Inside The Space Ships or pdf[First published in 1956 | pdf | audiobook mp3 in 12parts a30min | danish here
1: Return of the Venusian
1: Return of the Venusian
Los Angeles is a city of lights and noise, of rush and restlessness, in striking contrast to the quiet starlight and peace of my mountain home. It was February 18, 1953. I had not come to the city for excitement, but because I had been drawn there by the kind of urgent impression described in "Flying Saucers Have Landed." Following a custom of many years when visiting Los Angeles, I registered in a certain downtown hotel. After the bellboy had brought my suitcase to the room, received his tip and departed, I stood uncertainly in the middle of the floor. It was only about four o’clock in the afternoon and since I literally did not know what had brought me here, I felt rather at a loose end. I went over to the window and stood staring out at the busy street. There certainly was no inspiration there. Coming to a sudden decision, I went downstairs, crossed the lobby and wandered into the cocktail lounge. The attendant knew me and, although originally skeptical, after talking with me and seeing my photographs of the Saucers, had become keenly interested. He greeted me cordially. After we had chatted a bit he said that a number of people had become interested in his Saucer reports and had asked him to give them a call if I should come in. He waited for my reaction and I hardly knew what to say. Momentarily at least, I had no plans. While I did not feel particularly like giving an informal lecture to a group of strangers, on the other hand it seemed as good a way as any to pass the time while waiting for . . . well, whatever I was waiting for! I gave my consent and soon quite a gathering of men and women had assembled. Their interest seemed sincere and I answered their questions to the best of my ability. It was nearly seven o’clock when I excused myself and went a short way down the street to have dinner. I chose to be alone, with only the persistent feeling of “something is going to happen” for company. After eating in a half-hearted kind of way, I returned to the hotel. There was no one in the lobby whom I knew, and the bar had no further attraction for me. Suddenly, I remembered Miss M—, a young lady student of mine who lived in the city. She had been unable to come up to our mountain place for some time and had asked me to call her when next I came down. I went into a telephone booth and dialed her number. She seemed delighted to hear from me. Having no car, however, she explained that it might be an hour or so before she could arrive by streetcar. I bought an evening paper and, to avoid encountering anyone who might recognize me, I took it up to my room. After I had read what was of interest to me, I forced myself to wade though items I would ordinarily have skipped; this in an attempt to discipline the restlessness which now permeated my entire consciousness. Before the hour was up I went down to the lobby to wait for Miss M— and she arrived about fifteen minutes later. We talked for quite awhile and I succeeded in straightening her out in regard to a number of problems which, locked in her mind, had grown out of all proportion. Her gratitude was touching and she told me that she had constantly been holding the thought and hope that I would come to the city and help her. As I walked with her to the corner where she took the streetcar, I wondered if the urge that had reached me in the mountains could possibly have been her telepathic message getting through. But when I was quiet again in the hotel lobby I knew this could not be the explanation. That feeling was still with me — stronger than ever! I looked at my wrist watch and saw that it said ten-thirty. The lateness of the hour, with still nothing of extraordinary significance having taken place, sent a wave of disappointment through me. And just at this moment of depression, two men approached, one of whom addressed me by name. Both were complete strangers, but there was no hesitancy in their manner as they came forward, and nothing in their appearance to indicate that they were other than average young businessmen. Because I had lectured in Los Angeles, made appearances on radio and TV, and also been visited by a great many people from that city at my Palomar Gardens home, such an approach from strangers was not an uncommon experience. I noted that both men were well proportioned. One was slightly over six feet and looked to be in his early thirties. His complexion was ruddy, his eyes dark brown, with the kind of sparkle that suggests great enjoyment of life. His gaze was extraordinarily penetrating. His black hair waved and was cut according to our style. He wore a dark brown business suit but no hat. The shorter man looked younger and I judged his height to be about five feet, nine inches. He had a round boyish face, a fair complexion and eyes of grayish blue. His hair, also wavy and worn in our style, was sandy in color. He was dressed in a gray suit and was also hatless. He smiled as he addressed me by name. As I acknowledged the greeting, the speaker extended his hand and when it touched mine a great joy filled me. The signal was the same as had been given by the man I had met on the desert on that memorable November 20, 1952. (This is described in the book "Flying Saucers Have Landed" - an extract from this book of Adamski's first meeting with a Space Brother is available at the end of this main text.)
Consequently, I knew that these men were not in-habitants of Earth.
Nevertheless, I felt entirely at ease as we shook hands and the younger man said, “We
were to meet you. Have you time to come with us?”
Without a question in my mind, nor the slightest apprehension, I said,
“I place myself entirely in your hands.”
Together we left the lobby, I walking between them. About a block north
of the hotel, they turned into a parking lot where they had a car waiting. They had not
spoken during this short time, yet inwardly I knew that these men were true friends. I
felt no urge to ask where they proposed to take me, nor did it seem odd that they had
volunteered no information.
An attendant brought the car around, and the younger man slid into the
driver’s seat, motioning me to get in beside him. Our other companion also sat with us
on the front seat. The car was a four-door black Pontiac sedan.
The man who had taken the wheel seemed to know exactly where he was
going and drove skillfully. I am not familiar with all the new highways leading out of Los
Angeles, so I had no idea in which direction we were headed. We rode in silence and I
remained entirely content to wait for my companions to identify themselves and explain the
reason for our meeting.
I realize that such a trusting attitude ordinarily would seem foolhardy
in the light of the lawlessness rampant in our world today. But it was an attitude
followed by men of other civilizations in the presence of men recognized to possess
greater wisdom than they. This custom has also been practiced by the American Indians to
show respect and humility, patience and faith. I understood this well and conducted myself
accordingly, since in the presence of these men I sensed a power which made me feel like a
child in the company of beings of vast wisdom and compassion.
Lights and dwellings thinned as we left the outskirts of the city. The
taller man spoke for the first time as he said, “You have been very patient. We know how
much you are wondering who we are and where we are taking you.
I acknowledged that of course I had been wondering, but added that I
was entirely content to wait for this information until they chose to give it to me.
The speaker smiled and indicated the driver. “He is from the planet
you call Mars. I am from the one you call Saturn.”
His voice was soft and pleasant and his English perfect. I had noticed
that the younger man also spoke softly, although his voice was pitched higher. I found
myself wondering how and where they had learned to speak our language so well.
As the thought passed through my mind, it was immediately recognized.
The Martian now spoke for the first time since our meeting in the hotel. “We are what
you on Earth might call ‘Contact men.’ We live and work here, because, as you know, it
is necessary on Earth to earn money with which to buy clothing, food, and the many things
that people must have. We have lived on your planet now for several years. At first we did
have a slight accent. But that has been overcome and, as you can see, we are unrecognized
as other than Earth men.
“At our work and in our leisure time we mingle with people here on
Earth, never betraying the secret that we are inhabitants of other worlds. That would be
dangerous, as you well know. We understand you people better than most of you know
yourselves and can plainly see the reasons for many of the unhappy conditions that
surround you.
“We are aware that you yourself have faced ridicule and criticism
because of your persistence in proclaiming the reality of human life on other planets,
which your scientists say are incapable of maintaining life. So you can well imagine what
would happen to us if we so much as hinted that our homes are on other planets! If
we stated the simple truth — that we have come to your Earth to work and to learn, just as
some of you go to other nations to live and to study — we would be labeled insane.
“We are permitted to make brief visits to our home planets. Just as
you long for a change of scene or to see old friends, so it is with us. It is necessary,
of course, to arrange such absences during official holidays, or even over a week end, so
that we will not be missed by our associates here on Earth.”
I did not ask whether my companions were married and had families here
on our planet, but I had an impression that this was not the case. For a few minutes
silence again remained unbroken as I thought over the information they had given me. I
found myself wondering why I had been singled out to receive their friendship and been
given this knowledge by men from other worlds. Whatever the reason, I felt very humble,
and very grateful.
As I was thinking about all this, the Saturnian gently said, “You are
neither the first nor the only man on this world with whom we have talked. There are many
others living in different parts of the Earth to whom we have come. Some who have dared to
speak of their experiences have been persecuted — a few even unto what you call
‘death.’ Consequently, many have kept silent. But when the book on which you are now
working reaches the public, the story of your first contact out on the desert with our
Brother from the planet which you call Venus will encourage others from many countries to
write you of their experiences.” (After the first book, "Flying Saucers
Have Landed", was published, the truth of this prediction was proven)
I felt not only a strong confidence in these new friends, but an
overwhelming sense that we were not actually strangers to one another. I also had a deep
conviction that these men could answer all questions and solve all problems concerning our
world; even to performing feats impossible to Earth men if they deemed such necessary and
in keeping with the mission they had come to perform.
We drove on smooth highways for a long time, possibly an hour and a
half. I still had no idea in what direction we were traveling, except to sense that we
were entering desert country. It was too dark to observe details of the surroundings. My
mind continued to be absorbed in reviewing what they had told me and, as I have said
before, there was little conversation.
I was jarred out of my musings when, suddenly, we turned off the smooth
highway into a rough, narrow, corrugated road. The Martian said, “We have a surprise for
We passed no cars on this road, along which we drove for about fifteen
minutes. Then, with mounting excitement, I saw in the distance a soft-white glowing object
on the ground. We stopped within about fifty feet of it. I estimated
it to be some fifteen to twenty feet in height and I recognized its
close resemblance to the Saucer, or Scout ship, of my first meeting almost three months
As we came to a stop, I noticed that a man was standing on the ground
beside the glowing craft. After we had stepped out of the car my companions called out a
greeting. The man by the Scout ship appeared to be working on something connected with it.
The thee of us walked toward him and, to my great joy, I recognized my friend of the first contact —
the man from Venus!
He was dressed in the same ski-type flying suit that he had worn on the
first occasion, but this suit was light brown in color with orange stripes at top and
bottom of the waistband.
His radiant smile made it clear that he shared my
happiness over this reunion. After greetings were exchanged, he said, “As we were coming
down a small part of this little ship broke, so I have been making a new one while waiting
for you to arrive.”
I watched curiously as he emptied the contents of a small crucible onto
the sand. “The timing was perfect,” he said. “I was just completing the installation
as you drove up.”
It suddenly struck me that he was speaking English with only a slight
trace of accent, whereas on our first meeting he seemed unable to speak our language at
all. I hoped that he might explain this, but as he did not, I refrained from questioning.
Instead, I stooped and cautiously touched what appeared to be a very
small amount of molten metal which he had thrown out. Although still quite warm,
it was not too hot to be handled, and I carefully wrapped it in my handkerchief,
which I placed safely in an inner pocket of my coat. I still have this bit of metal in my possession.
Although my companions were laughing at my antics, there was no trace
of ridicule in their merriment. The Venusian asked, although he must have known the
answer, “Why do you want that?”
I explained that I hoped it might furnish proof
of the reality of their visit and told him that people usually demanded what they called
“concrete evidence” to prove that I was not just “making it all
up” when I told of my first meeting with him.
Still smiling, he answered, “Yes, and you are a race of
souvenir hunters, aren’t you! However, you will find that this alloy contains the same
metals found on your Earth, since they are much the same on all planets.”
Here, I believe, is as good a moment as any to say to my readers that
no names, as we know them, were given to me for any of the people I met from other worlds.
The reason for this was explained to me but cannot be given here in full.
Suffice it to state that there is no involved mystery connected with this but
rather an entirely different concept of names as we use them.
While this no-name state created no awkwardness in my actual encounters
with these new friends, I realize that it certainly would do so for
the reader, especially in the latter part of this book as contacts mount. Therefore, since
we of this world are dependent on our own kind of names for one another, I shall provide
While I want to make it very clear that the names
I am introducing for these new friends are not their correct names, I wish to add
that I have my own good reasons for choosing them, and that they are not without meaning in relation to
those who will bear them throughout these pages.
The Martian I shall call Firkon. The Saturnian is Ramu. My name for the
Venusian will be Orthon.
2: Inside a Venusian Scout Ship
Shortly after our arrival, Orthon turned and entered the ship,
motioning for me to join him. Firkon and Ramu immediately followed. As I have stated, the
Scout rested solidly on the ground and only a small step up was required to enter the
Although when we had first reached the waiting Scout, I must have anticipated something of this kind, now that I was actually
aboard, my joy can only be imagined. As I took a first quick glance around, I wondered if
their purpose was merely to show me what one of these Scouts looked like inside, or — I
hardly dared let the hope live — perhaps actually to take me on a journey though space.…?
We went directly into the one-room cabin compartment through a door
high enough to permit Ramu, the tall Saturnian, to enter without stooping. As he, the last
to go in, placed his foot on the cabin floor, the door silently closed. I was aware of a
very slight hum that seemed to come equally from beneath the floor and from a heavy coil
that appeared to be built into the top of the circular wall. The moment the hum started,
this coil began to glow bright red but emitted no heat. I recalled that I had noticed just
such a bright coil on the Scout of my first contact. But on that occasion it
had thrown off various colors — red, blue and green — like a flashing prism in the
I scarcely knew where to look first. I marveled anew at the
unbelievable way in which they were able to fit parts together so that joinings were
imperceptible. Just as I had been unable to find any trace of an entrance door into the
Scout of my first encounter, now there was no sign of the door that had closed behind us;
only what looked like solid wall.
Everything had seemed to take place simultaneously — the door closing,
the soft hum as of a swarm of bees, the glow of the upper coil and the increase of light
within the craft.
It was all so exciting that I was obliged to take myself firmly in hand
in order to concentrate on any one thing. I wanted to leave this ship with a clear picture
of everything in order to give a lucid account of what I was seeing.
I estimated the inside diameter of the cabin to be approximately
eighteen feet. A pillar about two feet thick extended downward from the very top of the
dome to the center of the floor. Later I was told that this was the magnetic pole of the
ship, by means of which they drew on Nature’s forces for propulsion purposes, but they
did not explain how this was done.
“The top of the pole,” Firkon pointed out, “is normally positive,
while the bottom, which you will notice goes down through the floor, is negative. But,
when necessary, these poles can be reversed merely by pushing a button.”
I noticed that a good six feet of the central floor was occupied by a
clear, round lens through which the magnetic pole was centered. On opposite sides of this
huge lens, close to the edge, were two small but comfortable benches curved to follow the
circumference. I was invited to sit on one of these and Firkon sat beside me to explain
what was going on. Ramu took a place on the opposite bench, while Orthon went to the
control panels. These were located against the outer wall between the two benches,
directly opposite the now invisible door though which we had entered the Scout.
When we were seated, a small flexible bar fell into place across our
middles. This bar was either composed of, or merely covered with, a kind of soft
rubberized material.
Its purpose was obvious — a simple safety device to prevent falling
forward or losing balance.
Firkon explained, “Sometimes, when a ship is thoroughly grounded, a
sharp jerk is experienced when breaking contact with Earth. Although this does not very
often happen, we are always prepared.” He smiled and added, “The same principle
exactly as the safety belts in your own planes.”
It was still difficult to believe that anything so wonderful was
actually happening to me. Ever since my first meeting with the Venusian, after he had gone
and I was left with an unutterable sense of loss and a longing to go with him, I had hoped
and dreamed that one day such a privilege might be mine. Now that it seemed certain we
were preparing for a journey into space, I could scarcely contain my joy. Again and again
I reminded myself that I must memorize all that I would see and learn, that I might share
my experience with others, however inadequately.
“This ship,” Firkon continued, “was built for a two-man crew, or
three at the most. But in an emergency a great many more can be safely crowded into it.
However, this is not often necessary.
He did not explain further and I wondered if by “emergency” he
could mean a rescue mission should another Scout find itself in trouble. So impressed was
I by this firsthand viewing of the amazing results of their scientific knowledge that it
was almost impossible to visualize failure of any description. I had to remind myself
that, after all, they too were Human Beings and, no matter how far advanced beyond
us, must still be subject to error and vicissitude.
I turned my attention to the graphs and charts that covered the walls
for about three feet on either side of the door that I could not see, and which stretched
from floor to ceiling. They were fascinating, entirely different from anything I had seen
on Earth, and I tried to guess their purposes. There were no needles or dials, but flashes
of changing colors and intensities. Some of these were like colored lines moving across
the face of a particular chart. Some moved up and down, others crisscross, while still
others took the forms of different geometric figures.
The meanings and functions were not explained to me, and I doubt if I
could have understood it all, but I noticed that all three of my companions were
alert to the changes taking place. I received the impression that the instruments
indicated, among other things, direction of travel, the approach of any other object, as
well as atmospheric or space conditions.
The wall for a distance of about ten feet directly behind the benches
on which we sat appeared to be solid and blank, while on those beyond, opposite our point
of entry, were other charts somewhat similar, yet differing in certain ways from those I
have described. The pilot’s instrument board was unlike anything I could have imagined.
The best comparison I can think of is that it looked rather like an organ. But instead of
keys and stops there were rows of buttons. Small lights shone directly on these, so placed
that each illuminated five buttons at a time. As far as I can remember, there were six
rows of these buttons, each row about six feet long.
In front of this board was a pilot’s seat, very similar to the
benches on which the rest of us were sitting. Close beside this bench, conveniently placed
for easy use by the pilot, was a peculiar instrument connected directly to the central
magnetic pole.
Firkon corroborated my unspoken guess as to its use by saying, “Yes,
that is a periscope, something like those used on your submarines.”
As I watched the various lights flashing across the faces of the charts
and wall graphs, now increasing, now diminishing in intensity, it became quite clear why
these translucent ships are so often reported as changing color as they move through our
skies. But there are other contributing factors. Many of the color changes and the glowing
coronas which often surround the Saucers are the result of differing intensities of energy
radiating out into the atmosphere and making it luminous directly surrounding the ships,
due to a process somewhat similar to ionization.
Within the craft there was not a single dark corner. I could not make
out where the light was coming from. It seemed to permeate every cavity and corner with a
soft pleasing glow. There is no way of describing that light exactly. It was not white,
nor was it blue, nor was it exactly any other color that I could name. Instead, it seemed
to consist of a mellow blend of all colors, though at times I fancied one or another
seemed to predominate.
I was so engrossed in trying to solve this mystery, and at the same
time to see and absorb every detail of this amazing little craft that I was quite unaware
we had taken off, although I did suddenly register a slight feeling of movement. But there
was no sensation of enormous acceleration, nor of changes in pressure and altitude as
would be the case in one of our planes going at half the speed. Nor had we experienced any
jerk as we broke contact with the ground. I had an impression of tremendous solidity and
smoothness, with little more realization of movement than of the unnoticeable journey of
the Earth itself as it revolves around the Sun at eighteen and one-half miles per second.
Others who have been privileged to ride in these Saucers also have been struck by the same
sensation of movement — or rather, the almost total lack of it. But the fact is, with so
many wonders crowding my consciousness, it was only later, after I was back on Earth
reviewing the night’s experiences in my own mind, that I could begin to sort them out.
My attention was now called to the big lens at my feet. An amazing
sight met my eyes! We appeared to be skimming the rooftops of a small town; I could
identify objects as though we were no more than a hundred feet above the ground. It was
explained to me that actually we were a good two miles up and still rising, but this
optical device had such magnifying power that single persons could be picked out and
studied, if so desired, even when the craft was many miles high and out of sight.
“The central pillar or magnetic pole serves a double purpose,”
explained my bench companion. “Besides providing most of the power for flight, it also
serves as a powerful telescope with one end pointing up through the dome to view the sky,
and the other pointing down through the floor to inspect the land below. Images are
projected through it into the two big lenses in the floor and ceiling, as you can see.”
He did not explain whether this was done electronically or by some
other means. Its magnifications could be varied at will, and I suspect that there was more
to it than a simple optical system such as we know on Earth.
I looked up into the translucent dome. The stars had always looked near
enough to touch in the clear air of my mountain home, but viewed through this ceiling lens
they seemed to be actually on top of us. As I alternated between watching the wonders of
the sky and the swift Earth flashing beneath us, I noticed four cables which appeared to
run through the floor lens (or immediately below it), joining the central pole in the form
of a cross.
The Martian, noting my change of interest, explained, “Three of those
cables carry power from the magnetic pole to the three balls under the ship which, as you
have seen, are sometimes used as landing-gear. These balls are hollow and, although they
can be lowered for emergency landing and retracted when in flight, their most important
purpose is as condensers for the static electricity sent to them from the magnetic pole.
This power is present everywhere in the Universe. One of its natural but concentrated
manifestations is seen displayed as lightning.
“The fourth cable,” he continued, “extends from the pole to the
two periscope-like instruments, the one beside the pilot’s seat and the other directly
behind his seat but close to the edge of the center lens, as you can see. These
instruments are really extensions of the main optical system and enable the pilot to see
everything that is going on without leaving his seat. They can be switched on and off, or
adjusted at will, so that both members of the usual crew can have full use of the
telescope without interfering with each other.”
All the machinery was beneath the floor of this compartment, and under
the outer flange, as clearly shown in the photograph of this Scout. I did not actually
see any of it, but I was shown into a very small room which served both as an entrance to
the compartment which contained the machinery, and as a workshop for emergency repairs.
Here there was a tiny forge and a few storage cupboards in which, I surmised, necessary
tools and materials would be kept.
It was while I was looking through the door into this room that our
pilot said, “Be prepared for landing. We are near our mother ship.”
I could not believe it. It seemed that only a few minutes had sped by
since we had entered the Scout.
Just a moment earlier the wall behind the bench on which we had been
sitting had appeared solid. Now a round hole began to appear! I watched in astonishment
while it continued to open, rather like the iris of a camera. Shortly, a porthole about
eighteen inches wide appeared. This, then, explained the portholes in my Saucer
photographs, of which till now I had seen no sign.
Like the door by which we had entered, their coverings fitted so
closely as to be undetectable when closed. Recalling what my photos had shown, I reasoned
that there must be four portholes on each side, making a total of eight.
“That is correct,” Orthon nodded in corroboration, “and the touch
of a button can open them all or singly — and of course they are closed in the same
As the pilot alerted us to our impending landing, the Martian said,
“You will be interested to watch this!”
At the prospect of actually landing on a Mothership, my emotion rose
to a point impossible to describe. Fighting for composure, my mind framed the question as
to where the mother ship was waiting, and in what manner we would make the landing.
Instantly Orthon answered both unspoken questions. “This is the same
large Mothership that alerted you and your party on the desert last year at our first
meeting. She has been waiting for us up here and is at the moment about forty thousand
feet above your Earth. Watch and you will see how these small ships land and enter into
their carriers.”
Fascinated, I peered out through the portholes. There, below, I was
able to make out a gigantic black shadow motionless beneath us. As we came nearer, its
huge bulk seemed to stretch away almost out of sight, and I could see its vast sides
curving outward and downward. Slowly, very slowly, we drew nearer until we were almost on
top of the great carrier. I was not astonished when my companion told me that she was
about one hundred and fifty feet in diameter and close to two thousand feet in length.
The spectacle of that gigantic cigar-shaped carrier ship hanging there
motionless in the stratosphere will never dim in my memory.
Our little craft glided down toward the top of the mother ship, very much like an aircraft coming in to land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. As I watched, a curved hatch or opening appeared, reminding me of a great gaping whale. Those who have seen the photographs of this ship will recall that it has a blunt nose sloping slightly downward. This hatch was situated at the far end of the main cylindrical body just before the slope of the nose became perceptible. As we touched down, the Scout moved forward into the hatch, tilting downward as it began its journey into the interior of this mighty ship. Here for the first time I had a feeling of dropping in the pit of my stomach. I imagine this was due to the fact that the Saucer was no longer using its own power but was now subject to the gravity of the mother ship.
We traveled on down at not too steep an angle, the flange of the Scout running on two rails slowly and smoothly, its rate of descent controlled by friction and the magnetism in the flange. Orthon had complete control over this, I found, for once I nearly lost my balance and he stopped the craft momentarily while I regained it. Then the slow, smooth glide continued until we had reached what I judged to be the halfway position between the top and the bottom of the mother ship. Here the Scout stopped, and the door instantly slid open.
I saw a man standing outside on a platform about fifteen feet long and six feet wide. He was holding something that looked like a metal clamp attached to a cable. He was not very tall — I should guess about five feet, five inches — and I noticed that he was of a darker complexion than any of the space people I had seen. He was dressed in a brown flying suit similar in color and style to the one worn by Orthon at our first meeting. Black hair showed from under a dark, beret-type cap.
I followed Firkon out of the Scout and Ramu came after me. Orthon was the last to leave. The man in the beret smiled and nodded to each of us as we stepped off the platform, but no words were exchanged.
From this platform a flight of about a dozen steps led down to one of the decks of the huge craft. As I was guided down them, I had time to notice that our Scout had stopped just before reaching a junction in the rails down which we had come. One pair of rails continued through the ship, curving downward out of sight. Between them was a dark space which prevented any view of what lay below. The other pair of rails continued straight on from the junction before which the craft was halted, and ran astern to a huge hangar or storage deck in which I could see several identical Scout ships lined up on the rails.
“This is the storage hangar in which the small craft are carried during interplanetary flight,” explained Firkon, stopping momentarily on the step beside me. “Had we been going on to another planet, our Scout would have stopped at the platform only long enough to let us out. Then it would have passed over the junction and been switched to its place in this large hangar. But because we shall be returning to Earth later, the Scout must be recharged at this platform.”
I glanced back and saw that the man on the platform had already slipped the clamp attached to the cable over the flange of the Scout so that it contacted both the flange and the rail beneath.
I have no idea how this recharging operation was performed; to me the clamp looked much like a machinist’s large clamp used on Earth. Nor could I see to what the other end of the cable was connected. Perhaps contact between clamp and rail was necessary to complete the circuit or for all I know, it may even have fitted into an unseen connection directly below the rim of the Scout. I did not wish to cause further delay by asking.
Although not answering the question in my mind, Firkon did volunteer, “These smaller craft are incapable of generating their own power to any great extent and make only relatively short trips from their carriers before returning for recharge. They are used for a kind of shuttle service between the large ships and any point of contact or observation, and are always dependent on full recharging from the power plant of the Mothership.”
At the bottom of the steps we entered a large control room, rectangular in shape but with rounded corners. This room, I should say, was about thirty-five by forty-five feet, and something like forty feet in height. Except for two door openings, the walls were entirely covered with colored graphs and charts like those in the Scout, but on a larger scale and more numerous.
Extending along all four sides of the room were three tiers of platforms from which the many instruments could be observed and studied. A master telescope stood on the top platform, and another on the bottom platform. From both of these were electronic extensions to many instruments in other parts of the ship, making it possible, I was told, for these two telescopes to be used from many locations on the ship.
Also in this room was a robot instrument which I was cautioned not to describe. I had noticed a miniature version of this robot in the Scout. There were also several pieces of machinery in this control room, none of which, so far as I could see, had any moving parts.
I would have liked to stop in this room for closer observation of all these graphs, charts, colors, machinery and instruments, and to have been permitted to ask questions concerning their operation, but this privilege was not granted. Instead, we went directly through this control room and through a second door which led into the most beautiful living room or lounge that I have ever seen. Its simplicity and splendor took my breath and I gasped as I stood momentarily in the doorway, not only marveling at the richness of its furnishings, but held in the wonderful emanation of harmony that came from it.
I do not know how long it took me to recover from this unexpected experience but eventually I was able to look about me with more interest for detail.
The ceiling, I judged, was about fifteen feet high, and the room could not have been less than forty feet square. A soft, mysterious blue-white light filled it, and yet I saw no lighting fixtures, and nowhere any inequality in brightness.
Then, as I stepped through the doorway into this luxurious lounge, my attention instantly was absorbed by two incredibly lovely young women who arose from one of the divans and came toward us as we entered.
This was indeed a tremendous surprise as, for some reason, I had never
visualized women as space travelers. Their very presence and extraordinary beauty, the friendliness that was so apparent as they approached to greet us, together with the luxurious background in the out-of-this-world craft, were overwhelming.
The shorter of the two women touched my hand in the recognized greeting, then immediately turned away to walk over to another part of the room. Then the
taller and seemingly younger girl leaned forward and touched my cheek lightly with her lips. The first lovely lady returned holding a small glass of colorless liquid which she held out to me.
Stirred deeply by the warm friendliness of these people, I thanked her and took the glass. The water (for that is what it proved to be) tasted like our own pure spring water. It seemed, however, a little denser, with a consistency something like a
very thin oil. As I sipped it, I strove to regain my composure and to impress the images of these gracious and beautiful young women indelibly on my mind.
The one who had brought me the water was about five feet, three inches in height. Her skin was very fair and her golden hair hung in waves to just below her shoulders in a beautiful symmetry. Her eyes, too, were more golden than any other color and held an expression that was both gentle and merry. I had the feeling that she was reading my every thought. Her almost transparent skin was without blemish of any kind, exquisitely delicate, though firm and possessed of a warm radiance. Her features were finely chiseled, the ears small, the white teeth beautifully even. She looked very young. I judged that she could not be much over twenty years of age. Her hands were slender, with long, tapering fingers. I noticed that neither she nor her companion wore make-up of any kind on their faces or fingernails. The lips of both were a natural deep red. They wore no jewelry of any description. Indeed, such adornment would have served only to detract from their own natural beauty.
Both women wore draped garments of a veil-like material which fell to their ankles, and both robes were bound at the waist by a striking girdle of contrasting color, into which jewels seemed actually to be woven.
The garment of the little blonde was of a pure light blue, and her tiny sandals were golden in color. Later, I learned that she was a citizen of the planet we know as Venus. Kalna is the name I shall give her.
Ilmuth, my name for the other woman, was taller and a rich brunette in coloring. She also wore her hair in a cascade that fell to just below her shoulders, and it was a beautiful wavy black with highlights of reddish brown. Her large eyes were black, luminous, with flashes of brown. They held the same merry expression as those of her companion, and I felt that she, too, could read my innermost thoughts. In fact, this is an impression I have received from every person that I have met from worlds beyond our own. The color of this lovely brunette’s robe was a pale, rich green, and her sandals of a copper hue. Ilmuth, like Firkon, was an inhabitant of the planet Mars.
I realize that in trying to describe these ladies from other worlds than ours I am attempting the impossible. Perhaps, using my inadequate description as a stepping stone, the reader will search his own imagination for an image of perfect
beauty — and then know that it must certainly fall short of the reality.
As I finished drinking from the small goblet of water, I was asked to be seated, an invitation I gladly accepted.
On the wall exactly opposite the door through which we had entered hung a portrait which I was certain must represent Deity. The emotion which the beauty of the two young women had aroused in me was momentarily forgotten as the wonderful radiance emanating from the portrait enveloped me. It showed the head and shoulders of a Being who could have been eighteen to twenty-five years of age, in whose face was embodied the perfect blended balance of male and female, and whose eyes held a wisdom and compassion beyond description.
