its command has always been assured by Ashkeru officers. As 1 will not mention enough, “Ashtar" is not a mame but a military title and afew are privileged to deal directly with them. There is one in function by outpost. ALLMAHULUK-STRAT-163 The Allmahuluki live on the planet Jupiter, in a different dimensional plane. They arrived here extremely long ago, from constellation Lyra and Cygnus, but are not parented to the Lyran collective. They are tall and very slim ethereal beings, able to manifest in 3D plane thanks to their special suits. Big huge black eyes, They are now far from 3D incarnation vibratory states and remain in 6D. They redrew from Earth where they had settled a colony and, not possible for them to go back to the Lyran system because of the wars, they settled on planet Jupiter instead. They live peacefully there in cohabitation with the GFW headquarters in the Sal system, based also on Jupiter. They are considered as mystical elders. After a reputed lost battle in ancient India against Reptoids, they were forced to leave our planet which they had been visiting for about 200 years, but they have resumed their vis- its since 1948. This race is technologically extremely advanced. They do not abduct, they are pacifists and wise. Part of the GFW. Saucer type ships, bright blinding blue sizzling light. Invisible for the most part, and they also Wear suits making them invisible. Allmahuluk-strat-163 TAURUS Aldebaran (“Jada”) This is not very far from you: 65 (T) light years. This fiery enormous star is host to a vast planetary system of thirteen and three main civilizations: an Anunnaki colony, an Ahel colony and 9‘h dimensional beings. JADAIT ANUNAKENE (or “Janosians”) Seventh planet of the Jada system: “Kora 361". In the Anunnaki language it means: “Outpost 361". That tells how widely extended is their presence in this galaxy, and beyond. This blue planet has 4 moons and is subtropical temperate. Terraformed, which doesn't surprise. They are an exiled colony who left your solar system when their planet, Janos, located between Mars and Jupiter, was pulverized by the Maytrei. These are the ones who made contact with the Terran psychic Maria Orsic in 1919, expressing themselves in the ancient Terran language still in use by them: Sumerian. Janosian JADAIAHIL One of the numerous Ahel colonies exiled from the Lyran wars. JADAIT NEMESSI These are high light beings, indigenous to this system and living in the 9th dimensional plane. They never were interested to interact with Terra or the GFW, but they maintain a close relationship with the local Anunnaki colons. As they are not members of the GFW, there is very few we know about them. TRIANGULI AUSTRALIS Beta Atria SMAD They come from a planet they name Svokk, in the star system: Beta Atria, a system of three planets, very hostile to life in general, They resemble humans but with particular facial features, Their race is in decline due to overly pushed genetic interbreeding with the wrong races, and as well the weakening environmental conditions of their habitat on Svokk. They have two genders, are oviparous, although not reptiloids. Smad are a pacifist people. The $mad have colonised about twenty worlds, never by force, and they discovered Terra 2500 years ago. Driven by curiosity, as they do not have any dogmatic structure of belief, they show deep interest for the evolution of Terran religious systems. They were recently welcomed as members of the GFW. Their ships are of conical shape and only six left. URSA MINOR Stahhah STROM The name of their star system is Stakkah, a system of six. Strom are very peaceful invertebrates-coelenterates. They are about 6ft,5 with a big head which look a bit like some of your Terran dog species (nonrelated), and they feed on nutriment liquids and vegetals. Strom have three genders and need the three together to procreate; one is the egg layer, the second the fertilizer and the other one, the bearer. It is something | have been explained and if you wish a bit of exobiology, here is how they do that: pheromones are first generated by the bearer, who feels it is time in its cycle (they have four cycles in a lifetime (of 200(T) years). It searches a couple of the two other components to attract for reproduction and when they have gathered all three together, the pheromones produced by the bearer stimulates the sexual functions of the two other ones, who switch into a chemical reaction activating their genital organs. There is nothing, then, that can stop them and if the process is interrupted, both die rapidly, burnt by the chemical that need to be transmuted by copulation. Once the intercourse has occurred, the chemical is released from their sys- tem and the fecundated egg-matrix needs then to be implanted into the bearer. It is then, that the bearer inserts an appendix into the matrix holder to grab the fecundated egg, and ingests it. 1 know, disgusting, uh} Welcome to the wonderful biodiversity of this universe. Oh, and after? Well, the bearer ejects the matured specimen by an orifice at the back of its lower body. Do not be horrified, they do enjoy this. There must always be a minimum of enjoyment in any reproduction process; necessary for any species to motivate for survival. Vegetation is of great significance to the Strom culture and the main reason for their visits (at least 200 times on Terra). They first dis- covered Terra at the end of the last Ice Age and have visited then mainly to study the flora. They are discrete and act with extreme caution towards Terrans, which they consider dangerous, violent and devoid of rationality, with a very low level of intelligence and a severe lack of consciousness. In a word: primitive compared to their own level of intelligence. Strom possess twenty colonies across the galaxy. They have octago- nal ships. Strom VELA KITLY-TOKURT (pL. Kiily-Tokurit). Kiila is the name of their world, near the star you name “Suhail”, and Tokurt is their race. They are 6ft tall beings, living up to 200 years, and also one of the oldest races in this galaxy. They are not members of the GFW, although we are trying hard to get them in, in order to oblige them to behave. They are very good shapeshifters, and the one thing that gives them away is the aspect of their eyes, which are wide and obsidian dark. Their true appearance is like tall grey-humanoid, but they are in fact of reptiloid genetics and have very pale skin, nearly white. That is why your people calls them sometimes “tall whites", They are regularly mistaken for the Maytrei, who are not shapeshifters, have darker grey skin, uglier face and wider skulls. Kiily-Tokurit have two genders and are oviparous. They don’t do hybridation programs but abduct for sexual slave trade and food market. Some work also as mercenaries. They are not allies of the Zetai, Ciakahrr, Maytra neither the Reptilian Alliance; they work solo and although they possess great weaponry power, they do not search for conflict. Fre- quent incidents with GFW forces are constantly occurring, regarding to their illegal business on Terra. Their ships are elongated black triangle with tree corner lights underneath plus a larger central one, and very recognisable, Compared to the USAF secret flying triangles, the ET ships do not make any noise, they have sharp edges, are bigger, and possess a cloaking system based on quantum reflection (reflecting underneath what is above). Lf you see one of these, just don't think; run. Male Kiily-Tokurt (right) represented with a female Kiily-Tokurt shapeshifted into a humanoid, to show the eyes stay black, PURITAV-ILLUMU (Nosyv-7) They come from the star system Mu Vela. Purit Av-I]lwmu are average size amphibian humanoids, with grey skin, elongated skull and long pointed ears. They are peaceful and discrete, and work as watchers for the Galactic Fed- eration of Worlds. Their activities are mainly about the monitoring of your oceans and also in the access and use of the Interdimen- sional portals on Terra. They have very large discoidal ships. They have bases on Terra in vast sub-oceanic facilities. Purit Av-[lhuoru VIRGO Porrima GRAYSLI They come from two home planets in the Gamma Virgo binary star system: Porrima, 34 light-years from Terra. Their main world is a tropical and damp planet. Graysli are a Grey race, they are the same height as humans with soft white to clear grey hair over their skin. They are of Reptiloid nature and have two genders, but they had six at the origin, a very long time ago. As all greys, they wear biometric protective dark lenses when they leave their world to travel. They have been keeping a close look at human's development. They do not perform abductions; their aims are rather scientific curiosity. They wouldn't compete anyway with those already in place. Spherical ships with a slight prominent slit around. Crews of six, each has a task, no passengers. Graysli Wolf 424 (Ummo) UMMIT They originate from Wolf- 424, planet Ummo, 14,6 (T) light years from your system (very near, and very involved assisting you).They have ancestry ties with the Lyran Ahel and Noor races, and the Vega humanoids. Ummit have this particularity of a high forehead, which distinguishes them from the other Man races. As well, their eyes are smaller and in same facial proportion as the Terran humanoid eyes. They are mainly blond and their life-expectancy of about 200(T) years. They have discoidal ships. Ummit are working actively with the GFWon a scientific program aiming to assist the development of Terran sciences. Respecting the rules of non-intervention in the development of a level 1 civilization (level 2 is imter- stellar travel), they come around it by contacting civilians, often technically competent professionals able to comprehend the content of the messages, instead of official scientists, unveiling detailed technical information on different technologies and theories in order to expand scientific knowledge. Thus, the spread messages will imbue a society with new ideas, influential to innovative science projects, with- out brutally breaking the dynamics of a species'growth. Sharing technical information, transforming scientific culture and global education the Ummit assist in global solutions to new scientific paradigms and development of environmentally friendly technologies. Unimit In 1973, Ummites transmitted, via a Terran contactee, this message: “For 30 years we have studied your science, your culture, history and civilizations All this information we have carried from your Earth to Ummoe in our titanivm crystals codified with data. We have demonstrated to you our culture and our technology in purely descriptive form - so you cannot convert them or realize them practically. We have done this because we note with sadness that you employ your sciences primarily for war and the destruction of your own selves, which continue as your principal objective. You are like children playing with terrible and dangerous toys which will destroy you. We can do nothing! A cosmic law says that each world must take its own path, to survive or to perish, You have chosen the second. You are destroying your planet - annihilating your species, and contaminating your atmosphere and your seas until now this is Irreversible. With sadness we contemplate your insanity, and understand that the remedy is only in yourselves. We can not look forward a great distance into your future because your psyche are completely unpredictable and capricious bordering on paranoia. As your elder brothers in this cosmos, we urgently desire with all our hearts your salvation, Do not destroy your beautiful blue planet, a rare atmospheric world that floats so majestically in space, so Full of life. It is your choice. " VOLANS Gamma Volans KYLLIMIR-AUK (Bird head) Origin: Gamma Volans, planetary system of four they call Kylat. Tall Saurian-Grey race closely allied with the Maytrei. They are called the bird-heads because of their facial features. The Galactic Federation of Worlds forbade them to visit Terra 3000 (T) years ago, but they kept on coming because of their allies, the infamous Maytrei. This is a head breaker for us, and an ongoing fight. Oblong ships, silvery, very fast. They use interdimensional travel and they have the habit of easily materialise in 2D to escape our monitoring range. Very annoying race. Kyl- limir-Auk VULPECULA NGC 6940 (Phykxa) MOOVIANTHAN-EAY-PHIXAKA They come from the Nebula Phykxa (NGC 6940), in the Constellation Vulpecula. They are Small Greys with hollow eyes. Part of the Grey Collective and cooperate with the Orion Alliance, Their ability to interdimensional travel gave them the name of Shining Ones. They met with two US presidents and many USSR high ranking lead- ers, and they also exchange technology for the freedom to abduct humans. They had a big role in Siberian and Tibetan culture, and still have bases in those areas hidden inside the North face of the mountains. They have col- onized over 40 planets. Discoidal ships. Moovianthan Kay Phixaka Ozmog RAK Vulpecula constellation, a world named Ozmog, Raki are small humanoids with reptiloid legs, a blueish skin and tentacles coming out of the back of their head. They are quite wild and aggressive. This race has visited Terra five times and their short presence in the Middle East gave rise to the myth of Jinns. According to local mythologies, they inhabited an unseen world in a parallel dimension, but the actual truth was, they stopped visiting because their immune system could not cope with Terra’s environmental conditions. The last recorded visit was in (T) year 712. They are members of the Galactic Federation of Worlds but are not interested in Terra anymore, Rak GREYS Those generally named “ Greys" because of their skin colour and identifiable features, are commonly Reptoids or otherwise, in smaller number, insectoid, saurian-amphibian or vegetal. We can find scaly-lizard skinned ones, others with webbed claw fingers, but most of them