Mange beretninger om livet etter døden forteller at menneskene da fortsetter å bære kropper med samme form/utseende som den "fysiske" - og jf. foredraget DØDEN som Martinus holdt på M-inst.12/5-58 bekrefter han det:
"….det levende vesens organisme består således av disse elektriske felter der hver især danner en personlighetsspaltning eller et vesens fysiske legeme. De tjener til at kunne bevare det levende vesens bevissthet under forskjellige situasjoner. Hvis det levende vesen mister sin fysiske organisme, så kan den åndelige del om også fremtreder i denne fasong, - den kan så bære vesenets bevissthet. " (slutt utdrag fra foredraget)
"Eterisk energi er derfor også 'transportøren' av våre fysiske opplevelser. Derfor, hvis den eteriske energien blir tvunget ut av en kroppsdel, mister den lemmen all følelse. Den eteriske energien kan bli tvunget ut av hele kroppen eller ut av deler av kroppen på mange måter. Det kan bli utslått av slag eller ved interne brudd som forstyrrer blodets "arbeide " som den eteriske energibæreren. Leger utdriver vanligvis den eteriske energien ved hjelp av bedøvelse. Alkohol (i større mengder) vil også føre til utdriving av eter energien og dermed skape en delvis eller fullstendig ufølsomhet. Evnen å føle, kommer tilbake så snart kroppen er kvitt de fremmede stoffene.
"følelsen fortsetter selv etter at en kroppslig lem er adskilt fra kroppen, for den eteriske kroppen forblir intakt, selv etter at en (fysisk) kroppsdel har blitt fjernet. En person som har mistet et bein, har derfor fortsatt "eter-benet", siden den eteriske energi er følelses-ledet, føler personen ofte det som om han ikke hadde mistet kroppslig lem i det hele tatt, selv etter at det er borte. Han føler fx smerter i kneet,
låret, hælen eller tærne til et ben som ikke lenger er en del av kroppen. Alle som har gjennomgått en amputasjon, vil kunne bekrefte dette."Da den eteriske energien forblir med "ånden"/vesenet, når dette forlater kroppen ved kroppslig død og er derved lederen av fysiske opplevelser, er det mulig for den nå "fysisk kroppsløse" ånden å oppleve de samme følelsene som en som fortsatt lever i den materielle kroppen. Av den grunn kan de avdøde åndene føle smerte så akutt som de kunne under sitt jordiske liv.
"De dødes ånder, som på grunn av de liv de
levde, har blitt dratt til en lavere sfære, tror at de fortsatt lever på jorden
som mennesker. Dette skyldes:
For det første at de fortsatt har de samme følelsene som de hadde som levende mennesker; For det andre ser de på deres eterlegemer som "kjødets og blodets kropp", fordi den eteriske kroppen har nøyaktig samme form og utseende som det materielle; og til slutt har de mistet alle minner om sin kroppslige død.
"Den eteriske energien til et hvert
levende vesen har en særegen lukt. "Siden eterisk energi er åndelig i sin natur,
blir lukten oppfattet gjennom åndelige kanaler av sansning og ikke gjennom selve
den fysiske luktesansen.Lukten av den eteriske energien til et hvert levende
vesen er forskjellig fra enhver annen. Akkurat som det ikke er to personer med
samme kroppsbygning og de samme kroppslige funksjonene, så har ikke to mennesker
samme eteriske energi og samme eterisk lukt.Som enhver ånd, til og med en
"fysisk kroppsløs", besitter en eterisk kropp, så har også kroppsløse ånder sin
egen karakteristiske eteriske energi(-kropps-) lukt, noe som er jo er mer
ubehagelig, jo lavere type av ånd. Det er derfor de gamle bøkene, når de
rapporterer om djevelens nærvær, snakker om at han kommer med en fæl stank.
"På grunn av at den eteriske energien strekker seg utover kroppen i form av auraen, kan den oppfattes av andre- ut fra lukten. Noe av den eteriske duften av et levende vesen, holder/kleber seg til ethvert objekt som dets eteriske strålinger berører.
"Det er med eller via den eteriske duften at en hund kan gjenkjenne sin mesters eiendeler og spor, og politihunder kan spore kriminelle. Bare når det opprinnelige luktsporet er skjult av at senere sporsettere av eterisk duft, er det vanskelig eller umulig å følge det gamle sporet.
"Den eteriske strålingen fra en levende
organisme med sin karakteristiske duft følger ikke bare grov- materiale som det
kom i kontakt med, men også slike finkornede stoffer som den eter gjennom
hvilken organismen passerte.
"Alt i skapelsen avgir således derfor et eterisk spor helt fra sin første tilstedeværelse til den siste dagen i sitt liv.