I do not know how long I was enrapt by this beauty. There was no interruption until I myself returned to an awareness of my surroundings.
I did not need to ask who this Being was. Kalna broke the silence by saying, “That is our symbol of Ageless Life.
You will find it in every one of our ships as well as in our homes. It is because we keep this symbol always before us that you will find no age amongst our people.”
On one side of the room was a long table surrounded by many chairs. I had the impression that this table was used by the ship’s company for meals, and perhaps also as a council table. I had an idea that the number of crew members ran into three figures, although I had seen only a few on this occasion. I received no verification of this latter impression, but my feeling about the table was substantiated by Firkon. I also learned that the greater part of the room was used as a lounge by the crew and their guests when crew members were not at their various posts during flight. The rest of the salon was casually strewn with divans, settees and chairs of different designs and sizes, very much in the manner of Earth. But in every case these were lower and more comfortable than ours, and more graceful in design and ppearance. They were covered in a material of a deep soft nap with a brocade effect. The colors varied and were most attractive to look at — rich, warm and subdued.
Beside the chairs were low glass or crystal-topped tables with interesting decorative centerpieces. But I saw nothing the least like an ash tray. I suppose I knew instinctively that these people were not addicted to the nicotine habit and I left my cigarettes in my pocket. Once, however, through sheer force of habit, I reached for them. Observing this, the little lady from Venus smiled and said, “You may smoke if you like. I will get you a receptacle for your ashes. You see, only Earth people indulge in that odd habit!”
I thanked her and returned the package to my pocket without taking a cigarette.
To continue with my description — the whole floor was covered by a single luxurious rug which reached to the walls. Medium brown and perfectly plain, with a deep, soft nap, it was delightful to walk upon.
When we were asked to sit down, I found myself on one of the longer divans between Firkon and Ramu. Directly opposite, at a comfortable conversational
distance, was another divan of the same shape and size. Here the two ladies seated themselves with Orthon between them. I still held the empty water glass in my hand, and now set it down on the low table in front of us.
The material of this goblet interested me. It was crystal-clear, without etching of any kind. It did not feel like our glass, nor like plastic. I had no idea of what material it was made, but I received the definite impression that it was unbreakable.
After noting the most outstanding features of the furnishings, I let my eyes roam around the walls. To my right, I noticed a large and beautiful door, slightly ajar, with no knob or lock that I could see. Kalna told me that this led into a storage room, adding, “Our ship often is long absent from our home planet as we travel and study space. Nor do we always stop on other planets during such trips. Consequently, large storage facilities are needed for supplies and equipment.
“The door you see over there in the opposite wall, like the one serving the supply room, leads into a kitchen.”
This door gave onto the portion of the room I supposed was used for dining purposes. I was not taken into either of these rooms.
I studied with interest a large picture near the door on the wall to my right. It showed a city which at first glance seemed little different from those on our Earth, except that it was laid out in circular form instead of the series of hard rectangles usual with us. But the architecture was very different. I hardly know how to describe it, for not one of our many architectural styles approximates it in any way. Here was perfection of the graceful lightness and delicacy for which many of our better modern architects are striving but have never quite achieved. It was the kind of city of which men dream, but never see on our Earth. I had guessed, before I was told, that the city depicted here was on Venus, this ship’s home planet.
On the other side of the door was yet another painting, a pastoral scene of hills and mountains with a stream running through the farmland. This might have passed even more easily for an earthly scene except that the farmhouses were not scattered around the countryside, but also followed a circular plan. I was told that this arrangement had been found more practical in enabling these farm groups to become small, self-sufficient communities, containing everything necessary to supply all essential commodities for the country folk. On Venus there is true equality in all respects, including allocation of commodities. Trips to the cities, then, need be undertaken only for pleasure or for personal reasons.
On the opposite wall, behind the long table, I noticed a picture of a large mother ship, and I wondered whether it represented the one we were in. But as this thought passed through my mind, the little lady from Venus corrected it by aying, “No, our mothership is really very small in comparison. That one is more like a traveling city than a ship, since its length is several miles, while ours is only two thousand feet.”
I realize that my readers are likely to consider such dimensions incredible, and I readily admit that I myself was unprepared for anything so fantastic. However, it is necessary to remember that, once we have learned to harness the great
natural energies instead of depending on mechanical force, it should be no more difficult to build cities within the walls of gigantic ships than on the ground. London and Los Angeles are cities nearly forty miles wide which were built largely by crude machines and manpower — a prodigious achievement in itself. Once gravity is mastered, cities in the air for us, too, can become a reality.
“Many such ships have been built,” Kalna explained, “not only on Venus but also on Mars and Saturn and many other planets. However, they are not intended for the exclusive use of any particular planet, but for the purpose of contributing to the education and pleasure of all citizens in the whole brotherhood of the Universe. People naturally are great explorers. Therefore, travel in our worlds is not the privilege of the few, but of all. Every three months a fourth of the inhabitants of our planets embark on these gigantic ships and set out for a cruise through space, stopping at other planets just as your cruise liners stop at foreign ports. In this way our people learn about the mighty Universe and are enabled to see, firsthand, a little more of the ‘many mansions’ in the Father’s house to which your Bible refers.
“In the temples of wisdom on our planets we have many mechanical devices by means of which our citizens also can study conditions in other worlds and systems, and space itself. But with us as with you, nothing can quite take the place of actual experience. So we have built fleets of gigantic ships like the one you see pictured there, which might also be described literally as small artificial planets. They contain everything necessary for the welfare and pleasure of thousands of people over a three-month period. Apart from size, the main difference is that planets are spherical in shape, are divinely made, and move in elliptical orbits around a central Sun, while these little man-made planets are cylindrical and can move through space at will.”
An ever-increasing concept of our star-studded heavens unfolded before my mind’s eye as I contemplated the information just given me. I wondered to what “other planets” Kalna referred.
Replying to my mental question, Orthon volunteered, “Our ships have not only visited all other planets in our system, but those in systems close to ours. However, there still are planets without number in the infinite systems within the Universe which we have not yet reached.”
Here again a wondering thought slipped in as I mentally questioned what they had found on the “other planets” they had visited.
The Venusian’s eyes sparkled and a tiny smile flitted across his mouth as he caught my thought. He continued without interruption. “With the sole exception of inhabitants on Earth, we have found the peoples of other worlds to be very friendly. They, too, have gigantic space cruisers for the pleasure and education of their fellowmen. As we visit their planets and are welcomed, they also visit ours as friends. It is to the Earth alone that these passenger cruisers never approach. Nor will they be permitted to do so until your people have a greater understanding of fellowship as well as of the Universe beyond the limiting confines of your own little planet.
“During flights of this kind, those on the cruise have much leisure time, as well as definite hours devoted to learning. When they land on other planets mutually interesting social gatherings are held. In short,” and he made this very clear, “peoples of other worlds are not strangers to one another, but all are friends and are welcomed wherever they go.
“We consider planets throughout the Universe as being in one vast sea of life. The far distant planets by the billions which we have not yet visited will be explored when we have further improved our space ships. There are some planets so far out from any in our system that it would take us two or three years to reach them. Whereas, within our system, the distance between planets can be covered within a few hours to a few days.”
Reviewing our concept of distance, I exclaimed, “That is staggering to me! How fast do you travel that you can cover such vast distances in so short a time?”
“Speed to us,” was the reply, “does not mean what it does to you. For once a ship is launched into outer space, the speed of the ship is equal to the activity in space! Instead of being artificially propelled, as are your planes, ours travel on the currents of space.”
I derived some small hope for our eventual progress on Earth when they freely admitted that, in the earliest attempts to conquer space, the inhabitants of Venus and those of other worlds had been faced with exactly the same problems as those that are holding us back today. Once again they stressed that gravity must be overcome as a first principle on the way to space travel.
4: My First Look at Outer Space
At this point, a man who appeared to be about my age entered from a door in the left corner
of the room, smiling in a friendly way. Although I had noticed a
ladder in that corner which I presumed must lead to an upper deck of the ship, I had seen
no door until be entered through it.
Upon his appearance the two girls excused themselves and left through
the doorway leading into the control room. Shortly, Ilmuth, the Martian, returned. She had
changed from her lovely gown to a pilot’s suit of the same style as that worn by the
men. The color was light tan with bands of darker brown at top and bottom of the waist
belt. I was delighted when she asked if I would like to accompany her to the pilot’s
Firkon joined us and as we three climbed the ladder to the next deck, I
noticed Orthon leave through the control room where we had first entered after landing on
the mother ship. The elder man and Ramu, the Saturnian, remained in the lounge.
As we walked along the upper deck corridor, Firkon said, “Each of
these large ships carries many pilots, who work in shifts of four, two men and two women.
Kalna and Ilmuth are pilots on this Venusian ship.”
The corridor, like all parts of the craft I had seen, was pleasantly
lighted from some invisible source, and led upward and forward into a small room at the
end of the large ship.
As we entered this room, a young man who was bent over a chart of some
sort looked up, nodded and smiled, but no introductions were made. I presumed he must be
Ilmuth’s pilot companion.
“This seems a good moment,” said Firkon, “to explain a little
more about this ship. It is a carrier for twelve Scouts such as the one in which we
arrived. Actually, the interior is not nearly as large as one would guess from its outward
size. This is due to much of our mechanical devices being installed between walls.”
“This particular ship,” Ilmuth added, “has four walls or skins.
Some have more and some less, depending on their size and the purpose for which they are
As I looked at the number of strange instruments within this room, I
was curious to know what “mechanical devices” lay between the walls. Firkon said, “I
will explain as fully as possible in the few moments available. The entire section of the
ship through which we first entered is given over to storage space for the Scouts, except
for a large machine shop in which any necessary repairs can be made. In spite of the great
skill and care that go into the original construction, parts do break and materials do
wear. Much is required of any craft that travels space.
“The pressurizing equipment which maintains a comfortable temperature
throughout the ship is installed between the walls, and much else which would require more
time to explain than we have just now. Entrance doors leading into the various walls in
all parts of the ship make access easy. Each craft èarries several mechanics who, working
in shifts, are on constant duty to inspect and check all parts. Therefore, it is seldom that any
defect remains undiscovered to the point of giving real trouble.”
In this pilot room I could look up or out or down, in whatever
direction I turned my head. As Firkon finished speaking, the young man reached out and
touched a button. Immediately, further openings like portholes began to appear in what I
had thought was solid wall. Then both pilots took their places in small seats on opposite
sides of the room. I felt a slight movement and the ship seemed to nose upward.
My heart beat violently as I wondered if perhaps they planned to take
me to their planet. The hope was short-lived. It seemed but a moment before the ship
stopped and again hovered. Ilmuth smiled up at me and said, “We are now about fifty
thousand miles from your Earth.”
Firkon motioned me to come to one of the portholes as he said,
“Perhaps you would like to see what space really looks like.”
I soon forgot my disappointment as I looked out. I was amazed to see
that the background of space is totally dark. Yet there were manifestations taking place
all around us, as though billions upon billions of fireflies were flickering everywhere,
moving in all directions, as fireflies do. However, these were of many colors, a gigantic
celestial fireworks display that was beautiful to the point of being awesome.
As I exclaimed at this vast splendor, Firkon suggested that I now look
back to Earth and see what our own little globe looks like from that distance out.
I did. And to my surprise, our planet was giving off a white light,
very similar to that from the Moon, only not so pure as moonlight in a clear night on
Earth. The white glow surrounding the Earth’s body was hazy, and its size was comparable
to the Sun as we watch this body rise above the horizon in the early morning. There were
no identifying markings whatsoever to be seen on our planet. It looked merely like a large
ball of light beneath us. From here, one could never have guessed that it was swarming
with myriad forms of life.
At the fifty thousand mile altitude, the pilots had set their robot
control and Ilmuth joined us, explaining to me, “Each pilot room has a robot. These,
working singly or together, can fully govern the course of the ship, as well as warn us of
any approaching danger.”
The male pilot remained at his post and Ilmuth remarked, in
explanation, “One pilot in each control room must always be on duty.”
She then asked if I would like to have a closer look at the pilot’s
At one side of each seat there was a small instrument which looked
something like a tube set in the floor and standing high enough so that the pilot could
easily look into it. “This,” Ilmuth explained, “is connected with the telescope you
probably noticed in the large control or chart room through which you first entered the
At this moment, however, the telescope was not in operation, and I
gathered that it was used only when the ship was in actual interplanetary flight, or
perhaps also while hovering for observation and study purposes.
The entire floor in this section of the room was composed of magnifying
glass like that in the floor of the Scout. But the angle of the ship at this particular
moment was such that I would have had to kneel to look through it.
Space and its activity held me transfixed as I strained my eyes in an
attempt to see everything that was going on out there. Apart from the firefly effects, I
saw a good many large luminous objects passing through space. The larger bodies, so far as
I could tell, were not burning, but merely glowing. One in particular seemed to give out
three distinct colors — red, purple and blue. I asked if it could be another space ship.
“No,” Ilmuth said with a smile, but did not explain further.
Also I noticed that now and then dark objects of various sizes, darker
than space itself, would pass. But none of these moving objects seemed to touch the ship.
At times, even the dark objects would become partially luminous. These, I was told, were
what we call meteorites, which become visible to us on Earth only as they create friction
in passing through our atmosphere.
I asked what prevented them from striking the ship when seemingly they
were headed straight for it.
“The ship itself,” Firkon explained, “is utilizing the power of
nature — electromagnetic, I think you call it — and has excess power at all times.
Some of this excess is dissipated through its skin out into space for a certain distance,
sometimes only a short way, although at times its influence can extend for several miles
outward. This acts as a shield against any particles, or ‘space debris,’ as you on
Earth term it, repelling such things by this constantly radiating force.”
He went on to explain that all bodies in space are negative to space
and are actually moving in a sea of electromagnetic force. Therefore, a negative radiation
repels all negative bodies while at the same time it prevents the ship from heating
through friction.
I could have stayed for hours enjoying this beautiful sight, but only a
short time was allotted before the pilots resumed their seats and we returned to the forty
thousand-foot altitude where the ship had been hovering when first we arrived.
There was no perceptible dip nor turn in the ship’s motion. The
craft’s movement was so gentle as to be scarcely noticeable, and the only audible sound
was something as slight as an electric fan in operation.
None of us had been provided with special headgear or any device for
breathing or balance, but my mind was clearly alert in every way at all times.
I was struck by the fact that all the instruments I had so far seen
throughout the ship appeared to be operated by push-buttons. And nowhere did I see
anything that even faintly resembled a weapon of destruction. But, after watching the
repelling force of nature in space as controlled by radiations from the ship, I had a
strong feeling that this force could very effectively be used for self-protection, should
such a need ever arise.
Firkon answered this thought by saying, “Yes, that is so. As
yet, the need has not arisen. Moreover, if the issue is merely our lives as against the
lives of our brothers — even those belligerent ones of your Earth — we would allow
ourselves to be destroyed rather than to slay a fellow being.”
The implications of this simple statement affected me deeply. I could
not help but reflect sorrowfully on the so different viewpoint of my fellow men on Earth;
of the divided peoples, the nations even now engaged in a race to produce more dreadful
weapons of destruction which would bring death, affliction and sickness to ever-increasing
millions of their fellow beings throughout the world. I thought of the credo of hatred for
the enemy instilled in the minds of young men as a necessary part of preparing them for
killing. For it is not inherent in natural man who understands even a little of his
place in Creation to want to kill. I thought of the indescribable blasphemy of prayers
addressed to the loving Eternal Father of all, asking Him to bless them in thus betraying
the very humanity of their heritage.
Both Ilmuth and Firkon were silent while these thoughts went through my
mind. Although I had many times before reflected on just these things, they had never
penetrated my consciousness with such poignancy, and I knew that it would remain
with me always.
In a moment, Firkon called my attention to an instrument no larger than
an ordinary cabinet radio, with a screen similar to a TV set. “With this,” he
explained, "we can picture and register anything taking place on the Earth, or on any
planet over which we either pass or hover. Not only do we hear the spoken words, but
pictures are picked up and shown on the screen. An internal mechanism breaks these down
into sound vibrations, which are simultaneously translated into words of our own language,
all of which are recorded in a manner similar to your own tape-recordings.”
To further clear this for me, he explained that all words are made up
of vibrations or scales similar to a musical octave, just as all melodies are composed of
certain notes. By knowing this law one can learn a heretofore unknown language in a short
time. When strange vibrations become apparent, these are transposed into picture form,
showing exactly what the strange words or their vibrations mean. Needless to say, the tape
he showed me was different from any I had ever seen on Earth.
It all sounded to me like a jigsaw puzzle, and my mystification no
doubt showed plainly on my face. In any case, Ilmuth laughed merrily and asked, “Would
you be surprised to learn that races of people who lived on your Earth many centuries ago
thoroughly understood and used the universal laws of sound and vibration?”
I stated that I had long suspected the truth of this.
“Although this knowledge is utterly lost to your present-day
civilizations,” Ilmuth continued, “a few individuals here and there are awakening to a
slight conception of its possibilities. On other planets, these laws are a fundamental
teaching in the educational systems. With these as a basis, pupils are able to learn very
rapidly in all fields of knowledge and expression.”
At this point, Firkon said, “Now we must return to the lounge,” and
as I stepped back to let Ilmuth precede me, I asked why it was that practically no
movement was felt inside this large craft when she had risen from the forty thousand-foot
level to fifty thousand miles.
“Quite simply because the ship is built to take care of all that,”
Firkon answered, and added, “as is done with your own submarines.”
Again I was amazed to find how much these people knew about us and our
developments on Earth.
“Your submarines,” he went on, “move under the surface of the
water at great depths, yet the crew feel relatively little of the movement registered by
their instruments. And the men are quite comfortable, too, for your ships have been
carefully planned. Actually, there is not so much difference between a ship that goes
under water and one that travels through outer space, except that our ships are propelled
by natural power, while yours are dependent on artificial forms of power.”
It seemed to me that the difference he mentioned was quite a tremendous
one, but I did not say so, and Firkon continued. “When you learn how to use the natural
source of power that is everywhere in the Universe, you too will be able to build
submarines which, like some of our craft, can rise to the ocean’s surface and continue
on up through the atmosphere out into space.”
This reminded me of two incidents reported early in 1951. In the first,
two “missiles” dropped out of a perfectly clear sky into the waters of Inchon Bay, off
the western coast of Korea. The missiles fell close to an anchored seaplane tender, the "Gardiner’s
Bay", and caused columns of water to rise to an estimated height of one hundred feet.
Later, the report said, the “missiles” were seen to rise again from the water and soar
on up until lost to sight. The second incident happened off the coast of Scotland and was
almost identical with the first.
Firkon, obviously getting my thought, said, “You were quite correct
in naming the photograph you were able to take of this kind of ship ‘the submarine
At this point we entered the large salon in which we had left Ramu
sitting with the older man. They were still there and speaking in their own tongue. As we
approached, they rose, walked toward a small table around which were a number of chairs
and motioned us to join them.
These chairs were rather like dining room or office chairs, but proved
far more comfortable. As we seated ourselves, Kalna and Orthon joined our group.
On the table were crystal goblets filled with a clear liquid which I
found very refreshing. The flavor was delicately sweet with an elusiveness that was
tantalizing. The consistency was slightly heavy, of a type to be sipped. I was told the
name of the fruit from which this juice was extracted, but could think of no comparable
Earthly flavor.
The entire time that had elapsed since leaving the Earth to this moment
probably was not much more than an hour. But in that little space of time my whole life
and understanding had opened to a far greater concept of the Universe than I had gained
during the sixty-one years of my total life on Earth.
Now, as we sat around the table, all eyes turned to the older space man
as he began to speak. Although it was only later that his stature on all planets was
explained to me, it was impossible not to realize that I was in the presence of a greatly
evolved being, and the attitude of all present clearly indicated that they, as well as I,
felt very humble before him. I learned that his age, in his present body, was close to one
thousand years.
The following hour or so, during which he talked to us, seemed as a
minute. All listened with complete attention and without interruption to this man of great
“My son,” said the great teacher, “you have been brought here and
shown what lies within our smaller craft and this large carrier. You have traveled in each
for a short distance only, but far enough to give you much knowledge to pass on to your
fellow men on planet Earth. You have seen what outer space is like and that it is indeed
constantly active, filled with moving particles from out of which all forms are finally
brought into being. There is neither a beginning nor an ending.
“In the vastness of space there are innumerable bodies which you on
Earth call planets. These vary in size, as do all forms, but they are very much like your
own world and ours, and most of them are peopled and governed by forms like yourselves and
like us. While some are just reaching a point where they are capable of supporting such
forms as ours, others have not yet reached that stage of development in their growth.
For you must understand that worlds are but forms, and they too
go through the long period of growth which all forms experience, from the smallest to the
“Each planet moves in co-ordination with a number of other planets
around a central Sun, in perfect timing, forming a unit or what you would call a system.
In each case, so far as we have learned from our travels, there are twelve planets in a
system. Beyond that, twelve such systems are united around a central core comparable to
our Sun. These make up what some of your scientists call a ‘constellation.’
Further constellations make up a Galaxy, and many galaxies make up a Universe,
and such island universes comprise a vast unit in the Father’s house of many mansions . . . and so on, without end.
“On our planet, and on other planets within our system, the form
which you call ‘Man’ has grown and advanced intellectually and socially through
various stages of development to a point which is inconceivable to the people of your
Earth. This development has been accomplished only by adhering to what you would term the
laws of Nature. In our worlds it is known as growth through following the laws of the All
Supreme Intelligence which governs all time and space.
“As you have seen, we travel space as easily as you cross a room. The
traversing of space is not difficult to those who have mastered the laws within which all
bodies live and move — planets and men alike. It is then understood that distance between
two such bodies in space, or that between worlds, is no distance at all as you conceive of
distance in your world.
“Remember, at one time the distance between the bodies
of land on your Earth, which you call continents, was considered great, and much time was
required to travel from one to another. Now your aircraft have shortened this distance to
a relative fraction of the time required in days past. Yet the distances are the same. And
so it will be as you extend your knowledge and learn the laws operating in infinite space.
“Another aspect of which as yet you have no conception is that the
body of any human being can be as comfortable on one planet as on another. While there are
some differences in atmospheric conditions, depending y upon the size and age of the
planet, these are little greater than those which you experience on your Earth between
sea level and on a mountain several thousand feet high. Certain people are affected by
such changes, more than others, but all can become acclimated in
Recalling the popular conception of ponderous headgear plus tubes and
gadgets, as depicted all the way from the “comics” to serious theories of supposed
experts, I wondered if our world was the lowest in development throughout the Universe.
Reading my thought and continuing without interruption, this great
teacher said, “No, my son, your world is not the lowest in development in the Universe.
Yours is the least developed of those in our own solar system, but out beyond there are some
worlds whose peoples have not yet grown to your standard, either socially or
scientifically. Also, there are worlds where development has gone far in the field of
science and remained low in the field of personal and social understanding, even though
space has been conquered.
“In our solar system, the peoples of all planets except your Earth are
traveling space freely; some for short distances only, while others achieve great
distances that take them to systems beyond our own.
“Your understanding of life and the Universe is very limited. As a
result, you have many false concepts about other worlds and the composition of the
Universe; and so little knowledge of yourselves! But it also is true that there is
a growing desire on the part of many on Earth who seek sincerely for greater
understanding. We who have traveled the path you now are treading are willing to help and
to give of our knowledge to all who will accept it.
“The first fact your people must realize is that the inhabitants of
other worlds are not fundamentally different from Earth men. The purpose of life on other
worlds is basically the same as yours. Inherent in all mankind, however deeply buried it
may be, is the yearning to rise to something higher. Your school system on Earth is, in a
sense, patterned after the universal progress of life. For in your schools you progress
from grade to grade and from school to school, toward a higher and fuller education. In
the same way, man progresses from planet to planet, and from system to system toward an
ever higher understanding and evolvement in universal growth and service.”
As he gave this illustration, I understood him to mean that individuals
on Earth would, when ready, advance to a planet of higher development. I wondered if, one
day while still living on this Earth, we would learn the laws that govern space and be
able to visit these other worlds as they now could.
The master gave no specific answer to my mental question, but
continued, “You on Earth are bound by what you call ‘time.’ But even according to
your estimations of time, when you achieve space travel you will be astonished at the
swiftness with which you can reach other planets.
“For this adventure you will have to find new words. You speak of our
craft — you call them Saucers — as flying, a term which applies to the operation of your
own planes. But we do not ‘fly’ as you mean it. We nullify the atmosphere by a
electro-magnetic procedure. You express it as ‘suspending gravity.’ In this way we are not
hindered by atmospheric interference or resistance. This is why our craft are able to make
the sharp changes in direction of travel and to move at the speeds that have so mystified
your airmen and your scientists.
“We could tell you much about the control of gravity, knowledge that
is necessary both for safe leaving or approaching any planet. We would gladly give you
this knowledge which has served us so well, except that you have not yet learned to live
with one another in peace and brotherhood, for the welfare of all men alike, as we have on
other worlds. If we revealed this power to you or to any Earth man and it became public
knowledge, some of your people would quickly build ships for space traveling, mount guns
upon them and go on a shooting spree in an attempt to conquer and take possession of other
“You know that there are certain groups in your world who have
already made claim for property rights and possession of your Moon for the purpose of
using it as a military base. Many Earth scientists are hoping that, in the not too distant
future, they will succeed in building space ships like ours for interplanetary travel. It
is entirely possible that this will be done. But Earth men will not be allowed to come in
numbers or to remain, until they have learned to embrace the all-inclusive life as lived
by people of other worlds, rather than the selfish personal life as found on Earth today.
And there will be much for you to learn about outer space, for it is on space
itself that you will move."
I recalled a simile I had often used, comparing space to a vast ocean
in constant motion. And I thought now that, as our ocean liners move on or through the
waves of the ocean, so these interplanetary ships move on the waves of the activity in
“Yes,” the master said, “it is very much like that, and as your
scientists work on this principle, more understanding will come to them. For Nature
herself will reveal her secrets to all who seek with an open mind.
“As you have been told, we travel space in order to learn. Within our
ships are many instruments, some of which you have seen, and many others which you have
not yet seen. Although on your Earth you have thrown all our craft into the category of
Saucers, we have many kinds, many sizes, for many purposes. The largest have never come
within the atmosphere of your world. In fact, they have never come within millions of
miles of Earth. We cannot risk the lives of the thousands of people traveling in these
gigantic ships, for if anything should happen to force a landing on Earth before your
people have grown to greater understanding, ours would be in peril.
“My son, our main purpose in coming to you at this time is to warn
you of the grave danger which threatens men of Earth today. Knowing more than any amongst
you can yet realize, we feel it our duty to enlighten you if we can. Your people
may accept the knowledge we hope to give them through you and through others, or they can
turn deaf ears and destroy themselves. The choice is with the Earth’s inhabitants. We
cannot dictate.
“In your first meeting with our Brother here, he indicated to you
that the exploding of bombs on Earth was of interest to us. This is why. Even though the
power and radiation from the test explosions have not yet gone out beyond your Earth’s
sphere of influence, these radiations are endangering the life of men on Earth. A
decomposition will set in that, in time, will fill your atmosphere with the deadly
elements which your scientists and your military men have confined into what you term
“The radiations released from those bombs are now going out only so
far, since they are lighter than your own atmosphere and heavier than space itself. If,
however, mankind on Earth should release such power against one another in full warfare, a
large part of Earth’s population could be annihilated, your soil rendered sterile, your
waters poisoned and barren to life for many years to come. It is possible that the body of
your planet itself could be mutilated to an extent that would destroy her balance in our
“These would be the effects directly concerning your world. For us,
traveling through space could be made difficult and dangerous for a long time to come,
since the energies released in such multiple explosions would then penetrate through your
atmosphere into outer space."
I wondered whether, and to what extent, if war should actually come to
us, they would feel justified in stopping us.
The master answered my mental question by saying, “As you know, with
our knowledge of the use and control over energies far more powerful than any our brothers
on Earth have as yet learned to use, we could, if we wished, nullify your force with our
greater force. But remember what you have been told. We do not kill our fellow man, even
in self-defense. We are trying, and shall continue to try, to prevent such a war by
bringing to Earth men the knowledge of what they would be doing. For no man wages war
except in ignorance.”
A light came into his face and his eyes seemed to be looking at some
inward vision of beauty as he continued softly, “And no man lives who has never once
dreamed of what you call Utopia, or the nearly perfect world. There is nothing which man
has ever imagined which is not, somewhere, a reality. And, therefore, nothing that is not
possible of achievement. For you too, on Earth, this is possible. For us on the other
planets of our galaxy, it is so now. There are those on your Earth who have exclaimed,
‘But how monotonous perfection must be!’ It is not so, my son, for there are degrees
of perfection just as there are degrees of all things. In our worlds, we are happy, but we
do not stagnate. Just as when one reaches the top of a hill seen from below, a further
hill comes into view, so it is always with progress. The valley that lies between
must be crossed before the next height can be scaled.
“Understanding of the universal laws both uplifts and restricts. As
it is now with us, so it could be on your Earth. Lifted up by your knowledge, this same
understanding would make it impossible for you to move in violence against your brothers.
You would know that the same conviction, inherent in every individual being, which makes
him feel that be has the divine privilege of directing his own life and shaping his own
destiny, even though it be by the path of trial and error, applies equally to any group,
nation or race of mankind.
“Just as there are many downward paths, leading away from progress,
so there are many that lead upward. Though one man may choose one and a second man
another, this need not divide them as brothers. Indeed, one may learn much from the other,
if he will. For in the vastness of the infinite creation, there is no one way that is the
only way.
“On your Earth we have heard many times the phrase ‘the road to
happiness.’ It is a good phrase, for progress is happiness and lies all along the upward
pathway from its beginning. And happiness makes men brothers in tolerance toward another
man’s efforts, even though of a different nature from their own.
“There is nothing wrong with your Earth, nor with its people, except
that in their lack of understanding they are young children in the universal life of the
One Supreme Being. You have been told that in our worlds we live the Creator’s
laws, while as yet on Earth you only talk of them. If you would live by the
precepts of even what you now know, the peoples of Earth would not go out to slaughter one
another. They would work within themselves, their own groups, their own nations, to
achieve good and happiness in that section of your world wherein they were born and
therefore call ‘home.’