will have reptilian vertically-slit eyes often covered by biometrical dark lenses. A large number of Greys are genetically engineered, biosynthetic life-forms, cloned, integrated with cybernetic components or assimilated with human DNA, knowing that genome modifications allow adaptation to different environments on the conquered worlds. Their intentions are of all sorts and not all are involved in abductions and experimentations, nor are as malevolent as for instance those from the Orion Alliance. You have for reference a very good example in the Solipsi Rai, peaceful and benevolent species by nature, which was in great part indoctrinated and enslaved by the Orion and Ciakahrr Empires. Indeed, and unfortunately, the Greys have acquired in general a bad name, mainly because of their relationships with the Reptoids, but as well their thirst for conquest, enslaving by terror different other factions of Greys. There are a multitude of variations of races among those called the Greys, but only 27 are involved with visiting Terra, and 22 play an active part for very diverse motives. Here is a simple classification of these latest: Small Greys WA Ainanna Mainly related to the Solipsi Ra race. Here we find all the engineered synthetic life-forms and the enslaved popu- lations at the service of the Orion and Ciakahrr Empires. -Ainanna (Gemini)...Dulee, working with US gov. trading high tech technology in exchange for humans. Genetic experiments, etheric dissociations, allied in this program with Repts and Maytrei. Ships: oval / rectangular black metal with yellow lights on the periphery / spherical blue probes. ~Airk (Ophiuchus)...Sweet smiling people. Never stay long on Terra, do not interact with humans. Use Terra as a stop to quickly gather something they may need, before leaving to their real destination. -Akart (Sextans).......Don't abduct, curious but not so incline to pacifism. Nervous behaviour, impulsive. -Anak (E. Bootes).....Mixed with local population in an interbreeding program part of Ciakahrr agenda. Involved in the Dulce incidents, and in the infiltration, implantation and control of Terrans in the Ciakahrr agenda to take over your planet. Square ships, rarely visible because using Ciakahrr ships. -Do-Hu (2. Reticuli)..Enslaved and genetically altered by Orion and Ciakahrr Empires who use them, sent on ge- netic alteration programs to undeveloped worlds, in order to prepare the ground for invasion. -Eben (2Z.Reticuli)......Peaceful, calm and caring people in general, having a predilection for curiosity. -Elfaff (Bootes).........Theycome to Terra for mining interests and geology study. Dome-like ships. -Emerther (T. Ceti)...Came in 1954 on behalf of the Council of the Five for peaceful purpose, warning different governments against the Greys and Ciakaher. -Moovianthan (Vulpecula)Grey Collective, Orion Alliance, US-Telos. Diseoidal ships. -Shambtnahali (Z. Reticuli)They have secret underground bases on Terra where they work in agreement with the US-military. -Solipsi Rai (Cygnus & Reticuli) initially a peaceful race. Some of them made alliance with the Ciakahrr Empire and Orion Grey Collective, working with Terran US gov. on technology in exchange for humans. Were involved in Dulce incidents. Very active in abductions, at service to the Maytrei, Kiily-Tokurit and Reptiloids. These have been cloned as slave workers, classified as synthetic life-forms. Discoidal ships. Tall Greys Maytra Orela . x5 Indugut Those involved with the Orion and Ciakahrr Empires are using the small ones for their aims, notably enslaved factions of: Do-Hu, Eben, Solipsi Rai and Zeta, as well as artificially engineered life-forms looking like Type A small greys. -Eban (Oriom)............ Deeply involved with the Cabal and work alongside Terran military in underground facili- ties, on hybridization programs and soul scalping. -Elmanuk (Alnair)...... Visited Terra in year 2002, in order to prepare the Great Awakening. Quite similar to the Arcturians (Ohorai). Their elegant ships are "V" shaped but not plain triangular. -Grail (Orion)... Very aggressive, rarely adventure to Terra. Oblong ships with chrome aspect. -Graysli (Virgo)........... Scientific curiosity. Dontt perform abductions. Spherical ships with slit around. -Indugutk (Orion)....... Treaties with Terran govs involved in space programs.US, Russia, and China. Have bases on Terra moon for mining, using slaves for this. -Kiily-Tokurt (Vela)..Don't do hybridation. Abduct for food & sexual slave trade. Compete with Ciakahrr and Orion. Work solo. Black triangle ships with corner lights underneath & large central one. -Matrax (Alpha Delphinus) not aggressive. Have been visiting Terra for at least 4000 years. Part of the GFW. -Maytra (Megopei).... Abductions (slave traffic to mines on Terra's moon and Mars & slave trade ). Coalition witht US-Telos Alliance. Ships: large, dark & discoidal with a circular row of lights plus aa large opperture underneath. Insignia:black inversed triangle on 3 lines and a red background. -Orelian(Ophiuchus)....Peace ambassadors. Round flat ships but rather travel inter-dimensionally. -Smad (Trianguli Australis) Pacific, interest for Terran religious systems. Conical ships. -X5-Tykut (artificially created by Maytra) main Maytra workforce in abductions, 1 HU- / HY- / RE-...BREEDS HYBRID: ‘Hybrids' made of alien & human genetic coding, and who possess alien soul-matrin. HUBRID: ‘Hybrids’ with alien & human genetic coding, yet who possess a human soul-matrix. REBRID: ‘Hybrids’ possessing no soul-matrix. They can have either human or reptoid genetic coding. Allis in the eyes... Some races are genetically so different from human Terrans, that it makes the engineering complex. The Ciakahrr are not very good at it, but the Maytrel and Kuly-Tokurit are, that is why they cooperate together, often using the services of Akari Mantis geneticists. The Maytrei ask a dear price in exchange for their services and the Ciakahrr are not very keen on that, but they haven't any better option. The offsprings of a ge- netic splicing fall into a category or another, regarding to the soul matrix, since for instance Reptilians (be they Ciakahrt, Nagai, tall Grey races or Solipsi Rai related) do not have an individual soul-matrix alike humans but are instead part of a collective hive-type consciousness, A very simple way to know is by looking into their eyes. Don't you say that the eyes are the window of the soul? Well, it works for that one: round pupils for Hubrids, black opaque or vertical-slit pupils for Reptilians Hybrids. The Rebrids have generally dark pupil-less eyes. Count as well the fingers (5=human / 4=Reptoid) and if the male genitals are external (Human) or internal (Reptoid). The Ciakahrr love to play with extreme limits of pain and extract Human souls from their bodies with the help of extreme fear coupled with extreme pain, a horrid technics called “Soul-scalping", with the use of substances like chrome or mercury. The extracted soul is then kept in a pod-container and inserted in a new Hybrid body, which will be controlled at the masters’ will. As we saw above, there are a lot of underground facilities mostly in North America, under military bases such as Dulce in New-Mexico, where these experiments are conducted with ab- ductees. Outrageous, I know. Cross-breeding even have their specific names, such as: “Orion Grey and Human: “Essassani”. -Physical and non-physical humanoid: “El”. DIFFERENT HUMANOID FEATURES CAUCASIAN ALKHORI AHEL (EARTH) (ALPHA CENTAURI) (ALTAIR) (PLEIADES) oN Fo ‘| j \ 4 é ASHKERU ANUNNAKI OHORAN (WOLF 424) (Srrtus B) (NIBIRU) (ARCTURUS) 1954...Contact First contact was made by a group of Greys with the US president Eisenhower and close officials, on hidden be- half of the Ciakahrr Empire, then 3 other groups arrived: -~EMERTHER, DO-HU and XROG ZETAGreys, on behalf of the Ciakahrr Empire in order to prepare ground by their relentless trick. -PLEIADEANS, on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, sent to warn the Terrans not to deal with the devil. The only people you needed to trust, but we looked so much like your race that it drove your officials crazy with fright! And our offer to assist in the disarmament of all your weapons and help bringing a world of peace and spiritual ascension didn't seduce your leader. affairs, the Ashtar Command's outpost in your planetary system relates to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. “AshTar" is a title which means “Command" and is used as well as "High Commander”. It is not a personal name as often believed in confusing misleading information. Council of Five: Based in the Orion area and formerly known as the Council of Nine. Created By the Elmanuk from Ardamant and now composed of these 5 only races: Orela, Egaroth, Ginvo, Redan and Emerther. They are involved in the pro- tection of Terra and many other systems. They were involved in protecting Terra, way before the creation of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, which they joined later on as council representatives, They have been monitoring your species when it was still organisms floating in your oceans, and have witnessed its evolution to primates, the Anunnaki meddling, the different Terran colonisations from all parts of the galaxy, the arrival of the evil empires and the Terran territorial alien wars. The council of Five, at the moment ran by the Egaroth, met Terran leaders at many occasions, trying to influence their decision with wisdom, which has always been quite a diffi- cult task. The Council of Five do not have a rule of non-intervention, such as the Prime Directive of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, as they consider that sometimes, intervention is necessary in helping a species avoiding fatal mistakes leading to destructive pathways. They met on Terra with leaders in 1944, and met again in the last ten days of August 2013, to discuss the threat of the Orion and Ciakahrr empires, the Cabal alliances and the aftermath solutions for a clean and free future for the Terran species. The Galactic Federation of Worlds has some issues with this way of doing, regarding to their rules of non-intervention, but they will not be able to interfere with the Council of Five other than diplomatically. The fact it is tran by Egaroth, enforces the intentions of uncon- ditional assistance to the Terran species, and the work of energy rebalancing of Terra’s grid. resonance, all life-forms will benefit of the shift and its protection. . Procyon: As also part of the Council of Five, the Ginvo from the star system you name Procyon support active re- sistance to extra-terrestrial subversion, developing multidimensional consciousness. They use, to do so, mental imagery to prevent invasive mind control and extra-terrestrial monitoring activity. Henceforth, exposing extra- terrestrial subversion and ending global secrecies, the Ginvo are strongly active in the multidimensional mind- control deprogramming, as well as the purging and protection of internet and global communications. . Sirius B: The Ashkeru-Taali assist in building a suitable ecological system for human evolution on Terra, by enhancing the bio-magnetic energy grid of the planet, in coordination with the Errahil from the Pleiades. They work at protecting the planet's environment and its bio-diversity, raising human consciousness through the evo- lution of the biosphere. . Tau Ceti: Exposing extra-terrestrial corruption, the Emerther from Tau Ceti system help identifying corrupt elites & institutions, working in the roots of the societies to pull out the truth and into the light and offer it to the justice of the Terrans. Uplifting human consciousness and negating extra-terrestrial mind control, their princi- pal field of action is dealing with high military instances. Emerther have been deeply active in reaching out to the secret military levels in the leading Terran societies, in a relentless attempt to help them redraw from the Reptil- ian influence. . Telosii: We are speaking here about those not part of the US-Telos Alliance, of course. They help Terrans to learn about their ancient sacred history, restoring human longevity, changing unhealthy belief systems and protecting the environment by promoting bio-diversity. .Ummit: They share technical information for the evolution of scientific culture and global education, trans- forming scientific paradigms, developing alternative technologies and enticing educational reform. Vegans: They assist everyone else's task in understanding Terran human's motivations and potentials, Orion League, or United Races of Orion: This organisation concerns cultures from these star systems. It was created to fight the Orion Empire (Rigel and Draco). The current members are from Alnitak, Betelgeuse and Meissa. They are affiliated to the Galactic Federa- tion of Worlds. United Worlds Alliance: Also named “The Alliance”, it is an alliance of humanoids from diverse races in the Altair system. [n affiliation with the Galactic Federation of Worlds as well as with the Corporate of Altair, it plays double game. Its headquar- ters are on the 4‘ planet of the Altairan system: Akhoria. The Akhori Altairan humanoids are heavily involved in abductions and interbreeding programs (between these blond Altairans and Terrans), in connivance with the US government. They count the presence of Terran detachments of special elite troops from the Terran military: US- Telos Alliance and Thule Alliance (Antarctica). Vega Alliance: Adari / Elevar / Ozman / Puxhity / Zenatae / Aramani / Ginvo / Eldaru, These races have raised alliance to with- stand the developing and threatening power of the Orion Empire. MALEVOLENT: Antaretican Collective: Akhorii (Altair) / Kiily-Tokurit/ Ciakahrr / Zeta Xrog/ Nazi (Thule Alliance), USSR & US-Telos Alhance/ Orion Collective. Also called the “Antarctican Alliance", it is where Terran “Nazi”, developed aircrafts with the complic- ity