"Jeg kan best forklare dette ved et
materielt eksempel. Hvis en vogn lastes med et fint malt stoff [f.eks. mel] som
kjøres langs en vei, og en konstant strøm av dette stoffet faller gjennom en
sprekk i bunnen av vognen til bakken. Der vognen kjøres kan da spores ved å
følge sporet av stoffet, som er som et bånd som forbinder vognens utgangspunkt
med bestemmelsesstedet.
"Et slikt bånd dannes av den utstrålede
eteriske energien til alle skapninger på deres vei gjennom livet. Det er måten
som trekkfuglene finner tilbake til hjemlandet på, og svalen finner det samme
taket som den en gang hadde bygget sitt rede på. Den eteriske følsomheten til
disse skapningene er ekstremt godt utviklet. Du kaller det dyrs 'instinkt'. Men
dette instinktet er bare aktivt sålenge som dyret er ved god helse. Syke dyr,
mister pga svekkelsen i deres eteriske krefter, sin eteriske følsomhet til å
følge sin egen eller andres veseners vei. Av denne grunn kan trekkfugler som er
syke, ikke finne veien hjem.
"Når vi regner med, at der i dag i kødet er inkarneret ca. to milliarder mennesker på jorden, mens ca. en tilsvarende del af jordens mennesker befinder sig i diskarneret tilstand eller på det åndelige plan og hver enkelt af disse jordens fire milliarder mennesker har gennemgået det dræbende princips zone og her har mistet livet på unaturlig måde i f.eks. fire inkarnationer...." (slutt sitat/utdrag)
(det har alså foregått "en skjult innvandring fra kosmos" i stor stil - helt siden andre verdenskrig - GJENNOM REINKARNASJONSPRINSIPPET)
under søvn og etter døden er det først det; da frigjorte, iboende følelslegeme/astral-legeme som bærer bevisstheten, og dette oppleves like virkelig og reelt som det fysiske, selv om det fungerer på en noen annen måte rent "ernæringsmessig" sett - ettersom det næres direkte av åndskraften fra sjelen eller X2-nivået. Alle FØLELSER sanses via dette "indre legeme" også i den fysiske kroppen - men kontakten går da via det fysiske nervesystemet og da "impuls-senderen hjernen". Følelser (fx kjærlighet) oppleves langt sterkere og mer direkte når dette rene følelses- legeme er frigjort som "direkte sanselegeme" etter død eller om natten når man sanser direkte via DET.
se ellers
some interessting from the book
Communication with The Spirit World of Johannes Greber
(below is the word odic
replaced with the more used word etheric;)
“The etheric aura surrounds the material body at an equal distance from every point. Consequently the ‘aura’ has the shape of the body to which it belongs and which it encompasses. For this reason one speaks of the ‘etheric body’(also called the ODbody), or the ‘astral body’, or the ‘fluid body’, of material beings, as distinguished from their material bodies. It is what the Bible calls the ‘spiritual body’.. It is not visible to your corporeal eyes, but so-called ‘clairvoyants’ endowed with the gift of spiritual sight can see these etheric radiations or ‘etheric bodies’.
spirit is the source of life, but the scope and the activity of your lives are
determined by the etheric force connected with the spirit and hence called the
life force. This force manifests itself in vibrations of the etheric energy.
Every expression of intellectual life, every expression of life about you in nature, all natural forces are etheric vibrations.. All thought and all volition are expressed in the corresponding etheric vibrations, set in motion by the spirit, as the bearer of the etheric energy. Every physical sensation, every mental emotion is caused by etheric vibrations. All tones, colors, odors, tastes and tactile sensations are produced by specific etheric vibrations. In the spiritual world these are vibrations of the pure ethereal etheric energy; in material creation, they are vibrations of etheric energy in its more or less condensed form.
“Everything that you see on earth, all growth, blossoming and
ripening, all power currents and radiation, electricity, radio, ether waves, light, darkness, all the nuances of tone, color, odor, taste and touch, all power currents in the universe, the force of gravity exercised by the heavenly bodies and their motion in space – everything rests upon these etheric vibrations. A sage of ancient times observed: ‘Everything is in a state of flux.’ He should have said: ‘Everything is in a state of vibration.’ The great divine secret of numbers is based on the vibrations of the etheric force flowing through the entire universe and permeating its tiniest particle. You little humans will never fathom this secret. You seek the unity number in world events, but you will not find it. It is true that you have discovered many facts connected with this secret of numbers. You know the number of vibrations that produce the notes familiar to you, and you are trying to discover the number of etheric vibrations on which the colors are based, but what does all that represent in the vast ocean of truth inaccessible to you?
