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A new withness
speaking just before death/passover:
week (june07)came an astonishing new twist to the Roswell
mystery - which casts new light on the incident and raises the
possibility that we have, indeed, been visited by aliens.
Lieutenant Walter Haut was the
public relations officer at the base in 1947, and was the man
who issued the original and subsequent press releases after the
crash on the orders of the base commander, Colonel William
Haut died last year, but left a sworn
affidavit to be opened only after his death.
Last week, the text was released and
asserts that the weather balloon claim was a cover story, and
that the real object had been recovered by the military and
stored in a hangar. He described seeing not just the craft, but
alien bodies.
He wasn't the first Roswell witness to
talk about bodies. Local undertaker Glenn Dennis had long
claimed that he was contacted by authorities at Roswell shortly
after the crash and asked to provide a number of child-sized
When he arrived at the base, he was
apparently told by a nurse (who later disappeared) that a UFO
had crashed and that small humanoid extraterrestrials had been
recovered. But Haut is the only one of the original participants
to claim to have seen alien bodies.
Haut's affidavit talks about a
high-level meeting he attended with base commander Col William
Blanchard and the Commander of the Eighth Army Air Force, Gen
Roger Ramey. Haut states that at this meeting, pieces of
wreckage were handed around for participants to touch, with
nobody able to identify the material.
He says the press release was issued
because locals were already aware of the crash site, but in fact
there had been a second crash site, where more
debris from the craft had fallen. The plan was that an
announcement acknowledging the first site, which had been
discovered by a rancher, would divert attention from the second
and more important location.
Haut also spoke about a clean-up
operation, where for months afterwards military personnel
scoured both crash sites searching for all remaining pieces of
debris, removing them and erasing all signs that anything
unusual had occurred.
This ties in with claims made by locals
that debris collected as souvenirs was seized by the military.
Haut then tells how Colonel Blanchard
took him to 'Building 84' - one of the hangars at Roswell - and
showed him the craft itself. He describes a metallic egg-shaped
object around 12-15ft in length and around 6ft wide. He said he
saw no windows, wings, tail, landing gear or any other feature.
He saw two bodies on the floor,
partially covered by a tarpaulin. They are described in his
statement as about 4ft tall, with disproportionately large heads.
Towards the end of the affidavit, Haut concludes: "I am
convinced that what I personally observed was some kind of craft
and its crew from outer space."
What's particularly interesting about
Walter Haut is that in the many interviews he gave before his
death, he played down his role and made no such claims. Had he
been seeking publicity, he would surely have spoken about the
craft and the bodies.
Did he fear ridicule, or was the
affidavit a sort of deathbed confession from someone who had
been part of a cover-up, but who had stayed loyal to the end?
Another military witness who claimed to
know that the Roswell incident involved the crash of an alien
spacecraft is Colonel Philip J. Corso, a former Pentagon
official who claimed his job was to pass technology from the
craft recovered at Roswell to American companies.
He claims that discoveries such as
Kevlar body armour, stealth technology, night vision goggles,
lasers and the integrated circuit chip all have their roots in
alien technology from the Roswell crash.
Corso died of a heart attack shortly
after making these claims, prompting a fresh round of conspiracy
As bizarre as Corso's story sounds, it
has support from a number of unlikely sources, including former
Canadian Minister of Defence Paul Hellyer, who spoke out
recently to say that he'd checked the story with a senior figure
in the U.S. military who confirmed it was true.
The U.S. government came under huge
pressure on Roswell in the Nineties. In July 1994, in response
to an inquiry from the General Accounting Office, the Office of
the Secretary of the Air Force published a report, The
Roswell Report: Fact vs. Fiction in the New Mexico Desert.
The report concluded that the Roswell
incident had been attributable to something called Project Mogul,
a top secret project using high-altitude balloons to carry
sensor equipment into the upper atmosphere, listening for
evidence of Soviet nuclear tests.
The statements concerning a crashed
weather balloon had been a cover story, they admitted, but not
to hide the truth about extraterrestrials.
A second U.S. Air Force report, The
Roswell Report: Case Closed, was published in 1997 and
focused on allegations that alien bodies were recovered.
It concluded that any claims that
weren't entirely fraudulent were generated by people having seen
crash test dummies that were dropped from balloons from high
altitude as part of Project High Dive - a study aimed at
developing safe procedures for pilots or astronauts having to
jump from extreme altitudes.
These tests ran from 1954 to 1959 in
New Mexico, and the U.S. government suggested that sightings of
these dummies might have been the root of stories about humanoid
aliens, with people mistaking the dates after so many years, and
erroneously linking what they'd seen with the 1947 story of a
UFO crash.