of the Altair Collective and a Ciakahrr outpost, using a part of the ancient Agarthan underground facilities. This alliance spreads terror through this sector of the galaxy, and there is a treaty with the Orion and the Altair Collectives and this Nazi Terran group, as well as witha US military elite faction, and some Terrans take part inte interstellar flights as far as the Altair system and the Orion zone. Alongside with Ciakahrr and Orion Grey bases, there is a large diversity of blond humanoid races there, belonging both to Akhori Altairans (working with Nazi group) and Telosi separatists (working with US military). The Ashtar Collective is also involved with them. Antarctica is a boiling volcano, at all levels. Corporate of Altair: Headquarters of a collective based on the fourth planet of the Altairan system, and which maintains dodgy ties with the Ashtar and Draconian collectives at the same time. This is a mixed group composed of a blond hu- manoid race that co-operates with a race of Greys. This Corporate is not part of the Ciakahrr ( Draconian) Empire but heavily involved in abductions and interbreed- ing programs (between these blond Altairans and humans), in connivance with the US government. Presence of a detachment of the Terran military (US-Telos Alliance). So this Corporate is part of ‘The Alliance’. (The 6th and 7th dimensional Altairans do not nourish interest in conquests and agendas of any sort and are not part of the Corporate of Altair.) Ashtar Collective, Sirius B: Humanoids of various types (Sirius B/ Altair mainly), Reptoids, Greys, Insectoids, and genetically-engineered species, also called “The Sirian Collective’. The headquarters are located in the Sirius B system on the planet Morga. At the time when the Ciakahrr Empire took over the Orion systems and created the Orion Empire with local Grey species, or Alliance of the Six, the Sirian Ashkeru humanoids found themselves engaged in a conflict over the ownership of twenty one star systems, yours included. The Sirian systems stood up to the invaders and created this collective, siege of the power of Ashkera (Sirius B): Ash-Tar (Ash=bright light, Tar=the seat). Due to infiltrations and corruption by reptilian agents of the Ciakahrr Empire, a humanoid rebel faction separated from the Ashtar Collective and took side with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, taking the name of “Ashtar Galactic Command". Meanwhile, the Ashtar Collective became also involved with Terran shadow governments and the Cabal. Cabal: This is a mame regrouping all Terran secret alliances with your malevolent extra-terrestrial occupants. Invader races on Terra set deals with the U.S. government and other leading economical powers. Ciakahrrs compose the secret pyramidal summit of the military industrial extraterrestrial complex, controlling information related to alien presence, human elites, media, corporations, institutions and financial systems. They stimulate wars, scarcity, fear and insecurity, encouraging corruption, ethnic and religious ferocity, terrorism, drug trade and organized crime. There is a strict hierarchy involving the Ciakahrrs and other extraterrestrial races involved in the invasion of Terra, and the Reptilians from Thuban, Ciakahrr and Nagai, are in command of Terra based Reptilians, Ciakahrr Empire: Stretching from Cygnus to Perseus and to Orion Arm, the Ciakahrr Empire colonised over 500 worlds and have a presence on thousands of planets. Their three home worlds are Thuban-Anwar (Alpha Draconis, head of their empire), Tiphon Giansar (Sygma Draconis) and Grumium Eltanin (Epsilon Draconis). Military-Industrial-Extra-Terrestrial Complex: Or "MIEC”. Currently controls most information concerning extraterrestrial presence and alliances of interest. It dominates government and institutions around the planet, financial interests, the mass media, and is responsi- ble for systemic global problems. It cooperates with these races and alliances: . Zeta and Orion Grey Collectives: Abduction of civilians, genetic experiments, mind programming, monitoring Terrans through implants, cloning and creation of Human/Grey Hybrids. . Maytra , Elilytokurt and the Orion Empire: Abductions, genetic experiments, Human/Grey Hybridization, mind control researches and diplomatic agreements with the MIEC and the Cabal. Corruption of political elites, infil- tration of national security agencies and human rights abuses, . Ciakahrr Empire: manipulation of the Terran elites, institutions and financial systems, influencing religious belief systems, militarism and removal of Terran civilization from History, human rights abuses, elite corruption and domination, contrel of the medias and corporations, divisive religious dogma, historical amnesia and cul- ture of violence. Manipulation of ethnic minorities and religions to violence and division, fundamentalism and terrorism, organised crime and drug trade. Abductions, harvesting human genetic material and Adrenochrome, slave and food trade with human material. . Ashtar Collective: Cooperation in weapon research. Orion Empire or Orion Alliance, or “Alliance of the Six": “Nebu” Reptilian star systems in the Orion open cluster, cen- tred around Rigel. Orion Grey Collective: Orion centred, works with Rigel Alliance. (Maytra, Solipsi Rai, Eben, Zeta, Kiily-Tokurit, Dows ete...) Corporate (of Greys from the Zeta Reticuli system) The heart of the Corporate of Greys is on the Xrog twin-planets Reptilian Collective: Alpha Draco (Ciakahrr form Thuban, Lokas & Talas) / Epsilon Bootes (Imanni) / Rigel / Zeta II Reticuli. Washington-Telos Alliance Alliance of the US military with the Telosian separatists from Mount Shasta, who established in turn treaties with both the Orion (Grey) and Ciakahrr (Reptoid) empires. Underwater bases Orion Alliance : North pacific Ocean, Mediterranean and Baltic Sea. Orion Grey Collective : Pacific Ocean : 12 bases. Ciakahrr Empire: Atlantic Ocean : 2 bases. Antarctica : lake Vostok. Corporate of Altair: 1 huge sub-Antarctican base. Northern Sea. Irish Sea. Indian Ocean. Galactic federation of Worlds: Atlantic North (between Iceland and Ireland). East Pacific. South Pacific. North Pole. Offshore Alaska. Purit av-[lumu (Mu Vela) Amphibian Grey humanoids watchers for the Galactic Federation of Worlds, monitar- ing oceans and the access to Oceanic Interdimensional portals. Three huge bases in vast suboceanic facilities in North Atlantic, Baltic Sea and Northern Sea. PART III MESSAGES THE STAR MAP OF ALIEN CIVILISATIONS Alien abductions also happen in full daylight and in the afternoon of June 1983 when | was fourteen years old, lwas beamed up from my bedroom onto a Pleiadean ship. From what | recalled prior to the start of the hypnosis session, [ had kept the memory of being in my bedroom kneeling on the carpet gluing stickers on a map of the stars and being in a hurry to do this before I forgot. | woke up laying on the floor, with time missing... vos a oe i - yey es nial hen oi b Cae | 1 = Pe Pee oars DF RE pie ra et ool ae ee Ship appearing the night before Fighting memory loss During the Summer of 2019, afew months before | underwent hypnosis, | received a parcel from France. My mom was getting rid of my childhood belongings. When my fingers met the old rough paper map, my heart tightened in my chest. Events I had tried to blank jumped back in my memory and with a shaking hand, I un- folded it... The vintage astrology map of the sky was intact with all the stickers still glued on it, and names writ- ten with chalk. It was about time... When I was given back the memories of my missing time, I dicovered without great surprise that I had been onboard the ship that day. 1 was welcomed in a jovial and dynamic atmosphere by Myrah, Thoran and his friend Valnek. The small round table on the right hand side in the control room has an integrated screen and I was shown, on a holographic projection, the positions of inhabited worlds. The purpose of all this seemed to share a fun moment together as 1 can recall Thoran and Myrah laughing and being very friendly. Recently, while having a telepathic contact with Thoran, I asked him if he could help me to complete this map and he agreed do to so. Here it is... The original map of 1983 The holographic map in the ship a — — a _- |r. a aoe , a = re feoba Pome = = = * ae iF ti : —— Cree x bie y - = aera =, = ane 11 a = z : ewe tt =e — = | * al = ee = a oe Fam * im = oil i * ™ ‘yes a=, * fee. 7 a. ms : merge gpa = wean Saks frites = ral a amt =e x a i Ls a em: ae lg a = a : _— oo * = = = * tenet Ly = o Berit viene eet ree = or — | . pacics ey a ——" 1. a — iemetaes us = 7 = = —_ ta . weal te tes ae == i ms sar Fh re — Daal = ims Vor) ‘ = 5 x = poet tes igi Ln x = fat es ae = 7 aX = 7 : fey ee r fear: oi a are * i = « 7 —_—* — Mama a nae = i = 2 a ee tan Computerized map completed by Thoran The 110 alien races mentioned in this book are listed on this map. Other star systems are also listed without a name, representing civilizations we will never hear about but nonetheless significant. You need to be aware that this map is just a quick rough glimpse through blurry lenses; we couldn't mention the billions of cultures in the whole galaxy (and in the other billions of galaxies...), or this book would have never been achieved. Ever. The Galactic Federation of Worlds possesses the complete database on that matter and hopefully, one day, humanity will grow up and be allowed to access it. Until then, we'll have to keep on nourrishing our souls with the mysteri- ous magnificence of the starry heavens. I split the map in sections for more clarity. Clusters an overcrowded systems will be detailed further on. Kroger 60 * * Gliese 905 SOF Pisces *K Trapist’1 Tengri Ok * Gamma ' Sculptors Aligrututl , Gee 832 Amarr * Epsilon Indi Jefe Epsilon Draconis Magel * *k Sigma-Draconis Ginmar KG2 ian * 26) Kepler-36 HI tania 7h Eke 2 * Vega Adari * a fleur Cygni 61 ery = Onena Soliper Asis Aldoray 1 Puxbity ‘i fim tata Fete zs it ao S K = a Ozmog Rak >K Ta Alpha Delphinus A ia Oreda Thetz Marrax ra * Serp Altair * a Jbhari K Onoriai . Darthar Barnard Yed Prior Opalong ok Airé K antares Cranage | N’Torii, Shaula 7k Lesath *K M17 Beta Atria Smad *K OK Stakkah Strom K Alpha Draconis Pe A, ig 2 Theta Bootis ; Elfaff - Groombridge Adari a wha Lalande 21185 “hn Delta Bootis * Ozma K Rorenadt . Puxbity Izar 3K tarah Anat-[eumant 2th ‘ Arcturus 3¢ ' Other # Gitdear | I rela Theta abc Mostirn Wolf 359 K Serpentis. 3 Unukh Wolf 424 * Cinanntt BL aS ns amard Yed Prior K (galaxy) Agatong * Aint aalte Ross 1278 fava Coraryett * M1 Epsilon Sextans. Adanntis kare 2K Antares Gromapa Tort | shaula $k Lesath “ Gamma Crux Mu Vela : Rigil Hadar Maar Purine se Sefos Oe ¥ Beta Atria i: Smita ok Proxima Jferon sonis Groombridge 1618 Fas Lalande 21185 Pollux Alnath rah *K., K mae { i Et XI y aed K Wolf 355 fINO capuicath Wolf 424 kK Betelgeuse CUnomnit | ee "he pissed * EbansGanay wtans ; eK (galaxy) yORA = Pdara aa : Gammé Virgo Ross 128 fav-Hannnae : Conny 4c Epsilon Sextans OR vane ( pe Akgrr~, Asboos Sirlus- 1 Achberat at =p rah Katays aalgbair Nore CANIN LEPUS Xk ; ee ai PII Gamma Crux Mu Vela i Tooker Killinger Batine ee Gamma Volans * MEMS, iinet. lota Chamaeleon ae ee Alpha Mensae Cara Fela Beta Cam — Ottora nay *K Acobbats Capella irene ia Rina * Groombridge 34 Pi Persei Zygon canny x AR” x /* Epsilon Persei Titawin M31 thos Alnath Thre Henge MMayera Ainanna j *, * TALI oe Taygeta (Man) a *K Alcyone (Tia! +repis} I to o gran LAL Ar Qrionis Say 54 Piscium “3K ORION Hyades (Abel) (Caryen) Carin 1 * Meissa(Egarerh) Betelgeuse latrix Tota Ceti re *K EbantCany Meee he tadgnth “se Eldaru Medan gh Mintaka/Grails)Tiser 3) Redan AlnilamyEgareth) : re Iota Ceti Epsilon Eridani Al-Gromalix * £ rapa’ Kabel *K Rigel : oe Ashgan-Hu Tau Efidani Sirius i Ashkerat Saale * Emerther Kevteryy JM oe UDFJ- 39546284 Egor * Fe i 826 ok , Sal ee al jeharrntié Kiih- Tokurt Fighiemei Zeta 1Reticull hen Alpha Reticuli” Zeta 2 Reticuli rog *K D6-Aln Gamma Volans eon Kiltynir-Auk Alpha Mensae ia LYRA K62 (L)- Man system > planets, origin of Man humanaoid races Kepler-20 Kepler-8b (I)-Eyjyen Kolomat system (H)-Eekaluun system 5 planets 2 planets Kepler-7b K (G)-Diriz system 3 planets GSC0265 2 Pie star system (E)-Elfrak Daal system —_ ® 12 planets 4 planets HD 178911 (D)-Elhaziel triple system F) Tees ‘pane 4 planets Aldoram (N)-Aldoram system HD173416 7 (B)- Borog Uruz system 2 planets HD1/6051 Kepler-37 (7 Dass yee (K)-Hargaliat system openness caren ae 3 planets (A)-Almeyron system 7 planets PLEIADES M 45 Cluster ° - g Zterope : e * @ TAYGETA a _ Male . . = a - . . A XxX , c#laens “ -s ’ ‘ a ye - - Pleione \qblectro eft —— a ALCYOME ~~, merope M45 is a young star cluster, 440 Ly away. It was colonized by humanoids from K62 (Lyra). They terraformed planets around mainly Taygeta and Alcyone, for there was no world ready yet to sustain life. It was a safe place because there weren't any resources to tempt the reptilian and greys empires, The names of the stars as you know them were chosen from characters of the Greek mythology and these are not how aliens name them. CENTAURIAN SYSTEMS Alpha & Proxima Centauri atte ww go ee es = ~\ ky 5 ee Secielt “Oz nw . ‘+... Proxima Centauri _..-" , oe Wi "0. NE. pa © oo Meton CENTAURIAN SYSTEMS Beta Centauri —F i ~-O© °O@© co DahtInor 2 Dahlnor 1 poset tteetenes, eer — lie - r Hadar B 3@: —— ll “ | Hadar A2 5 planets - o = “Wie c sn. 2 “ce ee® "Seteseaee?