You cannot break the seven seals of God’s Creation; you can only bow your heads in wonder and reverence before the Almighty’s wisdom and omnipotence.
“From what little I have told you about etheric vibrations, let us now draw a few conclusions that are important for our purposes.
“You will find that it stands to reason that harmony in etheric vibrations stands for beauty, health, happiness, peace and good fortune, whereas disharmony in these vibrations must be the cause of ugliness, sickness, suffering and unhappiness. Just as disharmonious tones and colors offend your esthetic sense and, as it were, actually cause you mental pain, so it is on the spiritual plane when a created spirit loses its harmony with its Creator.
The disharmony is reflected in corresponding vibrations of the spiritual etheric energy.
It produces spiritual ugliness, sickness, discontent and unhappiness, in short, spiritual suffering, which grows in the same measure as the spirit’s disharmony with God increases. The extreme of disharmony, where the created spirit and its Maker are total opposites, thus also means the greatest measure of spiritual anguish and misery – it is what you call hell. And since the greatest disharmony in etheric vibrations also represents the greatest contrast to beauty and light, which presuppose the most perfect harmony, so hell must be a condition of the utmost ugliness of the etheric body and of the
most profound darkness. These conclusions are based on eternal laws. It is not God who throws you into hell, but your disharmony with everything good and beautiful, with everything that is spiritually wholesome and pure, with light and life. That is why hell is spiritual death, into which a person plunges whose spiritual nature is in greatest contrast with the Divine nature.
Disharmonious etheric vibrations of the spirit are the diving rudder of spirit flight, whereas harmony is the elevating rudder. The most important task of every living being is to banish this disharmony out of its spiritual life.
“However, the etheric vibrations of living beings are influenced not only by the thoughts and moods of their own spirits, but also by those of other beings whose etheric vibrations they take in. If, therefore, clairsentient people come into close enough contact with the etheric vibrations of others, they will take in their feelings also. This law is the basis for the ability to ‘feel one’s way’ into the sensations, character, way of thinking and fate of another person.
“All etheric vibrations in a living being leave behind in their own etheric bodies impressions similar to those made by the vibrations of the notes of a song on a phonograph record, allowing that song to be rendered audible again and again afterwards, and not simply as far as the notes are concerned, but with the same expression of feeling the singer gave to the song while singing it. This is also the basis of the power of memory: the deeper the impressions made on this etheric plate, the more easily they can be recalled.
“The same process that takes place in material form in the case of a
phonographic record goes on spiritually in the case of the sensations
impressed on the consciousness of clairsentients as soon as they come into close enough contact with the spiritual etheric record of another person. This contact produces in their own etheric energy the same vibrations, and consequently the same sensations, as those present on the records of the other person.
“From what you have learned you know that specific vibrations of etheric force produce not only a specific tone, but also a specific color, smell, taste and tactile sensation. The sensations of cold and heat are likewise based on such etheric vibrations. There are clairsentients who can see a tone as a color and who can even tell colors by the sense of touch, being able to detect differences in color from differences in the radiation of heat or cold given off by the various hues. Others can discern the emotions of love or hatred, of good or ill will, of courage or fear, of faithfulness or unfaithfulness in their fellowmen not only through their own sensations, but in the corresponding colored pictures, and so are able to portray the concepts of love, faithfulness, sorrow, joy, hatred or envy in a colored picture. All this rests on the etheric vibrations that accompany their sensations.
energy is therefore also the conveyor of our physical sensations. Hence, if the
etheric energy is forced out of a limb of your body, that limb also loses all
feeling. The etheric energy may be forced out of the entire body or out of parts
of the body in a great many ways. It may be expelled by strokes or by internal
ruptures that interfere with the operation of the blood as the etheric energy
carrier. Physicians habitually expel the etheric energy by means of anesthetics.
Alcohol consumed in excess will also cause the expulsion of etheric energy and
thereby bring on partial or complete insensibility. The sense of feeling returns
as soon as the body has gotten rid of those foreign substances.
“Contrariwise, feeling persists even after a corporeal limb has been separated from its body, for the etheric body of a terrestrial being remains intact, even after a limb of the corporeal body has been removed. A person who has lost a leg, therefore, still has the etheric leg, and since etheric energy is the conveyor of feeling, the person often feels as though he had not lost the corporeal limb at all, even after it is gone. He feels pains in the knee, the calf, the heel or the toes of a leg that is no longer part of his body. Anyone who has undergone amputation will bear out this statement.
the etheric energy remains with the spirit when the latter leaves the body at
corporeal death and is the conveyor of physical sensations, it is possible for
the disembodied spirit to experience the same sensations as a spirit still
inhabiting the material body. For this reason the spirits of the departed are
able to feel pain as acutely as they could during their earthly life.
