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Om UFO-konspirasjonen - informasjon gjeldende den amr.regjerings tildekning av utenomjordisk aktivitet på jorden - ifølge Milton William Cooper
Samlet av David E. Stewart,1301 W. 24th St. Apt. M20,Lawrence, KS 66046
UFO - The Secret Government and the ufo-connection-video >> this in mp3
MORE to read on this from Cooper himself
Milton William Coopers tale
bilde av den pensjonerte Cooper(1943-2001) med sin hund - tatt like før han ble DREPT i 2001 fordi han FORTALTE FOR MYE - husk at han gikk ut med dette allerede på 80tallet - altså før internett ble aktivert.
for de som vil lese scannede hemmelige dokumenter om dette fra ca 1953 - klikk her, (klikk på hver side for å forstørre dem for å bedre lesbarheten) og ellers; Cooper's egen bok i pdf - kan den lastes ned her - kan lastes via høyreklikk og lagre som og merk at denne lydbok også er på youtube i lyd og tekst (engl) på linker her
Det som følger er en oversatt avskriving av en 45min.tale som ble holdt November 17, 1989, ved "Whole Life Expo" i Los Angeles, Calif.
Hans tale ble nedskrevet ord for ord fra en diktafon eller båndopptaker.
"For de som ikke vet hvem jeg er - jeg ble født/oppdratt i en militær familie. Min familie, min slekt, har siden de kom til dette land vært tro mot styresmaktene (have been government people).Vi har arbeidet i det militære, vi har vært patrioter, vi har kjempet i alle kriger - vi bryr oss om dette landet og vi tror på grunnloven til de forente stater.
Vi vet, i motsetning til mange, at Grunnloven til United States of America ER the United States of America! Og det er derfor vi har vært klar til å gjøre alle nødvendige ting for å opprettholde og beskytte den.
"Da jeg dro hjemmefra, gikk jeg inn i Air Force, the Strategic Air Command. Som barn hadde jeg alltid hørt historier av min far og fra piloter - altså andre piloter, ettersom min far også var pilot - om Foo Fighters, UFOs, merkelige fartøyer som ikke var lagd her på denne jorden. Og som barn hører du det "bakgrunnen" som du kniser av og går ut å leker rommann, hvorpå du glemmer det.
"Da jeg tjente i luftforsvaret, møtte jeg folk som hadde deltatt i å berge styrtede fremmede fartøyer. Dette opptok meg, det interesserte meg, men det var vanligvis først etter et par ølflasker at disse historier kom fram, og iblant husket jeg ikke neste morgen (alt)hva som var fortalt.
"Da jeg forlot luftforsvaret, gikk jeg inn i marinen/Navy, og det var der alt begynte å skje for meg. Jeg hadde opprinnelig bare tenkt å gå fra tjeneste til tjeneste, og bare gjøre noe som de aller færreste gjør. Jeg var en meget eventyrlysten, "gal" ung mann, og tenkte det ville bli et spennende liv. Jeg meldte meg frivillig for ubåter, og mens jeg tjente på ubåten USS Tyroot, SS-416, på en overgang fra Portland/Seattle og Pearl Harbor, som var vår hjemmehavn - tjente da som havne-utkikkspost - så jeg et fartøy, tallerkenformet, med størrelse som et middels hangarskip. Og for de av dere som ikke vet hvor stort DET er - DET DER STORT. Dette fartøy kom opp fra vannet omtrent 2,5 nautisk mil utenfor havnen og ca. 45gr til venstre. Den roterte sakte om sin egen akse, og dro rett opp i skyene. Den så ut til å bevege seg sakte for meg på distansen på 2,5nautiske mil/ca.4km, men i virkeligheten gikk den ganske raskt, for den kom opp, gjorde noen få rotasjoner og - borte.
Jeg rapporterte det til offiseren på dekk. Jeg ba han være med å holde utkikk. Etter få sekunder kom det samme fartøy - eller et lignende fartøy - ut av skyene, igjen roterende rundt sin akse, og gikk ned i vannet.
Ensign Ball, som var dekksoffiser var sjokkert, bokstavelig talt.
Hva skulle jeg si? Dejeralimo, sjømannen på styrbord side, hadde også sett dette, og Ensign Ball kalte på kapteinen til broa, og han ble fulgt av sjefs-kvartermesteren, som hadde med seg et 35mm kamera. Og vi observerte det mellom 7og 10minutter -det samme fartøy, eller et lignende som så helt lik ut - komme og gå ut/ned i vannet. Det var et utrolig syn.
art-picture from a case where the ufo"darkend" the hangarship - el.power-quit
Jeg vet ikke om de viste vi var der eller om de brydde seg, men skipet glødet ikke, det var av metall, de var uten tvil maskiner som var styrt intelligent, og de var store. Jeg som har vært i luftforsvaret og marinen vet hva det vil si (å se)- at den maskinen ikke var laget på denne jord. Fordi det er intet som mennesket (her)kan gjøre, noe som kan fly med slike hastigheter og snurre rundt sin egen akse, og kunne fly under vannet.
"Om du noensinne har vært ombord på et fly og så gått ombord i en ubåt - og jeg vet det er noen her som har vært i en ubåt - så kan du lett se hvor vanskelig dette ville være, å teknisk lage noe slikt. Hvor skulle noe slikt av den størrelsen bygges? (hangarskip=ca.200m+ langt - rø)
Det var totalt utrolig. Det forandret mitt liv, fordi jeg derfra viste at historiene jeg hadde hørt hele livet var sanne, og jeg begynte å se verden i et nytt lys.
Det var ikke så lenge etter dette at jeg ble trent av "Naval security" i intelligentsia, at jeg ble sendt til Vietnam. Jeg påmønstret som kaptein på patruljeringsbåt - først i DaNang havnen - gitt et mannskap og en dyr patruljebåt. Min jobb var å samle overvåkningsmateriale fra folk som bodde rundt havna og fiskerne som var innom, og oppfølge sikkerheten for havna og shippingen der. Etter ca fem måneder, ble jeg sent nordover til konfliktsonen - til et sted kalt Qua Vieaf [uttalt] - ved Tacan-elven.
Vår base var ved elvemunningen. Vi var bare tre miles/5km syd for den nord-vietnamesiske grense, og vår jobb var å patruljere elven fra elvemunningen og til Dang Ha (uttalt slik - muligvis annen skrivemåte) - og så opp til Quang Tree - og over tilQuang Tree byen- igjen for å lære folket der å kjenne, for å samle informasjon, og patruljere hver natt, og holde sikkerheten på elven og for trafikken der.
"Det var mens jeg var der at jeg oppdaget at det var en voldsom stor ufo- og utenomjordisk aktivitet i Vietnam. Det ble alltid rapportert i offisielle meldinger som "fiende helikoptre". Nå vet de av dere som kjenner til Vietnamkrigen, at nordvietnam ikke hadde noen helikoptre...
noe lenger ut:
"- da jeg forlot Vietnam, ble jeg tilknyttet "head-quarters staff of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet at Macalappa, [sp] Hawaii", som er en liten topp ovenfor Pearl Harbor, det er en vakker, hvit bygning, og jeg ble spesielt tilknyttet til "Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet".
"Det var under denne periode at jeg fikk tilgang til dokumenter som var så utrolige, at det tok meg en stund å venne meg til at det jeg så var virkelig. Nå - for de av dere som ikke forstår hvordan jeg fikk tilgang til denne informasjonen, skal jeg gi en liten innføring i sikkerhetsklareringer og "trenge å vite-klareringer", og hvordan du får tilgang til klassifisert informasjon, om du er i militæret eller i statsapparatet - det spiller ingen rolle - reglene er de samme.
Nr.1 - du trenger en sikkerhetsklarering, og du må ha klarering på det nivå som informasjonen som du vil se er klassifisert for.
I dette tilfelle var det klassifisert 'Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information,' som jeg senere fant ut er nasjonens høyeste sikkerhetsklarering. For å få denne type klarering, må du ha en bakgrunnsjekk fra "Federal Bueau of Investigation" - som tar ca 6 måneder, og de sender federale agenter til ditt hjem, til din gamle skole, til alle dine lærere, til dine venner, til alle som du skrev ned på skjemaet for klarering, til alle dine gamle adresser, dine naboer, alle som du har arbeidet for -- og det er pinlig, fordi de forteller ikke hvorfor de spør. De viser bare sitt "id-kort" og begynner å spørre. Og da finner du ut hvem som er dine venner og ikke --fordi mange blir skremt og spør seg og lurer på om 'Bill har robbet en bank og "det er best å ikke snakke med ham (mer)."
