"There's no teacher who can teach anything new.
He can just help us to remember the things we always knew."
- Enigma
Channeling is a process where information from an external source of consciousness is accessed and expressed. People can channel entities, their Higher Self or energy. The term is derived from the extraterrestrial contact movement of the 50's. Some popular spiritual messages labeled "channelings" may just be an excuse for presenting far-out information with an out-of-this world credibility. Then again, some of it may be true. Among the most famous channelers today are Eric Klein (Ashtar and Jesus/Sananda), Barbara Marziniak (The Pleiadians), Barbara Hand Clow (The Pleiadian emmiseries of light), and Sheldon Nidle (Sirians).
More on channeling
What is channeling?
by C.C. Raphael and Lynnéa Deva Raphael
Messages From Archangel Michael
Channelings from Hilarion by Jon C. Fox
Channeling - A natural skill easily learned by John Payne