Mye tyder på at utenomjordiske vesener i en eller annen form har besøkt og kolonisert Jorden gjennom alle tider siden tidenes morgen. Mennesket ble så skapt, bokstavelig talt i Guds bilde. Jorden ble kolonisert av menneskelignende vesener fra andre planeter, som så skapte det moderne mennesket gjennom genetisk manipulasjon. Flere forskere (Däniken, Sitchin m.fl) er inne på teorien om at Bibelens Gud(er) (Nefilim) var en utenomjordisk rase som "kom ned fra himmelen" og skapte mennesket i sitt bilde. Vi har her samlet noe av det mest interessante som er skrevet om dette. Oppdag vår ukjente fortid og utenomjordiske opprinnelse!
And God created the Adam in His image,
And it came to pass,
The Nefilim were upon the Earth
Genesis 6:1-2,4.
There are two words that are particularly notable in this passage, but which due to
mistranslations of the original Sumerian texts from which they are based, have been
misinterpreted in the traditional Biblical book of Genesis. The first is Elohim.
This is a plural word meaning Gods. The other word is Nefilim. This comes from
the original Sumerian text meaning "Those who descended". The meaning closely parallels
the meaning of the Sumerian AN.UNNA.KI, "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came".
The Nefilim were the people of the shem - the gods of the sky vehicles.
We have reason to believe that our planet has been visited by
extraterrestrials since the dawn of time. The evidence for extraterrestrial visitations
to Earth in the "early days" is not lacking. If you look into it you will discover that
this "evidence" comes from a very traditional and well known source indeed; the Bible.
Through study of the Bible and other ancient texts you will discover our "extraterrestrial
origin" in the shape of myths and legends about the "Gods" that came down to Earth from the
Heavens. They created man and shaped and founded the basis of our societys and religious
Yahweh, the ExtraTerrestrial God
I believe that in order to understand the consept of the word God, it is neccessary to
distinguish between God in a spiritual sense and "God" in a physical sense. From a spiritual
point of view, God can be understood as the Source of all things, All that is, Love.
The universe is God and God is the Universe. Everything that is IS GOD. To define the term God
that way, however, can also be confusing. From a Biblical point of view it is appearant that
we are also talking about a physical being.
The Hall of Records
The Anunnaki
Our History from Drunvalo Melchizedek
Lost Human History from Sheldon Nidle
And God said:
Let us make Man
in our image, after our likeness...
in the image of Elohim created He him.
when the Earthlings began to increase in
number upon the face of the Earth,
and daughters were born unto them,
that the sons of the Elohim
saw the daughters of the Eartlings,
that they were compatible.
And they took unto themselves
wives of whichever they chose.
in those days, and thereafter too,
when the sons of the Elohim
cohabited with the daughters of the Adam
and they bore children to them.
The following question comes to mind: Is it common knowledge that the God never had a physical presence on Earth? Exodus suggests that there was indeed physical encounters between Moses and God. The following is an excerpt from Exodus describing how Moses was approached by God on Mount Sinai. Did God literally "hand over" the stonetablet containing the 10 Commandments; rules on how to behave and act morally in God's land? This suggests a very physical, personal, humanoid "God" indeed.
Exodus, 19:16-21
If we put this into "modern day" context, there could very well be a physical presence of a spaceship in the above text. "thunders and lightnings", "trumpet blast" suggests an engine. "the Lord descended upon it"; The spaceship came down from the sky and landed on mount Sinai. They were then warned by this being not to come closer to the ship. Could this be because of radiation from the ship?
The most common argument against extraterrestrial visitation on this planet has always been the lack of physical evidence. The idea that the God of the old testament, Jehovah, Yahweh, was the representative of a superior extraterresrtial race is intruiging and fascinating because it would stand as an early example of such visitation. This idea is not new, as we discover when reading the works of Däniken, Sitchin, and recently Alan Alford, but I'm still somewhat surprised that the idea hasn't been stronger implied into our cultural consciousness. The suggestion that the Biblical God was an ET may not be easily accepted among fundamentalists, but it is indeed an interesting concept which would not only explain the line "God created Man in his image, after his likeness", but would change the way we look at ourselves, the world, the universe, God and religion in general.