"Når du så har fått det som kalles "B.I." - og for de av dere som har fått en kopi av mine tjenestepapier - se på første siden, DD-214, hvor det står "sikkerhets klarering" og der vil du se benevnelsen "B.I."
Det er en klarering fra 'Bureau of Investigation'. Nå har du tilgang til alt inkludert Top Secret og over. Det som avgjør hva du får se er din "trenge å vite" (your need to know), og jobben du har bestemmer hva din "trenger å vite" er.
Jeg ble tildelt/klargjort for "the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet", som måtte vite alt gjeldende hans område av operasjoner, som var en halvdel av jordens overflate: det indiske hav, Stillehavet og alle landmasser mellom. Tro det eller ei - om vi gikk til krig, så er det "United States Navy" som retter de første slag og prøver å holde fienden i havn, mens vi kan samles (bekreftes av USAs angrep på Irak - der de gjorde nettopp dette-rø) Atomvåpnene har delvis forandret dette konseptet, men militærkommandører liker å snakke om det.
"P.g.a. av dette, og du ingen ide om mengden av informasjon som en område-kommandør må kjenne til- den er utrolig, og han må holde orden på dette - holde seg "på toppen". Han må vite hva som skjer - han må ta de rette avgjørelser. P.g.a. at det er nesten menneskelig umulig for noen å gjøre det, har de hva som kalles et orienterings-team, og det er vår jobb å sikre at han har de riktige informasjoner hele tiden - på en 24timers basis. Og hver morgen mellom 8 og 9, gav vi orientering som dekket alt som var planlagt å hende de neste 24timer,og alle de relevante etterretnings-rapporter som vi hadde mottatt siden siste orientering, som han trengte å kjenne, og som hans stabsmedlemmer trengte å kjenne.
"Iblant kunne vi få meldinger merket 'Top Secret, Magic, Restricted Information,' og det ville være kodet slik at alt var svar på spørsmål som du ikke kjente - så du viste ikke hva meldingen dreide seg om.
"Og omsider fikk jeg tilgang til dokumenter som dreide seg om "Project Grudge", et annet kalt 'Operation Majority.' Project Grudge inneholdt historien med utenomjordisk involvering siden ca.1936, og det begynte med å beskrive Tysklands engasjement med en krasjet "skive" som de hadde tatt inn i 1936, og forsøkte å kopiere teknologien til. De lyktes ikke, på tross av hva alle disse nazijegere forsøker å fortelle deg. Hadde de lyktes, ville vi ikke ha vunnet krigen, fordi du kan ikke slå disse våpener. Du kan ikke utmanøvrere disse fartøyer - du behøver ikke engang tenke på det med vanlige fly. Hadde Tyskland lykkes, ville vi nå hatt et tysk flagg her på scenen. Men de gjorde visse framskritt.
Da vi gikk inn i Punta Mundy [uttales slik- muligvis et område i tyskland -vet ikke hva som menes med det -rø]- så fikk vi tak i dokumenter, vi fikk tak i noen vitenskapsmenn, vi fikk noe konkret ("some hardware"). Russerne fikk også noen dokumenter, noen forskere, og noe maskinvarer.
alt tyder på at tyskerne under ww2 var iferd med å utvikle antigravitasjonsfartøyer - og det var disse prosjekter som "seierherrene" kastet seg over - og forsøkte/forsøker å videreutvikle i den største hemmelighet.
"Det var ikke før i 1947 at vi var istand til å "fange" et fartøy - et helt skip - ikke alt sammen, men det var det meste. Og det skjedde nær byer Roswell, New Mexico. Der var det døde utenomjordiske fra skipet. I PROJECT GRUDGE så jeg fotografier av disse døde, og av skipet, jeg så også bilder av levende "fremmede" -jeg så bilder av obduksjoner, indre organer, jeg så bilder av den utenomjordiske som ble kalt EB eller EBE, som ble holdt fanget fra 1949 til 2.juni 1952- da han døde.
det tok ikke lang tid fra crashene ble rapportert til det var avsperrede militære områder - der de fastboende ble truet til tauhet og det som værre var...
"Jeg så historien av hva de på den tiden hadde klart å sette sammen av biter - fra hendelser på 1800tallet, som involverte utenomjordiske, og deres skip.
"Jeg så prosjektenes navn. Jeg så et prosjekt som gikk ut på å fly gjenvunnede fremmede fartøyer som hadde blitt forsøkt reparert og andre var funnet intakte og uskadde. -Hvordan det hadde skjedd har jeg ingen ide om. Det prosjektet ble kalt 'Project Redlight,' og var først ledet fra Tonopah testplassen i NEVADA, men ble senere flyttet til et spesialbygget område etter ordre fra president Eisenhower, kalt 'Area-51,'kodenavn 'Dreamland,' i "Groom [sp] dry lake area of the Nevada test sight" - etter hemmelig utøvende ordre.
"Om du spør noen eller skriver brev til staten om det, vil de si deg at den ikke finnes. Men om du drar ut dit, vil du på flere steder se at den finnes noe der -men i henhold til militære finnes den ei.
"Prosjektet å fly, testfly disse fartøyer, pågikk til engang i 1962, da et skip eksploderte i lufta ikke langt fra testområdet, og eksplosjonen ble sett over et område dekkende tre stater. Pilotene ble drept - de hadde ingen ide hva som skjedde - hvorfor skipet eksploderte, men de la prosjektet på is inntil utenomjordiske tilførte oss tre skip og personell for å hjelpe oss å fly disse skip.
"Dette prosjektet går videre, og vi har nå ikke bare utenjordiske fartøyer som vi flyr, men vi skip vi har bygget ut fra "stjålet" teknologi - og noen av de ufo's som folk rapporterer å ha sett i USA og kanskje også ellers - blir fløyet av USpersonell.
"Dette kan komme som et sjokk for dere. Vi har teknologi som går langt utenfor det som vi blir fortalt. En mengde av vår tekniske utvikling siden andre verdenskrig har skjedd ut fra utvekslet teknologi fra 'Area-51' på en regulær basis ... som fortsatt pågår.
"Da James Oberth, Professor Oberth gikk av, mange av dere vet hvem han er....ikke for mange romfolk her inne. Professor Oberth var muligvis en av de største rakettforskerne og romreferent som har levd. Da han gikk av ga staten ham en særlig tilkjennelse - det var en pressekonferanse, seremonier, og da han kom opp for å tale sa han - sitat: "..vi kan ikke ta æren for all den tekniske utvikling som vi har fått i det siste tiår - vi har hatt hjelp" - og der stoppet han.
En av reporterne rakk opp hånden og sa: "Professor, kan du si oss hvilket annet land som hjalp oss?"
Han fikk svaret: "Det var disse små fyrene fra ute i rommet" og så gikk han ned og ville ikke si mer.
Dette skjedde i 1959. (...og hva her ikke skjedd siden da?!! rø) Jeg kan fortsette, men tiden tillater ikke det. Jeg kan si dere menn og kvinner her, at vi gjør raske fremskritt i å få dette fram i lyset. Siden jeg begynte å snakke om dette, har folk kommet fram "fra skogen" stadig raskere - men hvem vet og har alle bitene av dette puslespillet, og hjelper oss å sette det sammen, fordi jeg har ikke alle svarene. Jeg så en mengde, masse ting og har husket noe av det. Muligvis kan jeg ha husket noe feil- men kan garantere at de er minimale, om de så finnes.
litt senere i talen:
"Det de nå sier oss (etter hvert kanskje vil fortelle oss - rø) - er at det ikke finnes slike ting som utenomjordiske - det er kun hemmelige (egne)prosjekter. Men det vil bevises etterhvert - det tar bare litt tid.
"Se hva som kommer av filmer, se tv og reklamen nå - om utenjordiske- og les Whitley Strieber's "Majestic", som er en del av den forberedende planen for å teste reaksjonen i folket på tilstedeværelsen av utenomjordiske på JORDEN. Og jeg har nettopp ferdiglest Whitley Strieber's bok Majestic, og jeg vil si deg nettopp nå at det meste av dokumentene der - det han sier er oppdiktning - ER virkelige dokumenter som kom rett ut fra Project Grudge (dette er typisk for alle de bøker som er kommet fra "lekkende kanaler" de siste år - de har kun fått lov å lekke DEN informasjonen, som de av CIA og NSA er blitt beordret til - OG dersom de i forordet i bøkene skriver at det er oppdiktet - jf. bl.a. Michael Wolf og James Hall- rø).
"Det er en del av deres plan og kampanje å lekke informasjon ut på måter de alltid (senere) kan benekte riktigheten av.