Sceptics, of course, will dismiss the
testimony left by Haut. After all, fascinating though it is,
it's just a story. There's no proof. But if nothing else, this
latest revelation shows that, 60 years on, this mystery endures.
UFO enthusiasts plan to commemorate the
60th anniversary of the Roswell incident with a series of events.
In Roswell itself there will be a conference partly sponsored by
the city authorities. Thousands are predicted to attend. Roswell
has become not just big news, but big business.
Ever since Kenneth Arnold's sighting
and the Roswell incident, UFO sightings have continued to be
made around the world.
In the UK, in 1950, the Ministry of
Defence's Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Henry Tizard, said UFO
sightings shouldn't be dismissed without proper, scientific
The MoD set up arguably the most
wonderfully named body in the history of the Civil Service, the
Flying Saucer Working Party. Its conclusions were sceptical.
It believed UFO sightings were
attributable to either misidentifications, hoaxes or delusions.
Its final report, dated June 1951, said no further resources
should be devoted to investigating UFOs.
But in 1952 a high-profile series of
UFO sightings occurred, in which objects were tracked on radar
and seen by RAF pilots. The MoD was forced to think again and
has had been investigating ever since. To date, the MoD has
received more than 10,000 reports.
The best-known UK incident occurred in
December 1980 in Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk. In the early hours
of December 26, personnel at RAF Bentwaters (a base leased to
the USAF) reported strange lights in the forest. Thinking an
aircraft had crashed, they went to investigate.
What they found, witnesses say, was a
UFO. They took photographs (which they were later told hadn't
come out) of the brightly illuminated craft and one of the men
got close enough to touch the object, which then took off and
flew away. The stunned men briefed their bosses, including the
deputy base commander, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Halt.
Halt ordered the men to make official
witness statements, including sketches of the craft. The
following night Halt was at a social function when a flustered
airman burst in, saluted and said: "Sir, it's back."
Halt looked confused and said: "What's
back?" "The UFO, Sir. The UFO is back," the
airman replied.
Halt and a small team went to
investigate. His intention, he later reported, was to 'debunk
this nonsense'. As they went into the forest, their radios began
to malfunction and powerful mobile searchlights cut out.
Suddenly, Halt and his team saw the UFO and attempted to get
closer. At one point it was directly overhead, shining a bright
beam of light down on them.
After these events, Halt ordered an
examination of the area where the UFO had been seen on the first
night. Three indentations were found in the ground where the
craft had landed. A Geiger counter was used and radiation
readings were taken, which peaked in the three holes. Halt
reported it to the MoD and an investigation began.
This was inconclusive, but Defence
Intelligence Staff assessed the radiation readings taken at the
landing site were 'significantly higher than the average
background'. The MoD's case file on the incident has only
recently been released under the Freedom of Information Act.
Another spectacular UFO incident
occurred in March 1993. Over six hours, around 60 witnesses in
different parts of the UK reported a series of sightings of
spectacular UFOs. Many of the witnesses were police officers and
the UFO also flew over two military bases in the Midlands, RAF
Cosford and RAF Shawbury.
The Meteorological Officer at RAF
Shawbury described the UFO as being a vast triangular-shaped
craft that moved from a hover to a speed several times faster
than an RAF jet in seconds.
He estimated that the UFO was midway in
size between a Hercules transport aircraft and a Boeing 747 and
said that at one point the craft had been as low as 400ft. He
also said that it had been firing a narrow beam of light at the
ground and emitting an unpleasant low-frequency hum.
The MoD investigation lasted several
weeks and the case file - also recently released - runs to more
than 100 pages.
The final briefing submitted to the
Assistant Chief of the Air Staff stated: "In summary, there
would seem to be some evidence on this occasion that an
unidentified object (or objects) of unknown origin was operating
over the UK." That is about the most frank admission on
UFOs that the MoD has ever made.
Sixty years after Kenneth Arnold's
'flying saucer' sighting, pilots are still seeing UFOs. In April
this year, Captain Ray Bowyer, a pilot based in Alderney, saw
two bright yellow UFOs in the vicinity of the Channel Islands.
Some of his passengers saw the same
thing, another pilot in the area made a similar report and some
unusual readings were seen on air traffic control radar. The MoD
and the Civil Aviation Authority investigated the incident and
no explanation has been found.
Despite any number of hoaxes over the
years, interest and belief in UFOs remains strong. Under the
Freedom of Information Act, the MoD receives more requests
relating to UFOs than on any other subject.
So what is it about UFOs that continues
to excite our imaginations? To some people, the subject has
become almost a religion and perhaps that gets to the heart of
it. Those who study the subject are on a quest not just for the
truth, but for meaning. It's a search for the answer to one of
the most fundamental questions we can ask - are we alone?