“I think the peoples of Earth would be amazed to find how swiftly a
change could come throughout the planet. Now that you have the medium for world-wide
broadcasting, messages urging love and tolerance for all, instead of suspicion and
censure, would find receptive hearts. For the great part of the Earth’s population is
weary of strife and its aftermath of woe. We know that, as never before, they hunger for
knowledge of a way of life that will deliver them. We know that there is fear and
confusion in their minds because they have seen and felt the results of two great wars
that have served only to foster the seeds of another.
“So, with receptive minds and hearts everywhere on your planet, it
is not too late. But there is urgency, my Son! So go forth with the blessing of the
Infinite Father on your mission, and add your voice to those of others who also carry this
message of hope.”
6: Questions and Answers Within The Ship
After a moment of silence during which no one stirred, the master rose,
and all present with him. He stood for an instant his hands resting on the back of his
chair, and looked deeply into my eyes. I shall never forget the expression of great
kindness and compassion in his gaze. It was like a benediction, and at the same time I
felt a new Strength rise within me.
With a gesture of farewell which embraced all present, he turned then
and left the room. The silence remained unbroken for several moments after his departure.
I still could find no words. It was Kalna who broke the stillness by
saying softly, “For us, too, it is always a privilege to listen to this great
being speak.”
Ramu, the Saturnian, deliberately, I am sure, broke the tension.
“Now, before we return you to Earth, an interval has been allowed for you to ask
questions that may be in your mind. These need not be confined to the serious subject on
which the Master has just spoken,” he added with a smile, “since nothing that
interests you will seem trivial to us.”
I looked at him gratefully as we all resumed our seats. It seemed to me
that Ramu had meant that I could put my questions orally now, in what was likely to be a
general conversation, and not rely on mental telepathy. I voiced the one uppermost in my
“Could the drastic changes in our atmospheric conditions, in many
places since the bomb tests, have anything to do with the release of that energy?”
“They have, indeed!” Ramu replied, “and we are not guessing. Our
instruments have registered those results. We KNOW!”
“I wonder,” I said slowly, “if you would care to comment a little
further on the reason why, even though war on our Earth would endanger the traveling
through space of millions who live on other planets, you still feel it wrong to
hurt the few in order to benefit the many."
“We will try to explain,” Orthon answered. “To all of us who have
from birth been instilled with a vision of the whole, it is unthinkable to disobey
what we know to be the Universal Laws. These laws are made by no man. They were in the
beginning, and will endure throughout eternity. Under these laws each individual, each
group of mankind, all intelligent life on each world, must decide its own destiny without
interference from another. Counsel, yes. Instruction, yes. But interference to the point
of destruction, never.”
His questioning look seemed to ask if he had made the principle
Firkon, the Martian, spoke for the first time. “You understand the
power of thought forms. Apart from our physical missions on Earth, all of us must hold
firmly to the belief that the peoples of your Earth will themselves awaken to the disaster
toward which they are moving.”
“I see,” I said slowly, as the issue did indeed clarify itself in
my mind.
“We know that the power of this thought continually sent out to all
our Earth brothers has changed the hearts of many,” Ramu stated.
“We also are aware,” Ilmuth pointed out, “as are you and many
other people on your Earth, that your air forces and your governments know that our
ships seen in your skies are coming from outer space, and that they can be made and
piloted only by intelligent beings from other planets. Men high in the governments of your
world have been contacted by us. Some are good men and do not want war. But even the good
men on your Earth cannot entirely free themselves from the fear which has been fostered by
man himself on your planet throughout the centuries.”
“The same is true of your fliers everywhere on Earth,” Kalna said
quietly, “many have seen our ships again and again. But they have been muzzled and
warned, and few dare speak out.”
“It is the same with your scientists,” Firkon added.
Again I marveled at their knowledge of our world and its peoples.
“Then it would seem,” I said, “that the answer lies largely with the ordinary
man in the street, multiplied by his millions the world over.”
“They would be your strength,” Firkon quickly agreed, “and if
they would speak against war in sufficient numbers everywhere, some leaders in different
parts of your world would listen gladly.”
I felt that this conversation had contributed much to my understanding
and I was filled with hope. Almost without realizing that I was going to do so, I changed
the subject by saying, “I wonder if you would explain a little further to me about the
mechanism I saw in the pilot’s room — the one that registers sounds that are translated
into pictures on the screen."
“Of course,” Orthon said. “One of its most important uses is to
enable us to learn readily any language. Naturally, those of us who actually live and work
on your Earth for a while speak with better accents. Although, with us, as with you, some
have a greater aptitude for languages than others and learn to speak flawlessly without
any direct contact with the people.” Here he smiled and reminded me of the pantomimic
conversation without words carried on at the time of our first meeting in the desert, adding, “It was of the utmost
importance that I test your ability to send out and to receive telepathic messages. As an
outcome of that, you are here now!
“We know well the skepticism of the Earth people in all directions
outside of the narrow ruts of personal experience. It was for this reason that the
messages I gave you were of a universal character. We knew that, although the
understanding of such writings was buried with civilizations that were lost long ago,
there are a few people scattered about your present world who would be able to translate
them. With such translations, only the determinedly incredulous can still refuse to
“It is fortunate,” Kalna said, with her merry smile, “that at
least mental telepathy has been accepted as an established fact by the scientists of your
“You know,” Orthon said, “we had you under observation for some
years before I finally contacted you, and we felt sure that your knowledge of telepathy
would be adequate. This was proven in the final test at our first meeting.”
“Did you test me in other ways as well?” I asked.
“Indeed we did! You see, inasmuch as you had been photographing our
craft for several years, your thoughts were inevitably coming our way. We felt the
sincerity of your interest. It remained to be seen if and how you would translate this
interest into action, how well you could stand up under the ridicule and skepticism bound
to come your way, and whether you would be tempted to use your contacts with us for
self-aggrandizement or commercialism.”
“You have passed all the tests with flying colors,” Ilmuth said
warmly. “In the face of all the derision, disbelief — even when the validity of your
photographs was challenged — we saw how staunch you remained to that which, within
yourself, you knew to be true.”
This encouragement filled me with happiness and I knew that, with such
friends, any faltering would be impossible.
“There was another thing, too, which we had to know,” said Ramu,
“in regard to your discretion and judgment. For example, there were certain things which
the Master revealed to you tonight which, as he made clear, must not yet be told to your
people. In a world like yours, it is a great temptation for most men to make
themselves important by indulging in attention-getting statements. Moreover, the whole of
what is now permissible for you to tell cannot, with wisdom, be told to all. This is where
your good judgment enters. After all, you have devoted the better part of your life to
teaching Universal Law insofar as you knew it. In doing so, you learned well that it
is not only useless, but often dangerous, to give more knowledge than can be absorbed
or understood. We know that you will apply this principle to the information you receive
from us.”
“In regard to telepathy,” I said, voicing a question which had been
in my mind, “although I am able to use it, I cannot claim really to understand
its operation. Could you explain it a little?”
They glanced from one to another, and then laughed. I realized that all
present could answer my question and that they had been amused at the courtesy which had
prompted each to give the other the opportunity. In fact, as I look back on the entire
discussion, I realize how different it was throughout from what happens in our
world when two or more people are gathered together. Where we jump in, talk at
cross-purposes and constantly interrupt the speaker (who should at least be permitted to
come to an occasional full stop), these men and women had, in all cases, spoken without
interruption from the others. And none had held the floor by sheer force of verbosity.
As if by common consent it was Orthon who answered. “In your
world you have what you call radio, and there are many amateur radio operators whom you
call ‘hams.’ These have certain channels on which they are allowed to operate. These
channels, which you refer to as ‘ether waves,’ enable a person in one location to send
a message to a person at another instrument in some far distant place. The two can hear
one another as clearly as if they were in the same room. At one time such communication
would have been considered fantastic by people of the type of mind which now derides an
interplanetary origin for our ships. To this kind of mentality, little that has not
already been proven to the point of being sold over a counter is conceivable.
“Thoughts are received and transmitted in exactly the same way as by
radio, along certain wave lengths, but minus any instrument. We work directly from brain
to brain, and here again distance is no barrier.
"However, an open and receptive mind is needed for success. Through all
the years that you have been sending thoughts to us, we have answered. This has
established a solid cable-like connection between us by maintaining the thought
waves in a single channel. Whenever your mind is open, we can send you the information you
require, exactly as you could receive a message over a telephone.
“You were chosen to meet with me in the presence of witnesses to
confirm your experience. We wanted the truth of this meeting to reach as far as possible.
And we commend the staff of one of your nation’s newspapers which proved brave enough to publish the first account.
“But one thing which we want you to make clear to all is that mental
contacts we have been discussing are definitely not what your people call
‘psychic’ or ‘spiritualistic,’ but direct messages from one mind to another.
Explanation of what you call ‘psychic’ will be given you at another time.
“We call this mental telepathy a unified state of consciousness between
two points, the sender and the receiver, and it is the method of communication most
commonly used on our planets, especially on planet Venus.
Messages can be conveyed between individuals on our planet, from our
planet to our space craft wherever they may be, and from planet to planet. As I said
before — and let me make this firm in your memory — space or ‘distance,’ as you call it,
is no barrier whatsoever.”
While Orthon was talking, Ilmuth had unobtrusively gone out of the
room. Now she returned with a tray on which were goblets holding what proved to be the
same refreshing drink I have described before. After she had distributed
the glasses, I said, “About these people from other planets who are living amongst us
… has that been going on for long?”
It was Kalna who answered, “Since time immemorial!
Or at least,” she corrected herself, “for the past two thousand
years. After the crucifixion of Jesus, who was sent to be incarnated on your world to help
your people, as had others before him, we decided to carry on our mission in a way less
perilous to those concerned than actual birth on your planet. This was made possible by
the great advance in our space traveling ships. We were able to bring volunteers in their
physical bodies. These men are carefully trained for their mission and receive
instructions in regard to their personal safety. Their identity is never revealed except,
rarely, to one or another individual for a definite purpose, as with you.
“They mingle with their Earthly brothers to learn their languages and
their ways. Then they return to their home planets where they pass on to us what knowledge
they have gathered of your world. We have a history of Earth and the happenings thereon
dating back seventy-eight million years. Similar histories which were made by men on Earth
have been lost with the civilizations that destroyed themselves — the same pattern of
destruction that threatens you today.
“The thing you call ‘war’ has not existed anywhere else in our
system for millions of years. Of course, all planets and their people must pass through
the orderly stages of evolvement from lower to higher. But yours has not been an orderly
or natural progress; rather, an endless repetition of growth and destruction, growth and
“There have been Earth men who have left your planet with our help,
in order that they might learn from us and, in time, return to their Earthly home and pass
their knowledge on to you. But under the conditions existing on your planet today, it is
no longer possible to do this, since none could be returned. They could not explain where
they had been without being branded as lunatics and confined in a mental institution. Nor,
in your present world of multiple identification papers, would the sudden return of
someone who had mysteriously disappeared long before be unchallenged by the authorities.
"We cannot subject fellow beings to a persecution beyond their
endurance. This may give you an even clearer understanding of how, in so many ways, we
find ourselves blocked by those we so long to help.”
All the natural gaiety of Kalna’s expression had been obliterated by
one of sadness as she told me these things. Now, as she took her goblet from the low table
and sipped from it, she smiled. As she set the glass back, she said, “It is a great pity
that we must talk of such sorrowful things — and still sadder that such woe exists
anywhere in the Universe. In ourselves, we of other planets are not sad people. We are
very joyous. We laugh a great deal.”
I found myself deeply moved by this little apology. They were joyful
people on their planets. Yet they were willing to share the sadness of our Earth, and to
strive ceaselessly through the centuries to bring us light.
“We still have one hope left,” Ilmuth said, as though trying to
cheer me. “We can still come amongst you, and now and again we can make the kind of
contact as with you. While your airmen make our landings difficult at present, we are
hoping that, when more and more of your people have seen our ships, become accustomed to
them and accepted the truth of living beings on other planets, personal meetings with
Earth people can be increased.”
“I cannot see how it could be otherwise,” I agreed.
We all drank from our glasses. As I looked at my friends, I saw that
all signs of the concern they felt about conditions on planet Earth had been banished from
their faces. I knew that this was wise and right and, trying to follow their example, I
asked, “Do you dance and sing on other planets, and have parties as we do?”
“We dance a great deal — all of us,” Kalna answered. “We consider
training the body in a co-ordination of rhythmic movement an essential part of our
education. Moreover, this expression is a part of what you would call our religious
ritual. As the poetic form in words can suggest deep feeling not possible to the prose form,
so it is with the perfect rhythm expressed in the movement of a body dedicated in a dance
of worship.
“We also dance sheerly for pleasure as do you, although not exactly
in the manner of your present-day dancing,” she added with a laugh. “We could
derive no joy from the kick, wiggle and hop we have observed on your Earth, during which a
man and a woman clutch each other ferociously one moment and fling each other off the
next. Our social dancing is usually of a group pattern, although often one or more
persons, inspired by the moment or the music, will dance for the rest of us. You have seen
fine interpretive dancers on your Earth and therefore know the pleasure it is to watch
beautiful movement of a body that is inspired by the spirit within.”
“We also have parties,” Ilmuth said, “although we do not think of
them in such terms. With us it is quite simply a matter of inviting our friends to our
homes that we may talk or relax together. Many of these are outdoor affairs — on our
beaches or in our gardens. Like yours, many of our homes have grounds that are planned
with swimming pools and large terraces.”
I wished that I need never leave these wonderful people. But at just
this point, Ramu rose and said, “It’s bad news, but I fear that I must now return you
to Earth.”
I stood up and tried to bury my regret under the thought of a “next
Farewells were said amidst an atmosphere of gaiety and references to
another meeting for us all.
No one reminded me to remember all I had been told, nor to apply it
properly in my activities on Earth. I was left only with a last impression of beauty and
warmth and friendliness, and with the knowledge that once ignorance was lifted from them,
the people of my world, too, could grow into the natural heritage of all Mankind.
As we reached the door leading out into the control room, I paused to
look back that I might again imprint on my mind every detail of this lovely room, my
friends and, above all, the radiant portrait of Ageless Life.
The little Scout had been charged while we were visiting and was now in
readiness for our return to Earth. The door was open and together we entered, Ramu, Firkon
and I. Raniu went to the controls. The clamp and cable had been removed as we climbed the
stairs and, as before, the door silently closed after the last man had entered.
Slowly, we slid down the sloping rail, through two air locks and out
again into space through the bottom of the ship. As we descended on the rail, I felt again
that sensation of dropping in the pit of my stomach, though it was less intense and of
shorter duration than when we entered.
It seemed an impossibly short time before the door slid open and Firkon
said, “Here we are again — back to Earth!”
This time the craft was not set down upon the ground, but remained
hovering about six inches above it.
Ramu came forward and extended his hand in farewell, saying, “I shall
not be driving in with you as I must remain with the Scout. I am glad of this evening with
you and look forward to another soon."
I echoed his sentiments!
The drive back to the hotel was a silent one, full of feeling and deep
thoughts on my part. Firkon undoubtedly knew this.
He stopped the car in front of my hotel but did not get out. We shook
hands and he said, “We shall be meeting again before long”
I was wondering when and where and he answered the unspoken question by
saying, “Do not doubt that you will be alerted at the right time, and find yourself in
the right place.”
I stepped out of the car. Raising his hand in farewell, Firkon drove
away, leaving me standing there on the sidewalk alone.
Entering the hotel, I went to my room. For the first time since leaving
with my friends, I looked at my watch. It was 5:10A.M.!
I was not in the least sleepy, nor was I aware of any fatigue. I sat on
the edge of the bed for a full hour reviewing the experiences of the night. And even as
they went through my mind I could not help but reflect on how fantastic the whole thing
would seem to my fellow man.
Nevertheless, I felt that I must tell of it. . . .
Actually, I myself could scarcely believe in the reality of all that
had happened in the past few hours. Yet I knew what my eyes had seen and my ears had
heard, and that without doubt it had been a completely physical experience.
Finally slipping out of my clothes, I stretched out and must have
fallen into a light sleep. It was close to eight o’clock when I awakened. I dressed
hastily for there was little time left in which to eat breakfast and catch the bus on
which I was to return home.
Riding along in the bus, my physical eyes saw the Earthly scenery
through which we were passing, and some of the people seated in my immediate vicinity. But
my mind, absorbed in the experiences of the previous night, was still traveling in space, or
with my companions in the giant carrier ship.
The feeling of being in two places simultaneously persisted for several
weeks. I found it very difficult to return to the bondage of Earthly ways. Although the
time in which I had been privileged to view the vastness of space and the beauty of its
constant action had been short, I carried the wonder of it with me. All that I had learned
from these friends of other worlds was not given to me alone, but for the sharing with all
on Earth willing to receive it.
Time slipped by with no more meetings with my friends from other
worlds. Yet often I felt that they were near.
It was two months later, on April 21st, that I again felt a sudden urge
to go to the city. Accordingly, the next day I arranged to be driven to Oceanside, where I
caught an early afternoon bus for Los Angeles, which brought me into that city a little
more than two hours later.
I registered in the same hotel as before and went to my room to freshen
up after my trip. Then I returned downstairs and went into the cocktail lounge for a
little chat with my friend, the bar attendant. Shortly after, I returned to the lobby,
bought a weekly news magazine and settled down to wait.
This time, the feeling of uncertainty and inner restlessness which had
plagued me on the first occasion was entirely absent. I knew the meaning of the urge which
had brought me down from the mountains!
So I read with interest the reports on both home and foreign events as
printed, plus a bit of what is called “reading between the lines” on my own. Except
for the entrance of two men whom I knew slightly, and who came over to exchange a few
words, there were no interruptions.
Suddenly I looked up, and there stood my Martian friend, Firkon!
I jumped to my feet with what probably could be described only as a
broad grin. Firkon too wore a wide smile, and we exchanged the customary greeting. Then he
said a certain word, stressing it in a way which clearly gave to it some particular
As we left the hotel together, he said, “The handclasp has been
described to a certain extent and we thought it best to add the word you have just heard
as a further identification between you and those of our worlds who are contacting you
here. This will be particularly useful in case you are approached by someone strange to
you, as will sometimes be the case."
“An excellent precaution,” I agreed. Then, glancing at my wrist
watch and noting that it was already 7:15, I said, “If your plans permit, and you would like something to eat, I
know of a little café close by where we can sit in a booth and talk undisturbed.”
“That will fit in perfectly,” he said, adding with a smile,
“after all, the body too has to be nourished!”
As we walked along I asked about Ramu. Firkon told me that he would not
be with us tonight.
The café was full but we were fortunate in arriving just in time to
slip into a booth as the former occupants were leaving. We exchanged greetings with the
waitress who came to clear the table. Firkon glanced briefly at the menu she had given
him, then laid it aside and ordered a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread, black coffee
and a piece of apple pie.
“I’ll take the same,” I said.
When we were left alone, he began speaking quietly. “I see that,
reading along in that magazine, you were struck by the volume of suspicion, antagonism and
hatred which groups of men on your Earth are continuously fostering against other groups."
Since I had not been consciously thinking of this after Firkon’s
arrival, I was somewhat amazed that he was aware of my reaction.
“Quite simple,” he explained, “it is still a very powerful
thought picture in what you might call the ‘back of your mind.’ Few people,” he went
on, “recognize those destructive emotions within themselves for what they are — even
those who pride themselves on possessing mild dispositions. Yet notice what a small
incident is necessary to cause a man to lose his temper. In a while, with a little more
aggravation, he enters the fighting stage and becomes aggressive in what he calls
“Actually, this is nothing but a state of emotional unbalance that
carries with it a force of fury that sheds all reason. Once recognized, such habit
patterns can be curbed, or even broken entirely.”
At this point our food was brought. As we were left alone again he
continued, “Responsibility for the state of affairs existing on Earth today cannot be
blamed on only a few in any nation. In my business and social contacts with my Earth
brothers I have encountered many saturated with these destructive emotions and encased in
egotism. Naturally, fear and confusion are prevalent. A few have succeeded in developing a
higher consideration for their fellow men by seeking to learn more of the universal laws.
"Some have chosen the channels of what you call ‘metaphysics,’
‘occultism’ and other similar names. But amongst these there is often a selfish motive
toward self-promotion and personal gain rather than the universal motive of service to others and
mutual welfare.
“As a result of such general self-seeking, it makes little difference
whom the people may choose as leaders, even if selected from their own ranks. Leaders are
subject to the habits of the majority where the majority is in power.
“We of other worlds who have been living unrecognized amongst you can
see clearly how identity with Divine origin has been lost. People of Earth have become
separate entities which are no longer truly Human in expression as in the beginning they
were. Now they are but slaves of habit. Nonetheless, imprisoned within these habits is
still the original soul that yearns for expression according to its Divine inheritance.
This smothered urge is bound to disturb deeply the man chained to his ruts by the
mechanism of habit. And this is why, desiring finer and greater expression, more often
than men realize, something stirring within the depths of their beings leaves the
habit-bound self uneasy and restless. Yet the habit is so powerful in its accumulation
that while man wants to listen to this kind, wise voice, he fears to yield, not knowing
where it might lead him. However, until man can cast off the shackles of his personal
self-pride and allow this voice to guide him, he will continue to live as a warrior
against the laws of his own being.
“As you know, so long as men do not desire to change their way of
living, none can help them. Those few on Earth who do sincerely desire to learn the laws
of the Infinite One must try to lead the others. And we of other worlds will help them.”
We had lingered over our meal while Firkon talked. Now he rose from the
booth. Outside again, we walked about two blocks to where the same Pontiac was parked at
the curb.
It was a blustery night, but I scarcely noticed the storm. During the
first part of our journey, my mind was revolving around what Firkon had been saying. Toward the end, I could
think only of what new adventures might be mine tonight. The drive from the city seemed
shorter this time to the point where, as before, we suddenly turned off the main highway.
This time we drove only a short distance before the car stopped.
At first I could make out nothing except the outline of a few low hills
to my right and, as far as I could see in the darkness, level terrain in all other
directions. Although I felt certain that it was intended we should meet the Scout again, I
could see no sign of it nor any light that might reveal its presence. However, my
companion seemed sure of his direction and we walked along for quite some time before the
low hills came to a sudden end. There, in the distance, I could make out a gentle glow. My
anticipation increased as we set off toward this light and, after about a quarter of a
mile or so, the familiar outline of the Scout became visible.
But something was different. This was much larger than the little craft
I had in my memory. This one must have been over one hundred feet in diameter, with larger
portholes and a much flatter dome.
A figure was standing silhouetted against the glow of the ship whom at
first I took to be my Venusian friend, wearing the now familiar ski-type pilot’s suit.
But this pilot proved to be a stranger, a handsome man about six feet tall. He came
forward a few steps and greeted us in a warm and friendly manner while giving the usual
handclasp. I shall call him Zuhl.
I was wondering if this enormous Saucer was a Martian craft when the
pilot corrected my thought by saying, “This Scout is from Saturn, and it too is carried in a large carrier
or Mothership such as the one you have already been in.”
He turned, led us to the waiting Saucer, whose door was already open,
and entered. I followed, Firkon behind me.
This ship was at least four times the diameter of the Venusian Scout and about twice as high — possibly a little more. The
door closed in the same silent way behind Firkon. Instantly the light within increased and
the low humming became audible as the machinery started. I felt a slight tug or jerk, not
enough to unbalance me, and I guessed that we had left the Earth. As I gazed around,
trying to take stock of my new surroundings, the Saturnian pilot explained that this ship
was not only larger than the little Scout, but differed in other respects. It had not been
hovering above the ground, but was set down firmly on its huge three-ball undercarriage.
What I had felt was the jerk necessary to make the break with Earth. Zuhl gave, as an
analogy, a piece of iron clinging to a magnet. A jerk takes place at the instant of
As I looked around, I saw the familiar bluish-white diffused light and
the same kind of glassy translucent metal walls. On either side was a curved passage about
four feet wide, which appeared to encircle the ship. On the outer wall of this passage I
noticed a group of portholes, considerably larger than those in the small ship and, from
what I could see, I judged there must be four such groups in all, one group in each
Ahead, a corridor of the same apparent width, with high walls that
reached up into the dome, ran straight forward for about one-third of the ship’s
diameter. Beyond this there seemed to be a central chamber in which I could see a large
magnetic pole placed through the center of the ship.
The pilot then asked me if I would care to go on a tour of the Scout
while it was in flight. Needless to say, I would! Leading the way, Zuhl took me into the
central chamber — an amazing sight! It is difficult to describe anything so unfamiliar and
complicated after seeing it for the first time. However, I shall do my best.
In plan, the ship resembled a wheel. The four corridors were like four
spokes leading to the hub or central chamber in which we now
stood. The walls ranged twenty to thirty feet from floor to ceiling. They were covered
almost entirely by illuminated graphs and charts, over which lines and geometric shapes
wove the intricate patterns in continually changing colors
that had fascinated me in the Venusian Scout. Beautiful to watch, these held me equally
enthralled, although I could understand them no better.
About halfway up around the circular walls ran a delicate metal
balcony, reached by a ladder. Above the walls was the translucent dome itself, surmounted
by an enormous telescopic lens. Almost the entire floor space was taken up by an equally
gigantic lens, at least twice the diameter of the one in the Venusian ship. Around this
were four curved benches on which observers could sit and gaze down through space at the
planet beneath. But the central magnetic pole, running from floor to dome, dominated the
entire chamber. This huge silent rod of power, passing through the two great lenses,
contained the secrets we yearn for — the secrets of interplanetary fight.
As I have indicated, the ship was divided into four quadrants by the
four radial corridors. These corridors entered the central chamber by four openings.
Turning to our left, we now walked along one of the corridors.
About halfway down its length we came upon two large archways opposite
each other in the corridor walls. The pilot led me through the right-hand arch into a part
of the ship which he described as the crew’s sleeping quarters. This whole quadrant was
divided in an interesting manner. In front of us were about a dozen small private rooms or
cubicles where each member of the crew had his private sleeping place. I did not go into
any of them, but as all the doors were open, I was able to see how perfectly and compactly
they were equipped — in a manner our Pullman train engineers might envy!
A kind of ship’s ladder with handrails ran up to a section
immediately over the sleeping quarters. This, I believe, was the only part of the ship to
contain two complete decks within one quadrant. Up here was a kind of dormitory or
restroom, equipped with couches and deep comfortable chairs where the crew could rest or
converse. The ceiling of this apartment was formed entirely by the slope of the
translucent dome, and it reminded me of a dream-like solarium. Certainly it must have been
a lovely way of relaxing, under the huge curved glassy dome with stars and space out
While taking all this in, I wondered how many crew members there were.
“Normally twelve men comprise a full crew,” said Zuhl, “but at the moment there are
only two men on board beside myself, since no more are necessary for a short trip like
Then I wondered whether all the members of this particular crew were
Saturnians, since it was a Saturnian ship. This thought was corrected when Zuhl said,
“Although this Scout was built on Saturn, no particular planet owns it. Instead, we
share it. Consequently, its crew has members from all planets.
“As you can see, this is a large Scout and designed for long-range
travel. It can remain away from its mother ship for a week or more without having to
return for recharge, as it carries generating equipment on
board which serves this purpose. In case of emergency, additional power for a recharge can
also be beamed direct to any Saucer from the Mother Ship.”
When we stood in the hallway near the sleeping quarters, I fancied I
noticed a faint vibration under my feet. I understood why when Zuhl explained, “Most of
the machinery is installed directly under the floor in this section. There is also a
machine shop that can be entered directly from the sleeping quarters.” I looked for a
door but saw none, which did not surprise me.
As we again came out into the corridor, I glanced through the arch that
led into the next quadrant. I saw a soft blaze of colored lights and strange
instruments — the control room itself. There were two young men sitting at control
panels. We continued along until we had reached the outer circular corridor.
We turned right and Zuhl said, “In this room is a compartment where
we keep two small, remotely controlled, ‘registering disks.’ These are what we send
out for close observation work. Highly sensitive instruments, they transmit their findings
not only to the Scout, but also direct to the Mother Ship so that duplicate records can be
made. One set goes into the permanent records on one of the planets for the use of anyone
requiring that particular information. These little disks have contributed much to our
knowledge of the conditions on Earth, throughout the whole solar system and even in
systems beyond.”
Walking along the outer corridor as our tour continued, we passed a
group of four large portholes but did not stop to look out.
When we arrived at the next radial corridor, we again turned right and
began making our way back to the ship’s center between two solid-looking walls of the
same translucent material. These walls were very thick and strong, and formed an integral
structural feature, as do the spokes of a wheel. I could see that the wall on my right
must be the rear wall of the sleeping quarters. And Zuhl explained that the opposite wall
contained the entrance to a rather large storage compartment stocked with food and other
supplies for an extended trip.
As the pilot mentioned the words “extended trip” I wondered if this
ship could travel between planets without the aid of a carrier ship. This he disproved,
stating that the Scouts are not built for traveling in outer space.
Once more we entered the central chamber with its flashing, mobile wall
graphs. We skirted the central lens and left by the third radial corridor, the last still
to be explored. As in its counterpart opposite, this corridor also had two large arches
leading off from its midway point. First we turned and went through the left-hand arch
into a room which I was told was their kitchen. But I would never have guessed this, for
it bore very little resemblance to anything we know as a kitchen. It appeared as an almost
bare room with plain walls. But the appearance proved deceptive. Zuhl told me that these
walls were lined from top to bottom with cupboards and compartments which, like all doors
in these amazingly constructed craft, were invisible until opened. In these cupboards food
and everything necessary for its preparation were stored.
A small glass-like door was set into one of the walls leading into what
he said was an oven. When I looked in and saw no burners of any description, Zuhl
explained, “We do not cook our food in the same way as you. Ours is done quickly by
means of rays or high frequencies, a method with which you are now experimenting on Earth.
However, we prefer most of our food in the state in which it is
grown, and live chiefly on the delicious fruits and vegetables which abound on our
planets. To all intents and purposes we are what you call ‘vegetarians,’ but only in
emergencies, if no other food is available, we do eat meat.”
I realized later that I had seen no sinks, garbage or plumbing
arrangements but, since I am no housewife, I did not register their absence at the time.
But undoubtedly such facilities must have existed, probably as mysteriously superior to
ours as was everything else. Nor did I see any chairs, tables or benches. No doubt,
whatever was necessary was tucked away between the walls.