"Det er bare en ting galt i informasjonen i den boken(altså i Whitley Strieber's bok Majestic) - historiene om skikkelsene der vet jeg intet om. Det jeg snakker om er de angitte militær/stats-dokumenter som han har i boken. Jeg sier dere her i kveld at de er ekte. Dette er noen av de samme dokumenter som jeg så i Project Grudge tilbake mellom 1970 og 1973 - og det som vi har hatt mistanke om før - nå VET vi at Whitley Strieber arbeider for "the government."
"Og vi hadde faktisk mistanke, fordi foran i boken sin bekrefter han at han fikk informasjon og var hjulpet i forskningen av Moore, Shanderey, og Friedman. William Moore har offisielt innrømmet (1.juli-89), at han er agent for regjeringen i usa, og vi vet nå at de andre også er det.
"Dette vil komme ut, og årsaken til at de gjør det slik, er at de vet at du omsider vil finne ut at det hele er sant og virkelig. De vil gjøre deg mindre følsom så du ikke får sjokk, slik at det ikke blir noe kollaps av samfunnet som vi kjenner det - slik at den religiøse struktur ikke faller sammen, slik at "biss-niss" markedet ikke faller fra hverandre og løper løpsk - fordi dette var deres opprinnelige frykt. Nå - det er intet vi kan gjøre med det siste, fordi det alt er skjedd. Det vil være et segment av folket som forguder de utenfra/utomjordiske - selv om de ikke er forskjellig fra oss, bare at de kommer fra et annet sted og kan se ut noe annerledes. De er IKKE GUDER. Men det finnes allerede folk som tilber dem, og de forutså at dette ville skje da de satte det hemmelige stempel på alt dette materialet.
"Du vet, det er virkelig ikke noe galt med det som er skjedd, bortsett fra tre ting.(Cooper glemte å nevne den tredje tingen, eller ble forstyrret -eller inkluderte det under pkt2).
"No. 1, da de bestemte å holde det hemmelig, trengte de å finansiere det - de kunne ikke informere folket, så de kunne ikke gå gjennom kongressen. De bestemte å finansiere det med salg - import og salg av rusmidler. Nå - i de dokumenter som jeg leste - i Operation Majority, ble det spesifikt fremført at da George Bush (gamle Bush) var president og sjef for "Sepata Oil", så organiserte han i samarbeide med CIA den første storskala-importen av narkotika inn til dette landet fra sør- og Mellom-Amerika via fiskebåter, og inntil olje-offshoreplattformene til Sepata Oil. Og derfra inn til land - og således unngikk de all tollinspeksjon ol.av alle slag. De tar fortsatt inn "drugs" slik i en begrenset grad (- dette var i -89).
"En annen måte er via CIAs fly som kan lande på Homestead [sp] Air Force Base in Florida. Vi har forbindelser i flykontrollen som følger flyene inn, som har forsikret at de ikke blir hindret på noen måte. Vi har dem av personell der som forteller at flyene som lander på Homestead Air Force Base blir møtt av Jeb Bush, som er George Bush's sønn. Vi har folk som arbeider i Mexicogolfen i oljebransjen som bekrefter det - jo, nettopp - "drugs" kommer inn - iallfall noe av det - via offshoreplatformer".
Fra en tilhører kom en kommentar: "vi må si nei..."
Cooper: "Unnskyld? ...Ja - nettopp si nei (til dette). Well, det vi må gjøre menn og kvinner, med deres hjelp. Vi må si NEI - intet mer av dette! Og dere må gjøre det, dere må handle. Dere må enten gjøre noe eller å se ditt land gå ned...(Men hva kunne man gjøre med dette i -89 - det var jo før internett var "oppe" - og dengang nesten umulig å sprede slik "farlig informasjon" - Cooper fikk "de" da også etterhvert "stilnet" - ble skutt i 2001...!! rø-anm).
"En annen ting som er galt er hemmeligholdelsen, de har drept masser av folk som har forsøkt å lekke dette ut. Og om jeg ikke hadde gjort det på måten jeg gjorde, ville jeg ikke vært her nå. De drepte pres.Kennedy og i løpet av seminaret vil jeg vise en film som viser hvem som skjøt presidenten og hvorfor. Mellom -70og-73 ble det i Operation Majority bokstavelig bekreftet at president Kennedy beordret MJ-12 å slutte å importere og selge narkotika til det amr.folk. Videre at han beordret dem å sette i livet en plan for å avsløre nærværet av utenomjordiske til det amr.folk innen det etterfølgende år.
Hans mord ble beordret av politikomiteen fra Bilderbergers. MJ-12 realiserte planen i Dallas. Det involverte agenter fra CIA, Divisjon5 av FBI, Secret Service, og Office of Naval Intelligence. President Kennedy ble drept av sjåføren på bilen - hans navn var William Greer, han brukte en rekylfri, elektrisk aktivert, gassdrevet pistol, som var spesiallaget av CIA for å myrde folk på nært hold. Det avfyrte en eksplosiv ladning som injiserte en mengde av fiskeskallgift inn i hjernen - og dette er hvorfor det i dokumentene bekreftes at President Kennedy's hjerne ble fjernet.
"Om du har studert dette, vil du finne at hans hjerne nettopp forsvant. Årsaken for det er at de slik ikke kunne finne partikler av giften i hans hjerne, som hadde bekreftet at Lee Harvey Oswald ikke var morderen. Han var bare lettlurt tosk".
Mr. Cooper pauserte kort og en dame i salen spurte - "hvorfor har ikke du blitt myrdet?" (Han BLE myrdet i 2001- se egen link/side om det et annet sted her- rø)
"Om de myrdet meg nå, hva ville dere tenke?" svarte 'Cooper.
"At alt dette er korrekt" kom det fra flere i salen.
"Jeg har dem der jeg ønsker dem. Om de rører meg, vil alle som har hørt meg snakke, bli engasjert og vite at det jeg sier er sant. Og så lenge de ikke rører meg vil det alltid være noen av dere som vil lure (på om jeg snakker sant.)Og etterhvert vil vi få frem så mange bevis, og dere vil i løpet av seminaret her se mange ting av det som vil bevise at det er sant. Det er virkelig og det skjer!!
"OK- jeg har forsøkt å dekke mye stoff bare i korthet, fordi det ikke er mye man rekker på 45minutter".
HrCooper annonserte så den planlagte seminardag, hvor håndgripelige bevis kunne sees, men båndopptak derfra skjedde ikke, og er derfor ikke referert. Han åpnet deretter for spørsmål.
Et mumlende spørsmål kom fra en foran i salen gjaldt i hovedsak:
"hva med alle folk i pressen og andre som var i Dallas og som så mordet? Kunne ikke de si hvor skuddet kom fra? Hvorfor sto ikke de fram. Det må ha vært mange"
"Ja, vi vet at det var minst 18 (nærværende)som ble drept/døde unaturlig innen to år etter dette. Sannsynligheten til at det skulle skje er en til 300 milliarder svarte Cooper.
Igjen et mumlende spørsmål "hvorfor måtte sjåføren skyte Kennedy?"
"Fordi de andre bommet! Det var totalt tre skudd avfyrt mot President Kennedy, ett traff ham i strupen og drepte ham ikke og to av dem traff John Connelly [sp]. Det som ble avfyrt fra en gressbakke traff presidenten i strupen. De andre to skuddene kom rett bakfra bilen - ikke fra skolebok-bygningen - og dette traff Governor Connelly.
Det fortelles videre lenger ned (eng.txt) - hvordan filmen fra dramaet ble klippet slik at det som ble vist offentlig ikke viste CIAsjåførens skudd, mm.
noe lenger ut:
...så hevet en mann rundt de 30 sin hånd og sa noe uhørlig (på båndet) - men som tydeligvis ble oppfattet av Mr. Cooper, som ba ham gå til podiet og tale til publikum:
"Hva jeg sa var at jeg takket ham (Cooper) veldig mye for at han sto fram og sa dette. Mange av mine venner her ute vet at jeg var involvert i "The United States Special Forces, UFO Tracking and Research" fra årene 1971 til 1975.
Mitt navn er Richard Murray, jeg var stasjonert ute på "71st Tac Control Flight, McDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida". Vi var ved 'Mobile Radar Command,' - det var klargjøring for kamp og -kjør. Vi skulle lastes i fly innen en time, og mange ganger var vi tatt inn i områder for å sette opp radar. Mane ganger var vi innsatt ved Egland [sp] Air Force Base fordi det er der de har 'Altered Temperature Weather Control,' hvor de kan teste forskjellige fly under temp.variasjoner.