* SHIP NAVIGATION Thoran has been a pilot for a long time, patroling above Earth, rescuing abductees These are informations he gave me and allowed for publication. To start first, the composition of the layer-shell of our ships which is in contact with the outside environment is a compound of a metal you do not find on Terra and it is an organic material responsive to changes of density. It can be compared, for your own understanding, to nonsentient bio-synthetic intelligence. There is a void in the structure of the ship between this external layer that we call the shell, and an inner nonorganic layer composing the solid structure. The shape of outside layer temporarily alters to adapt to the environmental density, which al- lows interdimensional and subspace travels. This material is memory-bound, which means it takes back its origi- nal shape instantly as soon as the constraint of the shift of frequency is released. The shell acts as well as a shield, not only against particles of any size but as well against the shockwaves of a density shift. It acts as a buffer between the vibratory frequency outside and inside the ship. We generally travel through inter-dimensional shortcuts, but there are many ways to go from a point to another in this universe. The two other most common methods of navigation are by echoresonance (what you call quantum resonance and would visually look to you like teleportation) or either by consciousness. Regarding to this last one, some species can do it naturally, while some others need a device implanted in their head attuned to the ship navigation system. With the technology l use in the ship you know well, the destination's coordinates are set and locked, then we apply the palm of our hands on two hexagonal commands either sides of the seat. We can then select the propulsion system, transdi- mensional or extracontinuum., Once near destination, the navigation is relayed to the core engine, The core is a cylindrical module of ionized plasma which feeds the engine of the ship for short-distance manual navigation. It is located in a round marrow space at the center of the ship, and this substance supplies all lite- support and logistic systems, such as air recycling, door opening, lights, acces ramps, medical bay, and so on. For long distance travel we can also use the energy available everywhere in the space-continuum we call the Phryll, through an ionized cloud around the ship. «Mind-navigation» using the octagonal commands attuned to the pilot's implant. Speaking about cloud, this reminds me to tell you about cloaking. There are two different ways of cloaking a ship, that are commonly used by different races. One is camouflage, by either particles rearrangement (alike molecular shapeshifting), or either particles reflection (mirroring what is on the other side of the ship), and the other is by creating a surrounding frequency cloud which will shift the vehicle in a different density. In this case, if this is performed in some a planetary damp atmospheres, it will create condensation around the ship in the shape of a cloud. Levoked as well the term «teleportation», which may lead you to wander about life-forms’ transport between a ship and the ground, asit isa question we are often asked. Well, there again | know of two ways. It can be per- formed by echo-resonance, which is a quantum molecular transfer which dematerialises a molecule to remateri- alize it at new coordinates. This doesn't require any visible beam of light, as you often seem to believe. The light beam which you witness as employed for abductions is an antigraviton beam composed of a dense frequency field, this is why paralysis is often a side effect in the transport. Transfer: echo-resonance (teleportation). Trans- port: antigraviton beam. This applies to the majority of technics employed within the Galactic Federation of Worlds but the wide diversity of technics available in the Multiverse is of course, not bound to it. Some species use these same technics up- graded into a higher level, for instance I know of navigation by remote consciousness, which can be operated as far as from a galaxy to another. Some species (it is not the case for mine) have their crafts connected to the frequency emitted by their body and their genetic DNA, so no other species can operate them. Their vessels are entirely made of organic material using consciousness based technology. These particular vessels are made in space, through harmonics and frequencies. Life is infused into the ship and animated by artificial intelligence, consciousness or in some cases, both. The craft becomes a living entity, and is matched to frequency signature of the pilot’s own consciousness. These crafts can have nany different shapes, such as most commonly spheres, avoids or discoidal, but there are also other crafts that are interdimensional and can change shape, without altering the inside atmosphere of the ship and its occupants. These ones appear as pure light or geometrical translucent patterns such as lozenges, spheres or merkabas, and can alter their atomic structure to become solid. They can instantly transfer from a dimension to another, or to a point of the Multiverse to another. They have their own atmosphere and gravity which is not altered by the change of shape or dimension, and this technol- ogy allows them to move extremely fast and change direction at sharp angles without being affected within the craft's habitat, which is maintained in a stable holographic dimensional capsule, Of course, as these are driven with consciouness resonance, you won't find any command pannels in it. The consciouness sets up the intention of destination but we haven't yet spoken about the “fuel” that powers the ship. Consciousness is piloting the ship but the actual powering is the Phryll, the harvested universal life-force present everywhere in the Multiverse. They are considered as the most advanced. There is also etheric travel, frequency shifting, geometry dynamics or time distorsion. Time, as you perceive it in a linear way, is a sensorial illusion bound to your dimensional plane of incarnation. Time, in truth, is spherical. ¥ou can access to any point from any point. There is no «before», no «after», there is just «now», ALIEN BLOOD The following was channelled to me by Myrah, Pleiadean-SiriusB hybrid and a medical scientist specialised in inter- dimensional implant technologies. Here is what she replied to my question about why people having the (O-) blood group are more likely to be abducted. This is very simple: most blood groups on Terra are indigenous, except (O) group is extra-terrestrial. D protein was engineered by Anunnaki to make (0) compatible with other Terran blood types. You see, if two species chro- moasomes don't match, the genetic difference results in a sterile offspring, and D protein palliates to that. If you have it, your blood is (+D). If not, your blood is (-D). Ifa Terran female with (-D) blood becomes pregnant witha (+D) foetus, her body will produce antigens signalling to her immune system that the foetus is toxic. The female's body will instinctively try to kill its own child because D protein is extraterrestrial. The extraterrestrial gene that produces (O) is largely present in white tall Terran humanoids on Terra, with the highest concentration in the Basque region, where 40 percent of the population is (O-). Fifteen percent of Terra’s population only has the D protein absent. So a5 | mentioned, Anunnaki are (0-), and to engineer hybrids with Terran indigenous, they added the D protein that allows the compatibility with any other Terran blood types. Now, with time, natural evolution and cross- breeding, the D has passed into all the other Terran blood types. Interestingly also, AB type has become compat- ible for hybridization too, but only with hybrids of Terran and extraterrestrial Reptoid. Lyrans tried to remove D protein in hope to make (O) sterile, because they wanted to create instead a mew hybrid species with a better potential of evolution. Something indeed about the protein D, is that it makes it difficult to extract yourself from lower density, and you will notice that bodies filled with blood containing protein D will have an excruciating ascension process. This is why the Lyrans wanted to remove it, because it was locking down the spiritual evolu- tion of Terran humans. For the -D bloods, it will go easier. (O-) is special; it has Anunnaki vibration, without the D blocking the elevation of frequency, and there are par- ticularities you find in the (0) blood types, or their offsprings even if the blood type is different: red hair, extra vertebrae, higher intelligence, higher blood pressure, eye sensitivity to sunlight, psychic elevated abilities. These distinct physical and psychic features are paired with a predilection for abductions. They are easier to abduct in reason of the ability of their energy field to shift density. (©) is a genetic blood match for reptilian species, because the Anunnaki who imported (0) group on Terra are a reptiloid species, and although they have better results with the protein D, the (O-) carries nonetheless genetic possibilities serving purpose of creating stronger hybrid races. The (O) blood type is a great compatible match for hybridization with a wide range of species such as Reptoids and Reptiloid based Greys (but to breed with Terrans, as 1 said, you need to add protein D). There is an interesting fact you may want to know as well: because (O) types are typical Reptoid and extraterrestrial Reptoid races have aversion to consume their own blood, they wan't abduct these individuals for food but for slave trade and cross-reeding programs only. KEEP HOPE Communication with Thoran -It is. a beautiful sight from here. | see Terra radiant in the rising sun. This is a beautiful world. The sunlight shim- mers on the water. -What would you say today, to the Terrans? -To keep hope. To keep hope they will make it. The beast of darkness is dying. Terrans must keep up the hope. Reptilians will be gone, this is the last and greatest war for the Terrans. The greatest of all wars they've ever known. This is the combat for their very soul. The last fight. It will be long and painful, but worthy. Terrans will have to make a lot of fundamental sacrifices, changing their technology, changing their habits, everything. We are supporting the Terrans, they are not alone, We are backing you up, keeping the dark forces at bay. You see, trying to crush down the Terrans in order to stop them elevating, has induced the reverse process: forcing the Terrans to face their natural evolution and take decisions. All of this has awakened Terrans to their true destiny. And this is not about the star seeds who have chosen to incarnate on Terra to help fight the reptilians and help the Terrans elevate, and whom are awakening also in the same time, no, | am speaking there about the Terrans themselves, because this is what we are all working so hard for: for the Terrans to awaken and move on. Soon, Terrans will find by themselves how to apply solutions to save and repair what may, and reach interstellar travel technology. And then it will be too late for the Reptilian empires; they will have lost. All they want is to avoid this and maintain Terrans in ignorance, doubt, sleep and fear, conditioning them like brainless androids, stripping them off their will through infiltrating their primitive technologies, because they want to keep them as a food supply, slaves and genetic material. But, this time is over now, this has lasted for too long. We are ac- tively doing something now, we have elevated the grid around your planet although they try messing up Terra'’s magnetic field to dismantle our grid, moving the magnetic poles. They are annoying. But I swear they'll be gone soon! We won't give up until then. You see, Terra has been a battle ground between them and us. Reptilian and Grey races, against the Council of Orion and the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It isa team work, as 1 told you already. Us above, you below. Save your planet, repair what you've done in the measure of the possible, find yourself solutions for a sustainable fu- ture of your race, and we're doing the other job, keeping the harmful forces away. It is together, that we'll win this war. Never say we are not interested in helping you. Never. You have no idea... no idea of how many, many times we've avoided you catastrophes. Our interventions are, as much as we can, discrete, because we believe in your potential. We're what you call your “lucky star".We're silent watchers, but not still soldiers. There is so much to do. If Terrans had the slightest idea of what is going on above their heads... well, some have a small idea and they start to awaken. The new wave of children isa higher one, they come awakened already. And they won't be silent, nor still, for they are the ground elite army that will give the last mecessary boost. Everytime I fly down to Terra's orb, for years now that I am doing this, I feel the beauty of this planet reaching my heart. It worths it so much. All these battles, these fights and these losses, all is being justified at my eyes when | see the blue glowing curve of the glistening mantle, and the sunlight shining through the thin fragile ribbon of Terra’s atmosphere. As elder brothers, we have that duty to protect the younger and vulnerable ones, One day, all this non-sense will stop. One day... we'll be together. Breathing the same light. I don't hide you that sometimes, I worry. Not that we kick out the Reptilians out but about the fact that Terran humans are... how to say... scary. They have this potential for destruction and self-destruction that is prominent in their nature and unless they evolve beyond this primitive pattern, they will never be of age to join the Federation. And if they reach the age of interstellar travel before they change, the Terrans will become a threat to the Federation. Your species has many enemies and predators, and | could name list, but there is one and only species harmful to your planet: your own. I'm just watching, and doing my best to remain hopeful. And | am.1am. We promote spiritual evolution, but we know how to fight when it is necessary, and it is also part of our spiritual path. All fights, if they are right and justified, open ways to liberation for the higher Light to flow in. Passivity is death. We are