We left this kitchen and entered a lounge fully as luxurious as the
beautiful one in the Venusian carrier, where couches and single seats in several styles
were scattered about. In comfortable proximity were the same kind of occasional tables
with transparent tops. On these were beautiful little ornaments. Zuhl said that the crew
members whiled away many hours in this room during observation trips through the
atmosphere of whatever planet they might be studying. He also explained that, even as
Earth men, they played many games, which they thoroughly enjoyed, and also entertained
guests here.
I saw no books, papers or reading matter of any kind, nor did I see any
shelves or cases in which something of this kind might be kept. But I do not question that
such things were present.
The floor-covering in this room, as well as throughout the ship, was
yellow-gray in color. There was no particular design in within it and
although the surface appeared very firm, it felt similar to thick sponge rubber as I
walked on it.
We stopped only a moment in this inviting lounge. Returning to the
center corridor, we continued on to the first one by which we had entered the Scout.
Although so much had been shown and explained to me in this fascinating
craft, I was not allowed more than a quick glance into the control room, and no
explanation was given concerning the power that operated any of the mechanical equipment.
While I knew that they traveled by utilizing the natural forces in space, transformed into
motivating power, I did not understand the how, and admit I was hoping for
But with an almost apologetic smile, Zuhl told me that they still could
not fully trust any Earth man to the extent of revealing certain things. “For,” he
said, “you on Earth have not yet learned control of your emotions.. which often causes
you to speak before you think. In so doing, you could be led into giving information
unwisely to an unworthy mind who might pervert its use."
I could not deny the truth of this.
Our journey through the Scout had been a rapid one, and explanations
were given en route. In spite of this, we had scarcely completed our tour when Zuhl
announced, “We have reached our carrier and are ready to enter.”
Although they did not tell me how far out we were, I had a definite
feeling that this carrier was much farther from Earth than the Venusian ship had been.
Neither could I watch the entrance of our craft into the larger one, as we were close to
the center of the Scout with no view out. Yet in many ways there was a feeling of likeness
to the former experience, although at the same time a difference which I was unable to
As we lowered into the interior of the waiting craft there was again
the sensation of dropping in an elevator, but no feeling of losing balance.
When the Scout came to a standstill on its rails and the door was
opened onto a platform as in the other carrier, no one was there to meet us and attach
clamps over the flange and the rail as had been done on the Venusian ship for the smaller
Stepping out of this Scout and onto the platform within this carrier
from Saturn, I immediately sensed that this ship was different in almost every respect
from the Venusian carrier. I wondered what adventures awaited me here, but at no time had
I the least sense of fear.
Indeed, each fresh meeting with these people of other worlds served but
to make any part of fear an utter absurdity. At all times I have felt very humble for the
privilege which has been granted me to listen to their words of wisdom and to
visit and travel in their beautiful ships. All that they have asked of me is that I pass
their knowledge on to my fellow man, whoever and wherever he may be. This I shall do,
leaving to each man the privilege of believing or disbelieving, of benefiting from a
higher knowledge, or casting it aside in derision and skepticism.
What I shall attempt to describe is rather complex. Most of the
mechanical arrangements I saw after boarding the Saturnian Mother Ship were entirely new
to me. At first I could not fully comprehend their functions, but later I was helped to
some understanding of them.
The platform beside which we had stopped (I say “platform,” but
actually it proved to be a magnetic elevator some fifty feet square) carried people and
freight from the bottom to the top of this gigantic carrier ship through an enormous shaft
two hundred feet or more in depth. A magnetic pole rose the full height of this shaft,
passing through the center of the elevator and, I learned, provided the power and means by
which it operated.
This was the first thing — this and the great shaft rising
upward — that struck me upon alighting from the Saucer. Ahead of us was a kind of bridge
with side rails that connected the elevator platform to the deck where our Saucer had
stopped, for the fifty-foot platform did not completely fill the width of the shaft. This
puzzled me at first.
As Zuhl and I walked on, I turned and gazed around me, awed by the
majesty and superb construction of this colossal ship. Looking back, I could see, high up
above and beyond the dome of our Saucer, the ceiling of the immense chamber through which
we had descended. A large set of rails sloped upward and through this ceiling, continuing
somewhere in the heights above where the airlocks must have been. I could look straight on
up to the opening in the Mother Ship through which we had just come.
As we reached the platform, Firkon suggested that I look into the
elevator shaft. I did so and saw three more floors or deck levels above, and three below,
making a total of seven. At each level a bridge or balcony-extension projected into the
shaft to cover the gap between the edge of the platform and the deck proper. These
extensions, I later learned, can be raised like drawbridges.
In length they are equal to the height of the deck from floor to
ceiling, so that when raised they obscure the deck entrance, making a smooth side to the
shaft and completely sealing it off from the rest of the ship. When the elevator platform
arrives at its destination, this portion of the shaft wall hinges downward until it
becomes the projecting balcony. When this takes place, the handrails on the elevator swing
outward and form handrails for the balcony. When the elevator moves onward, these rails
swing back from the balcony and form a guard rail on the elevator.
I saw how these rails operated just after leaving the Scout. As soon as
we had crossed the balcony and stepped onto the elevator, the side rails closed in behind
us, even though we were not going to ascend. While I was gazing around, trying to take in
every detail, Zuhl stopped by a small control panel which was raised about four inches
from the floor of the elevator, probably to prevent anyone from stepping upon it accidentally.
This panel was about thirty inches long and somewhere between six to eight inches wide. On it
were six buttons staggered in two rows for easy operation by the feet. Each button was marked to
indicate its purpose.
But I could neither read nor understand these markings.
ZuhI stepped on one of the buttons, and immediately the railings on the
other side of the platform swung outward and took up a new position as guard rails for the
balcony extension on the far side of the shaft which we had now reached. Simultaneously, a
beautifully proportioned and ornamented door in the wall before us slid open, revealing to
me yet another wonderful sight.
We were now in an exquisite salon, very similar in furnishing and
design to the one in the Venusian carrier, though somewhat larger. Once again it was
beautifully illuminated by the same mysterious soft light without obvious source. However,
my attention was almost immediately arrested by six women and six men who apparently were
awaiting our arrival. They had been sitting in a close group, conversing amongst
themselves. As we entered, they arose and smiled. A man and a woman came forward to greet
us, including me warmly although I had never met them before.
The women were dressed in beautiful, sheer gowns made of material that
seemed to radiate an almost living quality. Each had a wide belt apparently part of the
garment itself, decorated with gems that sparkled with a softness and vitality such as I
had never seen in any gem on Earth.
These jeweled belts are the only ornament that I have ever seen worn by
women of other worlds. And as I marveled at these gems, I found myself wondering if,
rather than being superior in themselves to those of Earth, their extraordinary brilliance
might not result from the radiance of their wearers — a thought later verified by Firkon.
The ladies’ gowns had long, full sleeves, drawn together at the
wrists. The necklines were cut round. Although differing in color according to each
lady’s choice, all were of soft pastel shades which lent to the entire group an aspect
of harmonious charm.
In height, the women ranged from a little under five feet to about five
feet, eight inches. All were slender and beautifully formed. Their features were delicate
and their faces lovely in contour. In coloring, every type was represented, from
complexions very fair with a faint rosy tinge to soft, smooth olive. The ears were small;
the eyes large and very expressive under brows beautiful in line. The mouths of all seemed
to be of average size with natural red lips, varying in deepness of color with skin tones.
All wore their hair shoulder length, loosely yet charmingly arranged.
Both men and women wore sandals. None of the women looked to be more than in their early
twenties. Later, Firkon told me that their ages ranged from thirty to two hundred years!
While the loose, flowing gowns revealed merely a suggestion of the perfect symmetry of
their bodies, when later they changed into close-fitting uniforms, the beauty and grace
with which all were formed became clearly apparent.
The men wore gleaming white blouses, open wide at the throat, with long
full sleeves drawn in tight at the wrists, somewhat similar to those worn by men of the
eighteenth century on Earth. The trousers were also loose, very similar to our own styles.
But the material had a softness and a texture unlike anything I had ever seen.
The men’s height varied from about five to six feet, and all were
splendidly formed, with weight in proportion. Like the women, they varied in coloring, but
I noticed that the skin of one was definitely what we would call copper-colored. All had
neatly trimmed hair, although it differed in length and cut to some degree, as here on
Earth. None wore long hair as did Orthon, my Venusian friend of the first meeting. I have
since learned that he had a particular reason for wearing his hair in this style.
The men’s features, though uniformly handsome, were not greatly
different from those of Earth men, and I am positive that any one of them could come
amongst us and never be recognized as not belonging here. None looked older than somewhere
in the early thirties, but this impression was also corrected later by Firkon, who told me
that their ages ranged from forty to several hundred years according to our scale on
Immediately after the greetings, we were invited to be seated around a
large oval table, on which were goblets filled with a clear liquid. Like all I had seen,
this table had a transparent top, slightly different from either glass or any kind of
plastic known on Earth. It had no covering, nor was it etched, carved or decorated in any
way. There was an indescribable beauty about the material itself which needed no
The chairs drawn up to it were styled much
like our dining-room chairs. There were fifteen of these, corresponding to the number of
persons present.
As we seated ourselves — I between Zuhl and Firkon — we were invited
to drink the liquid in the goblets. Although as clear in appearance as our purest water,
the flavor was similar to natural apricot juice; sweet and slightly heavy, entirely
Although the methods by which these space travelers were able to learn
any language spoken on Earth had all been explained to me, this facility still held an
element of surprise.
The lady who had first come forward to greet us as we entered started
the conversational ball rolling as she said, “This ship is a scientific laboratory. We
travel space solely for the purpose of studying the constant changes taking place within
space itself. We observe the life and conditions on the many planets we encounter as we
move through space. Naturally, learning the different languages is a necessity. It is
through the research made by ships like ours that space travel has been developed to the
present degree of safety. Something of this was explained to you on the ship from Venus,
but there you were not shown how the instruments are operated. On this ship,’ however,
you will see our instruments in operation, and we shall explain some of their functions to
you that you may gain a greater understanding of how we have learned to use the natural
She then went on to explain that this ship too belonged to no one
planet, but was a Universal Ship, manned by people from many planets and operated for the
welfare and knowledge of all.
“On this particular trip,” she explained, “three of the women are
inhabitants of the planet you call Mars, and the other three from Venus. Usually, there
are also three Saturnian women who, for certain reasons, could not join us on this trip.
So Saturn is represented only by her men. Occasionally, men and women from solar systems
even beyond our own join the crew of this and other ships of the same type. In every case,
crew members are highly trained by our most advanced scientists.”
Almost as though there had been no interruption in the discussion
between Firkon and myself earlier in the evening, the subject of the problems facing
the inhabitants of our world was resumed here, around this beautiful table. As usual, the
absence of condemnation or harsh judgment of any kind was remarkable. Instead, an
understanding sympathy for the suffering of the people of Earth was apparent throughout.
One of the Martian ladies said, “You Earth people do not desire to
show such cruelty toward one another. This, as you have been told before, is merely the
result of your self-ignorance, which in turn blinds you to the laws of the Universe of
which we are all a part.
“Within your families, you speak much of the love you feel for one
another. Yet this very love you profess to hold often expresses itself as a possessive
power of bondage over another. Nothing could be more contrary to love in its free state.
Genuine love must embrace respect, mutual confidence and understanding. As known and
expressed on other worlds, love contains nothing of the false possessiveness which
perverts it upon the Earth.
“We understand love as a radiation from the heart of Deity through
all creation, and especially through man toward all other forms, without division of any
kind. In reality, it is not possible to find virtue in one form, and none in another.
“Yet, notice the distortion existing on Earth, solely because man
there understands neither himself nor his Divine Father. Because of this ignorance, men go
forth in what you call ‘war’ to slaughter ruthlessly those of another nation, another
color, another religion, without understanding what they do. It is difficult for us of
other worlds to grasp why men of Earth cannot see that not only is the mutual destruction
of themselves by themselves no answer to any problem, but a cause for further woe on
Earth. So it has always been and so it will always be. Now that your scientific knowledge
has so far outstripped your social and human progress, the gap between must be
filled with urgent haste. Men of your Earth know the terrible power sealed within
the bombs they are piling up for use against one another. Yet they blunder on ever nearer
to the brink of an unthinkable world-wide slaughter. This, to us, is strangely
“Yes,” one of the men agreed, “your behavior does often seem
illogical to us. Let me give you an example. You have physical fathers on Earth, do you
“Yes,” I replied.
“If you had two sons, born of your own flesh and blood, as you say,
and if for one reason or another one of your Sons knelt before you and asked your blessing on his
determination to slay his brother, who is also your son, would-you grant his request because he professed himself
right and his brother wrong?”
My reply was naturally, “Of course not!”
“Yet,” he pointed out, “that is exactly what you Earthlings have
been doing throughout the centuries. You all acknowledge a Supreme Being according to your
understanding, and you speak of the brotherhood of mankind. Yet you ask the Eternal Father
of all things to do that which you yourselves would not do. For when you people are
warring against one another, you fall to your knees in unholy prayer. You ask your Divine
Father to bless your efforts to gain a victory over your own lifebrother, even to the
extent of destroying him.
“We, as your brothers living on other worlds than your own, view
impartially the divided groups of people upon your planet. We, who have learned more
regarding our Father’s laws, operative throughout the Universe, cannot make the
distinctions that keep you in such constant turmoil and we are saddened to see what is
taking place on your Earth. We, as brothers of all mankind, are willing to help all those
whom we can reach and who desire our help. But at no time may we force our way of life
upon the people of your world.
“In reality, there are no inherently bad people on Earth, nor
anywhere in the Universe. If, as many of you express it, your lives seem to consist of a
‘hell on Earth,’ you yourselves are to blame. Your planet, even as all others, was
created by our One Divine Creator and is in itself a holy place, as are all His creations.
Were all mankind suddenly to be swept from the face of Earth, and with them the strife
and woe and grief they have brought upon it by not learning how to live together, Earth
would be beautiful. But never so beautiful as a world on which men live as brothers with
all in the Universe.
“Because one man is a stranger to another does not give him the right
to ignore, insult, or to kill a fellow being.
“You have set aside a day each year for the observance of the
Brotherhood of Man, and you speak of the FatherIhood of the Creator. Yet, in complete
oblivion of the actions which such declarations should bring forth, you lavish money and
effort toward swifter and more widespread ways of maiming and destroying your fellow men
on Earth. Does it not seem curious to pray to the Divine Father to bless your efforts in
this ruthless destruction?
“We hear these prayers coming from your temples, from your government
leaders, from your homes and from the battlefields. Can you not see how far astray you
have gone? For you are actually asking your Divine Father to do that which you yourself
would not do for your own children. Can you not see how hypocritical you have become? And
this is but one illustration of the many things which you do against your Divine Father.
“So long as you live this way, divided one against the other, your
sorrows will be multiplied. For when you seek your brother’s life, someone seeks yours.
This is the meaning of the words once spoken by Jesus of Nazareth. Remember that he said:
‘Put up again thy sword into its place: for all they who take the sword shall perish
with the sword.’ The truth of these words has been proven throughout the history of man
on Earth.”
As he ceased speaking, a picture of the Earth and the problems of the
men thereon flashed before my eyes, and I was saddened for my fellow men and for myself as
Earthlings. For with the picture came also the realization of how gigantic is the task to
correct these conditions. So many throughout the world are unawakened to the causes behind
them. Only when enough people realize what they are and, with their whole hearts, desire
to change them by giving up their personal greeds and the desire for exaltation, one above
the other, can it come to pass.
No one person, no one nation, no one part of the world could alone be
blamed for the conditions that I saw pictured, nor could any one segment of civilization
do much to alter it. Responsibility lies with each and every person — and who can forcibly
change another? A bondage that is the result of centuries of accumulated
misunderstandings, divisions and personal desire for power is difficult to break.
As this realization filled me, I was overcome with humble gratitude to
our Divine Father for permitting His children from other worlds who understood our
problems of Earth to come our way and extend helping hands of love and compassion to us.
Although they could not force change upon us, nor actively interfere, they could help the
receptive amongst us to strive together for a better world, instead of warring against
one another and thus causing further divisions.
I realized that much time must pass before such change could come, for
mankind has grown to accept pain and sorrow as inevitable, seldom seeking to deviate from
the familiar path.
Emerging from my musings, I noticed that the ladies were rising from
their chairs.
“We must now don our pilot suits,” a lovely brunette explained,
“after which we shall go to the instrument room where you will see many things about
which you have wondered.”
Their departure gave me an opportunity to observe details of this
beautiful salon.
On the wall directly in front of us was a huge chart of the heavens.
This showed twelve planets in our system with its central Sun. Surrounding ours were other
systems with their suns and planets shown in a way that was new to me. Throughout space,
between the planets, were details of the various atmospheric conditions existing in space,
of which we on Earth are totally unaware. I was told that this knowledge is very important
for safe space traveling. There were many markings on this chart, which I was unable to
read, but I figured that the purpose was similar to that of our many road maps used by
motorists on Earth for convenience in traveling. This was corroborated by one of the men.
Beyond this huge chart, on the same wall but farther toward the back of
the lounge, was a detailed diagram of this ship, and it too was marked with symbols of
characters which were entirely unfamiliar to me.
The other walls were covered with landscape scenes of some of the
planets which this ship had visited. These were not framed paintings hung on the walls,
but were more like murals. There was such a liveliness about them that one felt physically
present in every scene depicted. This particular quality was something that I had noticed
about all their paintings and portraits. The explanation given me was that, whatever the
people of space do, so much of themselves goes into their work that it actually does
vibrate with their life-force and the radiance of their personalities.
The landscapes were very much like paintings and photographs of Earthly
scenes. They showed mountains, valleys, small running streams and oceans.
I saw that the six women had returned dressed in their pilot suits. As
they entered, the men rose from the table, and one of them said, “Now we will go to the
We walked together to the elevator that had originally brought us. At
our approach, the door slid silently open, although I saw no one touch a button. This
could be similar in operation to our present-day photoelectric cell.
The fifteen of us stepped onto the elevator and Zuhl took over its
operation. I saw him go to another control panel in the corner opposite the one which I
first described. There he stepped on one of the buttons and slowly and silently we began
to descend.
As we were lowered below the level of the Scout, which was still where
we had left it, I noticed a vast chamber in back of it extending far toward that end of
the ship. Through the center of this compartment and at right angles to the elevator shaft
was a pair of rails. Resting on these were four other Scouts identical in size and design
with the one which had brought us up from Earth. This was apparently the storage hangar
where they rested while the huge carrier was in interplanetary flight. Along the outer
edge, and slightly below each rail, was a catwalk about six feet in width, with a wall on
the outside of the walk.
We passed two other balconies below the one over which we had entered
the lounge, and I figured that each of these must lead to another deck in this gigantic
carrier. At the third balcony below the one leading to the lounge, the elevator was
stopped. Thus, looking up from the bottom of the great shaft I was able to count the seven
decks on that side of the ship.
As the elevator came to a smooth stop, the railing swung open. On the
way down, I had noticed a pair of rails continuing through the lower front part of the
ship. These formed a V-junction with the rails by which our Scout had entered, and I
realized that these were the rails down which it would travel when we left the carrier for
our return to Earth. This indicated that this whole section of the ship was taken up by
arrival and departure tunnels, the main shaft, and the huge hangar deck for the Scouts.
Somewhere in the same section, either adjoining or beyond the hangar deck, there was
probably a maintenance hangar and repair shop, while beyond that again, at the far end of
the ship, I knew there must be a control room and pilot’s compartment. I had been told
that there was one at each end of these colossal craft. On this side of the ship we were
taken into a very large room which proved to be the laboratory.
Never had I seen anything like this room, packed with the most amazing
array of instruments imaginable. Here were rows upon rows of graphs and control panels. It
seemed to me that every one of these strange instruments I was viewing for the first time
was equipped with its own large control console. Six were already in action, and
the six men who had accompanied us from the lounge immediately took their places at six
more. There still remained a number untended. I noticed on the left shoulders of four of
the men an insignia of some sort.
The woman pilot who stood closest to me said, “All operators of these
instruments are what you would call advanced scientists. The shoulder insignia of the four
men indicates that they are Saturnians.”
As had been the case in every other instance, the graphs here showed
colored lights with many types of lines and figures, minus any of the dials or gauges so
familiar on Earth. In spite of the number of graphs I had now seen, they were still
mysteries to me.
“This is where we test the densities of the atmosphere around the
Earth,” the woman pilot continued, “or of any planet or body which we approach. We
study carefully the combinations of the elements of the atmosphere surrounding each body,
as well as the elemental combinations of outer space. Although these are in a constant
state of change, there is a pattern of behavior according to universal laws. This causes
certain combinations to remain for longer periods of time than others. In observing the
activities of space, we are able, among other things, to detect the formation of any new
body in outer space and determine its speed of growth.”
This was amazing to me, and I would gladly have remained in this room
watching and trying to fathom the workings of these instruments — some of which closely
resembled our larger TV sets — which I hoped might give me some understanding of what the
changing patterns were revealing.
But the pilot said, “Now we will go on to something else about which
you have been wondering.”
She led me across the large laboratory room, Firkon, Zuhl and the women
following. Here we began to ascend a sloping ramp that extended the full width of the
ship. We continued on up still another ramp which led into a large room.
It seemed that wonders would never cease. Each new step brought fresh
marvels until I began to fear that I could not retain half of them in my memory. But my
friends assured me that when the time came to write, they would help me to recall an
accurate picture of the night’s events in every detail. I doubt if many men have spent a
night so full of surprises, beauty and vastly instructive sights, sounds and conversation.
Now, to my great excitement, I saw here twelve small disks lined up in
two rows on opposite sides of the ship. I guessed immediately that these were the
registering disks or small, remotely controlled devices sent out by the mother ships for
close observation. They were about three feet in diameter, of shiny, smooth material, and
shaped rather like two shallow plates, or hub-caps, turned upside down and joined at the
rims so that the central part was a few inches thick. I learned, however, that such disks
varied in size from about ten inches to twelve feet in diameter, depending on the amount
of equipment carried. As I have stated elsewhere, they contained highly sensitive
apparatus which not only guided each little Saucer perfectly in its desired path of
flight, but also transmitted back to the Mother Ship full information on every kind of
vibration-rate taking place in the area under observation.
Vibration rates cover a large field of waves pertaining to sound, radio,
light — and even thought waves; all of these could be monitored back to the parent craft
for recording and analysis. Technically, perhaps, these small disks were the finest feat
of interplanetary engineering I had yet seen. For in addition to the functions I have
listed, they could also be disintegrated if out of control and in danger of falling to
Earth, either rapidly by a kind of explosion or, if life or property on the ground were in
danger, by a gradual disintegration process. These little aerial wonders were lined up on
a wide table on each side of the room, resting in a kind of groove. In the ship’s wall
directly behind each disk was an opening like a port or trap door large enough for them to
pass through. However, at the time we entered, all were closed.
Forcing my gaze away from them for a moment, I took time out to look
around. I noticed that the rails and railbed of the Scout exit tunnel came down through
the ceiling at the far end of this chamber, continuing downward through the floor. Turning
back to the disks, I observed a long control panel built into the front part of the tables
that held them.
When we came into the room, no seats had been visible, but as the six
women took their places before the control panels small stool-like seats rose silently
from the floor, possibly due to pressure on a foot pedal.
These control panels differed slightly from others I had seen, and I
cannot be certain whether small buttons were recessed into the panels, or whether they
were operated by means of keys like an organ. Once seated, the women worked very quickly,
their nimble fingers darting above the instruments as they fed instructions and flight
data to the waiting disks. I remember noting the resemblance to six women playing in
pantomime, a silent concerto. It was fascinating to see how, when a disk had received full
“instructions,” one of the trap doors would open and the disk would slide smoothly
into the orifice, passing through airlocks before hurtling away into outer space on its
Zuhl had remained with Firkon and me, and when I asked where the disks
had gone, it was he who said, “Let us return to the laboratory where we can follow their
flight on the instrument panels.”
On our way back, he mentioned that the mother ship was now under way,
but did not reveal our destination. I had been aware of no movement whatsoever, nor had I
heard any additional sound.
Back in the laboratory, all the men were still operating the
instruments in front of them. I noticed on one of the screens varying lines shaping,
disappearing and reappearing in new formations. The lines would then be replaced by round
dots and long dashes, which would quickly form into various geometrical figures. At the
same time, other screens were showing different colors of changing intensities, some in
flashes and others in waves. Figures would form on them from time to time. These, too,
changed rapidly in size and shape. Everything was a vast mystery to me.
“The men are registering with their instruments what is taking place
on the screens,” the Saturnian pilot explained, “all of which will later be made into
educational records.”
Curiosity prompted me to ask what had become of the two disks which we
had watched leave the ship.
The pilot explained, “The disks are now hovering above a certain
inhabited spot on Earth and registering the sounds emanating from that spot. This is what
you are seeing on the screen as shown by the lines, dots and dashes. The other machines
are assembling this information and interpreting it by producing pictures of the meanings
of the signals, together with the original sounds.”
It must have been obvious that I understood none of it too well for
Zuhl further explained, “Everything in the Universe has its own particular pattern. For
example, if someone speaks the word ‘house,’ the mental image of a dwelling of one
kind or another is in his mind. Many things, including human emotions, are registered in
the same way.
“By the use of these machines, we know even what your people are
thinking, and whether or not they are hostile toward us. For if there are harsh,
frightening words, or even thoughts, these will picture themselves in that manner and our
recorders will pick them up accurately. In the same way, we know who amongst you will
prove friendly and receptive. Everything in the entire Universe moves to a 'vibration-rate',
or as you have called it on Earth more recently, ‘frequencies.’ It is by these
frequencies or vibration rates that we learn the languages of other worlds.”
During his explanation, I watched the screens and the ever-changing
patterns. I thought it all looked comparatively simple, and wondered why our scientists on
Earth had not stumbled upon this same procedure long ago. As I fathered this thought,
without expressing it in words, my companion answered, “They have, to some extent. This
is not very different from your magnetic tape and other kinds of recordings. The principle is the
same, only we have carried it further. Instead of stopping with the gathering together of
the many frequencies for sound reproduction alone, we are now able to translate them into
picture form as well. You do this in a small way in the entertainment which you call TV.
But in this, too, you are still bound by your limited knowledge.”
During the time that he was explaining this to me, he had been intently
watching the many screens. As he finished his explanations, he suggested that we go to the
disk room to watch the return of these little messengers.
We had no more than reached the other room when the same two trap
doors, looking much like large portholes in the wall of the ship, opened to receive each
returning small disk. They settled into place as though quietly set down by some unseen
I was given no time in which to react to the latest wonders now taking
place, for Zuhl said quietly, “Keep watching! Another disk on each side is being sent
out — this time for a different purpose. We are still in your atmosphere and when these
have left, we shall return to the laboratory, where you will be shown how they operate.”
As I watched, the trap doors adjoining the first two disks quickly
closed behind them. Farther down the line two other doors opened, one on each side of the
room. All the while, the women continued playing a nimble, silent scherzo above the
instrument panels.
As the second pair of disks left the ship, we three returned to the
large laboratory room. For the first time, I now noticed two other screens in operation. These were divided
into sections. Zuhl explained, “These are showing the many atmospheric conditions.” In
one section I could watch the movement of air, while its speed and consistency were being
registered by other instruments as the signals moved across the face of this screen. The
electric charge or magnetic force of the atmosphere seemed to be moving in an opposite
direction, and could be seen on another section of this screen, while its composition (a
light or heavy load, as I understood) was measured and registered. On still a third
section, many of the gases of which the atmosphere is composed were separated, and here I
could see rapid changes of combinations constantly taking place. The different intensities
of atmospheric pressure and many other conditions of which our scientists are totally
unaware were remarkably interesting to watch. While this was being reproduced on the
screens it was simultaneously registered by other instruments for permanent records and
future study by the inhabitants of other worlds.
After what seemed only a few minutes the disks were attracted back into
the carrier, and I was told that they contained within them samples of our atmosphere.
These would be extracted and studied later.
“It was by means of disks like these,” Zuhl told me, “that we
first became alerted to the abnormal condition building up on the fringe of your
atmosphere — a condition constantly increasing with every atomic or hydrogen bomb that is
exploded on Earth. And since these instruments are in operation at all times, they tell us
what we can expect as we move through space.”
As we stood talking in the laboratory, my attention was drawn to a
particular screen by the pilot. “You see there,” he said, “visual images of the dust
which you call ‘space debris.’ These are now being flashed back by two of the
It was fascinating to watch the behavior of these tiny particles of
matter on the screen. There was a constant swirling activity. Sometimes the fine matter
would seem to condense into the semblance of a solid body, only to disappear and revert to
practical invisibility. Occasionally, these formations became so rarefied and fine that
they seemed almost to have been transmuted into pure gases. In a way, it reminded me of
little white clouds suddenly forming in a clear sky, perhaps to grow larger, then as
quickly to disappear into nothingness. This, at least, is the best analogy I can draw in
describing the activity I witnessed on these screens.
Yet, with each formation of particle bodies, certain quantities of
energy seemed actually to take visible, solid form, then immediately again be dissipated
by what seemed an explosion or sudden disintegration, plainly visible on the screens.
Other instruments recorded intensity and composition. Sometimes these accretions formed
with great intensity and the ensuing “explosion” was equally violent. At other times
they were very mild and barely detectable. But the cycle was ceaseless; whirling energy,
solidification, disintegration; a perpetual motion of energy and fine matter ever seeking
to combine or react with other particles in space. I use the term “energy” because I
can think of no other word for what I was observing. It seemed to contain great power, and
I noticed that when gathering into a sheetlike formation or cloudlike body, it appeared to
disturb everything near it in space.
I believe that I actually witnessed the very force that pervades all
space, from which planets, suns and galaxies are formed; the same force that is the
supporter and sustainer of all activity and life throughout the Universe.