"Så du vet, ble jeg bedt om å holde kjeft to ganger i 1982, og tilslutt truet de mine foreldres liv - så jeg valgte å forbli taus, og det var mens de tok Wendelle Stevens av veien ....nettopp slik. Og jeg skjulte meg for en tid, og valgte å komme frem igjen da jeg hørte at du (Cooper)- av slik en høy grad som du - hadde stått fram, og følte det riktig å si ifra.... Har hørt det før bak lukkede dører.
Og du har virkelig trukket forbindelse for meg til Kennedy drapet.
Og det er enda flere linker (som jeg må fortsette med) til Columbia Cartellet og pengehvitvaskingen. Jeg tror det er mer enn ett kartell involvert, og (om)de stenger ett av dem, mens det andre kan opprettholde sin makt - det er vist slik det fungerer."
Et mumlende spørsmål kom fra noen i salen gjeldende personen ref. som "oberst Stevens".
"Å, oberst Stevens er ute av fengsel nå" svarte Murray, som raskt svarte på et annet spørsmål jeg ikke oppfattet - men som han besvarte: "jeg er h-sikker, han er en fantastisk mann, og jeg gir ham min største respekt, og det var en av de sørgeligste dager i mitt liv å se hva som hendte ham. Men jeg bryr meg ikke hva de sier om Wendelle Stevens, i mitt hjerte kan dere ikke diskreditere den mannen (for meg).Jeg bryr meg ikke i h...hvem du er. Jeg ville ikke høre på det. Jeg bryr meg ikke noe om han er interessert i småbarn. Jeg bryr meg ikke hva dere sier - jeg kjenner ham personlig!
(kommentar - Wendelle Stevens er vel kanskje den av amr. ufo-etterforskere som har gjort mest for å få frem de seriøse ufo-kontakter, og oversette "kontaktbøker" til engelsk, mm. Dette med INFORMASJON OG OPPLYSNING var selvsagt en stor trussel for motkreftene - bl.a. mørkekreftene innen det militære. (Han hadde selv vært i det militære inntil pensjonisttilværelsen).
Derfor satte "de" ut ryktet at han hadde forført småjenter - det er den enkleste sak i verden med de råtne midler som "mørkemennene" råder over, å få "bevis" på det - f.x. å sende småjenter for loddsalg på "døra hans" - mens noen agenter ligger på lur i buskene og tar bilder da han kommer i døra. De som er kjent med de siste 30års seriøs ufo-forskning VET hvor stor innsats Wendelle Stevens har gjort i/for ufo-saken, -inkludert å legge ut store pengesummer i egen forskning i prosjekter - bl.a. mange års oppfølging av Semjase-kontaktene hos Meier i Sveits. rø.)
Tatt FRA http://www.totse.com/en/fringe/government_ufo_coverups/ufogovt.html
sommeren 2004.
mer oversettes senere - her videre i eng.txt
"How is it that the driver, sitting on the front, left-hand side of the car was able to blow off the right side of Kennedy's brain when the bullet actually entered in, and it would have been virtually impossible ..." another person asked.
Mr. Cooper seized the gist of his question and injected, "For those of you who have been listening to all these talk show hosts, whose job it is to be a talk show host, and who have not done any legitimate research into this, if you come to the work-shop, I will show you, on the tape, how it was done.You will see that Kennedy was, in fact slumped over against Jackie, his head was turned [this direction], it was very simple, it was easy and you will see it with your own eyes."
Another muffled, off-mike question from a member of the audience inquiring why no one else had come forward with the information Mr. Cooper was disseminating, and why those who knew it had kept it secret for so long was quickly answered, "It hasn't been, I'm talking about it now. Bill English was talking about it eight years ago, but everybody laughed at Bill English. John Lear's been talking about it for three years, and everybody laughed at him. Now there's so many people have been talking about it, people are starting to listen, and it's about time Because it's about time we that we quit being fools, and that's exactly what they think we are, and we prove it to them every day."
The next question dealt with the alien technology and asked in essence, "Hasn't any one else [other than the government] come up with the energy technology that the aliens have?" to which Mr.Cooper answered, "There's been quite a few people who've come up with it and they've all been stopped, and they'll all continue to be stopped. Because once you have it you have free energy. Once you have free energy they no longer have power over you. You understand? That's why they stop it."
Another question asking, "In the film of the assassination, which was examined greatly by experts, why didn't they conclude that Kennedy's driver shot him?"
- to which Cooper asked, "Examined by whom greatly? Most of the film that you can purchase has that segment cut out, and you can always tell it by the person running in the background, they'll run up to here ... all of a suddenthey'll be down here ... running.
You will see in most of the clips that you've ever seen on television, or in the movies, or that you're able to get your hands on, you'll see William Greer start to turn like this ..." then a muffled comment from the audience, then Cooper answered, "That's because they clipped it out! And on a lot of them, I'll bet you most of you, every time you've seen the clip on television, never looked at the driver anyway. If you're really honest with yourself, and with me, you know your eyes were right on Kennedy."
A woman asked if any of the alien technology was being used in present-day military equipment and was answered, "Yes, there's a lot of alien technology contained in the Stealth bomber, that's right. The Stealth fighter was flying for 10 years before you even knew it existed."
As the hour drew late another question, more clearly stated, was asked of Mr. Cooper, "Before you let us all out of here, there's a bunch of us here wondering what can we all do to help bring this all out?"
A single word, "revolt," issued from several listeners simultaneously, but Cooper responded, "Don't revolt. What you need to do is what you should have been doing all along. You need to get involved with your government. The first thing you need to do is purchase a copy of the Constitution, which I know that most of you don't have anywhere in your house, and if I were to go around this room and ask each person what the Constitution says, most of you couldn't tell me what the Constitution says from your grocery bill. And that's the truth! And that is your country!
So if you don't know what your Constitution is you're dead already, so the first thing you do is you get a copy of your Constitution. The second thing you do is you learn it! The third thing you do is you start calling your senators and your representatives, and the President of the United States and you start leaning on them, and you tell them, 'Unless you straighten up the government, and unless we start getting the truth, and I mean the whole truth, and no more of this baloney, this is the last job you're ever going to have, period.
And I'll do everything in my power to make sure that comes true' And then write them, frequently, saying the same thing. And then when they're in your area, in their area offices, take a little delegation and go see them, and make them understand that they're going to be living in poverty because they're not going to have a job anymore come election day.
You see, the secret government may own the executive branch, but you people, all of us, we own the Congress, and the Congress makes the laws, and the Congress can impeach the entire executive branch! You also have the right to petition the government for a redress of injuries. So you are powerful, you've just forgotten that you're powerful, you've forgotten that that vote that you haven't been doing every time election comes around, that vote has abdicated your power. That vote you did not cast abdicated your power and gave it to those who are subverting the Constitution and are ruining this country."
(men det er først gjennom internett at dette virkelig har fått mulighet å komme fram -rø)
A gentleman then asked, "What was traded to the aliens for their technology?"
"People and animals," replied Cooper succinctly.
Another man asked, "Is the Soviet Union in on any of this?"
"The Soviet Union and the United States of America have been close allies since the end of World War II and have been closely participating in the secret space program all this time.The Soviets have the same thing we have, yes. What you see happening in the Soviet block right now is not the result of people standing up and saying, 'We want to be free.."!
It's the result of the international bankers saying, 'You tear down these barriers, and you meet the West half way, give your people some freedom, the West is going to take some freedom away from their people so that we can put together a one-world economic system ... and have all the power. That's what's happening! If you don't believe it,stick around and watch it!"
(Dette sa han i -89, og vi kan dag, 16 år senere -se hvordan "frihetens prinsipp" - i praksis: griskhetens og dollardiktaturets prisipp - har spredd seg som en kreftsvulst over hele verden. Men den dypere hensikt med dette er at nå skal ingen hindringer legges i veien for de dyriske, selviske, griske, sider i mennesket. ("Dyret skal rase i all sin velde som det står i en viss bok, som faktisk HAR endel skjulte, esoteriske sannheter).Disse dyriske sider skal nå få fritt spillerom - men virkningen av dette vil uunngålig bli en tøff, men nødvendig læreprosess for jordens mennesker - gjennom iallefall de nærmeste 25 år - rø. Husk også at praktisk talt ALLE de ufokontakter som er detaljert gransket - beskriver sine hjemplaneter som værende UTEN et forslavende pengesystem - der ALT ER FELLES"EIENDOM" OG DER PRIVAT "EINEDOMSRETT" ER AVSKAFFET - dette som er den "store hellige lov" i usa. Ikke merkelig at "de" gjør alt de kan for at folk ikke skal få info om dette - rø)
A dubious woman then asked, "Why was the shellfish poison necessary? A lot of his brain was blown off anyway."