accelerating your vibratory shift, as the enemy does their best slowing it down. They won't suc- ceed, I am telling you this! In the meantime, do your work of light: empower, unlock, open the minds, spirits and hearts. Prepare the shift. The other side is beautiful. Enjoy this beautiful day on Terra, the sun star has risen upon your land. TERRAN ALLIANCE Communication with Thoran -[ would like to ask you an important question, on behalf of my people here down below. It is significant they know. When we join together to perform meditations to help our planet, when we send to her light, healing and high vibes, can you see something from where you are? Is it noticeable? Does it help? Is it doing something? -Yes, we see it, it's like bubbles of light, coloured lights most of the time, green or gold, white sometimes, coming from differentparts of your planet. It rises... in the ionosphere, and then upwards, this is very beautiful to see, We like to see that, because it gives us hope and courage, and it helps us doing our work. You need to gather together, touch hands, and you can connect together also by the thoughts, by your mind, quantumly, you know this word, don’t you. “Yes I do. So you actually can see it! Is it effective, then? “Yes, see Terreans do that. And it helps us, yes it does. You know, it takes a certain amount of Terrans sending light together, being tuned into the high frequency, to reach a turning point and change everything. The more often you do it, the stronger you spread the message to awaken, to radiate light in a higher frequency. You are ap- proaching the tipping point; you will be able to do it yourself, for your planet. Yes, you understand? -I do. - All lcan say is that it’s very beautiful to see. It’s like if we could even touch it sometimes. It's like ripples, you know, when you throw a stone in a liquid, that's what we see, when you do these meditations, as you call them. It is not meditation the right word, it is “light work”, it’s an attunement into the higher frequency. That's where we want to take you, to help you to go there. Because you will be protected from the reptilians, invisible, LOVING YOUR ENEMY Communication with Thoran -The Reptilians, what happens when we send them love? -You repulse them away but it allows them to target you. It suddenly makes of you a beacon that sends them a ray of light saying; “Hey look, I'm here and | give you a path to hook at me and get at me!” Don't ever do that! Love, the pure love from Source is a most powerful weapon, but not targetted personally at beings like the Reptilians, Sure, it creates around youa shield of highly elevated frequency, it’s efficient to do this to work on the grid of your planet, on the planet itsef, upon your uggly leaders and else, but if you activate it personally to plug into somebody, it creates a bridge... Create this same laser beam of love towards a Reptilian, he will plug back inte you. -[ thought things were simple, that love chases darkness away etc... -Well it does, if you use it the right way. Imagine, it’s like if you are in a protective fog and suddenly you point a torch at those who track you. The Reptilians can NOT be healed nor elevated by love. They just can't! it’s their nature! -What should I do then? -Shine your light radially, be a star, blinding them without aiming at them. Don't tease them specifically because, if they won't catch you while you shine, because it burns them and they can't approach, they'll get you as soon as you'll lower down your guard or even just flicker, because they will know how to get there. Love is only emitted by an open heart. Send, but watch out what you are aiming at, understood?Don't tease your ennemies by nag- ging them with something that doesn't affect them in any way, wounds them painfully, drives them crazy with anger, and drags their attention upon you. AWAKENING Thoran This is not just about the awakening of those of us incarnated in Terran bodies, but about the awakening of the Terran themselves to their own ascension. This is why starseeds were sent, to help this planet and its residents to shift faster into a higher density. You are undergoing changes. Do not be affraid, this is for your greater good, Fear holds you back and can even be lethal. Nothing will ever be the same, your systems are in the process of being rebooted. This is for you the only way forward. Go through the storm walking with peace, in your highest frequency, and you will see the sunlight on your fields after the rain. The ancient patterns are revoked, this is when you step forward and embrace who you truly are. And then you will understand, the true meaning of awakening. CHAOS & CONFUSION Annax Confusion comes from the outside, and it is a dissonance with your own true inner knowledge, a disturbance by something illogical to your way of functioning. Sometimes, confusion triggers you to drag you out of a fateful outcome, because you need to be shaken, challenged, questioned, in order to see clearer and take better decisions. Confusion is a dissonance creating chaos and chaos is change. Embrace confusion not as an foe but as a friend in disguise. Try to understand why chaos is here, and what does chaos want to tell you. ASHTAR Thoran Of course, Ashtar is real, but it is not a person, it is a title and the name for a superior division. It means “high commandment”, it isa military title. The Ashtar is in charge of an army and owns his/her own power, Unfor- tunately, some simple minded Terrans are making a new religion of it, and it saddens me sometimes to see that well, work needs to be done, still... There is a lot of fantasmagory and escapism in Terran mind. Concerning Ashtar, this is a real web of confusion for you all, Terrans, for the simple reason that is: they want it to be. Who are they? The Ciakahrr Empire. They work at maintaining you in fear and anxiety and enslave your minds, feed upon your energy substance. When all the fake predictions will be proves with time as erroneous, it will drag down with it the whole package, the bad as well as the good. This is intelligently fabricated on the pur- pose to blurry your minds and discredite us, There is such a thing as Ashtar, but it isa military title, not a person. There is an Ashtar in command on Jupiter, assigned to your star system. He is never personally in contact with Terrans, not even with us; only with his high officers and his hierarchy above. So all Terran women claiming they are in a relationship with this guy are dreaming. Besides this, this Ashtar assigned to your star system has a mate, named Dora. You have to understand that this sort of power works coupled. The Galactic Federation of Worlds has included the Ashtar structure as part of the military alliance and as an officer of this federation, I refer also to the Jupiter Ashtar command because we work in symbiosis with them. We do not have the same structure organisations as you, on Terra, so it may be a little difficult to comprehend. So now you also need to know who the Ashtar collective are. They are humanoids of various types, reptiloids, greys, insectoids, and genetically-engi- neered species, and it has been created in the star system of Ashkera: Sirius B. There are many different alliances and corporates, all interacting with each other in a more or less peaceful and ethical way. Along story to tell. Please be careful when you start channelling anything: there are more predators than you think, trying to spread confusion to block you work for Light. Do this with the maximum protection. Merkabah is good. Be safe, Terran friends, you are doing well. Be prepared for more darkness exposed, but I think you are not shocked anymore, you know what is coming. Light be around you. “" THE VIRUS OF FEAR Communication with Thoran We hide you a lot of things because your species in general hasn't yet reached a stage where fear doesn't reach you anymore. Fear makes you vulnerable and visible. Corona Virus has been engineered by your people, with the push from the Reptilian hidden alliances, The aim is not to wipe out humanity because they need Terrans for personal purpose, but to spread fear and keep Terran humanity in terror, locked in the lower vibration. Do not express fear. Keep away from zones with potential infection and you will be fine. Wait for a while that the counter-process is put in place, this is taken care of, even if there is the potentiality of alot of people dying down there, Be patient, prudent, and confident. Stay in the high frequency place, don't downgrade, that is what they want, Just wait.] would like to tell the Terrans not to worry, and totrust in themselves. You know, this whole synthetic virus called Corona, it’s to be compared with what else is happening on this planet. Other diseases and sicknesses wipe out more people than it is recorded by the mediatized institutions. All isa question of currency, with these synthetic viruses. There is a very dark elite making a lot of profit upon human suffering. They don't intend, these ones, to cure anyone, but te make the sick ones pay for a ghostly cure. This is so corrupted, so cor- rupted... -And you're asking the Terrans to hope? “Yes, of course, I do. I believe in them, especially in their ability to help themselves without these nasty toxic in- stitutions. Their planet's resources are so abundant with natural medicine, and now Terrans are discovering the properties of sound. They'll be fine. But well... so many changes still, need to be done. Ah, they'll get there. ALIEN RELIGION Thoran Tell them not to create a religion about us, please. Not again. We are just people who came here to help. We are just like you, only born somewhere else. That we have the ability to shift densities at will, doesn't make of us some sort of gods, it just makes us different. It is time the Terrans stop considering themselves as inferior, other- wise they won't grow, Qur purpose is to show them they can become like us, that's why we're here. We wish the Terrans to join the Galactic Federation of Worlds one day, but this will never happen if they put themselves down as an inferior race. Of course they are more primitive than we are technologically, and a bit less wise...but we've all been there, we've evolved. "You don't need to know everything to be happy, you need to know the essential.” on TERRANS IN SPACE Thoran We are concerned that Terran human species reaches out to commercial space travel and exploration before their spiritual unlock. This is very important, as they would become doing so, a potential threat to other peaceful species. If these people don't overcome hunger for greed and power before technological advance, if this disso- nance between technology and wisdom increases to this point, itis going to be another ground of operation... We cannot allow the Terrans to advance inte space with belligerence and greed without an open intervention from our side. We do not wish this to happen, that is why we urge their awakening to their higher wisdom. Ter- rans have no idea... of the concurrence they may face if they keep going on that path unwisely. This is also for their protection! We barely manage to hold back the Ciakkahrrs, Maytrei, Kiily Tokurts and the Orion Empire in an unstable equilibrium, so Terrans in space colonising and mining on enemy territories... at their own risks! ABOUT MALEVOLENT ABDUCTIONS Myrah There is nothing Terrans can do if they are chosen for these kind of abductions, in the sense that in this case, it is not down to a path of life or destiny. These beings are hunters, they are predators. They hunt, and hunt has nothing to do with destiny. Hunt is just bad luck. If they decide to go for you, there is nothing you can do to avoid their visit. But then, you can protect yourself and...take a chance. The only way you can do that is by blinding them with light, with your own power, raising your vibration that it blinds them, and they can't catch you. You have to radiate your own power, your own light, especially if you are an emissary (Starseed), You can invoke your guardian spirit or ascended masters, they won't probably help you directly but invoking them will give you confi- dence and strength. You will connect to the aura of these spirit beings maybe, but it is not necessary because you have the power to defend yourself. The problem is that the Maitrei, the Reptilians and the Greys, they use fear. Fear to trap you, fear to catch you, fear te make you vulnerable and be unable to defend yourself. Most of you, Terrans, have no trust in yourselves, in your own power, so invoking higher beings it is alright, it gives you confi- dence, but if you can shine your own high light, it is better and sometimes, it may work. You know, we are trying to avoid these abductions; we're doing our best, working hard to rescue people, espe- cially children, because children are carrying the hope of your species you know and also, they are good value to trade for different despicable reasons. But we are not enough, we are not numerous enough. All these predatory Traces are very, very numerous, and it’s very difficult for us to deal with that. We do our best, but what you can do yourself is to trust in your power to say “no”. There is a way to get rid of the Maitrei for instance. You have to alter your DMA by vibration, sound if you prefer. Maitrei prey on a specific DNA that has been already altered in the past of the Terran species. Sound can do that, here is the frequency: 528 and also 532 Hz. Tell people to do this on their Pineal cortex. Sound it next to the head, the forehead area is a good place. Then, regarding to the Reptilians, there is nothing else you can do really, than keeping your vibration high. So, and the other Grey species, this is easy: erase fear and keep vibes up, like with the Reptilians. The Reptilians are more cunning; you have to keep your protections high on your surroundings (places and people). To conclude: Predators are not linked