As this realization began to dawn upon me, I seemed unable to do more
than half accept the tremendous implications. Zuhl, sensing my inner bewilderment, smiled
affirmatively and said, “Yes. And this is the same power that propels our ships through
For a little while longer I watched the screens, full of wonder at what
I was beholding. Then my companion drew my attention back to the disks. “These small
Saucers are often seen moving through space, and sometimes low over Earth. At night they
are luminous. They fly over Earth registering the various waves that emanate from the body
of the planet — waves which, like everything else, are in constant motion, with continual
changes in wave length and intensity. Whenever possible these complex and highly sensitive
little machines are returned to their parent craft, but sometimes, for one reason or
another, the connection is broken and they go out of control or crash to the ground. In
such cases emergency procedure is immediately brought into action. On each side of the
mother ship, just below the disk-launching ports, is a magnetic ray projector. When a disk
goes out of control, a ray is projected to disintegrate it. This accounts for some of the
mysterious explosions that take place in your skies which cannot be accounted for by
artillery, jet planes or electrical storms. On the other hand, if a disk goes out of
control near the surface of the planet where an explosion might cause damage, it is
allowed to descend to the ground where a milder charge is sent into it. Instead of an
explosion, this causes the metal to disintegrate in slow stages. First it softens, then
turns into a kind of jelly, then a liquid, and finally it enters a free state as gases,
leaving not a wrack behind. This latter process is without danger to anyone or anything
should the disk be touched while in process of disintegration. The only harm could come
if, by chance, someone should see it fall and touch it at the moment the ray is
When the Saturnian described the magnetic ray, I thought what a
wonderful protective device it would be against anyone or anything attempting to attack
their ships.
Receiving my thought, he replied, “Yes, it is entirely possible to
use these machines against people, or any form whatever, including planets. But we have
never done so, nor will we ever use them in that manner, for if we did, we would be no
better than your people of Earth.
“Our protection, as has many times been demonstrated when pursued by
your Earth planes, is our ability to escape faster than your eyes can perceive. Moreover,
we can increase the frequency of the activated area of a ship to the point of producing
invisibility. Except for our own precaution, your planes could fly blindly into our ship
without seeing it. If we permitted you to come as close as that, when you hit, you would
find our craft as solid as though functioning in a lower frequency. The impact would
destroy you, yet do us no harm whatsoever."
“From what I have been told,” I said, “I gather that occasionally
something can go wrong with even your wonderful craft.”
“Yes,” he replied. “In such cases, if in outer space, we can
abandon the ship if it is not salvagable. When this is necessary, the ship is
disintegrated and returns to the original elements of space. Every large carrier is
equipped with small emergency craft stocked with sufficient supplies and all necessary
instruments with which to communicate to other ships in space, or even with a planet.
However, if such an accident should take place near some planet, then we would crash just
as your own planes do.”
Instantly I asked him, “Then everybody on board is killed?”
“Yes,” he replied, “but because of our understanding, death in
your sense does not appall us. Each of us recognizes himself as the intelligence and not
the body. Thus, through rebirth, we receive a new body.
“Also, because of our understanding, we can never deliberately
destroy another body through which intelligence is expressing. However, if we should cause
death unintentionally, through an accident, then we are not held responsible, for it was
not of our own desire.”
The instruments continued working as we stood talking. While I watched
the screens flashing, I wondered if there were still more and different machines or
instruments which I had not yet seen.
Replying to this unspoken thought, Zull answered, “Yes, there are
many more in another large room between the disk room and the pilot’s compartment which
are in operation only while we are flying interplanetary.”
During this visit to the laboratory and disk room, I had been totally
unaware of the passing of time. I did not know whether we were standing still in Earth’s
atmosphere or moving rapidly through space since, although I had been watching the
screens, I was unable to read them as the others were doing. But now the Saturnian pilot
said, “We are not too far from your Moon.”
To which remark I thrilled in excitement and wondered if we were going
to land there.
“No,” he said, “not this time. But we want you to see for
yourself what you have been surmising about your Moon. The Moon has air, as you can see by
our instruments, now that we are close enough to register it. Air is not naturally an
obstruction to the viewing of another body, as we have sometimes heard it said on your
Earth. And while, from your planet, you do not see dense clouds moving above the Moon,
your scientists have on occasion observed what they call ‘mild movement of air,’
especially in pockets of these valleys which you call ‘craters.’ In reality, what they
see are shadows of clouds moving.
The side of the Moon that you see from Earth has not much chance to
show you its actual clouds, which are rarely heavy. While just beyond the rim of the Moon,
over that section which might be called a temperate zone, you will notice by our
instruments that there are heavier clouds forming, moving and disappearing, very much as
they do above the Earth.
“The side of the Moon which you can see from your planet is quite
comparable to your desert areas on Earth. It is hot, as your scientists correctly claim,
but its temperature is not so extreme as they think. And while the side which you do not
see is colder, neither is it as cold as they believe. it is strange how people of Earth
accept statements from those they look up to as men of learning without questioning the
limitations of that knowledge.
“There is a beautiful strip or section around the center of the Moon
in which vegetation, trees and animals thrive, and in which people live in comfort. Even
you of Earth could live on that part of the Moon, for the human body is the most adaptable
machine in the Universe.
“Many times you Earthlings have accomplished what has been termed the
‘impossible.’ Nothing in the imagination of man is actually impossible of achievement.
But to return to the Moon, any body in space, whether hot or cold, must have a kind
of atmosphere, as you have named it, or gases that will permit this action to take place.
Yet your scientists, while maintaining the absence of air around the Moon, do admit that
there are both heat and cold on that body! The Moon does not have as much atmosphere as
your Earth has, nor as our planet, because it is a far smaller body than either.
Nonetheless, an atmosphere is present.
“Perhaps I can illustrate my point a little more clearly,” the
Saturnian continued. “You have on Earth a small island out in an ocean. As far as the
eye can see there is no other land, yet men can live on this island as well as they did on
the larger bodies which you call ‘continents.’ Bodies in space are like islands. Some
are large and some are small, but all are surrounded and supported by one and the same
power that gives them life.
“Many of your scientists have expressed the idea that the Moon is a
dead body. If this were true and the Moon were dead, according to your meaning of that
word, it long ago would have vanished from space through disintegration. No! It is very
much alive and supports a life which includes people. We ourselves have a large laboratory
just beyond the rim of the Moon, out of sight of Earth, in the temperate and cooler
section of that body.”
I asked him if the ship would go close enough so that I could see the
surface of our satellite with my own physical eyes.
He smiled and said, “That will not be necessary. Come and look — with
this instrument we can bring the Moon up to within a short distance of where we are, so
that you will be able to see it as clearly as if you were walking on it.”
I asked him how far we now were from the Moon, and was told, “About
forty thousand miles.”
I hoped very much that we might circle the Moon, so that I could see
for myself what was on the other side in that temperate zone he had mentioned. At the same
time I realized that there might be things there which they did not care to have me see.
And to this thought came a quick confirmation from the Saturnian pilot.
“We must test you with the information already given you before we
reveal some things. We realize, perhaps better than you, the weaknesses of men, even of
those who have a great desire to do right. We must be careful not to add to Earthly
As the instrument for viewing the Moon at close range was adjusted, I
was amazed to see how completely wrong we are in our ideas about this, our nearest
neighbor. Many of the craters are actually large valleys, surrounded with rugged
mountains, created by some past terrific upheaval within the body of the Moon.
I could see definite indications that, on the side which we see from
Earth, at one time there must have been plenty of water. Zuhl said, “There is still
plenty on the other side, as well as much hidden deep within the mountains on this
side.” He then pointed out to me, up on the flanks of the mountains surrounding the
craters, definite traces of ancient water lines.
True, some of the craters had been formed by meteorites hitting the
Moon’s surface, but in every such case, these craters showed definite funnel bottoms.
And as I studied the magnified surface of the Moon upon the screen before us, I noticed
deep ruts through the ground and in some of the imbedded rock, which could have been made
in no other way than by a heavy run-off of water in times past. In some of these places
there was still a very small growth of vegetation perceptible. Part of the surface looked
fine and powdery, while other portions appeared to consist of larger particles similar to
coarse sand or fine gravel. As I watched, a small animal ran across the area I was
observing. I could see that it was four-legged and furry, but its speed prevented me from
identifying it. Little of what I was seeing was strange to me, because for years I had
been thinking and talking about it in much this way.
The Saturnian appeared aware of this, for he stated that it was partly
for this reason they had decided to give me this close view now. He promised that, at some
later date, they would show me the other side of our Moon. “This, too,” he added,
“will not be too different from the way you have imagined it.”
As the promise was made to me, the screen showing the Moon went blank,
although the other screens continued to operate.
Zuhl led me again toward the disk room, but before we reached it the
ladies came out to meet us. The six men who had come down in the elevator with us rose
from their seats as the Saturnian pilot suggested that we return to the lounge.
Once more in the beautiful and restful lounge, I noticed that the
glasses on the large oval table had been refilled. A man whom I judged to be perhaps in
his late thirties or early forties was awaiting our arrival. As we entered the room he
rose from his chair. Without introductions of any kind, his greeting to me was as cordial
as it was toward all the others, whom he must have known well. For my part, it seemed that
here was one who was no stranger to me, and for whom I felt instantly the deepest
affection and a kind of kinship. No doubt, at one time or another, my readers have had a
similar experience. And his presence added immeasurably to the feeling of harmony and
understanding among all of us gathered in the room.
With a slight gesture of his hand, he motioned us to seats around the
table. A chair had been added, directly opposite mine, in which he took his seat. Again
Firkon sat on one side of me and Zuhl on the other. At the invitation of the Master, who
now acted as host, each lifted his glass and sipped from it in silence. All were obviously
waiting for him to speak. His dark brown eyes sparkled as with a deep joy of living, but I
knew that they were capable of looking at my every thought. I knew, too, that whatever he
might find, he would understand and not condemn.
He was a well-built man, firm of flesh. There were no gray strands in
his black, well-trimmed hair, which was very thick and lay combed back in soft natural
waves from a high forehead. The bony structure of his face was strikingly beautiful,
giving the impression of having been endlessly refined by the spirit that dwelt therein.
His glance, full of a great kindness, traveled quickly from face to
face. Then, in a voice that was soft and vibrant, he addressed me directly.
“We have been happy to show you a very small portion of our
Father’s Universe. We know of your interest in this subject, one that has absorbed most
of the years of your life on Earth. Now, with your physical eyes you have seen registered
on our instruments many things of which you have long been aware in consciousness. These
experiences should give you confidence and greatly aid you in explaining the universal
laws to those in your world.
“Never cease to point out to them, my son, that all are brothers and
sisters regardless of where they have been born, or have chosen to live. Nationality or
the color of one’s skin are but incidental since the body is no more than a temporary
dwelling. These change in the eternity of time. In the infinite progress of all life, each
eventually will know all states.
“In the endless vastness of the Infinite are many forms. This you
have seen on the two visits within our ships, out beyond the limits of your own
atmosphere. These vary in size, from infinitely small dust particles, invisible to the
human eye, to the largest planets and suns without number. All are bathed in the sea of
One Power, supported by the One Life.
“On your world you have named the many forms which you have
seen — man, animal, plant, and so on. Names are but man’s perceptions, while in the
infinite sea of space names as you use them are meaningless. The Infinite Intelligence cannot name
Itself, for It is all-complete. And all forms have been, and always shall be, dwelling
within the Complete.
“Among the many forms, the one which you call ‘Man’ professes to
possess the only true intelligence upon your Earth. Yet this is not so. There is no
manifestation upon your world or anywhere within the limitless Universe that does not
express intelligence in some degree. For the Divine Creator of all forms is the expresser
through Creation; it is His manifestation, a thought-expression of His intelligence.
“As a man, you are no more and no less than this. For the very life
by which every form is supported, and the intelligence that expresses itself through it,
is a Divine expression.
“Earth man, for the most part, not knowing this, finds much fault
with many things outside his personal self, not realizing that each form expresses its
purpose and renders the service for which it was made.
“There is no form that is capable of judging another, since all forms
are but servants unto the One Supreme. None knows all that is to be known, since
none knows all that is. This is known only to the All-Knower. But all forms, by serving
willingly, grow in understanding of the source from which they receive their wisdom: the
same life-force by which they exist.
“In the full conception, all manifestations of all forms are like
beautiful flowers in a vast garden where many colors and many kinds bloom harmoniously
together. Each blossom feels itself through the manifestation of another. The low looks up
to the tall. The tall looks down to the low. The various colors are a delight to all. The
manner of growth fills their interest and intensifies a desire for fulfillment. In
observing the beauty unfold that lies dormant within, whether in a day or a century,
design gradually becomes manifest — in color, in a fragrance sweet to all others. Each
glorifies itself by service rendered unto others; and in turn, receives from all others.
All in that great field of beauty are the givers and the receivers, vessels through which
flows a melody from the Highest.
“Thus some serve at the foot of the throne, while others serve above
the throne and all around it. Each blends with every other, expressing only joy because
privileged to serve. “It is likewise that the Human expression which you know as man
should have learned to live in the beginning of his dwelling upon your world. But in this
lesson he failed. Had he not, your Earth would have been a garden of joy — the garden of
an everlasting desire to serve. But man, in his lack of understanding, has destroyed the
harmony of his being on your Earth. He dwells in enmity with his neighbor, his mind
divided in confusion. Peace he has never known; true beauty he has not seen. No matter how
he prides himself on his material achievements, he lives still as a lost soul.
“And who is this man that dwells in such darkness? He is the mortal one who has failed to serve
the Immortal One! It is he who speaks of ‘The Path,’ but seeks not the way to go. It
is he who fears all things beyond the understanding of his fettered mind. little is he who
has denied the hunger of his spirit.
“And the fear which man has literally become stands firm in its guard
against all life, against all things. For if this fear should move out of its own shadow,
it would cease to be. This it is which holds man a prisoner until the end of his mortal
“Indeed, man dwells on Earth today desolate under the fear and dread
of what he calls death — the end of his mortal life — alone in the wilderness of his
personal darkness. Yet man himself has brought about the desolation which he so bitterly
deplores, all because of service not rendered as it is naturally rendered by the humbler
forms that surround him. Instead, man continues to destroy other life manifestations that
he may survive. He has failed to realize the richness that these others could bestow upon
him, would he allow them to serve as they were meant to serve.
“Alas, man’s plot upon Earth is barren indeed. The seeds he sows
with his small understanding yield bitter fruit. Still he remains fettered to his
ignorance, repeating his errors through the centuries, still hoping to find that for which
his heart longs, and for which his soul cries out.
“He is fearful of turning away lest that upon which he stands—the
Earthly foundation he has built for himself — may be taken from him by another, and he
will have nothing. So he keeps guard over that which is not eternal but, by the moment, is
in process of change and decay, his eyes blind to what is happening. He has imprisoned
within himself the light that could have guided him over the road of Eternal Oneness; a
joy that all others who have gone that way have actually become. These are the servants,
sons and daughters of the One Father, in all worlds. The Father, Creator of that beautiful
field of the many forms, the many colors, the many shades, the many heights and the many
depths—the many delights that play and express, by day and by night, the one song of
celestial harmony in which all may join.”
As he spoke, pictures of his words passed vividly before me and again
my understanding of man’s plight upon Earth was quickened. As he ceased speaking, no one
stirred. Nor did I wish to break the silence.
As the pictures ceased flowing through my mind, the Master rose from
his seat opposite and walked around the table toward me. All rose then and remained
quietly standing.
The great teacher touched my hand lightly, and my whole being sang in
humble gratitude for that which he had given to me. I gladly would have stayed in his
presence forever, but I knew from previous experience that this was not to be.
“My son, do not be discouraged if you meet with ridicule and
disbelief on your Earth. With the understanding we have given, you will know why it cannot
be otherwise. Tell your brothers and sisters what you have learned. There are many with
open hearts and minds, and these will grow in numbers.
“The Scout is waiting and our brothers will accompany you back to
Earth. Now that we have been together in this way, you can the more easily at all times
make contact from your mind to ours. Remember always that space is no barrier.”
His words filled me with a contentment that allowed of no emptiness.
Bidding me farewell, he turned and left the room. In a moment, Firkon and Zuhl motioned to
me. I said good-by to my new friends, and when the lounge door slid silently open for us,
we made our way across the elevator platform and into the waiting craft.
Slowly we descended, silently gliding down the rails, away from this
gigantic laboratory carrier. As we glided Earthward, I glanced back at the large ship
waiting there in space for the return of this little one. I wondered just how large it
really was. … .
Although my thought remained unspoken, Zuhl replied, “You might
estimate it to be, in your figures, about three hundred feet in diameter and something
like thirty-five hundred feet in length. These are not exact figures, but close enough.”
It seemed but a matter of seconds before the door of the Scout opened
and we were back on Earth. Farewells were said within the Scout, for the pilot did not
come out with us.
The Martian and I walked to where we had left the car several hours
earlier and set off on the journey to the hotel. I glanced back toward the Scout and saw
it fast disappearing from sight, far up in our atmosphere.
As on the previous occasion, we were silent during the drive back to
the hotel. I had much to think about and had no inclination to talk. I recall that the air
held an early morning freshness and the first rays of the sun were just breaking through.
So absorbed was I in remembering the master’s words that I paid no attention to the
scenery through which we passed.
When the car drew up in front of the hotel, Firkon touched my hand in
the usual manner as he said, “We shall meet again.”
I knew that we would and, although back on Earth in body, in
consciousness I was both on Earth and with my friends of other worlds as they journeyed on
through space. It was wonderful to know that we were not separated, that we never again
could be separated! This night, a realization which had lain dormant within me throughout
this present life’s journey had suddenly blossomed into an awakening, even as the
flowers in the garden which had been described to me by the wise one. The joy within my
heart from this realization was as the melody of infinity, blended without separation or
division. And I hoped and prayed that a way might be revealed whereby I could share this
realization with others upon the Earth.
I returned to my room in the hotel, but not to sleep. My experiences of
the night had so strengthened and invigorated me that I felt like a new man, my mind awake
and alert with thoughts more vivid and swift than ever before! My heart sang with joy, and
my body was freshened as though from a long rest. There was much to be done this day, and
tomorrow I must return to my home on the mountain; but from now on I would, to the best of
my ability, live each moment as it came, complete in its fullness, serving the One
Intelligence as man is intended to do, and for which purpose he was created.
About the first of September I began to get the feeling that soon I
would again be seeing our friends from space. Often during the summer I had watched their
ships moving through our atmosphere, but apparently the need for personal meetings had not
With each day that passed I felt a greater urgency to return again to
the city. On September 8th, a friend who had been spending some time with us at Palomar
Gardens invited me to drive to Los Angeles with her. I accepted, and at about four
o’clock in the afternoon we arrived in the city. I registered at the usual
hotel, accompanied the bellboy to my room, freshened up a bit and returned again to the
To my great surprise and pleasure, there, waiting for me, and smiling
broadly, were Firkon and Ramu!
After greetings were exchanged, I asked if they were in a hurry. As if
knowing my thoughts, Ramu replied, “Not in the least. We are here to answer any
questions which you have in mind — to the best of our ability,” he added, smiling.
I suggested that we go to the little restaurant where we could eat and
talk without being disturbed. As we walked along, I said, “I suppose you are quite aware
of the chief thing that is bothering me.
Firkon smiled and said, “Perhaps you are wondering whether the
answers to those mental questions you shot into space this summer really got back to you
without the wires crossed?”
“Exactly!” I exclaimed with a sigh of relief.
Due to the early hour, the restaurant was nearly empty. We sat down in
a booth at the far end and ordered sandwiches and coffee. I explained to the waitress that
we had dropped in more for the purpose of discussing a little business in a comfortable
spot than to eat. She urged us cordially to make ourselves at home, served us quickly and
left to resume her conversation with the cashier.
“What about that scoutmaster in Florida,” I asked, “and the
reports that some kind of flame had been directed at him from the Saucer?”
“Never!” Firkon replied emphatically. “We don’t do things like
that. What actually happened was that the man was frightened. Not wanting to reveal this
by running away, he began hacking at the ship with his machete, hardly knowing what he was
doing. Anyway, he came too close to the power that operates the Scout and got burned.
“To make it a little clearer,” he went on, “you know that a rope
has no fire in it, yet will cause a burn when pulled too quickly through the hands. In
much the same way, the power emanating from the Scout passed over this man’s body very
rapidly, causing the body, acting with resistance, to be burned.”
“You had a similar experience,” Ramu reminded me, “on your first
meeting with Orthon when your arm was caught by the power pulsating below the Scout. You
were not actually burned, but you would have been had you lost your balance and fallen
under the flange. Orthon saved you by pulling you back.”
I then asked how much truth there was in the Brush Creek reportings.
“Those sightings were actual,” Firkon replied, “although the
craft and people are not part of our group. There have been many similar sightings and
personal meetings with one or more individuals apart from yours; some before and some
since your first contact. These have occurred in almost every nation in the world. Your
experience, however, was the first reported in a way to reach great numbers of people.
"Although such contacts have been taking place for years and records of
them made which were never released, few men dare relate their experiences because of the
incredulity of their fellow men.”
He added very simply, “We do not enjoy the secrecy with which we have
to make such meetings. We would far rather be welcome to come and go, and to visit with
your people as we do with those of other worlds. But so long as our visits are not
understood and are therefore made dangerous for us and for our ships, we will have to
continue with the present caution.”
I asked for information as to what had really taken place when Captain
Mantell met his death.
Ramu explained, the sincerity of his feeling showing clearly. “That
was an accident which we regretted deeply. The ship he was pursuing was a large one.
Members of the crew had noticed Captain Mantell coming toward them and knew that his
interest was sincere, not belligerent. They slowed down their craft and attempted to
contact him through his instruments. They were fully aware of the power radiating from
their ship and thought it would halt his approach without injury to him. But as he came
closer, the wing of his plane cut through this power, allowing a suction to take place
which pulled the entire plane into it, causing an immediate disintegration of both the
plane and his body.
“This disintegration,” Ramu further explained, “takes place
through a magnetic radiation that separates the molecules which hold material together,
completely changing their position. If his plane had been round, or cigar-shaped, the
accident would not have happened. His plane was not uniform in shape.
The wings protruded beyond the body of the ship, and it was a wing that
was the cause of the accident. The fuselage would not have caused sufficient suction to
pull the plane in, but once the wing was caught in the power, the remainder of the plane
was sucked in so fast that it was reduced to small pieces of debris falling to the Earth,
with some portions totally converted into dust particles.
“On the other hand,” he continued, “we can come alongside our own
ships and nothing of this kind would take place because we design our ships in a way which
permits them to equalize any impact.
“The space craft’s intent was merely to reduce speed and make an
attempt to communicate with him. We had not realized that his plane could not touch our
power and stand up under it. You will lose many, many men flying this kind of ship, and
especially your jet planes, for they are in danger not only from the radius of our power,
but they can enter natural magnetic currents that would twist and destroy them. There are
too many points sticking out from the bodies of your planes, for once the power hits any
one of them, the ship is doomed.”
This completed my list of questions concerning the outstanding contacts
that had been brought to my attention during the summer. “You have verified my
impressions in each case,” I told my companions.
“Then perhaps we can try to cover in advance some of the many
questions that will be asked of you in the future,” Firkon suggested. “As you have
been told before, planets and systems are constantly in the process of being formed, or
going through the process of disintegration. A system of planets is much like any other
form — a certain period of time is required to reach a peak of expression; then begins the
process of decline and disintegration. Long before our system was even in the making,
there were systems of planets without number on which were Human beings such as you call
“Then, as today, there was interplanetary travel within systems and
between systems. The main purpose for such travel was the same as ours is now — to study
the activities of space in all of its phases. So, when a new planet within a system of
planets was found to be in the making, these were observed and studied closely by
travelers from many worlds.
“When a new planet is found to have developed to the point where it
is ready for Human habitation — and all planets reach that stage, sooner or later — the
travelers let this fact be known to the inhabitants of other worlds and of worlds in other
systems. Volunteers are sought who desire to go forth and develop the new world. Then
large ships take these volunteers, with all essential equipment on board, and move them to
the new planet. Frequent additional trips are made to bring equipment and supplies to
these pioneers, as needed. People are also carried back to their native planets for
visits. In this way new channels of expression are opened and, simultaneously, a new world
inhabited by mankind.
“The Earth was the slowest planet in our system to reach the stage
where it was capable of maintaining Human life. The first inhabitants of Earth were
brought to it from the other planets. But it was not long before something unexpected took
place in the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, and the transplanted people realized that
within a few centuries living conditions on this globe would not be favorable. As a
result, the first inhabitants of Earth, with a few exceptions, packed all of their
belongings into space ships and left for other worlds. The few who chose to remain had
permitted themselves to deteriorate amidst the lush beauty and abundance of this new world
and sought nothing different. Gradually, they became content to live in natural caves and
were eventually lost in the annals of time.
“On your Earth there is no record of these earliest inhabitants other
than the mythology of one of your races in which the memory of this first civilization is
preserved in what they call the God Triton, named after the original race of Triteria.
“Shortly after the departure of the space pioneers, many natural
changes took place on the Earth’s surface. Some lands were swallowed in the depths of
the waters, while others rose. Then, once again, the world was ready for human habitation.
But this time, because of the conditions still prevailing in the surrounding atmosphere,
volunteers were not sought. Another condition that we had watched with interest in
observing the formation and development of the Earth planet was the forming of only one
moon as its companion. Under the natural law of conditions, this would result in an
unbalanced state unless at some future time another moon was formed to complement the
small companion of a growing world.”
At this point Ramu was interrupted as the waitress came over to fill
our cups with hot coffee. When she had left, Firkon said, “Man is a strange creature! And
this is true wherever you find him throughout the vast Universe. Although the Race of
Man as a whole prefers to live in peace and harmony with all creation, here and there a
few will grow in personal ego and aggressiveness, and through greed will desire to assume
power over other men. This can happen even on our worlds, despite the teaching which bids
man live in accordance with the Divine Laws.”
“Yes,” Ramu said, “and even though we know the evil toward which
such attitudes lead, in conformity with the universal laws, we are not free to bind these
brothers in any way. So, centuries ago, in a meeting among the teachers of wisdom on many
planets, it was decided to ship such selfish ones to new planets capable of maintaining
Human life. In such cases, the planet of slowest development in many systems was selected
for the exile of such culprits.
“So, for the reasons that I have just mentioned, the Earth in our
system was chosen for the new home of these unruly ones from many planets inside and
outside of our system. These exiles were what you on Earth call ‘trouble-makers.’ We
could neither destroy nor confine them, since that is contrary to the universal laws. But
as these people were all of the same arrogant nature, it was felt that, since none would
yield to the other, they would eventually be forced to work out their own harmony. These
are the true source of your original ‘Twelve Tribes’ on Earth.
“And so they were gathered in ships from the many planets and
transported to Earth, without equipment or implements of any kind, such as volunteers are
given. All had been well educated on their own worlds to know the soil, the minerals, the
atmosphere and the many other things necessary for physical maintenance. Here on this new
world they must use their knowledge and start with nothing more than nature herself
provided. This was for the purpose of forcing them to work and draw upon their own
talents, in the hope of bringing them back into the fold of all who do the will of the
“These are your Biblical ‘Fallen Angels’ — the Human ones who
fell from a higher state of life and sowed the original seeds for the conditions which
you now find existing in your world.
“For a long time after bringing these people to Earth, our people of
many worlds visited them often, helping and guiding them as much as they would permit. But
they were a haughty and defiant lot, and did not welcome the help we offered.
Nevertheless, after the early clashes, for a long time they managed to live well enough
with one another. At that time Earth was indeed a ‘Garden of Eden,’ since everything
was plentiful and nature was lavish with her gifts of food and the necessities of life.
“In the joy of the new world, these newcomers began to dwell in peace
and happiness with one another, and there was rejoicing on other planets. Then, as your
Bible relates it, Man ate of the fruit of the tree of ‘knowledge of good and evil,’
and in time divisions entered where before there had been none. Greed and possessiveness again
became rampant amongst men and they turned one against the other.
“As time went on and the population increased, out of the original
tribes arose self-exalted men who began to differentiate between the several races. Each
demanded the rulership of the whole people, professing to have come from a planet further
advanced than all the others, and by that right entitled to the ruling power.
“We continued to visit these erring brothers, always with the hope of helping them to return
to a brotherly relationship. As time went on, however, the self-appointed rulers became
more and more powerful, and our efforts of less and less avail. The divisions continued
and increased, finally resulting in the establishment of what you today call
“The establishment of nations further separated brother from brother,
and the whole of mankind lived no longer by the Divine Law.
“As a result of these divisions; many different ways of worship arose. But even then we continued to send others
out in the hope of aiding our brothers on Earth. These men were those known as
‘Messiahs,’ and their mission was to help their Earthly brothers to return to their
original understanding. In each instance, a few followers would gather around these wise
ones, but always they were destroyed by those whom they had come to serve. “You have
wondered why Earth is the lowest planet in our system within a Universe of which we are
all inhabitants. I have now told you.
“The people on all worlds which have been developed by men and women
who volunteered for such service have gone steadily ahead. They have lived as the Infinite
Creator intended that His children should live. They have grown and expanded in fulfilling
the will of the Father. And each time that a group of volunteers leaves their own world to
venture forth into a new one, after the Divine Hand has prepared it for Human habitation,
they are actually entering a new school of experience whereby they gain still greater
understanding of a total Universe. Thus they fit themselves for continuous advancement
into higher and higher states of expression and service.
“Labor such as you know on Earth has no part in their life, for as
soon as the inhabitants of any planet work under the will of their Creator, the elements
in turn begin to serve them.
“On Earth you have just the reverse. For, through self-exaltation and
the perversion of natural law, man turns the elements against himself. Man warring against
man is one of the most obvious examples of this, as he directs destructively the energies
intended by his Creator for his welfare.
“And that is the primary difference between Earth’s inhabitants and
the peoples of other planets. Earth man has repeatedly attained certain peaks, only to
enter into another stage of destruction which, through misuse of the elements, has
destroyed all that he has accomplished.
“Here and there, an individual lifts himself above the majority on
your world, since it is left to each man to speed up or slow down his own evolvement. Only
when Earth men learn, by their own mistakes, that what they look upon as their strength is
really weakness when pitted against the All-Divine Intelligence, and that their
‘wisdom’ but confusion against the All-Knowledge, will they be ready to return to the
“Meanwhile, we keep ourselves ever alerted to receive the call for
whatever help men of Earth may truly desire, for they are still our brothers.”
"Do you never become discouraged,” I asked, “in the face of such
overwhelming odds?”
It was Firkon who said, “We know nothing of what you call
discouragement. That is a negative word. Long ago we learned the power of faith and hope,
and of never giving up. The goal lost yesterday can be won tomorrow. This does not mean
that we believe ourselves developed to the fullest extent. Far from it. We have eternity
yet to travel. But on our worlds, we no longer have sickness or poverty, as you know it;
nor crime, as you know it. We recognize man as the highest representation of Deity, the
consummation of all lesser forms. Should we with hurtful intent harm any form, we know
that we would be forcing that form to turn from its natural purpose and do us harm. “You
can see why the Creator has left us all to work out our own problems. When His laws are
disobeyed, they witness against us. “You speak of Satan as though he were a separate
enemy. But only by opposing the Divine principle can one create the inharmonious
conditions which you have credited to Satan, and which you yourselves must correct. Then
you will find that Satan becomes an Angel of Light, as your Scripture tells you. For all
distortion must be corrected by the one who distorts.”