Cooper: "The shellfish poison? If you go to kill someone,
one thing I've learned, I learned it real good, I learned it es-
pecially good when I went to Vietnam; just because you shoot
someone doesn't mean they're going to die.And if they don't
die, they're going to be mad. And if they've got a gun, you're
dead. So you want the first time to be the last time.So if you
really want to kill somebody you don't play around. If you re-
ally want to kill somebody ... you kill them, you don't play, you
make sure that when you shoot them, they're dead. That way they
can't hurt you, can't hurt you at all."
Regrettably, the next question was totally unintelligible,
but thankfully Mr. Cooper had a good public address system to am-
plify his reply, "The first moon landing was May 22, 1962 ... or
excuse me, that was the first landing on Mars. I'm sorry, May
22, 1962, was the winged probe that used a hydrozine propeller,
flew around approximately three orbits and landed on May 22,
1962, was a joint United States/Russian endeavor. The first time
that we landed on the moon was sometime during the ... probably
middle 50s, because at the time when President Kennedy stated
that he wanted a man to set foot on the moon by the end of the
decade we already had a base there
"What about Mars?" came another quick question.
"We have a base on Mars also," Cooper calmly replied.
"When did that happen?"
"I don't know the exact date but I know the project's name,
it was 'Adam and Eve
"How long have you known about this?"
"Well, I revealed it publicly for the first time on July 2,
1989, and within three weeks of the time I revealed it publicly,
the government, to get the American people not to listen to me,
came out and said that they planned to build a base on the moon
and a colony on Mars. Now, three days previous to my speech,
representatives from NASA said, 'We can never have a colony on
Mars, it's impossible that there's a colony on Mars because Mars
is a dead planet.' And it's not a dead planet, they've lied to
you about Mars."
"My name is Dave [unintelligible], I'm a representative of
the Crystic Institute, and I'd like to know why it was that when
we sent a representative down to your home, at your request, you
failed to produce any documentation to substantiate your allega-
"In the first place it was not at my request, I have never
contacted the Crystic Institute in my life.I was on the Carol
Hemingway Show, she contacted the Crystic institute, she told
Daniel Shehan [sp] that I had just said something about Bush and
drugs on her show. He called me and told me he wanted to send an
investigator, in fact he told me to even help the investigator
because he was new at the job, his name was Wayne Nelson, he is a
very good gentleman, he stayed at my house for two days, slept
overnight on my couch, I gave him everything I had. I never told
Daniel Shehan that I had any documents and I never told Wayne
Nelson that I had any documents. In fact what I told Wayne Nel-
son, and I quote, 'Wayne, if I did have the documents I couldn't
admit it and I don't know you from Adam, and I don't know Daniel
Shehan from Adam and what makes you think I would give them to
you.' Who am I going to give them to and how quick are they
going to disappear, that was my thought. Wayne Nelson also came
to my house with a stack of documents this thick already
substantiating the presence of aliens and extraterrestrial craft
on this planet, and they are keeping it a secret, because they're
afraid somebody'll laugh at them and they'll loose their
"We need some patriots in this country, not people trying to
make a name for themselves, trying to expose some drug runners,
because those are just the bag-men. The real crook is in the
White House! And you can tell that to Daniel Shehan!"
"Why didn't Jackie Kennedy report [the source of the lethal
shot]?" asked another audience member.
"Who's she going to tell? The Secret Service just killed her
husband, and they're assigned to protect the president. Also,
who had her children? The same Secret Service had her children at
"Wasn't the craft at Roswell, New Mexico, destroyed and all
the aliens killed?" another young man asked.
"All the aliens were dead but the craft was not completely
destroyed, it was severely damaged yes."
On an unrelated note an older gentleman asked, "Does that
mean that Alternative-3 is true?"
"Alternative-3 is absolutely true and so is Alternative-2."
Then a man in his late 20s or early 30s raised his hand,
said something unintelligible, and was apparently recognized by
Mr. Cooper, who asked him to take the podium and address the au-
The lecture was then essentially over.
The "Alternative-2 and Alternative-3" that were referred to briefly are (just guessing now) two government contingency plans to
1. Declare Martial Law and invalidate the Constitution on the premise that a
terrorist group had entered the country with a Nuclear weapon
with plans to detonate it in a major city. All dissidents would
be rounded up and placed in concentration camps and the press and
media would be nationalized. All this if the information becomes
public before they want it to or if the aliens attempt a
takeover, and 2. Another contingency plan to contain or delay the
release of this information, the details of which I am probably
wrong about anyway.
Mr. Cooper is (was in-89) a man who appears to be in his late 40s, of
medium height and weight, and was dressed casually during the
lecture.His hairline was receding slightly, and he carried him-
self with confidence and purpose.Bill Cooper, as he was called
by several in attendance, is not a professional speaker. His
presentation lacked the polish of repeated deliveries which all
the other lectures had during the Expo, but what it lacked in
fine tuning was easily made up for in its content.
Appendix A: Operation Majority
This file contains the absolute true information regarding the alien presence on Earth and the U.S. Government's involvement with the aliens.
This file contains only the information as I saw it and only my information.
It does not contain any information from any other source
It was necessary for me to issue the information previous to
this release in a manner which would deceive the government until
someone was able to independently confirm my identity, my employ-
ment, my service record, my intelligence background, the identity
of the person to which I gave the information in 1972, his ac-
knowledgment of the information and when it was given to him,
that the information is correct, that I have not seen him since
1974, and that I have not communicated with him in any form since
This was necessary because this file is my death warrant if MJ-12 continues to operate in a manner consistent with its history.
All in the last paragraph has been independently verified by two different people who have no connection with each other. I will only list one for obvious reasons.
Tony Pelham, journalist
Las Vegas Bullet
300 West Boston
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102.
The original information that I first released was not much.
I was not a threat long enough to have independent verification of the facts before I risked death. [TRANSMISSION GARBLED]
I wish to make it absolutely clear that I do not consider myself a hero.
I believe that most of you would do the same thing if you knew the truth.
I gave an oath that I would uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States of America and I take that oath very seriously.
I am doing no more now than I did when I fought in Vietnam.
I am doing my duty.
Please make copies of this file and send it to your congressman, your senator, the attorney general of the United States, and the Supreme Court. Send it also to everyone you know.
Attach copies of the Bill English file and John Lears file Send anything else you may have which tends to support the information.
I, Milton William Cooper, 1311 S. Highland #205, Fullerton, California, 92632, 1-714-680-9537, do solemnly swear that the information contained in this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
I swear that I saw this information in 1972 in the performance of my duties as a member of the Intelligence Briefing Team of the Commander In Chief of the Pacific Fleet as a Petty Officer in the U.S. Navy.
I swear that I underwent hypnotic regression in order to make the information as accurate as possible I swear that I can and will take a lie detector test or any other test of any reputable person's choosing in order to confirm this information.
I swear that I can and will undergo hypnotic regression conducted by any reputable and qualified doctor of any reputable person's choosing in order to confirm this information.
I will not, however submit to any test or hypnosis by anyone who is now or has ever been connected with the government in any capacity for obvious reasons.
The following is brief listing of everything that I personally saw and know from 1972 and does not contain any input fromany other source whatsoever.
MAJESTY was listed as the code word for the President of the United States for communications concerning this information.
OPERATION MAJORITY is the name of the operation responsible for every aspect, project, and consequence of alien presence on Earth.
GRUDGE contains 16 volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of the United States investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Identified Alien Crafts (IACs).
The project was financed by CIA confidential funds (nonappropriated) and money from the illicit drug trade.
Participation in the illegal drug trade was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society.
The purpose of Project Grudge was to collect all scientific, technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC sightings and contacts with alien life forms.
This orderly file of collected information has been used to advance the United States Space Program.
MJ-12 is the name of the secret control group.
President Eisenhower commissioned a secret society known as THE JASON SOCIETY (JASON SCHOLARS) to sift through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception and find the truth of the alien question.
The society was made up of 32 of the most prominent men in the country in 1972 and the top 12 members were designated MJ-12.
MJ-12 has total control over everything. They are designated by the codes J-1, J-2, etc., all the way through the members of the Jason Society.
The director of the CIA was appointed J-1 and is the Director of MJ-12.J-12 is responsible only to the President.
MJ-12 runs most of the world's illegal drug trade.