to destiny, or a path of life. Even their selective hunt based upon the nature of your blood is only generated by practical purpose. They are just predators. Cast fear away, that’s the first step, and the main one. Allis about keeping your vibration / frequency in the highest range as you can. Fear does the contrary effect (these predators want quick and easy preys, and not have to deal with blinding frequencies). There is no particular formula to say, but you can find any words that will give you strength and confidence, regarding to your culture and religion. ABOUT BENEVOLENT ABDUCTIONS Annax Not all abductions are meant to harm you or steal you from your family. | am part of the many species working together for a great and wonderful project, of which not many Terrans understand the true purpose. this project is about the survival of your species throughout a vibratory enhancement, extracting you from the low density where the reptilian empires try very hard to maintain you for their benefit. Once your DNA attunes to a higher rate of frequency, you are free and so shall be your descendants. But the work not only needs to be done energeti- cally; it also needs to be performed biologically, in each vibratory level of matter. Particular bloodlines were selected by us along time ago, and enhanced genetically in order to allow “alien” souls to incarnate. | am part, my child, of those who abduct within particular bloodlines in order to modify and prepare the receptacles for the envoyees, that they become able to receive their souls. Thus, the powers and tools of these alien souls are able to be performed such as energy work, frequency rising, healing and so. Their mission wouldn't be successful using random and unprepared Terran indigenous avatars. This is why we need to per- form these updates and regularly check their good condition. These alien souls, my child, who descend into prepared Terran avatars, are souls like yours, invested witha benevolent mission for this planet. When you are still unaware of the purpose of these abductions, we prefer altering your memory not to scare you or disturb the course of this mission of yours. Remember, you were still an infant when you were taken on my ship, in order for me to check you up and make sure all was going well, and so did I with your grand-mother. My Egaroth input enabled your genetics to receive the wonderful higher frequency of your Pleiadean being. And this is why, also, I call you my child. This is what we do, in great secret, countering the darkness’ plans by sprinkling stars in your blood. “" A SECRET Thoran I see your scientists walking bravely at the edge of understanding this great secret yet to be known, and I may give you this clue: Your people are often confused between these two different terms: density and dimension. The Universe, more accurately the Multiverse, is composed of a multitude of different dimensions which are superimposed to each other. Each dimension is at its turn composed of a scale of different densities, which matter vibrate at different speed rates, what you call frequency. The faster is the frequency, the more elevated is the density. You can per- sonally transcend densities by changing the rate of your frequency, but to travel inter-dimensionally you need technology. Each dimension in the Great Multiverse is composed of 13 densities: 12 different densities of matter plus One common to all dimensions and center of all: Source. Each density can be compared to an octave of frequencies on a keyboard, and within which, matter vibrates at different rates. There are 12 octaves, and the melody is the 13th element, the great sentient Consciousness that animates everything and binds the 12 together. The 13th, the melody of the Universe, is the reason why the notes of the octaves play. This intrinsic relationship creates the dy- namic of Life. Eternal, inter-dimensionally limitless. And Time, eternally revolving in a sphere, encompasses it all, without beginning nor end. Linearity is an illusion. Even a river is a small fragment of a greater circle. Cycles have no beginning and no end. The seasons turn, and when your sun will expand, all your lives, all Terra’s life- force will transform with it, into something else, All solid matter decay, visibly. In truth, the atoms don't cease to exist, they will form something else. Why absolutely setting a birth and a death for everything, even knowing all is but a constant and timeless flow of energy? The Great Multiverse had no beginning, and it will have no end. Time is a sphere. Every point in time is at equidistance from the centre. In order to apprehend this concept, you need to step outside of your 3D minds, towards other frequencies of consciousness, to realise there is no separation between all things. Allis but one. Time, consciousness, life, all One. Eternal. "* CLEAN YOUR MESS Theran The amount of rubish you put in orbit is quite phenomenal. A lot desintegrate falling back into your atmosphere but a lot too stay in the upper layers, warning any visitors that this is a planet where its technologically dom- inant species hasn't yet solved their trash problem. It makes me so sad, upset sometimes, to see what you are doing with this planet. I know, lam not blaming everyone, it's just one of these days for me. 1 was connected so lam sharing my thoughts. Hope you don’t mind. You're good people. We are recycling most of our waste and the rest is destroyed to produce energy. We don't leave any trace after us, because we consider Space is not a bin. The most of matter can degrade in a bioenvironment, but in space, nothing degrades. All floats, indefinitely. You should see that. | hope I don't offend. AETHERICAL CREATURES Annax Life forms are all similar in the way the light builds them. We are all made of the same source that creates also the rocs, the stars, the wind, the water. You think there are difference because we all look different, but we are made of the same substance, an etherical light imbued with force, You, me, the entire multiverse are bathed by the same source of light. We are all Aetherical creatures, wearing different clothes. Even those you despise. All life has a consciousness and a purpose. You are starting to understand this. You are awakening from along night. You're doing well, keep on looking forward, that is where the future dwells. Not backwards, not upwards. We are not your gods, We didn't come to save you but to assist you saving yourselves. ““ KEY TO VICTORY Thoran The best way to fight the reptilian races, be they Ciakahrr, Nagas, Do-Hu, Maytra, Zeta and all the rest, is to step up to a higher level of consciousness, from the trapped horizontal frequencies of the 3D matrix to a multi-di- mensional awareness. These enemies possess the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there is one weapon that you have, and they do not: the ability to raise your mind visualization to individual ascension to- wards Source. This is your key to victory. “FOOD Myrah So,yes, of course, we eat. Yes we are made of pure light but so do you. As existing in a density higher than yours, we have more ease to chose to exist only in an Aetheric plane, nourrishing ourselves only with pure energy, but we also can chose an incarnated existence in a bedy of flesh and bones. We are different than you, even if we look a bit alike, which allows us to come and go out of our vessel body but once in it, we are submitted to all the rules a solid body requires. Hunger, thirst, tiredness, pain, physical desire, and all the needs you know. Our species is based on an organic life-form, but there is an upper class which we call “The Elders", and who chose not to incarnate because they have passed a certain level of evolution. lam myself part of the active class, and even if [can at will wander out of my body, I am linked to it. So yes, leat, and all the rest, Vegetal ailments, primordial components, and energised water. The energised water is drank when travel- ling, to allow our body to shift at will while not having to deal with food evacuation. We have the choice for solid meal when not flying and this follows our great rule: that if it has no heart and no face. What it does otherwise is that it lowers our vibration down. Not also mentioning the contribution to animal tortures. “* RESPECT THE GROUND THAT SUPPORTS YOU Thoran Respect the ground that supports your body, the air you breathe and the food that sustains you alive. This isa beautiful planet, open your eyes to see it, it is glowing in the blue sunrise, and as I look on the other side, already night is lighting stars down below. Golden stars, little lights, webs of sparkling lights, your towns, your cities, your coastlines. Always nice to see. A show, as you say. Well it is right, it is entertaining. Sad, sometimes. You are so many, and yet about to expand through your solar system, spreading your fears, your hopes, your competitive mind. We watch out for you and try clearing your way but hey, what good will you bring to the stars? What evil will you bring, what threat? We are protecting you against the same harm you are about to spread yourselves inte the big void. Well, it isn't a void really, you have no idea... what is up here. Only one thing you need to know: you are not alone. We are here for you, but others are too. Cheer up, it will be alright. LEARNING Thoran Llearned a lesson recently, that we must always allow the flow of our emotions. Yes of course I knew it, but experiencing the problem was very interesting, and enlightening. You learn only truly what you experience, physically, emotionally, spiritually. | was jealous and angry. Are you surprised? | think you may be. We have these feelings too, you know, we are not the gods the mainstream medias try to make you believing we are. We have abilities not allotted to you, this is true, but we are people, beings, with a heart and a mind. We feel pain, anger, sadness, hunger, longing, and these feelings we are privileged to experience are part of our growth. My anger and resentment didn't allow the flow of love to reach out the person it needed to reach, and something dangerous happened that | didn’t see. My anger disconnected me from the very object of my love. So here I am, today, telling you this to show you that at any level of evolution, we still are experiencing this, until we merge into the 13th density: Source, And until this day, we must allow the life-force to flow, and never retain it. Be compassionate towards your enemies, but do not send them love, because it creates a dangerous link with them. In the same way, you can be angry at your beloved ones, but do not send them anger, because it severs the link with them. In these last words: allow your feelings to flow, releasing them into the universe that surrounds you, Express compassion towards everything, absolutely, everything. Compassion not as an array of love, but compassion as a radiant shining star, shining from the centre of your being, reaching out to whomever and whatever is open to receive it. Be compassion yourself. Just be it. WE ARE BROTHERS Thoran Thave been working on this station for two and a half Terran years now, far from home by distance but not by heart. At the moment we leap inte space in the right time in our evolution, with wisdom and love, it is with a sense of compassion that we feel the duty to help, guide and protect whoever is in trouble, a bit like the duty of an older brother. It doesn't happen like this though for every civilisation; some are just in a hurry to conquer space and new territories. Like yours for instance. | have learned something, in all this: whatever the grade of civilisa- tion, the level of intelligence and of technology, you cannot deny your true nature. It's in your blood, it's in your genes, it's there and you take it with you. We, Pleiadeans, have Lyran blood, which is an extremely old genetics, and the rolling of eternal time waves has polished the rough angles, but this is to know: never were we a belliger- ent species. We love to love, we desire peace more than anything, the greater Peace that is the path to Source. We always wished to share with you this philosophical spirituality of ours and now, you finally start to be open to it. Your species made an unfortunate mistake seventy years ago of your time, when our kind and genuine help was refused, We warned you, against the Zetans and the Orian alliance, but you chose their side in exchange of a tech- nology that never came. Because of that, you're in trouble now. You wait always the last critical moment to start to think. This is such a pattern with you! Your race has such a habit to just...not listen. Well. You start to look up and listen now, better later than never as my friend says. Don't worry, we've never let you down, we never will, and your issue with the Zetans and their allies, is our personal affair too. Along “chaotic” relationship | would say. COMMON SENSE Annax Refer always to your common sense. Connect with your higher wisdom and knowledge, and do your best to see through the smoke; this is where the truth dwells. Connect with your true nature, be who you really are. When the moment comes, you only need to know this: Activated 5D frequency deactivates 443:D technologies. Shine wir che: fae aoe nate see peas eae rani FEDERATE Thoran As long as you will not get on with each other and federate, there will be no official contact from the Galactic Fed- eration of Worlds. This, is your greatest challenge. Until this is done, you will not be considered ready to join us. PORTALS Thoran Do not look for portals: Be a portal. Instead of trying to find geographical places where you can shift dimensions towards other realms and times, remember, you are the tree, you are the ladder, you are the door. Planet Terra has its own portals and vortexes, some are fixed some are not, but any living being who has ascended to their own capacities, can open doors