As Firkon paused, Ramu’s mouth curved in the slight, grave smile so
characteristic, as he said, “The Sun rules not the Earth; nor does the Earth rule the
Sun; nor do the stars rule each other. All are ruled by the Father. Here, from nature
herself, does man begin to learn.” For some reason, this called to mind a subject on
which I had long pondered. “In regard to what we call death and rebirth,” I asked,
“should we be able to carry memories of the one life over into the next?”
Ramu answered, “That is possible in varying conscious degrees. Eternal man forgets nothing.
But the memory of things learned in a former body seldom manifests as more than an
instinctive knowledge of, or gravitation toward, certain familiar things. In his conscious
mind, Earth man has little understanding of why this is so. When such aptitudes manifest
in lesser degree, you label them talents or gifts. When present to a very marked degree,
and especially when present in childhood, you call such people 'prodigies'.
“Your planet is functioning under what you might call a low
frequency. As a result, the growth and development of forms of life — and especially that of
man — is slow, requiring much time between birth and maturity. When men are born on Earth,
they remain in a helpless infantile stage for a far longer period than on other planets.
By the time they have reached manhood or womanhood, whatever memory may have come over
them with them at birth is well buried under the welter of misconceptions with which,
during all those early years, they have been filled.
“Independent of natural law, man’s reasoning powers are very limited. The newcomer is crammed with the traditions and
conventions of past centuries, and the positive memory of previous experience is crowded
out. Such genuine memory sometimes flashes up from what you call the subconscious into the
conscious mind, through some channel suddenly opened. This can be caused by meeting for
the first time a person whom you feel you have known, or by the sight of a place never
before visited in this life, but with which you appear to have authentic associations and
memories. All such experiences are mystifying to most Earth people. Yet such memories
are usually true memories and the explanation very simple.
“On other planets, we do not impose such blocks on the newborn child.
On the contrary, everything is done to leave him free. We realize that each Human
expression is slightly different from every other, and that the individual background of
experience serves as a foundation for the fulfilling of that particular destiny. “The
frequency" under which a planet functions can be established only by the inhabitants who
dwell thereon. Due to the higher frequency of our planets, those born amongst us are not
subject to the slow periods of development from infancy to maturity as on yours. With us,
an average period of development from birth through adolescence is two years as compared
with your eighteen or more.
“You on Earth use the term ‘The Law of Transmigration’ in a
mistaken sense. What it really means is that when an individual on your Earth has risen
above the ignorance of his brothers into a higher understanding of life, rebirth on
another planet is permitted. He will come through with a vivid memory of his experience on
Earth. Predominant will be his conception of the fundamental laws that govern all life.
"Memories of his daily habits, his relationship with his family and
associates, while still clear, will be secondary. He will realize that there are no
missing links between the two stages of life, but a continuity of development uncluttered
by the many names and divisions which confused him on Earth.
“Although the climb up from infancy to maturity requires so long a
period on your Earth, age and deterioration come quickly. This is due to the old
traditions and conventions which continue to be expressed in the individual. True
knowledge, no matter how long ago it was acquired, is easily carried. But the burdens and
woes of mankind repeated over and over again, remembered through centuries, weigh
insupportably on the spirit of man. As you have seen, we do not grow old in appearance
or feeling. This is because we carry with us into each fresh day the bounty of lessons
well learned, discarding all that has proven sterile. As we let the ever new and fresh
express through us, we become that youthfulness.
“Just as the dream a sculptor has when he takes the clay into his
hands will, when he has finished, decide the form the clay will express, so it is with the
Human body. Man is the sculptor of himself, working with materials supplied by his
Creator. It is man’s conception of himself within the Universe which will mold his body
and imbue his features with beauty or with ugliness.
“In your world you picture the Deity as aged and yet eternal. This is
a great contradiction, for eternity knows no age.
“Because of the endless activity going on within the depths and on
the surface of your oceans, they survive through time. But a pond, wherein activity
ceases, begins to show age by a mass of foreign matter that slowly dims its once clear
waters. What you call stagnation has occurred.
“Bodily illness and disintegration derive from much the same process.
Because you have not learned to live by Natural Law, personal stagnation sets in.
Occasionally, even in your world, an individual can attain great age by your standards and
still give the impression of youth. This is due to an ability to preserve the
qualities of mental activity, interest and enthusiasm beyond the average.
I recalled a few such people I had known and nodded agreement. “You
have indeed progressed far beyond us,” I said. “Is it even to the point where your
progress forward is never broken?”
This caused Firkon to smile. “Far from it! But when we make mistakes
they serve as lessons for our future behavior rather than something to hide or try to
justify. Moreover, when any new territory is being explored, whether physical or of the
mind, we accept some error as inevitable. To you, what you call failure is shameful and
often exposes individuals or groups to the ridicule and censure of others. This is a
primary factor in binding Earth people to old ruts when, had they the courage, or their
fellow men enough tolerance, they would try new ways. On our worlds, no man who sincerely
tries is ever considered a failure, no matter what the results. That man has learned
something. Through his very failure, he can make a great contribution to his fellow man.
Courage and enterprise have led him to try a new path which, if proven wrong, need not
again be trod by others. He alone has suffered willingly, and we, his brothers, commend
As Firkon stopped speaking and glanced at Ramu, I knew that this
fruitful talk was at an end. Nothing needed to be said as we rose from the booth. We
settled the bill and were again out on the street.
This time Firkon and Ramu did not accompany me back to the hotel. “I
am very grateful,” I said as we took leave of one another, the words sounding inadequate
to my own ears.
I stood for a moment, watching them walk away, then turned in the
opposite direction toward my hotel.
Not long after our conversation in the café, again following an
impression, I found myself en route to Los Angeles. All during the drive to that city, I
was filled with a kind of joyous anticipation that was like the remembered excitement I
used to experience as a child just before Christmas.
The mental communications from my friends of other planets were
becoming more and more definite as time went on. I knew now, for example, that this
encounter would not be confined to a restaurant on the ground, but that they would again
carry me up in one of their ships.
In this happy mood, the familiar beauty of the mountains through which
we rode during the first part of the journey seemed enhanced to even greater majesty. And
the valleys, surfaced with golden yellow in the natural state, or a shining green where
cultivated, filled me with love for this Earth of ours. Surely, if mankind could learn
only to look upon it with new eyes, there could be no room left for bitterness and strife.
The time passed more quickly on this drive. I registered at the hotel,
went briefly to my room, then returned to the lobby.
Although the clock above the desk showed the time to be only a little
after 5 P.M., and I certainly was not hungry, I felt strongly impelled to go now for
something to eat at the little restaurant, then return to wait for my friends. This I did
and when, close to six o’clock I was again about to enter the hotel, Ramu stepped up to
I greeted him with delight and asked if I had kept him waiting.
“Not at all,” he said, “I knew when to expect you!”
The Pontiac was parked by the curb around the corner. As we got in, I
asked about Firkon.
“He is unable to come with us this time,” Ramu said, “and asked
me to tell you that he is sorry to miss seeing you."
The mood of sustained happiness and anticipation remained with me all
during the long drive out of Los Angeles and beyond. Occasionally, we exchanged a few
words but for the most part there was little conversation.
Eventually we turned off the main highway and bumped along over a
narrow road for perhaps half an hour. Searching the darkness for a first glimpse of the
Scout, at last I saw a faint glow in the distance. As the outline became clearer, I knew
from its size that it must be the Saturnian Scout, or a similar ship.
It was the same, and Zuhl was there to greet us. The journey to the
hovering mother ship was quickly over. “Is this … ?” I began, and Zuhl smiled and
nodded, “The Saturnian ship you were on before? — Yes.” The landing procedure was
accomplished exactly as on the previous visit. As Zuhl led me in the direction of the
large lounge, he paused a moment and said, “It was the Master himself who asked that we
bring you tonight. This visit is entirely that he may talk to you." If it was possible for
my joy to mount higher, it did so on hearing this.
On entering, I was struck anew with the beauty of this room, and the
harmony that filled it. All whom I had met before were present, and no strangers except
for two beautiful women who resembled one another closely enough to be twins. I guessed,
before introductions were made, that these were Saturnian women. On the right sleeves of
their blouses, near the shoulder, were the same insignia I had seen on the shirts of the
Saturnian men on the last visit. After my friends had welcomed me, I exchanged greetings
with the two lovely strangers. There were differences both in their persons and garments
from those of the other women. Since they remained standing close to me, I had an
opportunity to check these in detail. Both women had very dark brown hair and eyes, and
thick curling lashes. The complexions were of an almost startling whiteness with a rose
cast in the cheeks; the lips were full and red. Both appeared to have a greater vivacity
of manner than the other women. I believe, however, that this had nothing to do with the
fact that they were Saturnians, but was rather a characteristic of their own
They wore light-blue blouses with long, full sleeves drawn in tightly
at the wrists. These blouses were more like short jackets and were finished at the neck
with a narrow rolled collar. The skirts were of the same color and material. The latter
appeared very light in texture and of a quite different weave from any I had seen. The
full skirts had wide waistbands and were ankle length, like those of the other women. They
wore fawn-colored sandals on their small feet.
I did not see the Master and presumed that the reason all remained
standing was in expectation of his entrance.
“There is quite a bit of activity on the part of your Air Force
tonight,” Ramu told me, “and the ship is now rising. We shall probably remain hovering
at about ninety thousand feet from your Earth.”
Needless to say, I did not feel, nor had I felt, any movement
At this point the Master entered and all turned toward him.
As his eyes met mine, he smiled and walked on to where a table was
surrounded by low chairs with arms, covered with attractively upholstered material of an
appearance something like dull silk.
Ramu led me over and the Master indicated that I take the place on his
right. One of the Saturnian ladies sat on my other side and while the people were settling
into their seats, I seized the opportunity to ask if she could explain the meaning of the
insignia. She obligingly twisted around so that I could examine the one on her right
shoulder and said, “It denotes that Saturn is the Tribunal of this system.” Although I
did not know exactly what she meant by “tribunal,” she did not explain further. The
design consisted of a sphere encircled by a ring (much as the ringed planet appears
through our telescopes), and inside the sphere was a balanced pair of scales.
Thanking her, I settled back into my chair and found it difficult to
believe that anything could be so comfortable. Not even our air cushions yield to and yet
support the body as did that chair. The Master began to speak. “My son, if some of what
you will hear tonight seems repetitious, it is because the things of which I shall speak
are important to your understanding, and perhaps a fuller explanation will help you to
retain them.”
I was glad to hear him say this, since, even with the telepathic help
which had been promised me, I still worried for fear I might not remember it all.
“A great fallacy which has grown on the people of Earth,” the
Master said, “is the custom of dividing into many parts that which should never be
divided. You have multiple divisions in forms and teachings, many firm likes and dislikes,
all of which serve only to add to the state of confusion on your planet.
“We of other worlds have no such divisions but realize the
relationship and the interdependence of all things. I know that you have felt deeply the
power and radiance of our conception of Deity there on the wall before you. By keeping
always this image visual before our eyes, and remembered in our hearts, we never forget
that within Him all forms have their being.
“He is the giver of what you call 'life’ unto men. He is also the
giver of life through us to our creations in which He is the instructor of what is to be
created. He it is who knows how the minerals and the elements are to be combined — not
only to serve us, but the Universe as well, ever better as they are brought up through the
experiences of one form, to be fitted for a higher form. We on Venus, and on other planets
in varying degrees of evolvement, recognize the minerals and elements as the essence of
ever-active Divine expression, with a steady newness. And therefore monotony, as you know
it on Earth, can never be.
“So, as the creation of a Divine Creator of the total Universe is
respected by us, so also is the creation of Man who guides the elements in different
channels of service likewise respected and honored. In turn, the elements become desirous
to serve better each day that they, too, may rise to a higher standard of service . . . a
service which shall never cease, for it is eternal.
“As an example, that you may understand this more clearly, the bit of
iron which you find among the minerals of your Earth serves you in one particular channel.
Yet by impregnating this iron with a force which you call ‘electricity’ the iron
changes from a previous service to another type of service called ‘magnetic.’
Therefore it has been endowed with a power of attraction which it did not have before.
This is what we mean by elements or minerals evolving for a better service. For first it
was merely the mineral iron; then it reached a higher state of service where it was able
to attract, which in the original state it could not do. And so, on and on, this iron can
evolve toward higher and higher service rendered unto its Creator.
“So you see what is meant when I speak of the minerals and the other
elements serving man. By doing this, they themselves are endowed with certain powers of
comprehension through serving the All-inclusive Intelligence. This law, I believe, is
known to you on Earth as the Law of Transmutation, or the Law of Evolution.
“A Human body like yours and mine is composed of elements as well as
minerals. And you can prove that these elements and minerals which compose your body do
obey the impressions placed upon them. For if the impressions are of a joyous nature, the
being called ‘Man’ is joyful. But if of an angry state, then the body expresses that,
proving that the minerals and the elements within it are constantly serving the
Intelligence. Without it they cannot rise to a higher state of expression.
“You Men of Earth continually invite disaster by creating
combinations which are opposing each other rather than working together. You have made of
yourselves something other than your Divine origin. You have added many false concepts to
your being instead of remaining natural; like a beautiful woman who is exalted in beauty,
yet adds many trinkets that finally exalt themselves above her beauty. You have done
the same by adding that which had no true life or intelligence. Let me point out to you
something inherent in the being of Man by which we live on the planet Venus, while you do
not, though these principles apply to yours as well as other worlds.
“You claim that you are a being made up of five senses, and list
others to be added — the sixth, seventh, and so on. You seek to develop these arbitrarily
conceived senses instead of understanding and developing those which do exist. In
professing that there are powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience, mental telepathy, or
extra-sensory perceptions, you thereby divide one total phase of expression into at least
four separate classifications. And, as a result, your true identities have become muddled
and lost.
“Let me elucidate this a little. In the first place, you are a
product by mineral and elements of what you call nature. In the second place, as an
intelligent expression of that form, you are a product of your Divine Creator. The mineral
and elemental part of your being has been endowed with four avenues, or senses,
through which it expresses in what you call a physical manifestation. Intelligence or
divinity expresses through every cell of the entire form which you have labeled physical.
“The four senses to which I have just referred are sight, hearing,
taste and smell. Observe that I did not mention the sense you on Earth speak of as ‘touch.’ Because touch
is the intelligence that precedes all others.
“Let me explain it this way. No one in any world can build a form
like yours, or cause it to live as do you. This can be done only by the Creator of the
Universe. Therefore, you must admit that when conception of a form takes place within a
form, that mother-to-be knows not what is to be done for the perfect construction of
another body. Yet the conception grows toward a complete manifestation, until finally it
is born into what you call the physical world.
“When it is born, this complete form has eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
The eyes see, and the ears hear sounds for the first time; the nose smells and the palate
tastes for the first time. These were all created as parts of the body. As the body
witnesses the physical world for the first time, so do these four avenues of expression,
for they are of the body. Yet the mother of this form knew not how it was built.
“But the sense of touch, which I omitted from the group of
senses, did know. For remember, while the little one was still in the building process
within the mother’s body, if a pressure was put onto the mother’s body, the body
within was also alerted to that pressure. And notice the separation between the two, for
when the body to be born was ready to make a change within the mother, the mother neither
controlled nor instructed this action, which does separate, in this case, the sensation
into two distinct reactions — the mother’s and the child’s. This proves that each
operates in the field of sensation or feeling independent of the other. Yet they are a
body within a body. Also proving that this thing called ‘touch’ or ‘feeling’ is
acting in the field of intelligence, knowing what to do and when to do it. It seems to be
the ‘knower.’
“When we take this into consideration for the purpose of analyzing,
the sense of touch is recognized as a cardinal one, or in reality the soul of the
body — part of the all-inclusive intelligence. For it is a feeling — and feeling, as you
know it, is a state of alertness, or conscious consciousness as we know it.
“Now, when this consciousness leaves the body of minerals and earth
known as man, the eyes, the ears, the taste and the smell no longer function. For
when the body becomes unconscious it does not recognize anything like a touch. In other
words, you could beat that body and it would not have the sensation which is called
feeling or of being touched.
“On the other hand, if one loses the eyes, loses the hearing, the
taste and the smell, but retains the sense of touch, which is consciousness, one is more
or less alive and intelligently operating. And when the body is then struck with
something, it feels that touch or hurt, where it did not in the previous state.
“Thus it is easy to see that the real intelligence of the body called
‘man’ is that which has been so misused and mislabeled, the sense known to you as
touch, which is the soul or the life of that body. The Human body — and the same is
true of all other forms — is actually constructed for services that its minerals and
elements will render through the four major physical avenues of expression. While
the fifth, touch, is a universal one which gives sensation to the other four. Once
this touch sense leaves the other four have no power of sensation or operation.
“When man realizes this fact, he then finds himself as the real person
behind the mask. And when this is done, the limited prison in which he has lived for so
long dissolves, and he becomes a dweller of the Universe. As such, he sees the law in
operation in every form, regardless of what that form may be, and including the planet
itself upon which he is living. Then does man know himself! And by so doing, he
knows all things. Also he knows his. Creator as he has never known Him before, which is
the Universal or Divine Intelligence.
“It is through this recognition or understanding that mineral man
rises to a condition of unity with the Father, wherein the Father and the Son become one.
Once the man of Earth learns this and realizes it, not knowing it with his mind alone, but
by living it as we have done, he shall have the same joy in life as we have on other
“As your Bible says, the prodigal son has thus returned home by
giving up his physical mineral vanities and making these serve him for the service of his
Father, rather than he serving them.
“Of course, my son, you know this Law and have been trying to live as
well as teach it for years. It is neither new to you nor is it any original teaching of
yours. It is a Universal Law which all men must know and live if they hope to enjoy their
Divine birthright as sons of the Father.
“You must impress, as best you can, understanding in the minds of your brothers on Earth
that knowledge of themselves is the first requisite. And the first questions: “Who am I?
Through what avenues can I express in order to return to the oneness from which I have fallen?”
“Remind them that Man has nothing to add. He has only to express that
which already is his. But he must learn to understand what it is he has, and live this
understanding. For it is the living that is important. Once this is accomplished, the
Earthly Man’s woes will soon vanish. For then these elements which are used in making up
the four senses of sight, hearing, taste and smell will begin to evolve to where they will
become more sensitive instruments, not only to serve in what you call the physical world,
but also in service of the universal.
“Another fact which Earth men must realize is that ‘Universal’
includes the physical within itself, not outside it. For everything which takes place
within the Universe is also within the Divine or Supreme Intelligence — not outside it.
That is why we are as much concerned with your world and your life as
we are with our own, for we are all in the same Kingdom of the Supreme Intelligence.
“We have learned and lived this for all these hundreds and thousands of years. Because of this
understanding, we cannot injure with a motive of injuring as you do on Earth. For we know
that we would have to live with whatever we distorted, since all is within the same household.
“Once the mind of physical man rises to this degree of understanding,
it does not see anything as ugly or unpleasant, but sees all in the process of going
toward the Holiness of beauty and exaltation.
“As Earth men consider this Law, they will see and understand how all is working from the
low to the high, which is the universal purpose; and not from the high to the low.
Yet the power expresses from the high even unto the low that the low may have the strength
to rise unto the high. There is eternal blending, but never division. Knowing this Law,
the inhabitants of our planets have used it for their development and through its use have
grown to a recognition of everlasting life and the role of all therein.”
The thought of overpopulation flashed through my mind as this is so
often a topic of concern for nations on Earth. Without the slightest interruption, this
man of great wisdom answered my thought.
“No, my son. We are not overpopulated and such a condition never
threatens us, as it does your people of Earth. For we do not replenish without thought or
planning as do you. There is a natural law of balance by which we abide. Besides, those
who have attained much knowledge on one planet may, if they choose, seek rebirth on
another. Toward this end they have two choices. They may make this change through the
channel of birth, or be taken direct by a ship, still in the same body. This has happened
many times, even on Earth. The vast majority have advanced from the Earth toward another
planet through rebirth. Others, though few, have been taken direct as your Bible tells
“Death takes place upon other planets the same as on Earth. But we do
not call it death, and we do not mourn for those who have left, as you on Earth do. We
know this leaving means only a change from one condition or place to another. We realize
that it is no more than a moving out of one house and into another.
“We cannot take our houses with us when we go from one place to
another. Neither can we take a body, which is the house, from one world to another in
death. The material of your Earthly bodies belongs to Earth, and must remain there to
maintain your world. But when you move from Earth to another planet, that world will lend
you of its materials to build a house according to the needs and conditions that exist
“Earth Man’s concept of the Universe is very small. He cannot
conceive of a Universe without limits. Yet he uses the word eternity. Eternity, according
to man’s own definition, denotes no beginning and no ending. Then how vast is the
Universe? As vast as eternity.
“So man is not a temporary manifestation. He is an eternal manifestation.
And those of us who have learned this truth are living in a constant present, for it is
always the present.
“We of Venus dress much as you do, and we do many things in a similar
way. There is no great difference between our form and yours, or in the garments for that
form. The great difference lies in our understanding of who we are.
“Since we have learned that life is all-inclusive and that we are that
life, we know that we can hurt nothing without hurting ourselves. And life, to be life
eternally, must remain in a prime state of its being, and to express this, must be ever
“Therefore, as I have said, monotony is never experienced by us. Each
moment that passes is a joyous one. And it matters not what work we have to do. If what you call labor
needs to be done, we do it with full joy and love in our being. And on our planet, each
day brings its quota of things to be done, exactly as on yours. Every man and every form
is respected alike for the services they render. None are judged as to shortcomings. It
makes no difference as to the kind of service undertaken, be it what you call menial or
not. All services are equally acknowledged.
“People on Earth have been given this Law,for it was brought there by those who knew
of it and who at one time practiced it on other planets. It was expressed in the building of
Solomon’s temple. The hiring of labor in the vineyard where all alike were paid a penny at
the end of the day, as recounted by Jesus, your Messiah, was an acknowledgment of the
equal honor in serving.”
As the great Master paused and passed his hand lightly over his brow, I realized that I had been
listening with such intentness that I had not stirred. Moving my body to a different
position, I waited for him to resume speaking.
“Although the air on all planets differs slightly, contrary to the
present beliefs of your scientists, Earth man could go anywhere in the Universe without
discomfort. Indeed, this will be his natural heritage once he attains an understanding of
himself and realizes the great adaptability of his form.”
Again he paused and bowed his head slightly as though in meditation
before he continued. “We have developed to a degree of conscious perception which does
not permit us to sit amongst any group of people without the thought of blessing. For
their very presence before us is a blessing because we do not see them merely as
people, but as the Divine Intelligence in a living state through a form known as Human.
Our awareness is the same toward every form outside the Human.
“We see the Divine Consciousness expressing Itself through the growth
of any and all forms, from the smallest to the largest. We have learned that nothing, no
form whatever, can be what it is without life passing through it, or supporting it. And
the life we recognize is the Divine Supreme Intelligence.
“Never a moment passes, even in sleep, that we are not aware of this
Divine Presence.
“This is the true purpose of the form ‘Man’ … that for which he
was created. For, while all other forms give expression in their particular field of
service, his is the evolved form of mineral and elements capable of expressing the highest
state of Divine Intelligence.
“We are not on guard against one another, nor do we covet anything
belonging to others. For we are all equal participants of the goods of our planets.”
I understood clearly all that this great Teacher of other worlds was
saying, but a question entered my mind. I wondered how they viewed killing for food, if
they did kill, or even consuming fruit and vegetables, since these too were living in
their own form of expression. And as always, the answer came without my speaking.
“There is nothing illogical in this, my Son. When you eat a lettuce
leaf, it becomes a part of you, does it not? As a result, from then on it begins to
experience things with you. So what you have actually done is to transmute one form into
your own form. Had this not been the case, the lettuce leaf would have matured, then gone
to seed in order to replenish its own kind again, and that would have been its total
experience. But by serving you, it has been elevated to a higher service through you.
“Motive also enters into this principle. If your motive is to destroy
or injure or exploit, then it is wrong. But if your motive embraces the service you can
render another form by bringing it up to your standard, through you, then it is right. For
you are really transmuting a mineral from one state to another that it may be of still
greater service. In doing this, you are acting according to the law of growth or
development, of times called ‘evolution’ in your world. This is the Law of your
“The people of your world make much of form — disintegration — not
realizing the Law of Elevation, because they have begun to think that the form is all
there is. But the form is only a channel through which life, or intelligence, expresses.
All-Inclusive Intelligence cannot express through a lettuce leaf. So the lettuce leaf must
be transmuted by gradual stages into a higher form through which to express greater
service. That is the way it is rewarded.
“When this Law is fully accepted and lived by your Earth Men
as it has been accepted and lived by inhabitants of other planets and systems, the
atmospheric conditions of Earth will be sweetened. For every form will then give off
joyous radiations from itself that will permeate the air within which Mankind lives.
“You have wanted to know by what method we have evolved to the state
in which we are now living. These are the fundamental laws by which we live, and by which
Earth men can also evolve, if they choose to accept and live them.
“When men of Earth have learned that they are not the body or the
house, but merely the occupant of the body or the house, they can build homes
anywhere they will, for they too will become masters of elements instead of being
mastered by them.
“While you of Earth have come into a knowledge of governing certain
elements to certain points, misuse of your knowledge is widespread, and the elements are
turning to destroy you, as many other civilizations on your Earth have been destroyed in
the past.
“This is the stage in which we find Earth men today. We can but
continue trying to help wherever opportunity presents itself, but it is difficult to reach
in sufficient numbers minds so little developed as those of Earthly men."
The Master was silent for a moment. Then he said, “This is not the
first time you have been brought into our ships, nor will it be the last. You may rest
assured that we of other worlds from time to time will bring you truth that you may pass
it on to your fellow Men of Earth. We will tell you of the physical life of other worlds,
as well as what you call spiritual or religious truths, although we do not make that kind
of division. There is but one life. That life is all-inclusive, and until Men of
Earth realize that they cannot serve or live two lives, but only one, they will be
constantly opposing one another. That is one major truth that must be learned by
all Earth men before life on your world can match life on other planets
“And now, my son, it is time for your return to Earth. What you have
learned can be of great value to the people of your Planet. Speak to them by word of mouth
and by written word. Do not fear lest you forget any of what you have been told. For as
you speak or write, with the first thought a continuous flow of memory will come to you."
In this beautiful ship of another world there was peace. The lesson of
the night had been deep in understanding and meaning. Somehow, I knew that all had heard
this same lesson, perhaps many times throughout their lives. But it seemed to be one that
they loved, as if in the telling a new something opened within each listener and he grew
larger in his own understanding.
Again I wished I need not return to Earth, but that I might remain with
these gracious friends and journey with them to other worlds. But the Wise One said,
“Son, there is much yet to be done on your Earth. The people are hungry and must be fed.
You will return and share with them this food of the spirit that they may not perish in
the darkness of ignorance that has prevailed upon your Earth throughout so many
On the journey back I seemed still to hear the Master’s words falling
with gentle insistence against my consciousness in the silence that remained unbroken by
either Ramu, Zuhl or myself.
It was the same during the drive back to the city. I vaguely remembered
taking leave of the pilot of the Scout, but I do not think any words were exchanged.
When Ramu stopped at the entrance of the Hotel, I slowly stepped out
onto the sidewalk. Then I turned, dimly aware of something I wanted to say. Although Ramu
probably knew what it was before I myself, he waited quietly, understanding in his eyes
and the grave smile on his lips.
Then, suddenly, it came to me. “The mental message I received this
time,” I said, “it seemed so much clearer … I seemed to know more certainly when I
left for Los Angeles what was going to happen. Did the Master himself contact me mentally
this time?”
“Yes,” Ramu said, “he did. And that is largely responsible for
the difference, although your own ability to receive is growing.”
“But the — the exaltation of spirit I felt,” I went on, stumbling
in an effort to express it. “I am sure that that must have come to me through the
“Yes,” Ramu said again, “he is one of the most evolved beings
still functioning within our system. Just to be in his presence is to grow in love and
understanding. We are all fortunate.”
We said our farewells and I went into the Hotel.
As always after such meetings, I had no desire to sleep. This time I
did not even look to see what time it was. I know that I stood a long while at the window,
looking up, not down. I had the strange feeling of separation within myself that I had
experienced before, only this time there was no sadness in it. I believe I may have spoken
my thoughts aloud. “It is one. it is all one. There and here and everywhere. There is no
13: The Banquet and a Farewell
The next contact occurred on August 23, 1954. Desmond Leslie was in
Los Angeles at the time for the purpose of fulfilling a lecture engagement. He knew that I
was about to have this contact and was most anxious to be taken with me. While I too hoped
for this, the Brothers, for reasons which they did not give, were not able to grant the
request. As I look back, I think it was because the nature of some of the things which
were shown and explained to me this time were not designed for one without previous
contacts. My friends Firkon and Ramu met me as usual. En route to the Scout, Firkon said,
“I must tell you that tonight’s meeting will be a farewell for you and for us. After
we bring you back to your hotel tonight, we return to the Scout, and then on out to the
carrier which will take us back to our home planets. Our mission on Earth is fulfilled.”
A great sadness surged up in me.
Ramu said quickly, “But you are losing us only in bodily form.
Don’t forget that we can still communicate mentally, wherever we are. I took what
comfort I could from this thought, but at the moment it seemed little enough."
Then Firkon said, his voice full of comprehension, “You are our friend, and all the space that may
stretch between us can never change that.”
I felt ashamed of my emotion. Although I could not entirely banish it, I did manage to rise
above it to some extent.
I found myself ondering if some other “contact” man, or men, living temporarily on our Earth, might
possibly be assigned to meeting me in future. But to this unspoken question, neither
vouchsafed an answer. I was left with the feeling that this might indeed be farewell, at
least for some time to come, not only to the two friends between whom I now sat as we rode
along, but to any further excursions into space.
This emotion, as I think can be imagined, lent to all the new and
wonderful things I was to see this night a poignancy which quickened my deep appreciation.
This, added to the gratitude for what had already been granted, produced a fullness in my
heart that I could never put into words.