This was done to hide funding and thus keep the secret from the Congress and the people of the United States.It was justified in that it would identify and eliminate the weak elements of our society.The cost of funding the alien connected projects is higher than anything you can imagine MJ-12 assassinated President Kennedy when he informed them that he was going to tell the public all the facts of the alien presence. He was killed by the Secret Service agent driving his car,and it is plainly visible in the film held from public view. A secret meeting place was constructed for MJ-12 in MARYLAND and it was described as only accessible by air. It contains full living, recreational, and other facilities for MJ-12 and the JASON SOCIETY.
It is code named "THE COUNTRY CLUB." Only those with TOP SECRET/MAJIC clearance are allowed to go there MAJI is the MAJORITY AGENCY FOR JOINT INTELLIGENCE. All information, disinformation, and intelligence is gathered and evaluated by this agency. This agency is responsible for all disinformation and operates in conjunction with the CIA, NSA, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.
This is a very powerful organization, and all alien projects are under its control. MAJI is responsible only to MJ-12.SIGMA is the project which first established communications with the aliens and is still responsible for communications.PLATO is the project responsible for diplomatic relations with the aliens.This project secured a formal treaty (illegal under the Constitution) with the aliens.
The terms were that the aliens would give us technology.In return, we agreed to keep their presence on earth a secret, not to interfere in any way with their actions, and to allow them to abduct humans and animals.The aliens agreed to furnish MJ-12 with a list of abductees on a periodic basis.
MAJIC is the security classification and clearance of all alien connected material, projects, and information. MAJIC means MAJI Controlled.AQUARIUS is a project which compiled the history of alien presence and their interaction with Homo Sapiens upon this planet for the last 25,000 years and culminating with the Basque people who live in the mountainous country on the border of France and Spain and the Syrians.
GARNET is the project responsible for control of all information and documents regarding this subject and accountability of the information and documents. PLUTO is a project to evaluate all UFO/IAC information pertaining to space tel [TRANSMISSION GARBLED] POUNCE is the project formed to recover all downed/crashed craft and aliens.
REDLIGHT is the project to test fly recovered alien craft. It is conducted at AREA 51 (DREAMLAND) in Nevada. It was aided when the aliens gave us craft and helped us fly them. The initial project was somewhat successful in that we flew a recovered craft, but it blew up in the air, and the pilots were killed. The project was suspended at that time until the aliens agreed to help us.
SNOWBIRD was established as a cover for project REDLIGHT.Several flying saucer type craft were built using conventional technology. They were unveiled to the press and flown in front of the press. The purpose was to explain accidental sightings or disclosure of REDLIGHT as having been the SNOWBIRD craft.
LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts.A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as MOTHER SHIPS exist there NRO is the National Recon Organization based at Fort Carson,Colorado.
It is responsible for security for all alien or alien craft connected projects.DELTA is the designation for the specific arm of the NRO, which is especially trained and tasked with security of these projects.
JOSHUA is a project to develop a low frequency pulsed sound generating weapon.It was said that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. EXCALIBUR is a weapon to destroy the alien underground bases. It is to be a missile capable of penetrating 1000 meters of Tuff/hard packed soil such as that found in New Mexico with no operational damage.
Missile apogee not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL and impact must not deviate in excess of 50 meters from designated target.The device will carry a one-megaton nuclear warhead.
There were four types of aliens mentioned in the papers. A LARGE NOSED GREY with whom we have the treaty, the GREY reported in abductee cases that works for the LARGE NOSED GREY, a blond human like type described as the NORDIC, a red haired human like type called the ORANGE.
The home of the aliens were described as being a star in the Constellation of Orion, Barnards star, and Zeta Riticuli 1&2. I cannot remember even under hypnosis which alien belongs to which star.EBE is the name or designation given to the live alien captured at the 1949 Roswell crash.He died in captivity.
KRLL OR KRLLL OR CRLL OR CRLLL pronounced Crill or Krill was the hostage left with us at the first Holloman landing as a pledge that the aliens would carry out their part of the basic agreement reached during that meeting. KRLL gave us the foundation of the yellow book which was completed by the guests at a later date KRLL became sick and was nursed by Dr. G. Mendoza who became the expert on alien biology and medicine.KRLL later died.
His information was disseminated under the pseudonym O.H.Cril or Crill. GUESTS were aliens exchanged for humans who gave us the balance of the yellow book. At the time I saw the information there were only three left alive. They were called (P&#'s) Alien Life Forms.
The aliens claim to have created Homo Sapiens through hybridization.The papers said that RH-blood was proof of this. They further claimed to have created all four major religions. They showed a hologram of the crucifixion of Christ which the government filmed. They claim that Jesus was created by them.
ALIEN BASES exist in the four corners area of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. Six bases were described in the 1972 papers, all on Indian reservations and all in the four corners area. The base near Dulce was one of them.
The documents stated that many military and government personnel had been terminated (murdered without due process of law)when they had attempted to reveal the secret.
The documents stated that many craft had been recovered. The early ones from Roswell, Aztec, Roswell again, Texas,Mexico, and other places. GENERAL DOOLITTLE made a prediction that one day we would have to reckon with the aliens, and the document stated that it appeared that General Doolittle was correct.
-were occurring long before 1972.The document stated that humans and animals were being abducted and or mutilated. Many vanished without a trace They were taking sperm and ova samples, tissue, performed surgical operations, implanted a spherical device 40 to 80 microns in size near the optic nerve in the brain and all attempts to remove it resulted in the death of the patient.The document estimated that one in every 40 people had been implanted.
This implant was said to give the aliens total control of that human.
CONTINGENCY PLAN SHOULD THE INFORMATION BECOME PUBLIC OR SHOULD THE ALIENS ATTEMPT A TAKEOVER. This plan called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had entered the United States with an atomic weapon. It would be announced that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city.(seems to be an alternative plan of 9-11 or it is upcoming -rø)
Martial law would be declared and all persons with implants would be rounded up along with all dissidents and would be placed into concentration camps.The press, radio, and TV would be nationalized and controlled. Anyone attempting to resist would be arrested or killed.
This plan called for the use of MAJESTIC TWELVE as a disinformation ploy to delay and confuse the release of information should anyone get close to the truth.It was selected because of the similarity of spelling and the similarity to MJ-12.
It was designed to confuse memory and to result in a fruitless search for material that does not exist.
The source of the material was an Office of Naval Intelligence counter-intelligence operation against MJ-12 in order for the Navy to find out the truth of what was really going on. The Navy (at that time or at least the Navy that I worked for) were not participants in any of this.
The different services and the government conduct this type of operation against each other all the time The result of this operation was that the Navy cut themselves in for a piece of the action (technology) and control of some projects. As you can see this file is only a little different from my previous file. Only some names were scrambled previously to confuse the government long enough for someone to verify that what I have said is the truth. I have added information in this file that puts me in absolute danger. I have sent a copy of this file to people all over the country and will continue to do so. Please get this file into as many hands as you can and maybe that will protect me but I doubt it.
HISTORY WILL BE THE JUDGE OF ME AND THIS INFORMATION, AND I HAVE NO FEAR OF THAT JUDGEMENT.I SWEAR THAT THIS INFORMATION IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I wish to thank all those people who have aided me in reaching this point and for their patience and understanding.
I owe you all more than I can ever repay. Finally, it does not matter who is right and who is wrong or if a project name is in the wrong place It does not matter who is working for whom or what is really what. It should be obvious by now that something sinister and terribly wrong is going on involving the government and the UFO phenomenon.
We must all band together and expose it now. I have done my part in the best manner that I could.I can add nothing else except my testimony in Congress or a court of law that what I saw and have written in this file is true and that I saw it. Everything in my previous file that does not conflict with this file is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and some of it is from sources and research.
You may combine the files to get the entire picture. Throw out only that information that conflicts with that contained in this file. There will be no further additions or corrections to this information either now or in the future. My file is complete and stands to be judged by history.
Sometime in the future the exact papers that I saw will surface, and you will all see this exact information contained within them.
Milton William Cooper
Jan. 10, 1989
Appendix C: Musings
There is some thought that the U.S. Air Force, in conjunction with the Canadians, has standing orders to deny any UFO sightings to the public.
Timothy Good, in his book Above Top Secret, states:
"Cooperation between the United States and Canada in the reporting of UFOs was laid down, for example, in the Canadian-United States Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings (CIRVIS) JANAP 146 (E), issued in March 1966 by the Joint Chiefs of Staff as well as the Canadian Defense Staff.
This publication lists instructions for the reporting of 'information of vital importance to the security of the United States of America and Canada and their forces, which in the opinion of the observer, requires very urgent defensive and/or investigative action by the U.S. and/or Canadian armed forces.' Sightings within the scope of JANAP 146 include 'Unidentified Flying Objects' as distinct from 'Hostile of unidentified single aircraft or formations of aircraft,' and there are lengthy and elaborate instructions for reporting UFOs" (Good, 192).