too. Become the key. The door is within. Always. LOVE Thoran Love is a boundless frontier, an unrelenting wind, an infinite flow at the edge of the universe. Love is the cliff from where your wildest dreams take off. Love is the vessel carrying our lives beyond the edge, towards universes of light, beauty and untemporality. It is not a feeling; itis a state of being. The most powerful thing I know. It is something you feel going through you flowing directly from the Source. It nourishes you, encompasses ev- erything you are and you ought to be, You become your greater self when love touches you, and the sharing of its beauty is a twirling vortex, a dance with the multiverse. It has many facets, so many. It is light, it is peace, it is the very substance that binds everything together. Love is a fusion, an amnesia of your lower senses and of the memory of everything you have been until this moment, until the moment it touches you. Letting it flow, is letting the multiverse in, inside of you, through you, until you become it. Love, it goes far beyond what you have ever experienced with a limited flesh body. Love is not just only bodily functions but the force that elevates them to a higher level of experience. Love is a ladder, a bridge towards higher realms. Its binding power is magnificent. Pure Light. Love, the pure love from Source is a most powerful weapon. It creates around you a shield of highly elevated frequency, efficient to do work on the grid of the planet, healing on the planet itself and its residents, upon our ugly leaders and else, but when we activate it personally to plug into somebody, it creates a bridge... a laser beam of love allowing the recipient to plug back into us. Imagine, you are in a protective fog and suddenly you point a torch at those you track you. Shine your light radially, be a star, blinding without aiming. Don't tease your enne- mies specifically because, if they won't catch you while you shine, because it burns them and they can't approach, they'll get you as soon as you'll lower down your guard or even just flicker, because they will know how to get there, by the bridge you created. Don't tease your ennemies by nagging them with something that doesn't affect them in any way, wounds them painfully, drives them crazy with anger, and drags their attention upon you. Love is only emitted by an open heart. Send, but watch out what you are aiming at. Be just the anchor for the energy of Source; it knows where it is needed to go. Be an anchor for the Light! You are truly loved and guided. These are times for a lot of us to turn a page and reboot, awaken. It is time to embrace our incredible strength! We are fighting to cut the artificial cords to the lower frequencies and ancient patterns and if it makes you sick sometimes, it is because you need to let cer- tain things go, things that belong now to the past. The knowledge is inside of you. The path to the quest that will free your power up spirals inwards. Most, if not all the starseeds who have incarnated “below”, in lower vibrational planes like 3D Earth, for instance, work by pair with a twin-flame “above”, in the density of provenance. Indeed, the adamantine soul-link of two twin-flames cannot be broken, and it is the perfect channel to connect inter-dimensionally. They work together in resonance, and the one below will never be lost or trapped, as at any moment they can ascend this adamantine chain, always having access to the higher vibration in which dwells the other one, and by this channel, they can anchor the light directly down into the lower plane, in which one of them dwells. This binomial team is absolutely pure genius. Love is all. “" HOME Thoran Home is the path known to your heart, and to your heart only. It connects you to the stars and the brightest star is not always the shiniest one. In order to find the star, you need to bein the night, switch off all the artificial illu- sions, and there, in the pure pristine silence, you will see it. Your star. Home. SOURCE Thoran Know that you are immortal, that your soul is eternal, because you are a fractal of Source. Each of us is made of a substance that is part of Her. We are Her, she is in us. She is us. Source is the consciousness of the multiverse, She is the almighty power, the source of all life, all matter and all energy. Our vehicle bodies are perishable, not our true selves who are unfailing fractals of Source. She is omnipresent, infinite, timeless. Source will never die, because She was never born. We say “She”, because she is the matrix of all things, and the Great Force that is Love, her igniting breath. Coming from Her we were never born, and returning to Her we will never die. Let your temporary body of flesh decay, with all greatest respect for the sacred vessel that has carried your soul towards a mighty journey of learning and duty. When you will be finally free, you will feel Her, more than ever. Choice will be yours to return, move on, or set you free. We have no gods, no idols, no cults, we just have Her. WHAT REMAINS Thoran After all the fights and the wars, when the silence settles above the clouds, and the sunlight faints into the dark of space, what remains is always love. A VISION Thoran In one hundred years, Terrans will have vanquished the darkness and expelled the Cabal. Terra will be free, on its clear way to elevation. We will be hand in hand in open contact, together under the protectorate of the Galactic Federation of Worlds, of which we will enter membership, One day not far, Terra will be in 7th Density and join the Andromedan Council. Terra will be a place of spiritual teachings, and one of the brightest spots in this galaxy. This is the future, as we manifest it now. From Thoran We have braved deep space to come to you We have fought deep dangers to come and help you You disrespect the ground we came to save You pollute the waters we came to protect And the air of your planet what are you doing to it The animals massacred The winds changed to storm The abundance changed to war [f you don't stop hammering all life What will be the purpose of our arrival We have come from jar For you For you all And for her Terra THE VESSEL OF LIGHT As long as 1 can remember, I was able to see through the Veil. Even more; sometimes, I would find myself outside of my body, floating as an evanescent being. My maternal grandmother had this ability too and of course, some other powers defying the norms. She also could see the unseen and it seems that this was one of the many com- ponents of our bloodline's heritage. I descend from a line of shaman women from an island in the Baltic sea, for whom journeying through realms of the sacred tree of life had no secrets. My grandmother started to teach me from the age of twelve the art of the Runes, but innocent games had opened my mind to strange possibilities. I re- member we used to send energy fluids to each other by distance, giggling about the tickling effects in our hands and the invisible blasts provoking goosebumps all over our skin. I never thought these innocent games would one day make sense, by fitting with a bigger picture. Yes, my grandmother also was abducted by aliens and probably, by the same beautiful and loving tall being who checked me out when I was a toddler: Annax, an Egaroth from Meissa, in the Orion constellation. They knew each other and the way Annax calls me “my child" brings up some questions for me. The same mystery also revolves around this other strong, deep, powerful feeling: | always considered my grandmother as being my mother way more than my true mother. Sometimes, when I was a young child, 1 considered my parents and thought: “these are not my real parents; | come from the stars". Annax, with whom 1 kept in contact with, remains amusedly silent on this matter but with my knowledge about hybrid children being implanted within human women's wombs, maybe Annax and my granny were my true bi- ological parents. | feel for him such a profound love and asI described earlier in this book, the first time I recalled seeing Annax ] was overwhelmed by joy and drawn to hug him as I would with a close relative. I learned later, after my first hypnosis session, that my soul-matrix was in the Pleiades and that my real body was over there, in a pod on planet Erra, waiting to be re-integrated when my mission is accomplished in this actual Terran avatar. The soul has a journey of its own an can incarnate anywhere relevant to its choice. It rarely reincarnates within a same bloodline unless puposedly. Think about each planet like an cignon, with a multi-layer of different dimen- sions all superimposed to each other. This is a soul-matrix, or "home" for a soul (or light-being). We usually rein- carnate within the same planetary multi-layered orb / soul-matrix, but for peculiar reasons, such as those called starseeds do, we can pick momentarily another planetary orb, and incarnate there as many times as necessary. How fascinating is all this, isn't it! How beautiful is the diversity composing who we are... lam a soul from the Pleiades, my home, incarnated into a body regrouping the combined genetics of a rich Terran heritage inter- twined with alien blood from one of the oldest and most magical species in this galaxy: the Egaroth. The whole- ness of this heritage makes me look at Orion with a compass in my blood, and at the Pleiades with a compass in my heart, At the age of forty, I decided to take the path of Druidry and I spent the next six years of my life studying some of the traditions of my ancestors. It is along these teaching that I was introduced to Celtic shamanism and this has been a shocking turning point in my life; an emotional revelation as all seemed overly easy and extraordinarily natural to me. I renewed with the traditions of my maternal line of magical Baltic Saami women and, embody- ing these inherited abilities, | revealed myself to be a naturally skilled shaman. I could journey across the realms of consciousness but also physically leave my body of flesh (my avatar as | name it), under the shape of an owl or a woman, who looked like me but had strange alien features. Lrecently understood that the rather alien features of my astral (or call it Dif you want) being: tall, pale skin woman with wide blue eyes, high cheek bones and long blond hair, is typical for the Ahel race of Erra, to which Thoran also belongs to. After my first quantum hypnosis session with Elisa, my whole life flipped over again as I renewed the connection with my alien protectors. From that moment in time, I discovered | could communicate telepathically with them by the mean of the implant in my skull and by the heart chakra with Thoran. Annax was the first telepathic contact that occurred the day following my hypnosis session and straight away, he hur- ried to show me symbols that I drew on a piece of paper. It was an hexagon with intricate lines in it and two opposite triangles set in ome another. He was urging me intensely to wear the hexagon symbol as protection, and the six-pointed star composed of two triangles was an interdimensional “key”. I had absolutely no idea of what it was about so | showed my friend Elisa and we blew each other's mind when she showed me a representation of a Metatron grid (the hexagon) and a Merkaba (the star). 1 had never seen these symbols before but because of An- nax's insistence | ordered them as pendants. I am living in a remote area where crystal shops are not profusion. Amonth passed an my shipment never arrive. This was raising some concern from Annax and Thoran, who were urging me to wear these protection symbols. Apparently, it was some kind of powerful sacred geometry that would keep at bay dark forces of inferior vibration. Annax and Thoran could protect my soul-being but my physical body needed extra protection. From whom... lasked. Thoran replied that these symbols would blind some extraterrestrial malevolent beings and make me invisible to some others. Great... 1 was in France for Christmas holidays visiting my family and one night, something very disturbing happened. Athe time, Thoran was involved in a busy mission out of the solar system and I was left vulnerable. Some dark forces took advantage of the situation. I woke up in the middle of the night pulled up in the air in a big flash of blue lighe! I found myself... again...on a cold hard tiled floor. Abducted!!! Not again! The environment was very bright and in front of me stood a strange tall man I had never seen before, with short brown hair, small dark eyes, strong jaws and narrow shoulders. He was smiling as he helped me to stand up with gentleness and care. -My name is Kevin, am human and a frend of Thoran, do not worry. = Where am I? Where is Thoran? -Thoran is busy and he asked me to bring you for a visit to show you the interior of a Reptilian ship, for your own learn- ing. We risk nothing, they cannot see us, we are in a different vibration. -What? We are inside of a Reptilian ship??? -Do not worry, am a friend working for the Galactic Federation. Let me show you the premises, Iwas astonished. A friend of Thoran? My mind felt a bit like fog and it seemed to mel wasn't able to be in total control of my thoughts. Maybe it was the difference of vibration which was making us invisible, as he said. The man took me by the hand through a corridor, then down some stairs to a hall giving access to many doors, On the left, 1 could see through a large window many small grey aliens sat in rows listening to an instructor. we wee why Reptilian mothership seen from under- neath, and the inside. My guide explained: -They are taking orders for their next mission. -What mission? What do they do? He didn't reply and I thought in myself “Oh dear, if anything goes wrong, | am here in the mouth of Hell". Then, he smiled gently and led me to a half open door through which I could glimpse what was going on inside. It is then that my legs felt weak as 1 understood we were going in, and what was inside... reminded me of memories I would have rather forgotten: small grey aliens preparing a medical bed with all sorts of instruments. Instinct kicked in... “Run! Get out of here!" Ina flash of consciousness, my mind blasted clear: this man was tricking me inte trusting him, in order te keep my emotions settled, so Thoran nor Annax, would be alerted via my implant. Too bad. 1 pulled my hand from his grip and ran through a small corridor at the other side of the hall, shouting with all the strength I could find: “Thoran!