Inasmuch as I have already described in detail a journey in this same
Scout, I shall state only that I found Orthon awaiting us with the little ship hovering
slightly above the ground, ready for an immediate take-off. On this trip we did not even
sit down. I divided my attention between watching the changing graphs and Orthon at the
control panels. As we entered the Venusian carrier, this time I was entirely free of any
dropping sensation in the pit of my stomach. We reached the platform and stopped again, as
on our first trip. The same man was there to attach the clamp over the Scout for its
recharge, but this time he followed us down the steps and into the Lounge.
Immediately on entering, I was struck by a general air of festivity.
There were a great many people present whom I had never seen before. I was delighted when
I saw Ilmuth and Kalna coming forward to greet me warmly.
“Did anyone tell you about the surprise we have for you tonight?” Kalna asked,
and without waiting for a reply continued enthusiastically, “A certain promise made to you will be fulfilled!”
While Kalna was speaking, Ilmuth had given me a goblet of the delicious
fruit juice. I noticed that both girls were dressed in pilot uniforms and I felt sure this meant a trip
into space.
There were many men present and eight women, including Kalna and
Ilmuth. The other women were dressed in the same kind of lovely gowns the latter two had
worn when first I met them. The men were in comfortable shirts and trousers. Again
everyone wore sandals.
Although no introductions were made, I did not miss them, for all
greeted me as friends, and a few even called me by name. When the salutations were over, I
became aware of soft music in the background, a little reminiscent of what we call
Although Ramu had been given a goblet of the juice, I noticed that my
other friends did not join us. This was explained when Ilmuth said, “We must go to our
posts now to carry out the surprise Kalna mentioned. This time, Ramu will stay with
As Orthon and Kalna left in one direction, Firkon and Ilmuth started
toward the opposite end of the ship. Ramu and I sipped our drinks in silence for a few
moments. I was happy to be a part of the warmth and joyousness that pervaded this room. It
helped to keep in the background the feeling of sadness over the parting that would take
place tonight.
Several groups were playing games that were strange to me and Ramu,
noticing my interest, suggested that we stroll around for a closer view.
Four of the men were seated at a small table playing a game with cards.
These were quite different from ours, though much the same size. There were no numbers on
them, but all had markings representing something. I looked to see if any two were alike,
but, so far as I could see, none were.
Another group of men were rolling little colored balls along a smooth
board. I guessed that these must have been charged with some kind of magnetism, since
there were no grooves in the board and yet the balls did not move freely. Certain ones
seemed to do the attracting, drawing the others toward them.
Another game somewhat resembled our table tennis, except that two balls
were kept in play simultaneously, for which great skill was obviously required. The women
seemed very good at this.
I was struck by the absence of loud talking, laughing or other
distractions. Everyone was obviously enjoying himself, and able to do so without becoming
raucous over it as so often happens on Earth. Nor did anyone seem to take the games
seriously, as so many of us do.
The atmosphere was one of gaiety and relaxation. Often the players
glanced up at us with friendly smiles. Some spoke to us and I found myself still amazed to
hear these people speaking so fluently in my tongue. After awhile, Ramu suggested,
“Shall we go to the Control Room? There are some things to show you in there which I am
certain you will find interesting.”
With our drinks still in hand, I gladly followed him into the large
room with the many charts, graphs and instruments which I had seen on my first visit to
this ship.
As we entered, Ramu must have touched a button for I saw two very small
seats rise as if by magic out of the floor. And at the same time, directly in front of
them, I saw our Moon appear in the center of a large screen. I was amazed at how close it
looked, and not at all as if pictured on a screen, but with depth of space all around it.
So this was the surprise! For a moment I thought we might be actually coming in for a
Ramu said, “You are now looking at the familiar side of your Moon,
but we are not landing on it. The image is being reflected on the screen from one of the
telescopes which was not in operation the first time you were with us. Look closely as we
approach the surface and you will note considerable activity. In the numerous large
craters which you see from Earth you will notice very large hangars — which you do not
see! Notice, too, that the terrain here is very similar to your deserts.
“We have built these hangars on such a scale in order that much
larger ships than this one can enter easily. Also within these hangars are living quarters
for a number of workers and their families, provided with every comfort. Water in
abundance is piped in from the mountains, just as you have done on your Earth for the
purpose of bringing fertility to your desert areas.
“When a ship enters these hangars, a process of depressurizing the
passengers takes place. This requires about twenty-four hours. Were this not done, the
people would experience the greatest discomfort in stepping out on the Moon. Such a
depressurization process is not yet conceivable to Earthlings. They understand too little
about the bodily functions and their control. Actually, Human lungs are able to adjust
themselves to very low as well as high pressure, if deflation or inflation is not done too
quickly. If hurried, death would result.”
I would gladly have undergone the necessary deflation for the privilege
of actually landing on the Moon. There was nothing demanding my immediate return to Earth.
But with a sympathetic smile, Ramu said, “We have many things in
store for you besides showing you the other side of your satellite before we return you to
Earth. Watch closely now, for we are approaching the Moon’s rim. Notice those clouds
forming. They are light and appear to be coming from nowhere, as clouds often do. Most of
them gain no density whatsoever but dissipate almost immediately. Yet, under favorable
conditions, some occasionally do gain density. It is the shadows of these which have been
seen through telescopes from Earth.
“Now we are approaching the side never seen from Earth. Look at the
surface directly below us. See, there are mountains in this section. You can even see snow
on the peaks of the higher ones, and a growth of heavy timber on the lower slopes. On this
side of the Moon are a number of mountain lakes and rivers. You can see one of the lakes
below. The rivers empty into a very large body of water.
“Now you can see a number of communities of varying sizes, both in
the valleys and on the mountain slopes. Preferences of people here, as anywhere else, vary
in regard to living at one or another altitude. And here, as elsewhere, the natural
activities to support life are very similar to those wherever mankind is found.
“Had we time to land and be depressurized,” Ramu went on, “and
then travel about, you would personally meet some of the people. But as far as studying
the surface of the Moon is concerned, the way you are viewing it now is far more
I realized the truth of this as a fair-sized city assembled on the
screen in front of us. Actually, we seemed to be drifting over the rooftops, and I could
see people walking along clean, narrow streets. There was a more thickly built-up central
section which I assumed to be the business district, although it was not crowded with
people. I noticed no cars of any kind parked along the streets, although I did see several
vehicles, moving just above the streets, since they appeared to have no wheels. In
size they were comparable to our buses, varying from one another in about the same
Ramu explained, “A few of the people here do have their own
conveyances, but for the most part they depend on the public utilities at which you are
Just outside the city proper was a comparatively large cleared section
with an immense building along one side. It looked like a hangar and Ramu confirmed this
by saying, “We have to construct a few hangars near the cities for convenience in
landing with the supplies we bring to the population here — everything not available
locally for their needs. In exchange, they furnish us with certain minerals found on the
As I watched, the city seemed suddenly to retreat and Ramu told me that we were
now traveling back into space between the Moon and the Earth. “Have you any questions
before we return to the lounge?” he asked.
I could think of none and shook my head.
“In that case,” he said, his eyes sparkling, “we had better move on to the Lounge. A
banquet is in preparation to celebrate the return home of Firkon and myself.”
Again I felt ashamed of the emotion that rose at this reminder of the
imminent parting, and overcame it by mentally putting myself in their places. Wouldn’t I
be happy in their circumstance? I would, indeed!
“Any tears I may shed will be for myself alone,” I said, striving
for the light touch. “For you I am happy.”
Orthon and Kalna met us at the door and we entered the lounge together.
I saw that the large table on one side of the room had been set for service. Some of the
women who had before been playing games were now putting on the finishing touches.
When Firkon and Ilmuth came in by the far door, Kalna joined her friend
and the two girls left the room together. In a few minutes they returned, having changed
from their pilot suits to lovely flowing robes.
A beautiful cloth of gold and yellow fiber covered the table, woven in
colored designs with no definite pattern. Places had been laid the full length and on both
sides. The table “silver” was somewhat different in design from ours, and rather
improved, I thought. It seemed to be made of various metallic combinations, beautifully
inlaid. There was one chair at the head of the table and I counted fourteen on either
side. As Kalna and Ilmuth rejoined us, we were asked to be seated. There were still only
the eight women present, which left the men twenty-one in number, including myself.
Ramu sat on the Master’s right and Firkon on his left. Ilmuth was
placed between Ramu and myself, and Kalna opposite, between Firkon and Orthon. After all
were seated, the Master rose and for several moments the room was filled with a reverent
stillness. Then, speaking in soft, distinct tones, the great teacher spoke these words:
“We thank the Infinite for present substance. May each and every one
within Thy vast kingdom be equally provided. Let this food strengthen our bodies that they
may serve the Divine Spirit which dwells within them in ways pleasing to Thee, Creator of
all life.”
After he had delivered this beautiful prayer, all joined again in a
moment of silence.
Then, before resuming his seat, the Master said, “We are gathered
here tonight to celebrate with great rejoicing the successful fulfillment of the mission
on Earth performed by two of our Brothers present. Firkon and Ramu have done well. We
share their happiness in the reward for their efforts which permits them to return to
their home planets."
Crystal clear goblets containing pale golden liquid were on the table
before each guest. As the Master finished speaking, he raised his glass, saying, “Let us
drink in blessing to one another and to our fellow men everywhere.”
As I raised the goblet to my lips, I was aware of a most delicate
fragrance and sipped the contents very slowly in order to lose none of the bouquet.
It did not appear to be of an intoxicating nature but perhaps like many wines could have
had that effect if taken in excess.
As we lifted our glasses in honor of Ramu and Firkon, soft music that
came from some invisible source filled the room. It was like no music I had ever before
heard, seeming to vibrate through all my being; a melody strange and beautiful, with only
occasional strains that were similar to Earthly music.
Since this was the first time I had been privileged to dine with those
of other worlds, I was naturally curious to learn to what extent their food might resemble
At each end of the table, and in the center, were beautiful bowls
filled with fruit. One variety looked exactly like large rosy apples, each with stem
intact. I anticipated the crisp juiciness as I accepted one offered to me. Yet when I bit
into it, I found the flesh of this fruit had the consistency of a firm, ripe peach, and
the flavor was rather like a cross between a cherry and an apple. The core contained one
large seed that looked like an immense apple seed.
Another fruit resembled gigantic raspberries, both in appearance and
flavor. The smallest of these berries was at least four times the size of our largest.
Placed at intervals along the table were large pitcher-like containers
holding a variety of fruit juices and other drinks. This explained the several goblets of
different sizes in front of each place. The second drink I tried tasted like pure
raspberry juice.
Food was served to us by the two women who had seated themselves on
either side at the end of the long table. First they brought steaming dishes of vegetables
from the service table which stood against the wall close by. One contained what looked
like ordinary carrots, but I found the consistency not so firm, and the flavor a kind of
sweet-sour. A second vegetable looked like the familiar potato. These, though peeled, were
served in their natural shape. They had a slight yellow tinge and, although none of the
coarse fiber of a parsnip, tasted more like that vegetable. Another vegetable which I tried had
the leaves and coloring of parsley and a mild lemon flavor.
There were many other vegetables which I did not try. A light eater by
nature, tonight my emotions were so divided that I found myself with almost no appetite at
all. I tried in vain to banish from my thoughts the purpose of this celebration. Firkon
and Ramu, my good friends, would be leaving for their far distant homes....
I did, however, accept a small piece of very coarse and quite dark
bread, and a strip of what at first I took to be meat. The bread had a crust of golden
color and tasted as though made chiefly of nuts, although I thought I detected a grain
flavor as well. As I chewed the brownish strip of “meat” and mentally compared its
flavor to that of well-cooked beef, Kalna called to me from across the table.
“That is the dried root of a Venusian plant,” she explained. “On
Venus we cook the fresh plant, and then it tastes even better, but on our trips we carry
it in dried form. It is especially nourishing as it contains all proteins found in meat
and is easier for the human body to absorb. One strip of this root as served here is
equivalent to one pound of your steak. It also makes excellent seasoning for other
To finish the meal, a huge cake was served. Although this had the
appearance of what we call angel food, as it was cut I saw that it did not have the
somewhat spongy-elastic consistency of that cake. Moreover, though chiefly white, there
were yellow streaks throughout. The texture was very fine and literally seemed to melt in
the mouth. It tasted faintly sweet, although when the yellow was separated from the white,
the flavor altered in a way difficult to describe. On the whole, I found it delicious.
As I observed the others around the table and listened to their merry
conversation, I realized that no one was eating heavily of the abundance of food, as so
often happens at banquets on Earth. Yet all seemed to be enjoying it.
At the end of the repast, the women and a number of men arose from
their seats and cleared away the dishes. In the miraculous way with which I had become
familiar, large doors suddenly opened out into a kitchen from the wall behind the table,
which had appeared entirely solid. Into this room everything was carried. In a moment the
guests returned to their chairs and the doors closed behind them.
Now the background of music ceased as one of the men rose from his
seat. Without accompaniment of any kind, he sang a song in his native tongue. While I
could not understand the words, I listened enthralled to the beauty of his voice.
When he had finished, Ilmuth said, “That was a song of farewell and
blessing on the Brothers who are returning home.” The music rose again from its
invisible source, louder than before and with a livelier lilt.
This was explained when two of the women rose and, going to a cleared
space beyond the table, began moving to the music in beautiful unison. Later, I was told
that the dance represented the power of the Universe.
As I watched, I realized that one would need double joints and the
suppleness of an infant to reproduce it. It was truly wonderful to behold, for every
motion and posture of their bodies portrayed one after the other, the many moods of
nature, from calm waters at rest though the most terrific storms of space.
To describe such rhythm is impossible but it was both fascinating and
deeply stirring to behold. The young dancers themselves were exquisitely lovely, and their
costumes seemed to change colors while in motion, yet I saw no lights playing upon them.
The word “grace” its superlative meaning could not do justice to this beautiful
When the dance was over and a little time had passed, the Master spoke
to Orthon, who came over to where I was sitting. “Now,” he said, “we want to show
you scenes from our planet Venus. Scenes that will be beamed directly from the spot to
this ship.”
I was delighted at the prospect of such a travelogue and wondered on
which screen it would appear. But there was no screen. Before my astonished gaze, as the
lights dimmed, the first scene hung suspended upon the space of this room!
Orthon seemed to enjoy my amazement and explained, “We have a certain
type of projector that can send out and stop beams at any distance desired. The stopping
point serves as an invisible screen where the pictures are concentrated with color and
dimensional qualities intact.”
The scene at which I was looking seemed, in fact, so definitely
“there” that it was with the greatest difficulty I could believe myself still on this
ship. I saw magnificent mountains, some white-topped with snow; some quite barren and
rocky, not very different from those of Earth. Some were thickly timbered and I saw water
running in streams and cascades down the mountainsides.
Orthon leaned close to me to whisper, “We have many lakes and seven
oceans, all of which are connected by waterways, both natural and artificial.”
They showed me several Venusian cities, some large and some small. All
gave me the feeling of having been transported to some wonderful fairyland. The structures
were beautiful, with no monotonous lines. Many had domes radiating in prismatic colors
that gave the impression of a revitalizing force.
“In the dark of the night,” Orthon said softly, “the colors cease
and the domes become luminous with a soft, yellowish light.”
All cities followed a circular or oval pattern, and none appeared in
any way congested. Between these concentrated communities there was much still uninhabited
The people I saw on the streets of these cities seemed to be going
about their business in much the same manner as Earth folk, except for the absence of rush
and worry so noticeable with us. Clothing, too, was similar, each person apparently
choosing garments to his own particular liking while following a general style. I would
estimate the tallest person I saw to be about six foot six, the average adult about five
foot six, and the smallest not over thee foot six. However, this latter could have been a
child. I could not be sure, since none show age as we do. I know that I definitely did see
some children, much smaller than this particular form. Corresponding to our automobiles
for convenience in traveling from one place to another, I saw conveyances patterned
somewhat after the mother ship in miniature. They appeared to glide along just above the
ground, as had those “buses” I saw on the Moon. These transports varied in size as do
our cars, and some had open tops.
I was wondering how they were propelled, which brought Orthon again
close to my ear as he explained, “By means of exactly the same energy as operates our
space ships.”
The streets were well laid out and beautifully bordered with flowers of
many colors.
Next, I was shown a beach on the shore of a lake. The sand was very
white and fine. Long, low waves rolled in with an almost hypnotic quality. There were many
people on the beach and in the water. I wondered what kind of material could be used for
their bathing suits as they looked no wetter after a dip in the lake than before.
Kalna, who had come to sit beside me, cleared this up. “The material
is not only entirely waterproof but also has properties which repel certain injurious rays
from the Sun. Even as on Earth,” she went on to explain, “these rays are more powerful
when reflected off water than inland.”
We were now shown a tropical section of Venus. I was amazed to notice
that, in a general sense, many of the trees somewhat resembled our weeping willow since
the foliage tended to fall in a kind of cascade effect. The color, however, and details of
the leaf were quite different.
As you may imagine, I was very interested in the animal life that
entered the various scenes. On the beach I had noticed a small, short-haired dog.
Elsewhere, birds of various colors and sizes, little different from ours on Earth. One
looked identical to our wild canary. I saw horses and cows in the country, both slightly
smaller than those of Earth but otherwise very similar. This seemed to hold true of all
animal life on Venus.
The flowers, too, resembled those that grow on our Earth. I would say
that the main difference between both animal and plant life on Venus as compared with ours
lies in coloring and flesh texture. This, Kalna told me, is due to the ever-present
moisture on their planet.
“As you have learned by now,” she said, “our people rarely see
the stars as you do on Earth. We know the beauties of the heavens beyond our firmament
only from our travels and studies.”
Last, they showed the picture of a very beautiful woman and her husband
with their eighteen children, all but one of whom were fully grown. Yet the parents gave
the impression of a young couple in their early thirties.
This ended the showing and I was invited to ask questions. First, I
asked what effect, if any, the constant cloudy condition over Venus has on its peoples.
Orthon replied, “In addition to living according to universal laws,
our atmosphere is a contributing factor toward an average life span of one thousand years.
When the Earth, too, had such an atmosphere, man’s years on your planet were
correspondingly far greater than now.
“The cloudy formation surrounding our planet acts as a filter system
to weaken the destructive rays which otherwise would enter its atmosphere. I call your
attention to a record contained within your own Holy Writ. If you study it carefully, you
will notice that the span of life on Earth began to decrease when the cloudy formation
lessened and men there for the first time saw the stars out in space.
“It may interest you to learn that a gradual tilting of your Earth is
even now taking place. If, as could happen at any moment, it should make a complete tilt
in order to fulfill its cycle, much of the land now lying under water will rise. For years
to come, this water-soaked soil will be in a process of evaporation which will once more
cause a constant cloudy formation, or ‘firmament’ around your Earth. In which case,
the life span will again be increased, and if the peoples on your planet learn to live
according to the Creator’s laws, you too can attain a thousand years in the one body.
“This tilting of your Earth is one reason for the constant
observation we are giving it, for its relation to the other planets in our galaxy is very
important. A drastic tilt of one planet would, to some degree, affect all, and definitely
alter the lanes in which we travel space."
“Surely, any violent tilt would cause a great catastrophe to our
Earth, would it not?” I asked.
“That is bound to happen,” he replied, “and although the laws
which govern the relationship of man to the world on which he lives would not at this
present time be understood by men of Earth, I want to stress that the erring path which
they have followed so consistently is actually the reason for their ignorance of your
planet’s present instability. Through the ages, there have been many signs and omens
which your people have ignored. Many of these have been recorded in your Holy Writ as
prophecies. But your people heeded them not. And although many have already been
fulfilled, the lesson has not been learned. It is not wise to become independent of the
Creator of all. Mankind must be guided by the hand that has given him life.
“If man is to live without catastrophe, he must look upon his fellow
being as himself, the one a reflection of the other. It is not the Creator’s wish that
mankind turn against itself in cruelty and wanton slaughter.”
“I know,” I said, “that we are coming into a new Major Cycle of some
sort. Some of my brothers on Earth call it the Golden Age, others the Aquarian. Can you
throw any light on this?”
“On our planet we do not name the changes in that way, for all we
know is progress. But to answer the question for your understanding, we would say that you
are approaching a new Cosmic Age, however little you may understand this. You have had your
Golden Age, worshiping gold more than God. And an Aquarian Age, as you call it, can be
only one in which Earth afflicts you with great waters, or not enough. You have passed
through both of these conditions. The very naming of the periods of change in this way is
a part of the block to your understanding. The Earth people must learn to progress in
rhythm with these natural changes and not be subject unto them.”
“How,” I asked, “would you define the Cosmic Age?”
“Actually, we would rather call it a Cosmic understanding. This is
the first time in your civilization that you have, in a broad sense, become aware of the
probability of inhabited worlds other than your own. Appearing in our space craft, as we
now are doing in such numbers in all the skies of your world, even those who would not
believe have little choice. For the first time in the memory of mankind on your planet,
there is overwhelming evidence that your planet has not borne life as a kind of freak
accident, as even some of your greatest astronomers have stated. Mankind is manifesting on
your world because that planet is but one in a vast, orderly creation of the Infinite One,
all subject to his Divine laws.
“Our ships perform feats in your skies which no Earthly planes of any
nation can do. Your scientists know this. Your governments know this. The pilots of your
planes everywhere in your world have seen us and marveled. Thousands of your people have
looked up and been amazed. Thousands more everywhere are now watching and hoping for a
glimpse of us.
“All this has been foretold by men of old. They have said in your
written prophecies that the whole world will be disturbed, and that the signs will be
these: Sons of God will be coming from Heaven to Earth to deliver the peoples. The conditions in your world today have
placed you, as you put it, under the shadow of death. Your entire world is disturbed. And
since the name you have for outer space is ‘Heaven,’ and since we too are Sons and
daughters of God, could it not be that even now the ancient prophecy is being fulfilled?
“It has also been foretold that, when the time cometh, the dark races
of the world will rise up and demand the right to equal respect and the lot of free men so
long denied them by you of lighter skins. Is not this prophecy, too, being fulfilled in
these very days on Earth?
“You see, we know the history of your world well. The conception of
‘We are our brother’s keeper’ applies to all mankind everywhere. It is in this role
that we come to you and say, ‘Let the Supreme Being of the Universe be the guiding word
for your world that your troubles may vanish as darkness before light.’
“What would man be without the breath of life? And who giveth unto him? Is it not to be found
everywhere for the benefit of all? Then let Earthly man know that his God is not in some
far distant place, but ever near in all manifestations, and within Man himself.”
Orthon ceased speaking and for a moment I sat with bowed head thinking
of his words. Slowly, I became aware of a warmth that seemed to be entering into my
spirit. Looking up, I saw from the faces of those around me that what I felt was a
benediction that flowed from all of them toward me.
Then the Master rose and approached me. As I stood, so did the others.
“My son,” he said, looking deeply into my eyes, “much of what our
brother has been saying to you is in conflict with many things your people have been
taught to believe as truth. This, in itself, is of no importance, since that which was
learned yesterday serves only as a stepping stone toward the greater truth we can learn
tomorrow. That is the law of progress. Once on the right path, it cannot be otherwise. it
is essential always that men work and strive together with open minds, ever aware that all
is never known. There is an infallible guide in determining whether the path is a right
one. That is very simple. If the results of your thoughts and actions are evil, then the
path you are following leads away from the light of His countenance. If good things follow
along the way you go, then your lives, and the lives of your children and of their
children, will be joyous. Blessings, unbroken by sickness and strife, will be your eternal
He touched my hand in farewell and left the room in a silence vibrant
with the words he had spoken.
I looked long into the faces of my many friends, imprinting each on my
memory. There were no spoken farewells, but each raised a hand, and I raised mine. Then,
I allowed Orthon to lead me along the ways of the carrier back to the little Scout.
Both Firkon and Ramu accompanied me on the drive back to the city. We
did not talk.
When we were back at the Hotel and the time had come for me to take
leave of these dear friends, a feeling of tremendous poignancy engulfed me. We exchanged
handclasps and Ramu said softly, “The blessing of the Infinite One go with you."
I left them then, and went on up to my lonely room.
George Adamski
Flying Saucers Have Landed (Adamski's first meeting with a Space Brother)
…When we reached Desert Center, there to the right was the road for which we were looking, the highway leading to Parker, Arizona…
The Baileys had brought a movie camera, which they had rented and with which they were not too familiar, and some extra film. The Williamsons had a still camera...
Suddenly and simultaneously we all turned as one, looking again toward the closest mountain ridge where just a few minutes after a plane had crossed. Riding high, and without sound, there was a gigantic cigar-shaped silvery ship, without wings or appendages of any kind. Slowly, almost as if it was drifting, it came in our direction; then seemed to stop, hovering motionless….
I said, “Someone take me down the road in the car – quick! That ship has come looking for me, and I don't want to keep them waiting! Maybe the saucer is already up there somewhere – afraid to come down here where too many people would see them…”
Faced with the fact that if there were a landing at this time, and if I were permitted a personal contact with the crew that landed, there was also a possibility that I, too, might be privileged to take a trip somewhere with them, even to the place wherever 'they” came. Consequently, I wanted to be sure that those with me should witness my going.
That was why I had cautioned all of my companions to watch very carefully to see whatever it might be possible for them to see at the distance they were from me. This distance was something between half a mile and a mile.
Asked how long they should wait before returning for me, yet to be sure their presence would not interrupt anything that might be going on, I told Lucy to return for me in an hour, unless I signalled for them before that time. I explained that when the saucer left, if one did come in as I was hoping, I would walk to the highway and wave my hat. But in all cases, to return at the end of an hour because I was certain everything would be finished by that time. .
As the car was turned to obey my instructions, the big space ship turned its nose in the opposite direction. Silently, but quickly, it crossed above the crest of the mountains and was lost to my sight, but not before a number of our planes roared overhead in an apparent effort to circle this gigantic stranger.
Al and Lucy were able to keep it in sight longer than I because on the highway they were farther from the mountains. Not until they had joined the others did it disappear from their sight as it turned its nose upward and shot out into space, leaving our planes circling – with nothing.
Alone with my telescope and my thoughts, I busied myself attaching the camera to the telescope and making adjustments with the eyepiece. This adjustment had become slightly distorted in the moving and setting up. All the time thoughts kept racing through my mind, possibilities of what could take place; fears that nothing would; wondering if the big ship would return, or if the planes had chased it away for good; if a strange craft did come close, would I get the kind of picture I wanted - one which would be convincing beyond all question to the general public - and a thousand other thoughts along this same line.
And while I had long hoped for a personal contact with a man from a flying saucer, expectation that such would actually take place at this time was far from my mind. I was hoping for a good picture, a possible closeup of some space craft that would show more detail than I had ever before succeeded in getting. But from previous experiences, I would not have been too disappointed if nothing further had occurred.
Not more than five minutes had elapsed after the car had left me when my attention was attracted by a flash in the sky and almost instantly a beautiful small craft appeared to be drifting through a saddle between two of the mountain peaks and settling silently into one of the coves about half a mile from me. It did not lower itself entirely below the crest of the mountain. Only the lower portion settled below the crest, while the upper, or dome section, remained above the crest and in full sight of the rest of my party who were back there watching. Yet it was in such a position that I could see the entire ship as it hovered in the cove ahead of me. At the same time, many miles of the highway and surrounding terrain were in full view of the crew within the saucer.
Quickly I spotted it in the finder on my telescope, and as rapidly as possible I snapped the seven loaded films, without taking time to focus through the ground glass in the back of the camera. But I was hoping and praying all of the time that Lady Luck was with me and that the pictures would turn out well.
As I removed each film holder with its exposed negative from the camera - an old Hagee-Dresden Grafles type - put it in the right-hand pocket of the jacket I was wearing. Here, I was sure, these films would be safe from any accident.
I took the camera off and replaced it in the box in which I had brought it. I then decided to see what I could get with the Brownie. As I snapped the first picture I noticed the saucer flash brightly as it moved away and disappeared over the same saddle through which it had first come, just as a couple more of our planes roared overhead.
I stood watching them as they circled a couple of times and then continued on their way. I was sure the saucer had again evaded them and was on its way to its Mother Ship.
Then I decided to take a couple more pictures with the Brownie just to show the general terrain in this section in case my space craft pictures turned out well. I still questioned whether or not they would. But this is always the case and I never know until the finishing work is completed. I have never grown to the state of complete assurance of having a good picture, as expert photographers usually have when they take one.
After taking three pictures with the Brownie, I just stood there for a few minutes looking around and with the Kodak still in my hand. I was somewhat awed by being so close to a saucer and I wondered if whatever or whoever was in it knew I was photographing it. I had a feeling that they did. I only wished I could have seen the one who was operating that beautiful craft and could have had a chance to talk to him. . . . Maybe he would let me look inside.
Suddenly my reverie was broken as my attention was called to a man standing at the entrance of a ravine between two low hills, about a quarter of a mile away. He was motioning to me to come to him, and I wondered who he was and where he had come from. I was sure he had not been there before. Nor had he walked past me from the road. He could not have come from the side of the mountains on which we were. And I wondered how he had crossed over and descended any part of them without me having noticed him.
A prospector perhaps? Or someone living among these mountains? I had thought no one would be within miles of this spot when I chose it. Or could he be a rock hound, stranded way out here? But why was he motioning to me unless he needed help? So I started toward him, mentally questioning in a minor way, but still feeling the exaltation of my recent experience.
As I approached him a strange feeling came upon me and I became cautious. At the same time I looked round to reassure myself that we were both in full sight of my companions. Outwardly there was no reason for this feeling, for the man looked like any other man, and I could see he was somewhat smaller than I and considerably younger. There were only two outstanding differences that I noticed as I neared him.
1. His trousers were not like mine. They were in style, much like ski trousers and with a passing thought I wondered why he wore such out here on the desert.
Although I did not understand the strange feeling that persisted, it was however a friendly feeling toward the smiling young man standing there waiting for me to reach him. And I continued walking toward him without the slightest fear.
Suddenly, as though a veil was removed from my mind, the feeling of caution left me so completely that I was no longer aware of my friends or whether they were observing me as they had been told to do. By this time we were quite close. He took four steps toward me, bringing us within arm's length of each other.
Now, for the first time I fully realised that I was in the presence of a man from space - A HUMAN BEING FROM ANOTHER WORLD! I had not seen his ship as I was walking toward him, nor did I look around for it now. I did not even think of his ship, and I was so stunned by this sudden realisation that I was speechless. My mind seemed to temporarily stop functioning.
The beauty of his form surpassed anything I had ever seen. And the pleasantness of his face freed me of all thought of my personal self.
I felt like a little child in the presence of one with great wisdom and much love, and I became very humble within myself. . . for from him was radiating a feeling of infinite understanding and kindness, with supreme humility. .