And later he states: "Because of reports like these [UFOs],airline pilots became subject to military restrictions contained in a Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication (JANAP), drawn up by the Joint Communications-Electronics Committee, and promulgated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and could thus find themselves liable to a prison term of up to 10 years and/or a fine of $10,000 if they discussed their sightings with the media or public"
(Good, 283).
* * *
Stan Barrington offers a document about "Operation Majority,which concerns the dealings of MJ-12. The following discussion, taken from the alt.conspiracy section of Usenet, focuses on the validity of those documents:
"What is the latest status of the MJ-12 documents (concerning authenticity)? I know that Klass did his usual debunking job, but also read that Friedman produced all the supporting evidence Klass had demanded (similar typefaces in use on other documents of the same era, etc.). Has the U.S. Government taken a formal position on the MJ-12 documents? What evidence, pro and con, has been produced on the authenticity issue since their release.What are the details of the release? Any and all information will be appreciated. Thanks."
The reply was: "I don't know about the U.S. Government's position, but Klass has done a pretty good job of showing that there is at least some fraud in the papers. In particular, he has shown that the supposed signature of Harry Truman on one of the critical papers is identical to the signature on another document in the National Archives, except that it's (if I recall correctly) 3.6 percent larger. It is impossible for two signatures to be identical unless one is a photographic copy of the other, and interestingly, most copying machines do a very small expansion of what they copy to prevent edge effects--a blow-up of exactly 1.2 percent. So it would appear this supposed signature is actually a third-generation photocopy of Truman's signature.Handwriting experts have confirmed this. I believe it's written up in the current (Spring 1990) Skeptical Inquirer, but I can't find my copy at the moment so I can't say for sure"
I don't know who Klass or Friedman are, (although Friedman may be the same person that was mentioned as a helper in Majestic by Whitley Strieber, and also mentioned as a government official in the speech) but the Skeptical Inquirer is a respected paranormal debunking newspaper put out by James "the Amazing" Randi.
It also seems to me that the idea that Truman's signature is a photocopy of another one in the National Archives is a bit odd. There must be thousands of Truman signature in the Archives, and thinking that someone could find the one that exactly matched a 3.6 percent enlargement is laughable (but then again, those same people find the idea of a huge UFO cover-up laughable).
* * *
Whitley Strieber is a strange character in this whole affair. He is the writer of Wolfen and The Howling, two horror novels. Lately, he turned to writing about UFOs. His first book on the subject, Communion, deals with his personal experiences with abduction by an unknown intelligence (Strieber always tries to avoid the word "alien," so he can leave the options open that these are humans that are traveling through time or even an unknown earthly intelligence). His second book, Transformation, is not as familiar to me, but I have heard that it is more of the same as Communion, except that it is less well-supported and deals with a sort of religion of the unknown.
Strieber contends in that book that the "others" (as he calls them) gave him a sketchy design for an anti-gravity motor that relies on rotating magnets. His third book is Majestic. Milton William Cooper mentions it in his speech. This book follows the Cooper speech closely in many regards; in fact, sometimes it seems like one is stealing from the other because they are so close.Strieber writes this book as fiction, but at the end there is a section in which he says that the book is based on truth and that the government is hiding information from the public. He insists that this truth must be brought out. However, Cooper says that Strieber is working for the government. He offers some proof to this claim, but he doesn't really say why the government would hire Strieber to write Majestic, or whether he was hired before he wrote Communion and Transformation. All Cooper says is that Strieber is testing the waters, leaking the information in a way that the government could deny.
I think that if Strieber works for the government, then it is mostly likely because the government thinks that people will not believe anything he writes about UFOs, given his history of writing horror. Thus, the government has Strieber write something that is based on truth, and everyone thinks it is coming from such a bad source that it must be false
* * *
This from Keith Rowell in Oregon:
"You folks interested in Strieber's claims should check out the book Report on Communion (Morrow, 1989) by Ed Conroy. "Conroy is a San Antonio-based freelance reporter who wrote some early articles for the local newspaper and then continued to explore and investigate till he ended up with a book. He basically concludes that Strieber's claims are true as far as we now understand the UFO phenomenon, which is very far from adequate at this time.(The scholarly and scientific establishment has yet to honestly and openly embrace the problem of the UFO. Conroy's book is opening the way for the investigative media people,though. Things are changing as the UFO issue just refuses to go away.) You will all hear more and more about the reality status of UFOs as we go through the 1990s. Intelligence establishment secrecy is being slowly broken down and the scientific/scholarly community is slowly putting up less resistance as the years go by.
"My opinions are based on 15 years of reading the UFO literature and four years or so of more or less active participationin the UFO community. It is very hard to understand what is going on in the UFO community without paying very close attention to it. The normal sources of news and information cover this group of people in a very inconsistent and sometimes downright biased way. You're just going to have to get your feet wet on this one; otherwise, you'll just being talking through your hat.
"I'll be happy to send via electronic mail my representative UFO bibliography to anyone who wants it. Lately, new (and significant) UFO books are added practically monthly in the past few years. UFOs are hot again. We seem to be in a peak of activity again.
"The latest significant book is by Ed Walters on his Gulf-breeze UFO/photograph experiences, being distributed to your local bookstores as I write this."
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more: http://www.alienshift.com/id40.html
Senator Barry Goldwater On UFOs, ETs And Roswell
for de som vil lese hele hans egen bok i pdf - kan den lastes ned her - kan lastes via høyreklikk og lagre som og merk at denne lydbok også er på youtube i lyd og tekst (engl) på link her
President Clinton once named William Cooper to be "the most dangerous radio show host in America" in a White House memo.
Cooper predicted his own murder at the hands of NWO goons in an interview that you can listen to in the third CD url listed below, but if you have time, I urge you to listen to him narrating his thought provoking book BEHOLD A PALE HORSE (Be patient, it takes time, even with a high speed internet connection to download these voluminous audio files:
More info about Cooper at http://www.hourofthetime.com/
How Cooper was murdered:http://www.hourofthetime.com/williamcooper.html
Last night and today I spent several hours listening to Bill Cooper's narration of his book, and to the brief interview with him at the end in order to take some notes to give to all of you because he had a lot of thoughts on what is unfolding, and he urged us to not sit on our butts and just LET the New World Order enslave us, but to ACTIVELY take a stand in defense of our Constitution.
Cooper was privy to a lot of top secret documents when he was in Naval Intelligence that helped him to see a much larger picture regarding whats actually going on than most people see. He felt divinely inspired to sound an alarm, and he paid for his efforts with his life.
He begins his narrative by stating something which all of you on the IAHF list are well aware of: that a grand game of chess is being played on a level of which we can barely conceive, and we are the pawns.
He notes that pawns are only valuable under certain circumstances and that they are frequently sacrificed in order to gain an advantage- and notes that anyone who has studied military strategy is familiar with the concept of sacrifice.
He also notes that anyone who has seriously studied history may have discovered why we go to war on a continual basis- but he lays out an interersting reason which I'll relate below.
He felt that the future, as laid out for us by the ruling elite, was just about impossible to change and that nothing short of civil war could possibly change the planned outcome due to massive apathy on the part of the American people who he felt are largely willing to allow criminal politicians to continue operating as long as they continue the illusion that "all is well" and that they are "protecting them" from reality.
Cooper felt that it was what we do to insure our survival that counts. If we do not act in concert with each other to insure that the future becomes what we NEED IT to be, then we will surely deserve whatever fait awaits us. ( I agree.)
He provides us with a detailed analysis of the "ORDER" and its goals of world domination- citing its many different entities- noting that the most powerful of them are the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and Council on Foreign Relations. He stated that in the mid 1970s, Samuel P. Huffington of Harvard University penned the seminal paper outlining the CFR's main goals, and that this paper later was incorporated into a book titled Crises and Democracy.
This book advocates the destruction of our country and the creation of a global dictatorship. In it he states that there are "desirable limits to economic growth and to democracy" stating that in the event of a crisis, the government must have the ability to force its will on us "for the survival of our species."
Cooper states that the inner circles of the Trilateral Commission and the CFR are using all those on their periphery who are being told they're "members" while in reality they're only allowed to be part of the group as long as they continue to let themselves be used to fulfill the goals of a the Jason Society, the secretive group at their inner core.
The Jason Society is comprised of people initiated into it from Skull and Bones at Yale, and Scroll and Key at Harvard. Another name for the Jason Society is the "Order of the Quest" or just the "Order".