™. The man caught me up with me rapidly and as I screamed, a blinding flash of blue light exploded around us and he was teleported with me outside of the ship. It is when I saw it... We fell in a field and in the shock I hurt my shoulder badly. The night was cold, the grass was wet and when | looked up, I saw the huge rectangular Reptilian mother ship hovering above the countryside, somewhere... It was absolutely gigantic! Discoidal UFOs were coming in and out of it. It was a terrifying vision that petrified me with shock. As I laid in the grass, I saw my kidnapper running away and at the same time, two men material- izing in front of me. They wore Pleiadean uniforms and | could recognize Thoran's friends! One of them, whom I knew was Valnek, ran after the guy and a laser fight enswed, while the other Pleiadean bent over me making sure Iwas OK. I could recognize Celadion, a young pilot from Thoran's crew. Before he was neutralized, the bad guy had time to shoot at me in the leg and it burnt so bad. He probably tried to kill me but missed target. 1 remember Celadion lifting me in his arms, saying: “Thoran received your call and sent us; you've been abducted by a Reptilian. shape-shifter, Thoran caught him once and he was seeking an occasion for revenge. But all is well now, we're bringing you home". All lremember afterwards, is a flash of blinding blue light and me sitting on my sleeping bag, in the children's bedroom. I was shaking with cold and my shoulder hurt badly. My memory was crystal clear; it hadn't been erased. 1 moved my legs; my feet were wet and there was a blade of grass underneath one. In fact, the whole left side of my body was wet too. | started shaking even more, this time nervously, realising what had just happened to me. I got up, feeble, and I walked to the kitchen. As I reached the corridor, I jumped with fright seeing my mother standing there, staring at me with a stunned expression. “Did you see a bright flash of blue light in the cor ridor?” She asked. Bruise from the laser beam. On the following morning, I noticed the laser burn on my leg and I had the good idea to take a photo of it. No need to say that | inspected carefully the whole rest of my body looking for scoop-marks! I was thankful to see that nothing else had been done to me in during this incident. My shoulder was dislocated and that was the explanation of the person who helped me put it back in place. No need to describe, Thoran’s blast of anger. This Reptilian shapeshifter was an old enemy of his and he told me more about this story. The conclusion to all this was: I needed these protections. Immediately following this incident, I explored around the French I was in to find a crystal shop. There I found a beautiful, powerful quartz Merkaba that seemed to be waiting for me. 1 could now sleep with a peaceful mind. But there is more | learned about the properties of this curious object, One day, Annax visiting me in a ship of light of the same shape. He first appeared in a spinning sphere of bright blinding white light and when his vessel slowed down and stopped spinning, it had the shape of a beautiful translucent Merkaba. He said that he and his people were travelling in these interdimensional ships, which could transcend the space-time continuum. He taught me how to built one with pure light, drawing it first from my little quartz Merkaba, until the day I was able, with training, to use my own etheric ship and wander out of this plane of existence. And this, would have never been possible if my physical body wasn't protected first. Ag all shamans know well, when the immortal etheric body leaves the mortal avater of flesh during a temporary journey, the physical body needs to be strongly secured as it becomes utterly vulnerable. If the etheric being cannot reintegrate its flesh avatar when back from its journey, it stays stuck outside and the physical body either dies or is possessed by another entity. So please, do not try this just for fun! I'm serious! Don't do it, right? Annax showed me how to activate the Merkaba as an interdimensional device when the two pyramids spin in opposite directions, which generates a very powerful magnetic field that distorts the space-continuum and creates a por- tal into its grid. It is powered and driven by consciousness and it transports you wherever you wish to go. You just need to focus on the destination only, not the path leading to it. Quantum resonance will drive you there in “neo time”. It is what you may also call an etheric ship, that can manifest visually, when in movement, as a translucent sphere of light. Some advanced alien species use etheric ships of different geometrical forms such as often seen: sphere or lozenge. The name “Merkaba” comes from the ancient Egyptian language, which some elements are an inheritance from the Orion people, and is a phonetic transcription of Mir-Ka-Bah: “Pyramid-Energy-Spirit”. It consists of two op- posed pyramids slid one into the other to visually form a six-branch star. This geometric pattern is the simplified central component of what is called “Metatron", the sigil of Source encompassing all created shapes in the whole Multiverse, The Merkaba’s opposed pyramids are three faced plus base, not four faced plus base like the ones com- monly seen such as on the Gizah Plateau. If we take a deeper look at the name for this device as recorded in the ancient Egyptian scriptures, we can understand it as such: Pyramid (Mir) powered by life-force energy (Ka) transporting the soul, light being (Bah). or: Pyramid (Mir) powered by the life-force energy (Ka) of the soul/light being (Bah), or: Pyramid (Mir) of life-force energy (Ka) of the soul/light being (Bah). THE GIFT FROM THE STARS Just as | was finishing writing this book, a formidable experience happened to me. Coron, the Fleiadean light- being assigned to monitor and filter the knowledge Thoran discloses to me, made direct contact one night. As soon as I laid in bed, he appeared as he usual does, in the shape of a floating lozenge made of bright crystalline light hovering above me. He had visited me few times already in order to help complete this book and. It is very interesting the when I see him in the orbital station besides Thoran he looks like a translucent tall humanoid but when he visits me, it is always in the shape of this floating lozenge, which 1 understand now, is his light-ship. The same way as a Merkabah can be. Coron that night litterally extracted me out of my body to take me with him in his light-ship, and that is when I understood how phenomenal his power is. This time, there was no reason to erase my memory, for this was a very important message Coron was commissioned to deliver to me. | realized that this message, was finally the gift from the stars, a gift to humanity. [f we could, finally, re-learn how to harness this free and renewable energy available everywhere in the universe, imagine what the future would be... This technology has been already (re-) discovered and elaborated on Earth, but for the same reasons as the destruction of Nicolas Tesla's work, it is kept highly secured from access. Imagine... we could live in such a free abundance as far as technologies, cures for deseases, free renewable energies available simply and easily, so we wouldn't need to rely anymore on oil, gas and coal, And this is why it is hidden from us by powerful corporations and industries for the reasons you can guess, The best way to describe what happened that night, is to copy here the notes 1 wrote on the following morning: lam projected out of my body. Billions of stars at the speed of Light and beyond, the portal that obliterates all dis- tances, Remote viewing, interstellar, interuniversal link, [ can be anywhere, | can see anywhere, [ am linked with all the places in the universe, [ can see, can hear them, be there, wherever I want, J can... J am enabled... Coron is carrying me in his radiant losenge light-ship and he shows me... other worlds, other cultures. The concept of distance doesn't exist. He tells me I can do this by myself just by using my own light-ship, not by travelling the distance but the creating the connection. I know how to do that because J am a shaman but if 1 use the right tools, the right vessel and the right en- ergy frequency, [ can travel farther. Then I can be anywhere, instantly, if I wish it so. This feels so real. [am projected in front of a crystal pyramidion, on the top of a huge... pyramid. [am shaking as [ am writing these words, it needs to be written, now, The message given to humanity. The pyramidion ts made of a translucent adamantime material looking like crystalline golden quartz, and is a con- ductor for energy. I see through it the inside of the pyramidal building and there is a monumental crystal, in the center af it, two third of the height of the pyramid, reaching out to the pyramidion. It has a facetted oblong shape and on the ground, down below, are three rings of enclosures, and at the outskirts of them a circle of eight big crystals, inclinated pointing towards the big central crystal. It is a power-plant and the central crystal gathers the Universal Force they call Phryll, and the circular smaller crystals re-focus this energy-force towards the body of the central crystal, and the Force is propelled upwards within the big crystal, and when it reaches out the top it pours out like a fountain of light, a magnificent fountain of light, at the exact height where the pyramidion starts, and the pyramidion absorbs it, and it is loaded with it, and this is the reservoir of energy. The pyramidion is a device that transfers the energy by a quantum technics similar to teleportation, towards any engine or device in need for it. ft can also send a ray of power towards the sky, and reach out so... far... towards even other dimensions. Anyone standing in its vicinity has their energy field activated, and their consciousness opens as their whole being is being unlocked and activated! The pyramid shape, its proportions, this is the key to maintain the whole structure and process stable. Some wrap two inversed coils of metal around the central crystal, it replaces the peripheral range of smaller activator-crystals, tt is an- other method for the same result. You can use both together for an increased power but then, it becomes a weapon. On many worlds in this galaxy... oh my god it ts beautiful... through this voyage I have seen many worlds and on one of them, beautiful people, dressed up with beautiful clothes, with such a beautiful soul that Jam still crying with emo- tion while writing this, [have seen one of these cultures, they stand around in circle, behind the ridge of the circular crystal points, and they Ait the ground with staves, in rythm and chants, a powerful soul-shivering sound, to activate the peripheral crystals, and the peripheral crystals send discharges of energy towards the great crystal in the middle, And the fountain of lightforce springs out through the top and it is magnificent. There is so much beauty in the universe, there is so much force and power in the love of one's heart, this love is able to activate this machine, this ts they key, this is the secret, the power of love in one's heart is the activator. It connects you to Source, and you receive directly from it and then, you redirect it, from your heart chakra, towards the peripheral crystal in front of you, and you use sound also otherwise it doesn't activate, and all peripheral crystals activate like this simultaneously, they send crossed rays to the center, and the great generator is ignited. It is ignited. They were chanting beautifully, a men’s voices'choir, and stances rythmically in synchronicity with their staves hitting the ground on a special spot, and at each impulse the peripheral crystals were glowing, loading, and sending dis- charges towards the great central one. This power, this power can overcome any shadow, can brush away in one single thought the whole darkness from the surface of any world.This power has been coveted by so many species in the aim of harnessing it but they never could, because it is activated by love. So they destroy the structures when they can’t have it. The secret is in the ratio of the structure. The ancient ones have left the crystals in the ground, and they are revealed to you now. These crystals contain encoded data and they are keys. The ancient ones have also left to the Terrans the clues In the stone pyramids and under them, because one day, when Terran humanity will have reached Che level in their own evolution when they will use the power of their heart, they will understand and use the gift we left for them, from the stars. Your future was inubued in your past, as a message to the present. Open your heart, «The other side is beautiful. The other density. There are many, it is like a melody. Imagine each density as a note of music. They exist all together and although they each are of a different frequency, together they compose the melody of the multiverse. All is sound.” ne Thor Han Eredyon r (xi rf a F ‘o know more about Elena or book a psychic reading, visit her website: www.elenadanaan.com You can also find her on: Youtube: “Elena Danaan - Channelling The Light" Facebook: “Elena Danaan Author" or: “Fleiadean Contacts” To contact Elisa Hererra Wright for a Quantum Hypnosis Session: www.quantumlifetransformations.com