“Spirits of those deceased who because of the lives they led have been committed to a lower (inferior) sphere believe that they still inhabit the earth as human beings. This is because: first, they still have the same sensations they had as living human beings; second, they look upon their etheric bodies as bodies of flesh and blood, because the etheric body has exactly the same shape and appearance as the material one; and finally, they have lost all recollection of their corporeal death.
“The etheric energy of each living being has a distinctive odor.
“Since etheric energy is spiritual in its nature, its odor is perceived through spiritual powers of perception and not through the physical sense of smell.
The odor of the etheric energy of each living being differs from that of any other. Just as there are no two individuals with the same physique and the same features, so no two human beings have the same etheric energy and the same etheric odor.
As every spirit, even a disembodied one, possesses an etheric body, so, likewise, disembodied spirits have their own characteristic etheric energy smell, which is the more unpleasant, the lower the spirit. That is why the old books, when reporting of the appearance of the Devil, speak of his arriving with a vile stench.
“Due to the fact that the etheric energy extends beyond the body in the shape of the aura, it can be perceived by others from its smell. Something of the etheric scent of a living being adheres to every object that its etheric radiations touch.
“It is by the etheric scent that a dog can tell its master’s belongings and tracks, and police dogs can trail criminals. Only when the original trail has been obscured by later ones whose etheric scent is fresh does it become difficult or impossible to follow the old trail.
“The etheric radiation of a living organism with its characteristic scent adheres not only to coarse-grained matter with which it came into contact, but also to such fine-grained substances as the ether through which the organism passed.
“Thus everything in Creation leaves behind an etheric trace of its
presence that links the day of its coming into being with the last day of its life.
“I can best explain this by a material example. If a wagon laden with
a finely ground substance [e.g., flour] is driven along a road, and a constant stream of this substance runs through a crack in the bottom of the wagon to the ground, the course traveled by the wagon can be traced by following the trail of the substance, which is like a band connecting the point of departure of the wagon with that of its destination.
“Such a band is formed by the emitted etheric energy of every creature on its way through life. It is the trail by which migratory birds find their way back to their homelands and the swallow finds the same roof under which it had once built its nest. The etheric sensitivity of these creatures is extremely well developed. You call it animal ‘instinct’. But this instinct is active only so
long as they are in good health. Sick animals, because of the weakening of their etheric powers, lose their etheric sensitivity for following their own or another creature’s trail. For this reason migratory birds that are in poor health cannot find their way home, and a sick dog cannot follow its master’s trail or its own.
“There are also human beings whose etheric sensitivity is so great that they can perceive the etheric scent of another individual at some distance and find it pleasant (they find the person likeable) or repulsive (they dislike the person), even if they have never met or otherwise come to know the individual in question. Mutual attraction or repulsion ‘at first sight’ is merely the reaction to etheric sensitivity. Hence the popular expression: ‘They can’t stand each other.’ [in German: Sie können sich nicht riechen. ‘They cannot (bear the) smell (of) each other.’]
“etheric energy is among the most wonderful things in God’s Creation. The etheric band not only keeps you in touch with everything with which you came into contact in life, but it also reflects your entire life: every experience, every act, every utterance, every thought of yours is reproduced by it as in a film.
It is the ‘Book of Life’, in which everything is recorded. It is a photographic record that retains and reproduces everything. It is a film that does not lie, and whose revelations cannot be denied. It is the evidence by which you will one day be judged by your Creator.
For every
terrestrial being its predestined fate is imprinted in its etheric energy from
the outset and can be seen both in the etheric body as a whole as well as in
every particle of the etheric energy. The fate of a being can therefore also be
read in the etheric particles adhering as emissions to everything with which
that being has come into contact.
“Not all that you do or suffer in life is predestined. Most of it results from the self-determination of your own free will. Only the general path of your lives, together with certain turning points along that path, is predestined. What you do while traveling that path and how you act at those turning points is for you to decide. That is your responsibility. Your life has one purpose only: to raise your spirit to a higher level on the road that has been mapped out for you, to bring it nearer to God. Your path through life is one of tests. Its nature and length are fixed in advance; these you cannot change. The turning points on that path are intermediate exams, and orporeal death is the end of the path. Whether you do your duty as you go along the predestined path or not depends on your free will. Whoever passes the final examination, his spirit will continue to progress in the Beyond until it reaches its final goal: union with God.. Whoever fails must take the tests over again until he can pass them. Passing or failing are not predestined, but depend on your own merit or shortcomings.