The Jason Society has a sister organization called the Royal Institute of International Affairs in the UK, and this body runs both British Intelligence and the CIA.
Cooper states that the CFR has infiltrated all levels of our government, and he goes into detail to explain how they have captured the Executive Branch such that there are no more checks and balances. This situation does not bode well for IAHF's efforts to try to get congressional oversight on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter, but we must be aware of it anyway if we are to have a chance to act in our own defense.
In 1952 the Bilderberg Group was founded by Prince Barnard of the Netherlands, a man who has veto power over any Pope the Vatican may choose. The Bilderbergs are comprised of 3 Committees of 13 people each, with each committee representing the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Black Nobility. Their headquarters is the Haague in the Netherlands.
The Bilderbergers direct the quiet war being arrayed against us all as the core of the shadow government. Manley P. Hall, 33rd degree Freemason, wrote a book titled The Secret Destiny of America in which he divulged the Masons secret plans for our country to be the hub of the planned global totalitarian state. Bill Cooper is able to weave all the threads of this threat together in order to present to us the big picture to give us a fighting chance of defending ourselves:
First he discusses that the Constitution was set up with clean divisions for a balance of power with checks and balances between the Legislative Branch (which makes the laws), the Judicial Branch (which interprets the laws) and the Executive Branch (which enforces the laws).
He then goes into a revealing discussion of the exact means by which the shadow government was able to manipulate the legislative branch (via PAC Donations, and Special Interest Groups) so as to enable the Executive Branch to become a DICTATORSHIP and a MOUTHPIECE for the shadow government such that it MAKES LAW DIRECTLY!!!
(It is KEY to understand this as we attempt to push for congressional oversight of the FDA, which is part of the Executive Branch which for many years has been running a near total dictatorship.)
The Executive Branch generates:
1. Presidential Executive Orders (EOs)
2. National Security Council Memos
3. National Security Council Directives
4. National Security Directives
Of these, only the EOs are listed in the Federal Register for us to be able to read. The rest don't have to be shown to ANYONE, or even acknowledged as existing at ALL! There is ZERO OVERSIGHT over their legality.....
THIS is what we're up against as we seek to get congressional oversight of the FDA's illegal Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico, and over the Security and Prosperity Partnership of N.America...
Cooper shows us that this is the means by which the "Order" has managed to skirt the balance of power and the mechanism thats enabled them to do this was the declaration of MARTIAL LAW that occurred during the Civil War via which Lincoln derived emergency powers, and this state of MARTIAL LAW has never been rescinded, so its still in effect!
Congress has turned a largely blind eye to these National Security Directives, which, as we'll see, could be used at any time to completely strip us of our last vestiges of freedom under ANY EXCUSE at all!
It came out during the Iran-Contra hearings that we were on the verge of having FEMA be put in charge of the country, and the only thing that stopped this was that they got caught.
On August 4, 1990, during a secretive late night session, the US Senate made George Herbert Walker Bush our first KING. They did this via the Senate Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991.
This illegal act, which was ostensibly INTENDED to prevent abuses such as Iran-Contra from happening again, actually AUTHORIZES any and all ABUSES to be perpetuated against us.
It gives the President the right to initiate war, determine foreign policy goals, blocks congress from limiting covert actions, and redefines covert actions to make them so broad as to anything the President wants to do, and blocks oversight from anyone.
A few National Security Directives have been LEAKED, but all but a very few remain classified.
NSD 138 was used as an attempt to assassinate the head of Hezbollah years ago.
Somewhere in the NSDs is a plan to suspend the constitution. The existence of this plan surfaced during the Iran-Contra hearings, but Congressman Jack Brooks of Texas was blocked by Senator Innouye, the Chair of the Committee, from asking questions.
Mount Weather, (the nickname for the Western Office of Controlled Conflict Operations) in Bluemont Virginia is part of that plan. This massive underground city was build during the 1950s as part of a Civil Defense initiative. Inside Mount Weather there is a complete parallel government in operation 24/7/365 but we have no way to learn the name of the President or his cabinet residing therein, and can only guess who appointed them.
Any hiker who gets near the surface installation sees signs prohibing all photography or sketching and armed guards patrol the perimeter.
Retired Air Force General Leslie Bray, Director of the Federal Preparation Agency told the Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights in September 1975: "I am not at liberty to describe precisely what the role and the mission and the capability that we have at Mount Weather is."
In June of 1975, Senator John Tunney, Chair of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights charged that Mount Weather held dossiers on at least 100,000 Americans and that with the flip of a switch, the computers at Mount Weather could obtain data on "millions of Americans" by getting it from the other 96 relocation centers.
Cooper knows from his stint with Naval Intelligence that these dossiers contain info on American Patriots, on any man or woman who will stand up for the Constitution and who will attempt to oppose the New World Order.
He then goes into an in depth discussion of all the Executive Orders, and notes that EO 11490 signed by Nixon, allows for a "state of National Emergency" to be declared for ANY REASON AT ALL.
It could be a war, it could be instability in the middle east, it could be a hurricane, it could be literally ANYTHING, and they have one master EO that sets all the rest of them into motion which would put FEMA in control of the country from Mt.Weather.
EO # 10995 allows government takeover of all communications media
EO # 10997: government takeover of all energy supplies
EO # 10988: government takeover of all food supplies
EO # 10999: government takeover of all transportation
EO # 1100: allows the government to force us into work brigades
EO # 1101: allows the government to take over all health care
EO # 1102: National registration of all persons (microchipping us).
EO # 11490 signed by Carter, combines all EOs into one.
Cooper goes into additional discussion of all of this stating that the post WW2 Baby Boom shook up the ruling elite. This baby boom caused a doubling of World Population between 1957 and 1990. It caused the Bilderbergers to institute policies to decrease the birth rate, and other policies to increase the death rate.
When birth control policies failed to curb population growth as much as was desired, they speeded up efforts to kill us via such means as House Bill 15090 in 1969 which provided $10,000,000. to the defense budget that was used by Fort Detrick Maryland to create AIDS. This was done under the auspices of MKNAOMI. Through it blacks, hispanics, and homosexuals were targetted via the smallpox vaccine administered in Africa in 1977 via the WHO, and via the Hepatitus C vaccine administered to gay men in New York, San Francisco, and 4 other American Cities in 1978.
Additionally, other population control measures have been covertly unleashed on us via intentional poisoning of our food, water and air and the UN Codex efforts to restrict our access to vitamins and minerals within the therapeutic range and to the most effective dietary supplements must be viewed in this broader context.
Our would be masters seek to impose the Communist Chinese style population control model where the old and infirm are murdered and where there are forced abortions.
They seek to abolish religion, private property, and all nations.
They seek to control us all via electronic mind control.
Cooper urges us to meet the reality of the Illuminati HEAD ON saying that if we just LET these people keep going the way they are, we WILL end up slaves. There is a lot more in his book and in his audio book that I won't take the time to go into because even Cooper himself didn't know what to make of some of the things he read when he was in Naval Intelligence, but he did say that anti gravity ships exist because he's seen them. Wheather they actually are run by extraterrestrials or by humans he couldn't say for sure. He was open to either possibility, but did say that he felt we were being prepared via movies to hear an announcment of an "alien invasion" whether real or for propaganda purposes intended to set a cascade of events into motion.
He also warned all American Patriots not to ever be home during National Holidays, especially not Thanksgiving, unless we want to be scooped up, forced into concentration camps, and declared to have a new "mental illness" (Nationalism).
Draw your own conclusions about this man, but do realize that he was murdered by government goons for the things he said and did. We would all do well to heed his message. My view is that we have to try peacefully to get oversight on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter, and we have to try peacefully to get oversight on the illegal effort to destroy this country and to force us into the planned N.American Union, but at the same time we have to keep in mind all the things Cooper tried to warn us about because a time could come when we may not have any choice but to literally FIGHT, and I don't mean with mere WORDS in defense of our most cherished freedoms.
There can be no more conjecture about what the shadow government is trying to do: they're trying to force us into a global totalitarian state, and they're trying to KILL US.
Please take the time to listen to the CDs of Cooper narrating his book Behold a Pale Horse, and please donate funds to help IAHF get back to DC this fall to continue lobbying in your behalf. We must attempt by peaceful means to get congressional oversight on the FDA's illegal Trilateral Cooperation Charter, and we must awaken the masses to whats going on vis a vis the effort to force us into a planned N.American Union.for de som vil lese hele hans egen bok i pdf - kan den lastes ned her - MER - OG kan lastes via høyreklikk og lagre som og merk at denne lydbok også er på youtube i lyd og tekst (engl) på linker: The Secret Government and the ufo-connection-video >> this in mp3