To break this spell that had so overtaken me -and I am sure he recognised it for what it was - he extended his hand in a gesture toward shaking hands.
I responded in our customary manner.
But he rejected this with a smile and a slight shake of his head. Instead of grasping hands as we on Earth do, he placed the palm of his hand against the palm of my hand, just touching it but not too firmly. I took this to be the sign of friendship. .
The flesh of his hand to the touch of mine was like a baby's, very delicate in texture, but firm and warm. His hands were slender, with long tapering fingers like the beautiful hands of an artistic woman. In fact, in different clothing he could easily have passed for an unusually beautiful woman; yet he definitely was a man.
He was about five feet, six inches in height and weighed - according to our standards - about 135 pounds. And I would estimate him to be about 28 years of age, although he could have been much older.
He was round faced with an extremely high forehead; large, but calm, grey-green eyes, slightly aslant at the outer corners; with slightly higher cheek bones than an Occidental, but not so high as an Indian or an Oriental; a finely chiselled nose, not conspicuously large; and an average size mouth with beautiful white teeth that shone when he smiled or spoke.
As nearly as I can describe his skin the coloring would be an even, medium-colored suntan. And it did not look to me as though he had ever had to shave, for there was no more hair on his face than on a child's.
His hair was sandy in color and hung in beautiful waves to his shoulders, glistening more beautifully than any woman's I have ever seen. And I remember passing thought of how Earth women would enjoy having such beautiful hair as this man had. As I said before, he wore no protection over it and it was being blown by the winds.
His clothing was a one-piece garment which I had a feeling was a uniform worn by space men as they travel, like Earth men in various types of work wear uniforms to indicate their occupations.
Its color was chocolate brown and it was made with a rather full blouse, close-fitting high collar much like a turtle neck, only it did not turn down. The sleeves were long, slightly full and similar to a Raglan sleeve, with close-fitting bands around the wrists.
A band about eight inches in width circled his waist. And the only break in coloring of the entire garment was a strip about an inch and a half in width at the top and bottom of this waistband. This was brighter and more of a golden brown.
The trousers were rather full and held in at the ankles with bands like those on the sleeves at the wrists, in style much like a ski pant.
Actually it is very difficult to describe this garment in coloring for I know of no descriptive word in our language that would suit it perfectly.
It was definitely a woven material, very fine, and the weave was different from any of our materials. There was a sheen about the whole garment, but I could not tell whether or not this was due to a finishing process or whether it might be the kind of substance of which its thread was made. It was not like our satin, silk, or rayon, for it had more of a radiance than a sheen.
I saw no zippers, buttons, buckles, fasteners or pockets of any kind, nor did I notice seams as our garments show. It is still a mystery to me how his garment was made.
He wore no ring, watch, or other ornament of any kind. And I saw nothing to indicate, nor did I have a feeling, that he had a weapon of any kind on his person.
His shoes were red-brown in color. They too were made of some apparently woven material but different from his suit because these looked much like leather. It was soft and flexible because I could see the movement of his feet within them as we stood talking. '
High like a man's oxford shoe, they fitted closely around his feet, which I would say were about size 9 or 9-and-a-half. However, the opening was on the outer side about half way back on the heel between the arch and the back of the heel. Two narrow straps were here, but I saw no buckles or fasteners, and I reasoned that these straps must have the quality of stretching similar to the woven inserts in some women's shoes.
The heels were slightly lower than on Earth men's shoes, and the toes were blunt. I noticed his shoes particularly because during our conversation he made it very plain to me that his shoeprints were most important. But more about that later.
Suddenly realising that time was passing and I was getting no information by just looking at him, I asked him where he came from.
He did not seem to understand my words, so I asked him again.
But his only response was a slight shake of the head and an almost apologetic expression on his face, which indicated to me that he was not understanding either my words or the meaning behind them.
I am a firm believer that people who desire to convey messages to one another can do so, even though they neither speak nor understand the other's language. This can be done through feelings, signs, and above all, by means of telepathy. I had been teaching this as fact for 30 years and now I concluded I would have to use this method if information of any kind was to pass between us. And there were a lot of things I wanted to know, if I could only think of them.
So, to convey the meaning of my first question to him, I began forming, to the best of my ability, a picture of a planet in my mind. At the same time I pointed to the sun, high in the sky.
He understood this, and his expression so indicated.
Then I circled the sun with my finger, indicating the orbit of the planet closest to the sun, and said, 'Mercury'. I circled it again for the second orbit, and said, 'Venus'. The third circle I spoke, 'Earth,' and indicated the earth upon which we were standing.
I repeated this procedure a second time, all the while keeping as clear a picture of a planet in my mind as I was able to perceive, and this time pointing to myself as belonging to the Earth. Then I indicated him, with a question in my eyes and my mind.
Now he understood perfectly, and smiling broadly he pointed to the sun; made one orbit, made the second, then touching himself with his left hand, he gestured several times with his right index finger toward the second orbit.
I took this to mean that the second planet was his home, so I asked, 'You mean you came from Venus?'
This was the third time I had spoken the word 'Venus' in relation to the second planet, and he nodded his head in the affirmative. Then he, too, spoke the word 'Venus.'
His voice was slightly higher pitched than an adult man's. Its tonal quality was more that of a young man before his voice completes the change from childhood to maturity. And although he had spoken but one word, there was music in his voice and I wanted to hear more of it.
Next I asked, 'Why are you coming to Earth?'
This question too was accompanied with gestures and facial expressions as well as mental pictures, as were all the questions I asked of him. I repeated each question at least twice to be sure that he understood the meaning of the words I was speaking. The expressions of his face and his eyes told me clearly when he understood, or when there was still any uncertainty in his mind as to what I was trying to ask. I also repeated the answers he gave me to be sure that I was understanding him correctly.
He made me understand that their coming was friendly. Also, as he gestured, that they were concerned with radiations going out from Earth. '
This I got clearly since there was a considerable amount of radiation of heat waves rising from the desert, as is often the case. Such as the waves that are often seen rising from pavements, and highways on hot days.
He pointed to them and then gestured through space.
I asked if this concern was due to the explosions of our bombs with their resultant vast radio-active clouds?
He understood this readily and nodded his head in the affirmative.
My next question was whether this was dangerous, and I pictured in my mind a scene of destruction.
To this, too, he nodded his head in the affirmative, but on his face there was no trace of resentment or judgment. His expression was one of understanding, and great compassion; as one would have toward a much loved child who had erred through ignorance and lack of understanding. This feeling appeared to remain with him during the rest of my questions on this subject.
I wanted to know if this was affecting outer space?
Again a nod of affirmation.
In this respect let me say here, it has long been known by scientists of Earth that the cosmic ray, as it is called, is more powerful in outer space than it is in the Earth's atmosphere. And if this be true, is it not just as logical to assume that the radioactive force from the bombs being tested by nations of Earth could also become more powerful in space, once leaving the Earth's atmosphere? Logical deduction supports the statement of this space man,
But I persisted and wanted to know if it was dangerous to us on Earth as well as affecting things in space?
He made me understand-by gesturing with his hands to indicate cloud formations from explosions - that after too many such explosions. Yes! His affirmative nod of the head was very positive and he even spoke the word 'Yes' in this instance. The cloud formations were easy to imply with the movement of his hands and arms, but to express the explosions he said, 'Boom! Boom!'. Then, further to explain himself, he touched me, then a little weed growing close by, and next pointed to the Earth itself, and with a wide sweep of his hands and other gestures that too many 'Booms I' would destroy all of this,
This seemed sufficiently clear, so I changed the subject and asked him if he had come directly from Venus in the ship I had photographed?
Here he turned around and pointed up behind the nearby low hill.
There, hovering just above the Earth, was the saucer I had seen earlier and thought had left, I had been so engrossed in the man that I had failed to look beyond him into the recesses of the cove to where the small craft had apparently returned and remained hovering all this time.
He was amused at my surprise and laughed a most hearty laugh. But I didn't feel that he was laughing at me, and consequently I felt no embarrassment.
I laughed with him, and then asked if he had come directly from Venus to Earth in that?
He shook his head in the negative and made me understand that this craft had been brought into Earth's atmosphere in a larger ship.
Recalling to mind the large ship we had first seen, I asked if that was the one?
A nod of affirmation was his reply.
Now in my mind's picture I put a number of smaller craft - like this one at which I was looking - inside the big ship. I could tell by his expression that he was receiving my mental pictures, and I compared this big craft with our own naval plane carriers.
A nod of his head told me this was right. .
So I asked if the large craft might be called a 'Mother' ship? He seemed to understand the word 'mother' for now his nod of affirmation was accompanied by an understanding smile.
Next I asked if our ships which had appeared around the 'Mother' ship, and those that came down close and observed me
as I was photographing his smaller craft had bothered them any?
To this he answered 'yes' with a nod of his head.
Then I asked, 'How does your ship operate? By what power?'
Although he was very expert in mental telepathy, I had some difficulty in getting a picture of this question in my mind. Even though I gestured with my hands as well as I could, it took me several minutes before I succeeded in getting him to understand the meaning of my question. But I did finally succeed.
He made me understand that it was being operated by the law of attraction and repulsion, by picking up a little pebble or rock and dropping it; then picking it up again and then showing motion.
I in turn, to make sure I understood, picked up two pebbles and placed them close to each other as though one was magnetic, pulling on the other, illustrating it that way as I spoke the word 'magnetic'. After a short time of doing this, he answered me; even repeating the word 'magnetic' which I had already spoken a number of times.
Then he replied 'yes'.
Here I remembered about the little disks that had so often been reported. This was easy, for I indicated with my hands a small circle, then I pointed to his hovering craft and to him, while in my mind I was wondering if these little disks were piloted.
He quickly understood and shook his head in the negative. Then also making a small circle with his two hands, he raised it to his eyes and then pointed to his ship, followed by a gesture toward space, and I received his thought of the big ship.
I understood this to mean that the little disks so often reported sighted were really eyes of larger craft - either the saucers or the mother ships - remotely controlled and not piloted. As I reviewed this in my mind, he assured me I was right.
Then in my mind I saw an explosion in space with a bright flash.
As this picture formed in my mind, he laughed and made me understand that in such cases something had gone wrong with the little disks so they could not be brought back to the ship that had sent them out. Then the control had caused a crosscurrent, or short circuit, to take place. And an explosion resulted. But he assured me that this was always done out far enough so that there was no danger to men on Earth.
Suddenly the thought came to me to ask if he believed in God?
This he did not understand, for he was not familiar with the word 'God'. But I finally succeeded in getting the thought in my mind - he was watching me closely - of creating something, and then with the motion of my hand, symbolising the vast sky, the earth, and all, and speaking the words 'Creator of All'.
After a few repetitions of this he understood my thoughts, for I am sure my gestures were not too good.
And he said, 'yes'.
I realised fully that he naturally wouldn't understand our names for things and to him God probably would be represented
by some other word or name.
But he made me understand, by elaborating a little longer with his gestures and mental pictures, that we on Earth really know very little about this Creator. In other words, our understanding is shallow. Theirs is much broader, and they adhere to the Laws of the Creator instead of laws of materialism as Earth men do. Pointing to himself, then up into space - which I understood meant the planet on which he lived - he conveyed the thought to me that there they live according to the Will Of the Creator, not by their own personal will, as we do here on Earth. .
I then asked if there were any more landings forthcoming like this one.
He answered me, saying there had been many landings before, and there will be many more.
Are space people coming only from Venus? Or are there other planets or systems from which they come? I asked, and here again I had a little difficulty in conveying my thoughts. But I finally succeeded. .
To this he made me understand that people are coming Earthwards from other planets in our system, and from planets of other systems beyond ours.
I had suspected this for a long time, so his reply was no surprise to me. But now I wanted to know, “Is space travelling a common practice with the people of other worlds? And is it easy?”
He spoke the word 'yes' in answer to both of these questions.
I remembered reports of men being found dead in some saucers that have been found on Earth-saucers that had apparently crashed. So I asked if any of their men had ever died on coming to Earth?
He nodded his head in the affirmative, and made me understand that things had on occasion gone wrong within their ships.
I could understand this because I knew that both the big ship we had all seen first and the smaller one I had photographed were mechanical craft. And things can go wrong with any mechanical device.
But I wasn't satisfied. I had a feeling that he was trying to save my feelings, but I wanted the whole truth. So I persisted, and asked whether men of this world had been responsible for any of these deaths?
His reply to this was 'yes', and by holding up his hands several times, as well as with other gestures, he tried to tell me how many.
But I could not get the numbers. I could not be sure whether he was indicating actual numbers, or whether his indications should be multiplied by tens or hundreds, or by what number according to our method of counting.
Remembering a question that had often been asked of me by people with whom I had talked, I asked why they never land in populated places?
To this he made me understand that there would be a tremendous amount of fear on the part of the people, and probably the visitors would be torn to pieces by the Earth people, if such public landings were attempted.
I understood how right he was, and within my mind wondered if there ever would be a time when such a landing would be safe. I was wondering, too, if such a time ever arrived, would they then attempt public landings.
He read my thoughts as they were passing through my mind, and assured me that such a time would arrive. And when it did, they would make landings in populated territories. But he made me understand clearly that it would not be soon.
In the beginning of our conversation, when I realised that I would have to use my hands for gestures to get this man from Venus to understand my questions, I had set my Kodak camera on the ground. Now I picked it up and asked him if I could take 'a picture of him?
I am sure that he understood my desire, since he was so good at reading my mind. Also I am positive that he knew I would do him no harm because he showed no signs of fear when I picked up the Kodak. Nevertheless, he did object to having his picture taken, and I did not insist.
I have heard many times that men from other worlds are walking the streets of Earth. And if this be true, I could easily understand his desire not to be photographed, because there were a few distinguishing points about his facial features. Normally these would not be noticed. But in a photograph they would be conspicuous and serve as points of identification for his brothers who have come to Earth. However, I respected his desires and felt it unwise to question further on this subject.
But I did ask him if any Earth people had been taken away in space craft.
He smiled broadly, and in a half-way manner nodded his head in the affirmative, although I felt that he was not too willing to give that information.
One more question persisted - that of a particular case I knew.
He answered this question for me, but warned me not to mention it further. In fact, I might add right here that he told me a number of things telepathically which I must not reveal at this time.
So, changing the subject again, I asked how many other planets are inhabited?
He indicated that large numbers of them throughout the Universe are inhabited by Human beings like us.
Then more specifically, I inquired how many in our system?
He made a large circle with his hand and covered it with a sweeping motion, as if meaning that all of them were.
I wondered whether I understood him correctly, and he made me realise quite firmly that I did.
Naturally my next attempt was to learn if people everywhere are all of the same form as we on Earth.
His response to this question was emphatic, as if he knew exactly what he was talking about, and I understood clearly that the form is very much universal. He tried to explain further, but I could not understand too clearly whether they vary in size, coloring and flesh textures on various planets, or whether there is a mixture on each planet as on Earth. Logical analysis would indicate the likelihood of the latter.
Despite the conclusions of most 'orthodox' scientists it has always seemed to me a fallacy to believe that other planets are not the home of intelligent beings even as is our Earth.
All planets are apparently made out of similar substances. All revolve in the same space. Some are larger, some smaller than others, and all are in varying degrees of development - changing ceaselessly. This is true of all forms, whatever they are, wherever they be.
Reflecting telescopes will never give the full answer. For just as they reflect the light from a planet, they reflect also the particles moving in our atmosphere, and throughout space, and in the atmosphere surrounding the body they are studying.
Until finer devices are developed to filter out all the reflections from the countless moving particles everywhere present, a correct reading of any other body in space will be impossible with a reflecting telescope.
On the other hand, if and when the much-talked-of space platform becomes a reality, I believe actual facts about space will be revealed to our ever-searching scientists, and this will cause the reversal of many theories that today are accepted as facts.
Presence of space craft in our atmosphere, and personal contacts such as the one I have made, prove the old astronomical theories to be wrong. As completely wrong as man's sailing around the world proved, the ancient theory of the Earth being square to be incorrect.
Since there are people on other planets, I wanted to know if they die, as Earth men die?
He smiled, and remembered a question I had asked earlier, if any of his people had died in coming to Earth?
So to clear the subject for me, he pointed to his body and nodded in the affirmative - that bodies do die. But pointing to his head, which I assumed to mean his mind, or intelligence, he shook his head in negation; this does not die. And with a motion of his hand, he gave me the impression that this - the intelligence - goes on evolving. Then pointing to himself, he indicated that once he lived here on this Earth: then pointing up into space - but now he is living out there.
I tried to learn the time involved in this type of transition but did not succeed in getting an answer from him. I did receive an impression but cannot say definitely that it is correct since so many thoughts were going through my mind. I could have allowed a slight confusion to enter.
An awareness of time began pressing upon me and there were so many questions I still had not asked him. I was trying to remember them and decide which ones were most important.
One question I wanted very much to ask him was, 'Is the moon inhabited?' I believe it is, and that the people of other planets who indulge in inter-planetary travelling have bases there. My theory about other planets and the atmosphere surrounding them includes the moon.
But I forgot this one. Should I ever get another chance to talk with an inter-planetary traveller, I hope I remember to ask this question.
Nor did I ask him his name. But in a time like this, names and personalities are entirely forgotten. They mean so little and are very unimportant. Perhaps, if I should be privileged to meet him a number of times in the future I might remember to ask his name. Nor would I ask the name of any other inter-planetary traveller I should ever be permitted to contact, if it was in any way similar to this contact. In fact, I didn't even think of this point until someone later asked me about it.
He, too, must have received an impression that our visit was drawing to a close and that he must return to his waiting ship. For he kept pointing to his feet and talking in a language I surely had never before heard. It sounded like a mixture of Chinese with a tongue that I felt could have sounded like one of the ancient languages spoken here on Earth. I have no way of knowing this as fact. It was only my reaction as I listened, and his voice was indeed musical to listen to.
From his talk and his pointing to his feet, I felt there must be something very important there for me. And as he stepped to one side from the spot where he had been standing, I noticed strange markings from the print of his shoe left in the earth. He looked intently at me to see that I was understanding what he wanted me to do. And as I indicated that I did, and would comply, he stepped carefully on to another and another spot. Thus he made three sets of deep and distinct footmarkings. I believe his shoes must have been especially made for this trip and the markings heavily embossed on the soles to leave such deep imprints.
Then motioning for me to come with him, we turned and walked side-by-side toward the waiting ship.
It was a beautiful small craft, shaped more like a heavy glass bell than a saucer. Yet I could not see through it any more than one can see through the glass bricks that are popular in some of the newer office buildings and homes, which permit more light to enter than would solid walls.
It was translucent and of exquisite color.
As we approached it, I suddenly became aware of a shadowy form moving within the ship, but there were no definite outlines and I could not say whether it was a man or a woman.
However, that no mistake may be given here, let me say that I definitely do not believe this ship was made of glass such as we know it. It was a specially processed metal. Let me explain it in this way.
Carbon is a soft, opaque, elementary substance. Diamond is a clear, hard stone which radiates prismatic colors in the presence of light - and is almost indestructible. Yet basically a diamond is carbon. Through natural processes of heat and pressure, Nature has transmuted the soft carbon into the hard diamond.
Earth scientists are working with this same principle and are having success to a limited degree.
It is my belief that the men on other planets - more versed in universal laws - have learned and are using these laws for practical purposes. I believe they know how to bring their primary elements from the opaque stage to a translucent stage, yet practically indestructible in hardness, as is the diamond. And it was of such a material that this space craft was made.
And after being so close to one of their small craft as I was to this Scout Ship, it is my firm conviction that it is this quality that makes them so elusive to our eyes and even to cameras, yet showing them on radar screens which require a density of some kind to show up. For I am told by radar operators that lights alone, or light reflections on clouds, do not show on radar screens. Neither do clouds, with the exception of rain clouds and ionised clouds.
Also it is this translucent quality, along with the power they use, that makes them often appear as different colored lights without definite form.
The ship was hovering above the ground, about a foot or two at the far side from me, and very near to the bank of the hill. But the slope of the hill was such that the front, or that part of it closest to me, was a good six feet above the earth. The three-ball landing gear was half lowered below the edge of the flange that covered them, and I had a feeling this was a precautionary act just in case they had definitely to land. Some of the gusts of wind were pretty strong and caused the ship to wobble at times. When this took place, the sun reflecting on the surface of the ship caused beautiful prismatic rays of light to reflect out from it, as from a smoky diamond.
This was observed, too, by the six others who maintained a steady watch from a distance.
The splendor as it flashed its prismatic colors in the sunlight surpassed every idea I had ever had about space craft. A beautiful vision in actuality. The answer to many questions. A long-cherished hope realised …. for here before me, silent in the desert stillness and hovering as if poised for flight, this ship of unearthly construction awaited our approach!
The very realisation of the experience I was having overwhelmed me …. and I found myself speechless. No longer was I concerned with Earth alone. Rather, it was more like living in two worlds at the same time, and though I should live to be a hundred years of age, or more, I shall never forget the joy and the thrill of my first close approach to a Scout Ship from planet Venus - a sister to Earth.
Nearing the ship, I noticed a round ball at the very top that looked like a heavy lens of some kind. And it glowed. I wondered if this could be used as one end of a magnetic pole to draw their power from space as they were moving through it. In the photographs this ball looks like a large ring, and I have been asked if it was used to hold the smaller craft in place in the Mother ship. I doubt this, unless it is suspended in its place in the larger ship through the force of magnetism. This could easily be done.
The top of the craft was dome shaped, with a ring of gears or heavy coil built into and encircling the side-wall at the base of this domed top. This, too, glowed as though power was going through it.
There were round portholes in the side-wall, but not all the way round, because immediately above one of the balls of landing gear I noticed that the wall was solid. Whether this was true over the other two balls I cannot say because I did not walk around the ship. The covered portholes must have been made of a different quality or thickness of material for they were clear and transparent.
And once, for a fleeting second, I saw a beautiful face appear and look out. I felt that whoever was inside was looking for the one who was still out with me, but no word was spoken. The face disappeared so quickly that I caught only a glimpse of it, but I did notice that this person, too, had long hair like the man I had been talking with.
The lower outside portion of the saucer was made like a flange, very shiny yet not smooth as a single piece of metal would appear. It seemed to have layers of a fashion, but they couldn't be used as steps because they were in reverse to what steps should be. I have no idea of the reason for such construction, but it must have had a purpose.
I was absorbed in observing every detail of this strange and beautiful craft as we neared it, and I wondered just how they were managing to keep it in the hovering state as I saw it.
My space-man companion warned me not to get too close to it and he himself stopped a good foot away from it. But I must have stepped just a little closer than he, for as I turned to speak to him, my right shoulder came slightly under the outer edge of the flange and instantly my arm was jerked up, and almost at the same instant thrown back down against my body. The force was so strong that, although I could still move the arm, I had no feeling in it as I stepped clear of the ship.
My companion was quite distressed about this accident, but he had warned me and I alone was to blame. However, he did assure me that in time it would be all right. Three months later, his words have been proved true for feeling has returned and only an occasional shooting pain as of a deeply-bruised bone returns to remind me of the incident.
As I hurt my arm, the visitor tried to grab it to save it. In so doing he slightly grazed his own hand on the flange and drew blood – red blood like our own, which seems to discredit any idea that he may have had a different organic system to that of Earth men.
At the time I was not so concerned about my arm as I was about the exposed negatives still in the pocket of my jacket on that side. Immediately I reached in and removed them to put them in my other pocket.
As I held them in my hand, this visitor from Venus reached out and indicated that he would like one. Whether or not he realised that the power from his ship might have neutralised the film to a certain extent, I have no way of knowing.
However, at his request, I held the entire stack out to him and he took the top one. This he placed in the front of his blouse. but I still didn't see any opening or pocket of any kind.
As he did this, he made me understand that he would return the holder to me, but I did not understand how, when, or where.
I asked him if I could take a ride in his ship?
He shook his head.
Then I asked if I could just go inside to see what it looked like in there.
But, smiling very cordially, he made me understand that would be impossible at this time for he must be going.
I was a little disappointed, but at the same time it gave me hope that there would be another time and another opportunity.
Since I was not permitted inside the ship I cannot answer all the questions I have been asked about its construction, air conditioning, etc. However, it is my theory that they have solved their space-craft construction problems as we have learned to build submarines for underwater travel. I believe space problems and water problems are very similar in respect to travelling through them. Both are fluid. Water is but gases in liquid form. Space is composed of gases in free state.
With a few graceful steps he reached the bank at the back of the ship and stepped up on to the flange. At least that is the way it looked to me. Where the entrance was, or how he went into ship, I do not know for sure, but as it silently rose and moved away, it turned a little and I saw a small opening about the center of the flange being closed by what looked like a sliding door.
Also I heard the two occupants talking together, and their voices were as music, but their words I could not understand.
As the ship started moving, I noticed two rings under the flange and a third around the centre disk. This inner ring and
the outer one appeared to be revolving clockwise, while the ring between these two moved in a counter clockwise motion.
As I stood in this mountainous recess - a solitary man watching the beautiful Scout Ship glide silently over the crest of the mountains and disappear into space - I felt that a part of me was going with it. For, strange as it may sound, the presence of this inhabitant of Venus was like the warm embrace of great love and understanding wisdom, and with his departure I felt an absence of this warm embrace.
Born in Poland 17 April, 1891, George Adamski was not yet two years old when his parents emigrated to the United States and settled in Dunkirk, New York. The background of his boyhood was much the same as that of any child of an immigrant family, with one important difference. His parents possessed an unusual and deeply religious approach to the wonders of creation as manifested in the many aspects of nature. Therefore, although the boy's formal school was of short duration, a vital part of his education' continued through private instruction. Young George grew into adulthood with wonder and reverence toward all phases of nature. .
In such a world, the boy felt, it should be easy for people to live in harmony. Very early he began to search for the reason why they seemed unable to do so. Very early he began to realize that while the ephemeral laws laid down by men were dictated by geography, changing needs and traditions, sometimes by little more than the special interests of those in power, nature's laws were immutable. It seemed to him that the lessons to be found in the pages of history had not been learned. It seemed to him that the peoples of this Earth, individually and collectively, were still walking in old ruts that could lead only to repetition of the same old disasters. It was an absorbing' subject to the young Adamski. He knew that, whatever the limitations that surrounded him, to learn all that he could about it would be the enduring quest of his life. With what knowledge he might gain, he hoped to serve his fellow man in some small way.
Fortunatdy, it did not occur to the boy to harbor any bitterness toward the circumstances which left his parents unable to pay for the kind of education his ambition and keen mind warranted. On the contrary, he voluntarily sought work to help defray the cost of an enlarging family. The university of the world was his, exciting lessons to be learned wherever and with whomsoever he found himself.
In 1913 Adamski enlisted in the Army, where he served in the 13th Cavalry on the Mexican border, receiving an honourable discharge in 1919. Meanwhile, on Christmas Day in 1917 he was married to Mary A. Shimbersky.
Adamski's five years in the Army served but to strengthen his longing to grow in understanding and wisdom that he might be of service to his fellow man. But realizing that the student was not yet equipped to be the teacher, for many years he travelled around the nation, earning his living at any job that offered. It was a good way to study the problems and frustrations from which no man is free. His was no grimly pursued mission, nor was it in his nature to mount a soap box. The blend of patience, compassion and gaiety, so marked in the mature Adamski, must even then have been the qualities which attracted the confidences of his fellow workers.
It was not until he was nearly forty that Adamski called a halt to wandering and settled down at Laguna Beach in California. This was his first real home and here, through the nineteen thirties, he devoted full time to teaching the UniversalLlaws. His students soon numbered into the hundreds, he found himself in demand for lectures throughout Southern California and his talks were broadcast over, radio stations KFOX in Long Beach and KMPC in Los Angeles.
One of his students presented him with a six-inch Newtonian reflecting telescope and Adamski spent much time studying the heavens. He and his students took innumerable photographs with homemade attachments. It was during this period that Adamski got his first photograph of a space craft, although at the time he did not know what it was. The photograph was submitted to several astronomers. None could identify it. The object was too far out in space for details to show up. A number of guesses were made which no one considered satisfactory.
In 1940, foreseeing war in the offing, Adamski and a few of his students whose circumstances permitted moved from. Laguna Beach to a settlement along the route to Palomar Mountain called Valley Center. Here they labored diligently on establishing a small farming project which they hoped would make them self-sustaining for the duration. When America entered the war, Adamski served his locality as an air-raid warden.
In 1944 the Valley Centre Ranch was sold. Adamski and the small group who had remained with him during the war years moved to the southern slopes of Mt. Palomar, six miles below the crest of that mountain and eleven miles from the site of the world's largest telescope, at that time uncompleted. Here they cleared virgin land and built simple living quarters. Here also they raised a small building to serve as a cafe for passers-by, owned and operated by Mrs. Alice K. Wells, one of Adamski's students. Each member of the group shared in the manual labour that went into this effort, and since heavy restrictions were still in effect regarding materials, anything available had to serve.
Adamski bought a I5-inch telescope and a small observatory was erected to house this, designed in a way which enabled him to study the skies for hours on end, protected from inclement weather. The smaller 6-inch telescope was mounted out in the open. In this way, Adamski was able to continue his studies of the skies. Many visitors were interested and with these he gladly discussed his findings.
During the meteoric shower of 1946 Adamski and a number of friends watching with him witnessed a dramatic event, unrecognized for what it was at the time. They observed a large cigar-shaped Craft hanging motionless in the skies at comparatively close range. A completely strange object to all, none guessed its true origin. Although Adamski had long discussed the probability of Human life on other planets, he still held the opinion that distances between even our closest heavenly neighbors were far too great for any physical interplanetary travel. Only in the following year (1947) came proof that he was mistaken. With his wife and a few associates, for more than an hour Adamski watched a formation of unearthly craft moving without sound in orderly single file across the heavens from East to West.
Since this same display had been witnessed by other groups in different localities, during the following weeks many persons came to Adamski to check their personal observations. Not one could believe that the awesome spectacle could be accounted for by any craft as yet made on our Earth.
Adamski's further experiences and first encounter with a Space Brother are given to the public in the book “Flying Saucers Have Landed”, co-authored with Desmond Leslie. His subsequent visits up to the Mother ships in space are recounted in “Inside the Space Ships". In his final book, “Flying Saucers Farewell", he seeks to present a philosophy for a Space Age, along with giving an insight into the lives and beliefs of the Space men. He describes many aspects of the civilization that exists on Venus and, following evidence that the Earth was host to visitors from other planets even in Biblical times.
Charlotte Blodget